Men in women's bathrooms

This whole irrational fear of "Men in the women's restroom!" crap...

There is nothing irrational about it. This is not transgenderphobia. I respect your right to live your life however makes you happy. I don't have to agree with your lifestyle to respect your lifestyle choice. I am incensed and offended that you consider my viewpoint some form of bigotry and hate for transgender people.

What you don't seem to be getting through that thick transgender head of yours is, this isn't about YOU. I know that society seems to be against you and your lifestyle, and perhaps that's why your own bigoted viewpoints are the way they are, but honestly... this has NOTHING to do with your lifestyle.

This is about protecting small children from sexual predators. If males with penises are allowed to legally go into women's restrooms, sexual predators (read: NOT TRANSGENDERS) will EXPLOIT that to their advantage in order to victimize innocent children. Surely you have enough common sense to understand that point.

I really think that you (and others) DO understand that point and you simply don't care. You care about YOU and no one else. If children are victimized by molesters more, you don't care... as long as you are made to feel that society has rewarded you and recognized your lifestyle choice. This is ALL ABOUT YOU getting even with society for holding your lifestyle against you.

For others, this is simply another thing they can politicize and use as a wedge issue in order to call people on the right a bunch of names. The Liberal Left in this country has gone absolutely ape-shit insane... whatever the right is opposed to, they have to favor it... demand it... insist on it! Doesn't matter how crazy it is... the right is against it--they're for's automatic!

Now let me tell you how this is gonna go down... You insist on making this law of the land, where every public restroom must allow transgender males in the women's restrooms... I will make it my personal mission to use women's restrooms exclusively from now on and I'll encourage every straight male heterosexual in America to do the same. Then, I will fucking DARE you to challenge my claim to "transgender equality" under the law. There is certainly a way to combat absurdity with absurdity.... so back your transgender ears and get ready for a fight.
Many, maybe most, male transsexuals are still attracted to females. In fact they intend to be lesbians AFTER they have the surgery.

Think it doesn't get crazier than that?

Look up the term “cotton ceiling”. Apparently, an increasingly common complaint from “trans-lesbians”.
No, it needs to be Federal Law. Men's room and a women's room. You go to the bathroom which corresponds the the gender you were at birth. Not which one you think you are today.

Those of us who still maintain some vestige of sanity, can we please stop misusing the word “gender”?

The correct word is “sex”. One's sex is either male or female. Gender refers to social conventions distinguished by sex; sex is the actual biological parameter; hijacked by those in the LGBpbiWTF pervert-rights movement to try to promote the lie that one can have a“gender” that is different that one's sex. Every time we use the word “gender” when we should be using the word “sex”, we're helping to uphold that lie. Let us stop doing so.
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.

I do not agree with you here. That's from your viewing angle.

For you it's bigotry if someone says "have a penis, go to men's room". How is that different from someone who's saying "I have a penis but I feel I am woman, so you have to let me in women's room"? Words are different, but the tone is the same. Sorry.
It's the added threat of violence, which you left off.
See, it really is, mentality wise, no different then the racist of a hundred years ago. Closing their minds, and lashing out, refusing to find middle ground.

If it's sheer ignorance, I agree with. If it's willful ignorance with a side of hate, it's bigotry.
No, it needs to be Federal Law. Men's room and a women's room. You go to the bathroom which corresponds the the gender you were at birth. Not which one you think you are today.

Those of us who still maintain some vestige of sanity, can we please stop misusing the word “gender”?

The correct word is “sex”. One's sex is either male or female. Gender refers to social conventions distinguished by sex; sex is the actual biological parameter; hijacked by those in the LGBpbiWTF pervert-rights movement to try to promote the lie that one can have a“gender” that is different that one's sex. Every time we use the word “gender” when we should be using the word “sex”, we're helping to uphold that lie. Let us stop doing so.
You are WRONG Bob. Sex and Gender are not, despite your feet stamping, the same thing. That you refuse, despite being informed otherwise....
Well that's willful ignorance.
You can lead a libtard to the truth, but they will never swallow it.
This whole irrational fear of "Men in the women's restroom!" crap...

