Men in women's bathrooms

If you have a penis, you are not a woman, you are a man. As a man you should not use the ladies restroom.
Even if I'm in a dress, been on Hormones and have a 50DD bra on that I NEED... I should saunter on into the mens room?
You need a 50DD bra??? Whaaaaaat?
Yeah... actually 1 year on hormones. My old bra's were not fitting wife so the wife measured me, right now that's the measurements. It's more due to large chest (ribs) then cup size, it's not as impressive as it sounds. HOWEVER I do need a bra, so how can I use the ladies room?
1 year on hormones.....................LOL

Trying to get big tits with a Wanker hanging..............

It's okay, bigotry is part of life. I'm a big girl I can handle the mental midgets like yourself.

I kinda feel bad for you, although that's not what you need. Here is where I disagree with you.
Transgenders doesn't bother me, really. Or others from the alphabet string. What does bother me is looking for acceptance thru the force, instead thru the understanding. And every "win" you get thru legal system or political trickery, you celebrate like "in your face". Then you're pissed when laws like one in NC is passed and calling everyone who supports it a bigot, or mental midget.

The irony here is... gender dysphoria is actually classified as a mental illness by the AMA and DSM5. Sadly, the treatment recommended, is surgery and hormones, and therapy to help the patient adapt. If that is a therapy, it's obvious that is not working... just saying.
Even if I'm in a dress, been on Hormones and have a 50DD bra on that I NEED... I should saunter on into the mens room?
You need a 50DD bra??? Whaaaaaat?
Yeah... actually 1 year on hormones. My old bra's were not fitting wife so the wife measured me, right now that's the measurements. It's more due to large chest (ribs) then cup size, it's not as impressive as it sounds. HOWEVER I do need a bra, so how can I use the ladies room?
1 year on hormones.....................LOL

Trying to get big tits with a Wanker hanging..............

It's okay, bigotry is part of life. I'm a big girl I can handle the mental midgets like yourself.

Big Girl taking Hormones with a Wanker.

Knock it off.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

What a false and pathetic narrative. This has nothing to do with "homophobia" and everything to do with keeping women and children safe from these deviant sexual predators.

Why is it when you people get your ass handed to you in a debate you resort to screaming "racism" or "homophobe" like an immature 8 year old who can't handle losing?
Why is it people like you think your bigotry is valid?

I don't think you would like to be addressed as "people like you", would you?

How about we discuss first is everything that, and I am saying it intentionally, "people like you" call bigotry, really a bigotry? Because you are not getting everything you want a 100% and right away? People need time to adapt. Some just don't care. Some could or will accept slowly. Some never will. But I think they're all within their rights.
Just empty your interiors before you go to the Department Store.

what's so hard about that my friends?? :dunno:

Who is talking about department stores? Not me. Never crossed my mind. I was thinking more on the lines of traveling.
So that would make it a wee bit hard, if you travel any distance especially.
Food Stamps
Abortion on Demand
Revocation of 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Arrest / Punish people who do not accept the Liberal belief of Global Warming
Forced importation and dispersal of illegals and 'refugees' into local areas without notifying local / state agencies (citizens have no say)
Now this ridiculous Bathroom crusade...

Moral, ethical, individual decay promoted and championed by Liberals.
We have a dude in here that keeps the WANKER........has a WIFE...........and is taking hormones to get big tits.........

And .......says we are the ones with the problem..............

Actually I'm taking hormones to prep for GRS. That you cannot separate Gender from Sex shows you are the one with a limited IQ.

Gender and sex are two different things. Well, they have not always been, but today they are. Definitions are changing, bla bla.

Here is what I don't get, so help me out here. You claim above that eagle cannot separate gender from sex, but you do. Well, if so, why are you trying to put them back together?

Also, I read you say, you look like a woman, but not that you are a woman. You did say transgender women, but that's not the same. I guess I am asking, why is not enough to just feel like a woman, but you must transform to look like one. Who you are trying to fool with the look, yourself or others?
Even if I'm in a dress, been on Hormones and have a 50DD bra on that I NEED... I should saunter on into the mens room?
You need a 50DD bra??? Whaaaaaat?
Yeah... actually 1 year on hormones. My old bra's were not fitting wife so the wife measured me, right now that's the measurements. It's more due to large chest (ribs) then cup size, it's not as impressive as it sounds. HOWEVER I do need a bra, so how can I use the ladies room?
1 year on hormones.....................LOL

Trying to get big tits with a Wanker hanging..............

It's okay, bigotry is part of life. I'm a big girl I can handle the mental midgets like yourself.

