Men in women's bathrooms

No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.

Right. I'm stupid because I think this person should be able to use the men's room


And this person should be able to use the women's restroom...


You go with that. :lol:
Well for're stupid for supporting the medical community violating their "do no harm" first oath and butchering these people with unnecessary surgeries and then filling them with tons of hormones that their body could not otherwise create.

And here's the deal my dear - if the transgender community really looked like this - why the need for the laws forcing people to accept them in the wrong restroom or facility? I mean - what woman on earth would be alarmed if "Miss California 2013" (as the picture states - which is hilarious because it proves you are LYING as usual as I'm fairly certain no man has ever won a Miss America pageant) walked into their restroom?

But the reality is - they don't look like that. At all. Just look at Bruce Jenner. Putting lipstick and a dress on a man doesn't make him look like any less of a man. It just makes him look like a creepy serial killer. Why do you insist on a false narrative? If these people actually looked that way - there would be no controversy and your side would be pushing for insane laws.

Ah, so ugly women have to use the men's room?

How about we have the Trans Man contest in North Carolina or Mississippi?


The law would require they all use the women's room. That's what you want, right?
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.

Right. I'm stupid because I think this person should be able to use the men's room


And this person should be able to use the women's restroom...


You go with that. :lol:
Well for're stupid for supporting the medical community violating their "do no harm" first oath and butchering these people with unnecessary surgeries and then filling them with tons of hormones that their body could not otherwise create.

And here's the deal my dear - if the transgender community really looked like this - why the need for the laws forcing people to accept them in the wrong restroom or facility? I mean - what woman on earth would be alarmed if "Miss California 2013" (as the picture states - which is hilarious because it proves you are LYING as usual as I'm fairly certain no man has ever won a Miss America pageant) walked into their restroom?

But the reality is - they don't look like that. At all. Just look at Bruce Jenner. Putting lipstick and a dress on a man doesn't make him look like any less of a man. It just makes him look like a creepy serial killer. Why do you insist on a false narrative? If these people actually looked that way - there would be no controversy and your side would be pushing for insane laws.

Ah, so ugly women have to use the men's room?

How about we have the Trans Man contest in North Carolina or Mississippi?


The law would require they all use the women's room. That's what you want, right?

Why are you posting this stuff? What a complete weirdo you are.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.

Right. I'm stupid because I think this person should be able to use the men's room


And this person should be able to use the women's restroom...


You go with that. :lol:
Well for're stupid for supporting the medical community violating their "do no harm" first oath and butchering these people with unnecessary surgeries and then filling them with tons of hormones that their body could not otherwise create.

And here's the deal my dear - if the transgender community really looked like this - why the need for the laws forcing people to accept them in the wrong restroom or facility? I mean - what woman on earth would be alarmed if "Miss California 2013" (as the picture states - which is hilarious because it proves you are LYING as usual as I'm fairly certain no man has ever won a Miss America pageant) walked into their restroom?

But the reality is - they don't look like that. At all. Just look at Bruce Jenner. Putting lipstick and a dress on a man doesn't make him look like any less of a man. It just makes him look like a creepy serial killer. Why do you insist on a false narrative? If these people actually looked that way - there would be no controversy and your side would be pushing for insane laws.

Ah, so ugly women have to use the men's room?

How about we have the Trans Man contest in North Carolina or Mississippi?


The law would require they all use the women's room. That's what you want, right?
Stop spamming the board with your porn.
You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?

Ah, deflecting...lame.

What's the recognized treatment for gender dysphoria?

How is it "deflecting"? I didn't avoid the question and move to something else. I addressed it head on. Your inability to answer the question isn't my "deflecting".

Answer the question. What is the consensus recognized treatment for gender dysphoria?
Answer the question: what is the consensus recognized treatment for a person who believes they are Jesus Christ (and they really exist) or believe they are vampire (and they really exist), or believe they are President of the United States (and I really exist)? Why do you deny basic rights to these people? Why don't you celebrate their condition like you do that guy from Texas?

You keep deflecting. The treatment for the above is not the same as for gender dysphoria...but I understand why you keep dodging the question. The treatment isn't what you WANT it to be.
So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.