There is nothing irrational about it. This is not transgenderphobia. I respect your right to live your life however makes you happy. I don't have to agree with your lifestyle to respect your lifestyle choice. I am incensed and offended that you consider my viewpoint some form of bigotry and hate for transgender people.
Yeah, that whole you'll be violent if you catch me in the women's restroom really made it clear you're a hate filled bigot. In fact would go far as to say you are a threat to society in general and should be kept on leash in public lest you harm some innocent person in your bigot filled rage.
What you don't seem to be getting through that thick transgender head of yours is, this isn't about YOU. I know that society seems to be against you and your lifestyle, and perhaps that's why your own bigoted viewpoints are the way they are, but honestly... this has NOTHING to do with your lifestyle.
No it has to do with you threatening violence against me and others like me, becuase you are ignorant, willfully ignorant and hateful.

This is about protecting small children from sexual predators. If males with penises are allowed to legally go into women's restrooms, sexual predators (read: NOT TRANSGENDERS) will EXPLOIT that to their advantage in order to victimize innocent children. Surely you have enough common sense to understand that point.
Oh, wait wait... NOW you want to demonstrate a modicum of difference? Oh, but you want to

I really think that you (and others) DO understand that point and you simply don't care. You care about YOU and no one else. If children are victimized by molesters more, you don't care... as long as you are made to feel that society has rewarded you and recognized your lifestyle choice. This is ALL ABOUT YOU getting even with society for holding your lifestyle against you.

For others, this is simply another thing they can politicize and use as a wedge issue in order to call people on the right a bunch of names. The Liberal Left in this country has gone absolutely ape-shit insane... whatever the right is opposed to, they have to favor it... demand it... insist on it! Doesn't matter how crazy it is... the right is against it--they're for's automatic!

Now let me tell you how this is gonna go down... You insist on making this law of the land, where every public restroom must allow transgender males in the women's restrooms... I will make it my personal mission to use women's restrooms exclusively from now on and I'll encourage every straight male heterosexual in America to do the same. Then, I will fucking DARE you to challenge my claim to "transgender equality" under the law. There is certainly a way to combat absurdity with absurdity.... so back your transgender ears and get ready for a fight.[/QUOTE]
This whole irrational fear of "Men in the women's restroom!" crap...

There is nothing irrational about it. This is not transgenderphobia. I respect your right to live your life however makes you happy. I don't have to agree with your lifestyle to respect your lifestyle choice. I am incensed and offended that you consider my viewpoint some form of bigotry and hate for transgender people.

What you don't seem to be getting through that thick transgender head of yours is, this isn't about YOU. I know that society seems to be against you and your lifestyle, and perhaps that's why your own bigoted viewpoints are the way they are, but honestly... this has NOTHING to do with your lifestyle.

This is about protecting small children from sexual predators. If males with penises are allowed to legally go into women's restrooms, sexual predators (read: NOT TRANSGENDERS) will EXPLOIT that to their advantage in order to victimize innocent children. Surely you have enough common sense to understand that point.

I really think that you (and others) DO understand that point and you simply don't care. You care about YOU and no one else. If children are victimized by molesters more, you don't care... as long as you are made to feel that society has rewarded you and recognized your lifestyle choice. This is ALL ABOUT YOU getting even with society for holding your lifestyle against you.

For others, this is simply another thing they can politicize and use as a wedge issue in order to call people on the right a bunch of names. The Liberal Left in this country has gone absolutely ape-shit insane... whatever the right is opposed to, they have to favor it... demand it... insist on it! Doesn't matter how crazy it is... the right is against it--they're for's automatic!

Now let me tell you how this is gonna go down... You insist on making this law of the land, where every public restroom must allow transgender males in the women's restrooms... I will make it my personal mission to use women's restrooms exclusively from now on and I'll encourage every straight male heterosexual in America to do the same. Then, I will fucking DARE you to challenge my claim to "transgender equality" under the law. There is certainly a way to combat absurdity with absurdity.... so back your transgender ears and get ready for a fight.
I'm not the liberal left. Have a nice day trying to label me as that. Most lefties hate my guts, I'm a Ted Cruz voting, AGW Hating, small government promoting, Gun Loving, gal who Grills, cooks, waves the American Flag and proudly serves apple pie with "God Bless America" playing in the background. I happen to be Transgender, and I happen to believe these Pro/Anti Trans in the bathroom fights are RETARDED. FROM BOTH SIDES.

