Men in women's bathrooms

That kim davis was a rotten little brute. To think she treated her lovers so cruelly, then became a Christian, and instead of penance we see finger pointing attacks!

she should be thrown off a cliff.
Why are you posting this stuff? What a complete weirdo you are.

Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it, but the law in NC (and bigots on this board) would require that these people use the women's restroom.


You agree?

"Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it,"

No that's the problem, you don't get it:

A man has a penis, a woman doesn't have a penis.

Whoever posted that needs to stop, my children sometimes sit with me when I am on here and they don't need to see that garbage
Well its more about balls.
You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.

It's all about forcing the agenda
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.

It's all about forcing the agenda
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
non gender bathrooms allow parents to go in with opposite sex kids what could be safer?

Why??? If it's a little girl, have the mom go in. No mom? Allow an adult female friend you have known quite well, to go in for you. Why does a dad ever have to set foot in the ladies room? Suddenly after all these years without him, the adult male feels compelled that only HE has to be the one to go in and accompany the little girl. It's not homophobia, but rather having respect for those who wish to use their gender's facility in privacy as it's always been. Honestly, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, males are fully capable of figuring that one out.
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.
Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.

Lesbian and anything resembling feminine should never be used in the same sentence
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.

It's all about forcing the agenda

gee who woulda thought, that masculising women might feminise men.

Goebbels on German Womanhood (1933)

Looking back over the past years of Germany’s decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.

Lesbian and anything resembling feminine should never be used in the same sentence
Feminism doesnt resemble femininity.
Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.
So you join the cause to pick on a symptom.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.
So you join the cause to pick on a symptom.
I have no idea what you are talking about, Goose. I said I agree with the extra bathroom idea, you said lesbian feminists agree with that too. I said fine. . Sooooo, just how am I being cruel and/or offensive now?
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Tilly - the final solution to this madness is going to be single occupancy restroom. Actually, that's a good way to go anyway. As a father of two little girls, I can tell you that I could never bring myself to take them into the women's restroom for fear of someone freaking out, but I felt horribly uncomfortable taking them into the men's restroom. It was a no win for me. Single occupancy restrooms would solve everything and then we could move on to more important issues.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.
So you join the cause to pick on a symptom.
I have no idea what you are talking about, Goose. I said I agree with the extra bathroom idea, you said lesbian feminists agree with that too. I said fine. . Sooooo, just how am I being cruel and/or offensive now?

Men only want to be women because they are demoralized

Looking back over the past years of Germany’s decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.Goebbels on German Womanhood (1933)

modern equality of women was only achieved through mass immigration. the more homogenous an area, the more male dominated it is, because native men have not lost their pride. Once a man loses his territory, either through lack of merit or because of his grandfather's lack of merit or because the establishment wills it, he is left with his first priority untended. Its in his y chromosome. If he feels he hasn't protected the folk, then he is unable to move on. So women fill in the gap (like when Germany lost ww1).

Men can't help it these days if they can't move on. Even young ones.

if you waive feminists while going after transgenders then you are not helping.
I know it's not practicable, but I wish their could be that third restroom Lucy mentioned earlier. Because, I've seen a lot of trans men who, despite all their efforts to look female, just look like men in women's clothing and make up. I suspect they might run into more trouble in the men's room than in the women's, and I wouldn't like that to happen to them. However, if they're men I still don't want to see them in women's restrooms. We need gender issue bathrooms too.
Transmen are female to male. Usually pedophile.
Well, I guess we need 'other gender' restrooms. Although, having said that, Renee has indicated that won't be good enough either.
Thats what the lesbian feminsts want. Conservatism=feminism
Lesbian feminists want the extra bathroom? Fine by me.
So you join the cause to pick on a symptom.
I have no idea what you are talking about, Goose. I said I agree with the extra bathroom idea, you said lesbian feminists agree with that too. I said fine. . Sooooo, just how am I being cruel and/or offensive now?

Men only want to be women because they are demoralized

Looking back over the past years of Germany’s decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.Goebbels on German Womanhood (1933)
I have a feeling Renee would disagree with your statement about being demoralised. As for me, I wouldn't be surprised if men are walking on eggshells for fear of saying something deemed sexist or offensive to women, but demoralised? Idk. Meanwhile, many women don't seem to have any qualms about doing just that about men. I have a hubby and three brothers, neither of them are demoralised afaik.
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