Men in women's bathrooms


modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and their historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid is okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.
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I know it's not practicable, but I wish their could be that third restroom Lucy mentioned earlier. Because, I've seen a lot of trans men who, despite all their efforts to look female, just look like men in women's clothing and make up. I suspect they might run into more trouble in the men's room than in the women's, and I wouldn't like that to happen to them. However, if they're men I still don't want to see them in women's restrooms. We need gender issue bathrooms too.
Transmen are female to male. Usually pedophile.
Why are they usually paedophiles?

Anyone who has a wanker...........who thinks the women in this video aren't hot.............ARE MENTALLY DISTURBED.........

You will NEVER fit in to society............You WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.......You MADE A CHOICE.........and WE DON'T AGREE.......

Enjoy the video....


modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.

Anyone who has a wanker...........who thinks the women in this video aren't hot.............ARE MENTALLY DISTURBED.........

You will NEVER fit in to society............You WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.......You MADE A CHOICE.........and WE DON'T AGREE.......

Enjoy the video....

Thats spot on Eagle!

Goebells speech was totally chicken or egg.

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I protect osorry in your effort

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.
No need to be sorry in voicing your opinion that protects innocent children.
I know it's not practicable, but I wish their could be that third restroom Lucy mentioned earlier. Because, I've seen a lot of trans men who, despite all their efforts to look female, just look like men in women's clothing and make up. I suspect they might run into more trouble in the men's room than in the women's, and I wouldn't like that to happen to them. However, if they're men I still don't want to see them in women's restrooms. We need gender issue bathrooms too.
Transmen are female to male. Usually pedophile.
Why are they usually paedophiles?
I can theorize?
I suppose being brought up female they think they cant be a predator?

They've also got a man's sex drive from the testosterone but a womans instinct to nurture?

who knows but they are nasty little pervs

so WHY are you defending these cultural marxists yet attacking those beautiful dolly trans girls?
in tQUOTE="Tilly, post: 14052082, member: 56137"]

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I protect osorry in your effort

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.
No need to be sorry in voicing your opinion that protects innocent children.
How are they protected? Half of them are male and in the male toilets where you want all predators to go.

And you want lesbians and transmen the ladies bathroom?

women are just as capable of being predators as men. its just easier to get away with it.

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

Don't feminists believe a women is more than just a pair of jugs?

Not anymore I guess

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
That's why we Love Women Tilly..........You are the calm in the storm........if it wasn't for women like you us men will kill each other off............


modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
That's why we Love Women Tilly..........You are the calm in the storm........if it wasn't for women like you us men will kill each other off............


We like men who like us....hey are you spelling women correctly? I thought it was:


:smoke: :tongue:

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
Goose, I'm having trouble understanding exactly what you're getting at with all the talk of killing feminists and such :uhoh3:
Could you just tell me what you think should happen in the bathroom war. I'd be interested to know.
Who cares about bathrooms?

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.


modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
That's why we Love Women Tilly..........You are the calm in the storm........if it wasn't for women like you us men will kill each other off............


We like men who like us....hey are you spelling women correctly? I thought it was:


:smoke: :tongue:

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I have no love of feminist per se. A great many of them seem to be cowards who won't even dare comment on the worst excesses of misogyny and homophobia in Islam, for example. However, I really don't see the point in going on about feminists and there historical role when the issue here is about men wanting to use the ladies room now, but say I did just that, how would it help? Where would it get us? And I'm not 'going after' transgenders. As I said before, I don't have any hostility toward them and I don't care what they do, until they insist on using the ladies room, showers etc where kids are. Ive read countless reports of alleged trans committing crimes in restrooms. It's not a one off. Who can say whether the one going in to bathroom with your kid it's okay? So, I prefer the option of a third room. Sorry it offends, but that's how I feel.

its not offending me.

and its not historical. Its the same today. You want to stir up hatred againsst a negligible minority instead of killng feminists. You aren't ofrending me. You are robbing me of revenge. And you know how I hate the dishonourable judaic practice of scapegoating.
I don't see myself as stirring up hatred. I'm simply disagreeing with something. And I don't want to kill anyone, not even feminists :uhoh3:
You ARE stirring up hatred and defending the enemy.
I take it by the enemy, you mean feminists. Well, I've already told you I'm pretty fed up with feminists, but I can't join you in wanting to kill them, sorry. As for stirring up hatred, you're beginning to make think you're a lefty, though I can hardly believe that. However, the lefties answer to anyone who disagrees with their agenda is that you are a bigot who is stirring up hatred. I can't agree with that either. Now, I'm still interested in hearing what you would prefer to see happen in the bathroom war.

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