Right. I'm stupid because I think this person should be able to use the men's room


And this person should be able to use the women's restroom...


You go with that. :lol:
Well for're stupid for supporting the medical community violating their "do no harm" first oath and butchering these people with unnecessary surgeries and then filling them with tons of hormones that their body could not otherwise create.

And here's the deal my dear - if the transgender community really looked like this - why the need for the laws forcing people to accept them in the wrong restroom or facility? I mean - what woman on earth would be alarmed if "Miss California 2013" (as the picture states - which is hilarious because it proves you are LYING as usual as I'm fairly certain no man has ever won a Miss America pageant) walked into their restroom?

But the reality is - they don't look like that. At all. Just look at Bruce Jenner. Putting lipstick and a dress on a man doesn't make him look like any less of a man. It just makes him look like a creepy serial killer. Why do you insist on a false narrative? If these people actually looked that way - there would be no controversy and your side would be pushing for insane laws.

Ah, so ugly women have to use the men's room?

How about we have the Trans Man contest in North Carolina or Mississippi?


The law would require they all use the women's room. That's what you want, right?
Stop spamming the board with your porn.

It's turning you on? Sorry, no dudes in my porn. I prefer girl on girl.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?
Those people are delusional, a certifiable mental illness. You're attempting, like a child to use only that which benefits your weak argument. In this case that delusional people like someone that thinks they are Jesus or the President are the same as a Transgender person. Science, medical science has determined that there is a real difference.

You choose to only hear the part you want to hear, and lalalal thumbs in your ears the rest.

Don't let me stop you from making a fool of yourself.
So it's not delusional for a man to believe he is a woman in your mind, but it is delusional for a man to believe he is a vampire? In both cases, the person believes they are something they are not. Why is one to be celebrated in your mind and the other to be locked away?

Oh wait....that's right....because you suffer from the one delusional disorder so naturally it's somehow "different" than the other delusional disorder in your mind. You have to love the hypocrite liberal that won't apply their views consistently! If person A believes they are something they are not - lock them up. But if person B believes they are something they are not - celebrate them, make special laws for them, and destroy society for them.

You know what's really funny? You can't scientifically prove that the person claiming to be Jesus Christ isn't actually Jesus Christ. Even a professional psychiatrist or psychologist cannot prove it. But I can prove you are not a woman simply by having a physician examine you and/or check your chromosomes. So if anything - the person who believes they are Jesus Christ has an exponentially better case to make than you do. Maybe that's why you're getting so angry and calling everyone "bigots" and "hateful" even though I've yet to make fun of your condition and in fact have said that I feel sorry for you and that I'd like you to see you get the help you deserve.
[QUOTE="Lucy Hamilton, post: 14051378,
Why are you posting this stuff? What a complete weirdo you are.[/QUOTE]

Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it, but the law in NC (and bigots on this board) would require that these people use the women's restroom.


You agree?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?

Ah, deflecting...lame.

What's the recognized treatment for gender dysphoria?

How is it "deflecting"? I didn't avoid the question and move to something else. I addressed it head on. Your inability to answer the question isn't my "deflecting".

Answer the question. What is the consensus recognized treatment for gender dysphoria?
Answer the question: what is the consensus recognized treatment for a person who believes they are Jesus Christ (and they really exist) or believe they are vampire (and they really exist), or believe they are President of the United States (and I really exist)? Why do you deny basic rights to these people? Why don't you celebrate their condition like you do that guy from Texas?

You keep deflecting. The treatment for the above is not the same as for gender dysphoria...but I understand why you keep dodging the question. The treatment isn't what you WANT it to be. do you know that? Are you a mental health professional?

Also, let me ask you this. Is the treatment the same for a woman who believes she is a vampire as it is for a man who believes he is Jesus Christ? I'd be willing to be an awful lot they are not the same. Does that mean that both are not a mental illness?