I kinda feel bad for you, although that's not what you need. Here is where I disagree with you.
Transgenders doesn't bother me, really. Or others from the alphabet string. What does bother me is looking for acceptance thru the force, instead thru the understanding. And every "win" you get thru legal system or political trickery, you celebrate like "in your face". Then you're pissed when laws like one in NC is passed and calling everyone who supports it a bigot, or mental midget.

The irony here is... gender dysphoria is actually classified as a mental illness by the AMA and DSM5. Sadly, the treatment recommended, is surgery and hormones, and therapy to help the patient adapt. If that is a therapy, it's obvious that is not working... just saying.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders – IV Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) says that this desire to belong to the opposite sex “extends beyond a desire for a perceived cultural advantage.” Gender dysphoria however is not a mental illness.
Symptoms of Gender Dysphoria

Irony is your assuming I am in support of the in your face LGBT Legal advances and methods. Double so that you speak confidently but without understanding.
Men, invading womens' bathrooms, are going to get the shit kicked out of them on a regular basis, all over the country...
Men shouldn't be in a woman's restroom. Transgender women however have every right to be there.

Please clarify what do you consider to be a transgender woman?
#1 Under therapy. From a Licensed Psychiatrist
#2 Actively transitioning. That means hormones, that means attire, mannerisms... the whole kit and kaboodle.
#3 Understanding that it's a privilege that we, the trans community are out in this world, don't be a bitch, don't flaunt it and throw it in peoples faces. Just be yourself.

That's it for me.
We have a dude in here that keeps the WANKER........has a WIFE...........and is taking hormones to get big tits.........

And .......says we are the ones with the problem..............

Actually I'm taking hormones to prep for GRS. That you cannot separate Gender from Sex shows you are the one with a limited IQ.

Gender and sex are two different things. Well, they have not always been, but today they are. Definitions are changing, bla bla.

Here is what I don't get, so help me out here. You claim above that eagle cannot separate gender from sex, but you do. Well, if so, why are you trying to put them back together?

Also, I read you say, you look like a woman, but not that you are a woman. You did say transgender women, but that's not the same. I guess I am asking, why is not enough to just feel like a woman, but you must transform to look like one. Who you are trying to fool with the look, yourself or others?
Why do you say I'm trying to FOOL anyone? That's quit offensive, in fact it's utterly offensive.

What I'm trying to do is quell the inner pain, the inner suffering by making the inner and outer me, coincide. Being a big burly hairy man... is PAINFUL.

The amount of serenity I have achieved as I go down this path... is amazing.
one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...

What a false and pathetic narrative. This has nothing to do with "homophobia" and everything to do with keeping women and children safe from these deviant sexual predators.

Why is it when you people get your ass handed to you in a debate you resort to screaming "racism" or "homophobe" like an immature 8 year old who can't handle losing?
Why is it people like you think your bigotry is valid?

I don't think you would like to be addressed as "people like you", would you?

How about we discuss first is everything that, and I am saying it intentionally, "people like you" call bigotry, really a bigotry? Because you are not getting everything you want a 100% and right away? People need time to adapt. Some just don't care. Some could or will accept slowly. Some never will. But I think they're all within their rights.
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.
Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

Stereotyping, ignorance, hate.

Gee, what other label have your words landed on you?
Um... Women's bathrooms don't have urinals. Toilets tend to be inside stalls.
Yet another moonbat who thinks all public toilets have private stalls.
Ignorance and perversion is what drives the left.

Women's rooms do. Even most single toilet ones. If someone is being inapropriate in a restroom in order to sexually harass someone, that is already illegal, regardless of what sex the person is (at least in civilized northern states).
This is cut and dry - a person with an "X" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a women's restroom or locker room and a person with a "Y" and "Y" chromosome has no business being in a men's restroom or lock room.

It really is that simple. Furthermore, these unhinged liberals can't even articulate why it's necessary for men to use women's facilities or women to use men's facilities. If you want to cross-dress, then cross-dress. But you don't need to use the wrong facility. You have plenty of opportunities in your own home to engage in sexually deviant behavior.

And how are they gonna enforce these laws? They gonna have an attendant checking people's papers? Everyone involved with writing these laws has a mental deficiency.

Maybe "crotch sniffin" Rottweiner should apply for a job as Bathroom Attendant.

I think you can now get a degree in crotch sniffing, all paid for by rich Uncle Sam.
You need a 50DD bra??? Whaaaaaat?
Yeah... actually 1 year on hormones. My old bra's were not fitting wife so the wife measured me, right now that's the measurements. It's more due to large chest (ribs) then cup size, it's not as impressive as it sounds. HOWEVER I do need a bra, so how can I use the ladies room?
1 year on hormones.....................LOL

Trying to get big tits with a Wanker hanging..............

