Men in women's bathrooms

Or you could think once. Take your own advice

Then if you take your child to theater, go with them.
Holy damn!
About 95% if not more of unisex bathrooms have a lock on them. Accompany your daughter/son to the bathroom and tell them to lock the door and stand outside.
You moron.

So how is Dad going to prevent Maurice from whipping out his dick in front of his daughter? I'm sure gender neutral rest rooms wil have to accommodate a full range of first amendment rights to piss in a manner you prefer. That would include urinals for women avec penis, women sans penis who prefer the straddle urinal, stalls with and without doors for those who might want to share all manner of sights and sounds as they perform evacuation rituals never before attempted. It's an exciting time to be an American......yo.

That only applies to "one holers". Not many of them in public buildings.

Or, better yet, pee in the room that matches the door sign

Things are so easy if you just think

Ironic posts are, well.......... Ironic
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.

Dude, check with your local code department.

If the men's room has urinals, and the corresponding woman's room allows men in, then the woman's rooms will have urinals installed.

That's equality
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.
A tranny might not. An exhibitionist certainly would.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.

Many, maybe most, male transsexuals are still attracted to females. In fact they intend to be lesbians AFTER they have the surgery.

So in fact, they in a women's restroom would have the EXACT SAME motivation as a straight male in a woman's restroom
Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........

Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.

Many, maybe most, male transsexuals are still attracted to females. In fact they intend to be lesbians AFTER they have the surgery.

So in fact, they in a women's restroom would have the EXACT SAME motivation as a straight male in a woman's restroom

This is an interesting point, because we apparently have men who think they were born female but are trapped in a male body and are actually a trapped Lesbian.

Yes....I....know....ahem....:confused-84: :itsok:
Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

That's some scary shit there...............

Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

That's some scary shit there...............


Yes I know, I've been hiding under the bed for at least 20 minutes now :eek-52:
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.

Many, maybe most, male transsexuals are still attracted to females. In fact they intend to be lesbians AFTER they have the surgery.

So in fact, they in a women's restroom would have the EXACT SAME motivation as a straight male in a woman's restroom

This is an interesting point, because we apparently have men who think they were born female but are trapped in a male body and are actually a trapped Lesbian.

Yes....I....know....ahem....:confused-84: :itsok:

Surprisingly, a few are married to women, which by default, makes the wife also a lesbian. But wait.......,.,

This is just too weird, a lesbian that chooses to be a lesbian? Not born that way?

OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Women's bathrooms have stalls and NO URINALS so he would be unlikely to whip it out unless he was TRYING to embarrass her. And, if he thinks he's a woman but knows he isn't wouldn't he be more likely to try as hard as possible to conceal that fact?

Why would he want to whip his dick out in front of her?

I just don't see a trannie doing something like that. They try as hard as they can to act like and look like women and what would motivate one of them to do that?

Your horror story just doesn't ring true. Total pile of horsecrap.

Many, maybe most, male transsexuals are still attracted to females. In fact they intend to be lesbians AFTER they have the surgery.

So in fact, they in a women's restroom would have the EXACT SAME motivation as a straight male in a woman's restroom

This is an interesting point, because we apparently have men who think they were born female but are trapped in a male body and are actually a trapped Lesbian.

Yes....I....know....ahem....:confused-84: :itsok:

Surprisingly, a few are married to women, which by default, makes the wife also a lesbian. But wait.......,.,

This is just too weird, a lesbian that chooses to be a lesbian? Not born that way?


Is any of this remotely understandable to a normal brain? No, the whole thing is just completely bizarro.
Just imagine. They will finally be able to pee. It appears they have been holding all their urine all these years having been deprived of restroom facilities.

The boy in the picture above has an interesting history...or rather his mother does. Seems she had a couple of boys before him and quite obviously was trying for a girl. When yet another boy was born, *suddenly* that boy *began identifying as a girl from the earliest of ages*. But with a little help from his mother's pocketbook and influence. Below is a picture of the boy when he was around 5 or 6. Note the room & the $100 makeup job. Did the child shop for those things? Or did mom have a hand in "decorating" both him and his surroundings (and his mind). Children are very perceptive to adult's deep unspoken desires around them.

"Jazz" was a case of influence. That they've had this minor child obviously injected with artificial hormones to produce breasts as he teeters on the age where his adam's apple will develop.. it's a case of child abuse, pure and simple. Coercion. Who paid for these furnishings vv for this little boy?

S/he's also on record whining that boys won't date 'her' because they are worried they'll be seen as gay. S/he had a penis whilst being incredulous that boys felt this way.
I think that the person who owns the bathroom should be the one to say who can use it. Seems simple enough to me.

The boy in the picture above has an interesting history...or rather his mother does. Seems she had a couple of boys before him and quite obviously was trying for a girl. When yet another boy was born, *suddenly* that boy *began identifying as a girl from the earliest of ages*. But with a little help from his mother's pocketbook and influence. Below is a picture of the boy when he was around 5 or 6. Note the room & the $100 makeup job. Did the child shop for those things? Or did mom have a hand in "decorating" both him and his surroundings (and his mind). Children are very perceptive to adult's deep unspoken desires around them.

"Jazz" was a case of influence. That they've had this minor child obviously injected with artificial hormones to produce breasts as he teeters on the age where his adam's apple will develop.. it's a case of child abuse, pure and simple. Coercion. Who paid for these furnishings vv for this little boy?

S/he's also on record whining that boys won't date 'her' because they are worried they'll be seen as gay. S/he had a penis whilst being incredulous that boys felt this way.

Yes I mean why would straight boys be seen as being gay for dating a boy with a penis :rolleyes-41:
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

Fact: It is a problem for these "sick" individuals to be near our children. Of course you don't want to hear about protecting kids, you believe in sucking out their brains days before they are born.

Fact: It's not homophobic to call it what it is, a mental disorder.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

Fact: It is a problem for these "sick" individuals to be near our children. Of course you don't want to hear about protecting kids, you believe in sucking out their brains days before they are born.

Fact: It's not homophobic to call it what it is, a mental disorder.
And, as I said earlier, bathroom owners should be able to determine who uses their bathrooms.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

Fact: It is a problem for these "sick" individuals to be near our children. Of course you don't want to hear about protecting kids, you believe in sucking out their brains days before they are born.

Fact: It's not homophobic to call it what it is, a mental disorder.
And, as I said earlier, bathroom owners should be able to determine who uses their bathrooms.

Just like they get to decide if they want to make a cake for a gay wedding?

No, it needs to be Federal Law. Men's room and a women's room. You go to the bathroom which corresponds the the gender you were at birth. Not which one you think you are today.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

Fact: It is a problem for these "sick" individuals to be near our children. Of course you don't want to hear about protecting kids, you believe in sucking out their brains days before they are born.

Fact: It's not homophobic to call it what it is, a mental disorder.
And, as I said earlier, bathroom owners should be able to determine who uses their bathrooms.

Just like they get to decide if they want to make a cake for a gay wedding?


No, it needs to be Federal Law. Men's room and a women's room. You go to the bathroom which corresponds the the gender you were at birth. Not which one you think you are today.

And which of congress' enumerated legislative powers would allow such a law to be enacted?

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