Here is the bottom line: anyone who truly believes they are something that they are not is in fact delusional and suffering from a mental illness. That's just a fact that most 10 year olds would recognize. The fact that you refuse to recognize it as well says an awful lot. It says you have an agenda and are not interested in truth, science, medicine, or facts. But what else is new with the left? They've denied all of those things for over 100 years now.
No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?
Those people are delusional, a certifiable mental illness. You're attempting, like a child to use only that which benefits your weak argument. In this case that delusional people like someone that thinks they are Jesus or the President are the same as a Transgender person. Science, medical science has determined that there is a real difference.

You choose to only hear the part you want to hear, and lalalal thumbs in your ears the rest.

Don't let me stop you from making a fool of yourself.
So it's not delusional for a man to believe he is a woman in your mind, but it is delusional for a man to believe he is a vampire? In both cases, the person believes they are something they are not. Why is one to be celebrated in your mind and the other to be locked away?

Oh wait....that's right....because you suffer from the one delusional disorder so naturally it's somehow "different" than the other delusional disorder in your mind. You have to love the hypocrite liberal that won't apply their views consistently! If person A believes they are something they are not - lock them up. But if person B believes they are something they are not - celebrate them, make special laws for them, and destroy society for them.

You know what's really funny? You can't scientifically prove that the person claiming to be Jesus Christ isn't actually Jesus Christ. Even a professional psychiatrist or psychologist cannot prove it. But I can prove you are not a woman simply by having a physician examine you and/or check your chromosomes. So if anything - the person who believes they are Jesus Christ has an exponentially better case to make than you do. Maybe that's why you're getting so angry and calling everyone "bigots" and "hateful" even though I've yet to make fun of your condition and in fact have said that I feel sorry for you and that I'd like you to see you get the help you deserve.

What help would that be? What do actual professionals recommend?
I've noticed that you haven't answered the question about my condition
Seawytch. Why is that? That's kind of rhetorical actually - the entire board here knows why you refuse to address it. :lol:
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?
Those people are delusional, a certifiable mental illness. You're attempting, like a child to use only that which benefits your weak argument. In this case that delusional people like someone that thinks they are Jesus or the President are the same as a Transgender person. Science, medical science has determined that there is a real difference.

You choose to only hear the part you want to hear, and lalalal thumbs in your ears the rest.

Don't let me stop you from making a fool of yourself.
So it's not delusional for a man to believe he is a woman in your mind, but it is delusional for a man to believe he is a vampire? In both cases, the person believes they are something they are not. Why is one to be celebrated in your mind and the other to be locked away?

Oh wait....that's right....because you suffer from the one delusional disorder so naturally it's somehow "different" than the other delusional disorder in your mind. You have to love the hypocrite liberal that won't apply their views consistently! If person A believes they are something they are not - lock them up. But if person B believes they are something they are not - celebrate them, make special laws for them, and destroy society for them.

You know what's really funny? You can't scientifically prove that the person claiming to be Jesus Christ isn't actually Jesus Christ. Even a professional psychiatrist or psychologist cannot prove it. But I can prove you are not a woman simply by having a physician examine you and/or check your chromosomes. So if anything - the person who believes they are Jesus Christ has an exponentially better case to make than you do. Maybe that's why you're getting so angry and calling everyone "bigots" and "hateful" even though I've yet to make fun of your condition and in fact have said that I feel sorry for you and that I'd like you to see you get the help you deserve.

What help would that be? What do actual professionals recommend?
They recommend treatment that gets the patient to recognize what they really are and not what they used to believe they were.

Let me ask you SW - I can scientifically prove that our friend from Texas is not a woman, but is in fact a man. Can you scientifically prove that the person who claims to be Jesus Christ is in fact not Jesus Christ? I'm all ears.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but the vast majority don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
Last edited:
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
I'd say there are some very good ones but most don't pass as men, even with hormone therapy. I'm sad you think I'm 'cruel' because I won't pretend to think a man is a woman. But that is your right. Nothing I'm saying comes from a place of cruelty or ignorance or bigotry. I just don't agree with facilitating people in their delusions when it gets to the point that doing so gives men carte blanche to share facilities with little girls. Sorry if you and others think that's cruel or bigotted, but if it is, it's at least as bigotted to demand everyone joins in the delusion and foists it on our kids. I don't feel compelled to do that regardless of the usual mud slinging and labelling. Sticks and stones.
There's kids in the mens bathroom.
[QUOTE="Lucy Hamilton, post: 14051378,
Why are you posting this stuff? What a complete weirdo you are.

Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it, but the law in NC (and bigots on this board) would require that these people use the women's restroom.


You agree?[/QUOTE]

"Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it,"

No that's the problem, you don't get it:

A man has a penis, a woman doesn't have a penis.
I've noticed that you haven't answered the question about my condition
Seawytch. Why is that? That's kind of rhetorical actually - the entire board here knows why you refuse to address it. :lol:

Because they're either a) a pervert or b) completely stupid....or perhaps a combination of a and b.
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Your discussing a delusion while trying to associate Gender Dysphoria as a a delusion.

Much much smarter minds then yours have studied the issue, and concluded you are wrong.
Have a nice day.
This is so cut and dry - I don't understand why you can't accept it.

A person is just a person - but they believe they are Jesus Christ. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

A person has an "X" and a "Y" chromosome - they are a man but they believe they are a woman. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

The problem here is your hypocrisy. You don't want the government to force acceptance of the person who believes they are Jesus Christ but you do want the government to force acceptance of a man who believes he is a woman.

Like all liberals - you refuse to apply your "rationale" consistently. You apply it whenever it suits you, and deny it whenever it doesn't suit you.

Where are Christians being denied employment, housing or the use public restrooms because they are Christian?

I know I've peed with both transgendered people and Christians. Sometimes they are one and the same.

That person who I personally witnessed that day was not only denied employment, housing, or restrooms - they were denied their very freedom. They were taken away to a locked ward and were held against their will.

No liberals defending his right to be Jesus Christ. No liberals fighting for government to force society to accept him and worship him. Nope. You know why? Because liberals (mostly - not all of course) hate and deny Jesus Christ, but celebrate and get off by sexual deviance.

So a man who believes he's Jesus Christ? Icky! Lock him away!!! A man who believes he's a woman? Hurrah! Dress him up, exploit him for our sexual gratification, and then send him off to change with little girls in the locker room!

You talking about Kim Davis? She was not "jailed for her beliefs". Kim Davis was jailed for breaking civil law. Kim Davis tried to force her personal religious belief on her secular, public, office. mean like you and your friend from Texas are trying to do right now?!?

By the way - I was not talking about Kim Davis. I was talking about a patient I personally witnessed in an ER over a decade ago who truly believed he was Jesus Christ. He was whisked away to a psych ward where he was locked up. He was denied his freedom along with every other right. You inexplicably celebrate that but complain if our friend from Texas were to receive the exact same treatment. Worse - you actually one special rights and privileges for our Texas friend.'re the one who can't accept science. You're under the bizarre impression that having an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome doesn't make you a man. It makes you a "birth defect". You've completely denied science. Oh...and lets not forget you have completely denied the English language over and over and over when you claim that gender and sex are not the same despite the fact that I've published the official definition of the word gender which included "synonyms: sex" :lol:
No, I have acknowledged the biological "MALE" will not change. See, unlike you I understand there is more to it then just biological sex.
That's why they call it a "Gender Reassignment Surgery" not a sex change anymore. You cannot CHANGE sex. You can transition your gender.

You posted one segment of one dictionary.

I posted refuting sources.

So, you choose ignorance, because you are afraid.
You cannot change sex and you cannot change gender because they are one in the same. Gender is in fact your chromosomes. So one can go under the knife and one can be pumped full of artificial hormones but it doesn't change the sex/gender of an individual.
[QUOTE="Lucy Hamilton, post: 14051378,
Why are you posting this stuff? What a complete weirdo you are.

Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it, but the law in NC (and bigots on this board) would require that these people use the women's restroom.


You agree?

"Pointing out facts are uncomfortable for you, I get it,"

No that's the problem, you don't get it:

A man has a penis, a woman doesn't have a penis.[/QUOTE]

Whoever posted that needs to stop, my children sometimes sit with me when I am on here and they don't need to see that garbage

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