Men in women's bathrooms


modern equality of wits men was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Rest Rooms will now come with warnings, just like the cancer warning on cigarettes!

I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Well, I'm surprised you view me as a feminist who doesn't comprehend the agenda here or who supports the destruction of gender roles. I think I express myself pretty clearly generally, so It's almost as though you are reading someone else's posts and attributing them to me.
But so be it. I don't really see the point in attempting to debate with someone who sees me as a hate mongering blind feminazi when that couldn't be further from the truth.
So, I wish you well, but never darken my doorstep again
<flounces off femininely whilst tossing her feminine long blonde hair> :thanks:
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
Im a woman.
its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Well, I'm surprised you view me as a feminist who doesn't comprehend the agenda here or who supports the destruction of gender roles. I think I express myself pretty clearly generally, so It's almost as though you are reading someone else's posts and attributing them to me.
But so be it. I don't really see the point in attempting to debate with someone who sees me as a hate mongering blind feminazi when that couldn't be further from the truth.
So, I wish you well, but never darken my doorstep again
<flounces off femininely whilst tossing her feminine long blonde hair> :thanks:
Must be easily offended.
Rest Rooms will now come with warnings, just like the cancer warning on cigarettes!

I was at lifetime and the gayest gay guy was salivating in the locker room. He belongs in the women's locker room.

They should be divided by likes pussy or likes dick
its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
Im a woman.
Then change men for women but same question
its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.

What horsecrap. You gays are just jealous because you can't naturally produce children, so you hate us Breeders as you refer to us because we can and do.

Gays and Mother Nature? God says you shouldn't lie with a man like you lie with a woman....that's meaning you and your ilk, so unless you repent and become normal you're heading to Hell.

Now STFU already, you've babbled gibberish about men can be women even though they have a penis for what 40 pages, you were a fool 40 pages ago and you're still a fool babbling garbage.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
Other animals are gay. I'd prove it but I'm on smartphone
Rest Rooms will now come with warnings, just like the cancer warning on cigarettes!

I was at lifetime and the gayest gay guy was salivating in the locker room. He belongs in the women's locker room.

They should be divided by likes pussy or likes dick
He needs a reality check.........oops he slipped............soooo sorry..................

I don't know sir.........he was walking into the shower and slipped and banged his head on the floor........

Why did he have so many hits........

Don't know sir..........he kept trying to get up and kept falling down........he's kinda of dumb I guess

DId you try to help him........

Why yes sir...............I told him to stay down.............

You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
Other animals are gay. I'd prove it but I'm on smartphone
Whatever..................the LGBT group and probably you are Freaks of don't claim Mother Nature is own your's BS..............
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.

What horsecrap. You gays are just jealous because you can't naturally produce children, so you hate us Breeders as you refer to us because we can and do.

Gays and Mother Nature? God says you shouldn't lie with a man like you lie with a woman....that's meaning you and your ilk, so unless you repent and become normal you're heading to Hell.

Now STFU already, you've babbled gibberish about men can be women even though they have a penis for what 40 pages, you were a fool 40 pages ago and you're still a fool babbling garbage.
I was thinking the same thing about you. You don't realize there are exceptions. And I'm not gay. But I still hate you breeders because there are too many of you over consuming the planets resources. We need another war.

I don't have any kids so I'm rich. My rich brother has two kids so they go to private schools. That doesn't mean I don't care about public schools. I have great company insurance but I still want healthcare for everyone.

And I don't like guys but I support guys that do.

Proof you made up this God is that he dislikes all the same people you do
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
Other animals are gay. I'd prove it but I'm on smartphone
Whatever..................the LGBT group and probably you are Freaks of don't claim Mother Nature is own your's BS..............

Exactly and Heterosexuals don't get dictated to by Freaks of Nature....Mother Nature's no fan of the LGTB crowd.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
This is a nonsensical contrivance. If I had an 8 year old they would not be going to a public bathroom alone to begin with. If the parent is a man go to the family restroom or the handicap stall in the men's room.
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.

What horsecrap. You gays are just jealous because you can't naturally produce children, so you hate us Breeders as you refer to us because we can and do.

Gays and Mother Nature? God says you shouldn't lie with a man like you lie with a woman....that's meaning you and your ilk, so unless you repent and become normal you're heading to Hell.

Now STFU already, you've babbled gibberish about men can be women even though they have a penis for what 40 pages, you were a fool 40 pages ago and you're still a fool babbling garbage.
I was thinking the same thing about you. You don't realize there are exceptions. And I'm not gay. But I still hate you breeders because there are too many of you over consuming the planets resources. We need another war.

I don't have any kids so I'm rich. My rich brother has two kids so they go to private schools. That doesn't mean I don't care about public schools. I have great company insurance but I still want healthcare for everyone.

And I don't like guys but I support guys that do.

Proof you made up this God is that he dislikes all the same people you do

You said you were gay earlier.

"We need another war."

So you're a psychopath warmonger? If there's another war then, I hope you're going to join the Armed Forces and go and fight in it?

"I don't have any kids so I'm rich."

We have children, but I assure you, you're not as wealthy as my family and never will be in a million years....Old Money, Very Old Money. This is the only comment I ever intend making about my family and money....and I'm only making it because you're a fool.

Now be quiet already, the record you were spinning broke 40 pages ago.
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
Im a woman.
Then change men for women but same question
I dont care what sexuality someone is.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
Other animals are gay. I'd prove it but I'm on smartphone
Whatever..................the LGBT group and probably you are Freaks of don't claim Mother Nature is own your's BS..............

All anyone needs to know to see what a buffoon sealybobo is, read my sig line, they commented that in this thread....there's no such thing as a woman with a penis, if you have a penis you're a man.

"Sealybobo said:

"A woman with a penis can use the woman's bathroom."
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.
Well its all double dutch.

anyway the PTB want trans rights just as they wanted womens rights. So its happening regardless of our conversation. I just want feminjsts such as yourself to understand it.

its all about destruction of gender roles, a destruction of gender.they dont want three bathrooms, they want one.

i just dont want a world without femininity. But then I suppose its happening and we are all part of the problem.
Who's fault is it 51% of you hetero men fail to keep your wives till death do you part?

Gays are mother natures way of telling us we are overpopulating the planet. Breed less. In a way they are the chosen ones.
That statement isn't backed up by Natural Facts.....

Get back to me when you see Does humping Does...............Or tell me when a Buck is humping another buck.
Other animals are gay. I'd prove it but I'm on smartphone
Whatever..................the LGBT group and probably you are Freaks of don't claim Mother Nature is own your's BS..............
It's mother nature's way of thinning the herd.

The funny thing is it's hetero parents having all these gay kids. If science could determine the baby has the gay gene would you abort?

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