The LGBT Activist push too damn hard, the ignorant Right Pushes BACK too hard. Neither side will sit down in good faith with the other. It's TEARING THIS COUNTRY APART. One issue at a time.


You claim this is about protecting children... so you want to lump us in with potential child sex predators.
I asked you once if you felt the same way about Catholic Priests following young boys into the bathroom. You didn't care about that.

So for you, a known group of people to abuse young boys, Catholic Priests are no threat. But a Transwoman like myself, might actually be a sex offender so we must be denied.

You want to get all self righteous, but your logic is flawed. You want to sound like you're standing for children, but your narrow views betray your real soul

A Transwoman is not a threat to anyone. Saying "We cannot tell the difference between you and a threat".

"Sorry Johnny, you're black we can't tell if you're a gangbanger or a good kid."

Tell me the mentality isn't the same? Go on, explain how your stereotyping isn't on the basic level the same as a racist bigots.

One person might be, so we must deny all.

You rant about Liberal Thinking, yet you sound very much, logically like a gun banner.

"We cannot let people carry concealed all over, why it'll lead to shoot outs EVERYWHERE!!!!" /\ "We cannot let allow Trans into the opposite sex bathrooms, why it might be a MAN sneaking in to molest a child!!!"


So go on, keep on thinking you're some kinda bad ass on a righteous crusade. History is filled with people like you, on the wrong side, hurting innocent people with your hate.
Even if I'm in a dress, been on Hormones and have a 50DD bra on that I NEED... I should saunter on into the mens room?
You need a 50DD bra??? Whaaaaaat?
Yeah... actually 1 year on hormones. My old bra's were not fitting wife so the wife measured me, right now that's the measurements. It's more due to large chest (ribs) then cup size, it's not as impressive as it sounds. HOWEVER I do need a bra, so how can I use the ladies room?
1 year on hormones.....................LOL

Trying to get big tits with a Wanker hanging..............

It's okay, bigotry is part of life. I'm a big girl I can handle the mental midgets like yourself.

I kinda feel bad for you, although that's not what you need. Here is where I disagree with you.
Transgenders doesn't bother me, really. Or others from the alphabet string. What does bother me is looking for acceptance thru the force, instead thru the understanding. And every "win" you get thru legal system or political trickery, you celebrate like "in your face". Then you're pissed when laws like one in NC is passed and calling everyone who supports it a bigot, or mental midget.

The irony here is... gender dysphoria is actually classified as a mental illness by the AMA and DSM5. Sadly, the treatment recommended, is surgery and hormones, and therapy to help the patient adapt. If that is a therapy, it's obvious that is not working... just saying.

acceptance through force really is the issue for me. I do not care how many designations are placed upon a bowl. it is the gymnastics I must perform in order to get there. tbh no sign has ever kept me from going to the bathroom when I needed to go.
.. I will make it my personal mission to use women's restrooms exclusively from now on and I'll encourage every straight male heterosexual in America to do the same.

You cross dressing fool you.

No straight men are going to follow you into the restroom.

But let me ask you this; how will you know a transsexual person has entered the women's restroom?

Do you check out all the crotches that pass you by for determination of size? Then follow them into the women's restroom to do a panty check?
You crossdresser you.
But let me ask you this; how will you know a transsexual person has entered the women's restroom?

Do you check out all the crotches that pass you by for determination of size? Then follow them into the women's restroom to do a panty check?
You crossdresser you.

People break the law every day and don't always get caught. Your point is "if you can break the law it should become legal to do thereafter"?

You could've just as easily said "How will you know someone has been shoplifting if they have a item shoved in the crotch of their pants? Are you going to check every crotch! (Therefore, shoplifting should be legal)."

The lengths the LGBT cult will twist reality, even legal reality, to get what they're after is growing at an exponential rate. At some point, something's gonna snap on the other side. Actually, I think it already has..
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.

I do not agree with you here. That's from your viewing angle.

For you it's bigotry if someone says "have a penis, go to men's room". How is that different from someone who's saying "I have a penis but I feel I am woman, so you have to let me in women's room"? Words are different, but the tone is the same. Sorry.
It's the added threat of violence, which you left off.
See, it really is, mentality wise, no different then the racist of a hundred years ago. Closing their minds, and lashing out, refusing to find middle ground.