It's okay, bigotry is part of life. I'm a big girl I can handle the mental midgets like yourself.

I kinda feel bad for you, although that's not what you need. Here is where I disagree with you.
Transgenders doesn't bother me, really. Or others from the alphabet string. What does bother me is looking for acceptance thru the force, instead thru the understanding. And every "win" you get thru legal system or political trickery, you celebrate like "in your face". Then you're pissed when laws like one in NC is passed and calling everyone who supports it a bigot, or mental midget.

The irony here is... gender dysphoria is actually classified as a mental illness by the AMA and DSM5. Sadly, the treatment recommended, is surgery and hormones, and therapy to help the patient adapt. If that is a therapy, it's obvious that is not working... just saying.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders – IV Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) says that this desire to belong to the opposite sex “extends beyond a desire for a perceived cultural advantage.” Gender dysphoria however is not a mental illness.
Symptoms of Gender Dysphoria

Irony is your assuming I am in support of the in your face LGBT Legal advances and methods. Double so that you speak confidently but without understanding.

Well, if it looks like I am assuming something, there is probably some reason for it. Maybe you wrote something... never mind. :)

You're right, I don't understand most of it, maybe any of it, so help me out.

And I'm glad you recognized that not all people here a "mental midgets". I saw you're not leftie, so try not to act like them, because not everything that lefties are calling bigotry is bigotry.
Well, if it looks like I am assuming something, there is probably some reason for it. Maybe you wrote something... never mind. :)

You're right, I don't understand most of it, maybe any of it, so help me out.

And I'm glad you recognized that not all people here a "mental midgets". I saw you're not leftie, so try not to act like them, because not everything that lefties are calling bigotry is bigotry.
I do try to back off when people are showing at least the attempt to listen, or have done even the smallest amount of research.

This whole irrational fear of "Men in the women's restroom!" crap... Fear drives people to make bad decisions. I'm not a man, I'm a Transwoman (or just a woman if you prefer). That's how I dress, that's what my body as much as I can at my age, is shaping into, it's how I walk, talk and carry about my day.

I'm no threat. Telling me I have to use the men's room because "Penis"... is ignorance. Continued ignorance when someone tries to discuss it because willful ignorance, threatening me becomes hate and THAT, is bigotry.
Why do you say I'm trying to FOOL anyone? That's quit offensive, in fact it's utterly offensive.

What I'm trying to do is quell the inner pain, the inner suffering by making the inner and outer me, coincide. Being a big burly hairy man... is PAINFUL.

The amount of serenity I have achieved as I go down this path... is amazing.

Again, I asked you to help me understand. At least I am open to it.

I wasn't intending to sound offensive, you probably missed the point I was trying to make above. Never mind, forget it.
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.

I do not agree with you here. That's from your viewing angle.

For you it's bigotry if someone says "have a penis, go to men's room". How is that different from someone who's saying "I have a penis but I feel I am woman, so you have to let me in women's room"? Words are different, but the tone is the same. Sorry.
Man Strips In Women’s Restroom, Says New Transgender Rules Make It Totally Legal

Just a few weeks after Washington implemented new regulations allowing people to choose their restroom based on their selected “gender identity,” the state has encountered its first case of a man using the law to justify his use of a women’s restroom.

According to Seattle television station KREM, Seattle Parks and Recreation is trying to figure out what to do after a man walked into the women’s locker room at a public pool Feb. 8 and began undressing.

Several women were appalled and summoned staff, who told the man he had to leave. But the man said the law was on his side.

“The law has changed and I have a right to be here,” the man said, according to eyewitnesses.

The man apparently gave no indication, physical, verbal, or otherwise that he identifies or lives as a woman. Eventually he left, only to return later when young girls were changing their clothes for swim practice.

The police were never called and the unknown man was never arrested.

At the end of 2015, Washington’s Human Rights Commission implemented a new regulation that guarantees the right of people to choose bathrooms, locker rooms, and similar accommodations based on their gender identity rather than their physical sex. At the time, opponents expressed concerns the law would enable voyeurism and make many people deeply uncomfortable, but supporters have dismissed those concerns as unwarranted.

“No peeping. Just peeing,” read signs during a demonstration in favor of the rule in Olympia, Wash., Monday.

The incident highlights ongoing issues with the implementation of the new regulation. Seattle Parks and Recreation spokesman David Takami told KREM that no specific policies exist for how park staff are supposed to verify a person’s gender identity, with employees simply making judgment calls based on verbal or physical cues.

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