If it's sheer ignorance, I agree with. If it's willful ignorance with a side of hate, it's bigotry.

It works both ways Bubba. You still have a dick, you are sexually attracted to females, and if I might add one mor thing.........


If that's not a warning flag, I don't know what else would be!
.. I will make it my personal mission to use women's restrooms exclusively from now on and I'll encourage every straight male heterosexual in America to do the same.

You cross dressing fool you.

No straight men are going to follow you into the restroom.

But let me ask you this; how will you know a transsexual person has entered the women's restroom?

Do you check out all the crotches that pass you by for determination of size? Then follow them into the women's restroom to do a panty check?
You crossdresser you.

Guess Wiber nailed it

All transsexuals will break the law

There, now everything's perfect
Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........

Don't deny want to be a genital checker. Now the fascists not only want to see your papers if you are brown, they demand to see your penis and vagina before going to the toilet.
That makes you the degenerate.
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.

I do not agree with you here. That's from your viewing angle.

For you it's bigotry if someone says "have a penis, go to men's room". How is that different from someone who's saying "I have a penis but I feel I am woman, so you have to let me in women's room"? Words are different, but the tone is the same. Sorry.
It's the added threat of violence, which you left off.
See, it really is, mentality wise, no different then the racist of a hundred years ago. Closing their minds, and lashing out, refusing to find middle ground.

If it's sheer ignorance, I agree with. If it's willful ignorance with a side of hate, it's bigotry.

It works both ways Bubba. You still have a dick, you are sexually attracted to females, and if I might add one mor thing.........


If that's not a warning flag, I don't know what else would be!
Your obsessive interest other peoples genitals and sexual preference, makes you sexual deviant. You need a shrink.
I wasn't trying to be a bitch with the "people like you" it was harsh words in the heat of typing. And yes, the willful ignorance of the issue and the lack of compassion or willingness to understand what is going on is infuriating in a way. "Have a penis, men's room! Cause if you don't I might kill you!" Yeah, that's a bigot, sorry.

I do not agree with you here. That's from your viewing angle.

For you it's bigotry if someone says "have a penis, go to men's room". How is that different from someone who's saying "I have a penis but I feel I am woman, so you have to let me in women's room"? Words are different, but the tone is the same. Sorry.
It's the added threat of violence, which you left off.
See, it really is, mentality wise, no different then the racist of a hundred years ago. Closing their minds, and lashing out, refusing to find middle ground.

If it's sheer ignorance, I agree with. If it's willful ignorance with a side of hate, it's bigotry.

It works both ways Bubba. You still have a dick, you are sexually attracted to females, and if I might add one mor thing.........


If that's not a warning flag, I don't know what else would be!
Your obsessive interest other peoples genitals and sexual preference, makes you sexual deviant. You need a shrink.

Projection noted
Well we got a bathroom bob, now it looks like a bathroom betty as well. The defense of perversion never ends.

Man attacks 6 year old girl in womens bathroom

Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom

Man accused of filming women in restroom

Man accused of filming women in Smyrna park’s bathroom

Woman raped in bathroom

Trans Woman Raped Inside Bathroom At Historic Gay Bar - CrimeFeed

Rape survivor speaks out on transgender bathrooms

A Rape Survivor Speaks Out About Transgender Bathrooms

Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be trans gender

Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter

Man arrested in bathroom STALL attack

Man arrested in bathroom stall assault at Circle Centre Mall

Just a few that I easily found. But I know. The sick twisted freaks on here will be in denial.
Last edited:
Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

Here's some more cross dresser comics you can love to hate...


Cons claim they want government out of their business....but they want to check your genitals before you can go to the bathroom. Sick twisted nut job republicans in government.
Oh the liberal Melodrama..

Your side pushed this damned issue not us..............Yelling and Screaming demanding rights to go in any damned bathroom the degenerates want..........

You DEMAND we SUBMIT to your views........This thread and issue are in response to you......and your ilk..........

wait for it..........


Okay, so does society want the MAN in the below picture entering female bathrooms? No :eek-52:

Here's some more cross dresser comics you can love to hate...



Comedy is funny after all. Hangover live his life as a farce

So there's that

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