Men in women's bathrooms

I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.

Those are just part time cross dressers. They have no power of perception and whopping male egoes. And they don't live it 100% of the time.

I've met the most beautiful and pasable young ladies, but they know they don't pass, not perfectly. It's almost impossible. That doesn't mean they should be treated as men. That's so cruel that you think that.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.
Why do you call me a pervert?
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Your discussing a delusion while trying to associate Gender Dysphoria as a a delusion.

Much much smarter minds then yours have studied the issue, and concluded you are wrong.
Have a nice day.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Because that's who he is and that's who liberals are! They don't care about the painful challenges I have to endure dealing with this mental issue. Obama is just flat out hateful, hurtful, presophobe (a person who fears and hates presidents) who wants to prevent me from having the same rights he does. He can use the Oval Office - why can't I? He can use Air Force 1 - why can't I? He can use the presidential limo - why can't I? He has a Secret Service security detail - why can't I? Why does he (and his liberal minions) deny me all of the basic rights that he enjoys?
"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Your discussing a delusion while trying to associate Gender Dysphoria as a a delusion.

Much much smarter minds then yours have studied the issue, and concluded you are wrong.
Have a nice day.
Takes a real perverted freak to want to go potty with little girls.

I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Your discussing a delusion while trying to associate Gender Dysphoria as a a delusion.

Much much smarter minds then yours have studied the issue, and concluded you are wrong.
Have a nice day.
This is so cut and dry - I don't understand why you can't accept it.

A person is just a person - but they believe they are Jesus Christ. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

A person has an "X" and a "Y" chromosome - they are a man but they believe they are a woman. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

The problem here is your hypocrisy. You don't want the government to force acceptance of the person who believes they are Jesus Christ but you do want the government to force acceptance of a man who believes he is a woman.

Like all liberals - you refuse to apply your "rationale" consistently. You apply it whenever it suits you, and deny it whenever it doesn't suit you.
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Um....I do believe that it is you people who are the "pee police". For 240 years in this country - we never had a problem. Everyone used the correct facility and there were no issues. Now, one day you guys wake up and decide that an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome makes a man only when liberals say it does and it also makes a woman, only when liberals say it does.

The only "pee police" are you idiot trying to force a new way of life on society and torment young children simply because the sexual deviance of it gets you all turned on. Sad. Sick. Selfish. Typical.
Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
No it's based on the fact you have male genitalia because you are a man.
Even if the pervert lopped off his junk his chromosomes still say male.

So you want to take stupid RWNJ laws even further than NC did? The gender on a birth certificate isn't enough for the craziest Pee Police, they now want a chromosome test for evacuation of bowels.

Hilarious. Telling men to stay out of bathrooms with little girls is a hate crime now.

You have to go to college to learn to be that stupid.

Right. I'm stupid because I think this person should be able to use the men's room


And this person should be able to use the women's restroom...


You go with that. :lol:
Takes a real perverted freak to want to go potty with little girls.

I don't. I just want to use the restroom. And since I'm female, that means I use the ladies room. You are the one with the hang up, and the ignorance.
Do you really think there is a sexual component to my Transition that is associated with young girls?
This is so cut and dry - I don't understand why you can't accept it.

A person is just a person - but they believe they are Jesus Christ. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

A person has an "X" and a "Y" chromosome - they are a man but they believe they are a woman. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

The problem here is your hypocrisy. You don't want the government to force acceptance of the person who believes they are Jesus Christ but you do want the government to force acceptance of a man who believes he is a woman.

Like all liberals - you refuse to apply your "rationale" consistently. You apply it whenever it suits you, and deny it whenever it doesn't suit you.
Because science says you're wrong.

Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness

Until you can accept science, you'll just keep being wrong. And since I have provided you with the guidance to reach a smart decision, you choose to ignore science.

That makes you exactly what liberals accuse Conservatives of being, closed minded fools.

Don't, don't be that.
"Why are you so ignorant to these simple facts?"

Huh? Why are the pro-Transgender cheerleaders so ignorant of basic biology ie. if you have a penis you're a man and therefore have no right to be entering a female bathroom.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Question is why Obama is so bigoted he doesn't recognize you associating as the President.
Your discussing a delusion while trying to associate Gender Dysphoria as a a delusion.

Much much smarter minds then yours have studied the issue, and concluded you are wrong.
Have a nice day.
This is so cut and dry - I don't understand why you can't accept it.

A person is just a person - but they believe they are Jesus Christ. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

A person has an "X" and a "Y" chromosome - they are a man but they believe they are a woman. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

The problem here is your hypocrisy. You don't want the government to force acceptance of the person who believes they are Jesus Christ but you do want the government to force acceptance of a man who believes he is a woman.

Like all liberals - you refuse to apply your "rationale" consistently. You apply it whenever it suits you, and deny it whenever it doesn't suit you.

Where are Christians being denied employment, housing or the use public restrooms because they are Christian?

I know I've peed with both transgendered people and Christians. Sometimes they are one and the same.
You do realize we take hormones, wear makeup, dresses, look like any other woman right? And we're not going to the restroom to do anything different then the other ladies...

So no, your comment is ignorant, hateful.
You do realize that you are suffering from a severe mental illness that desperately needs genuine professional mental healthcare, right?

I'm sorry - I am not making fun of you. At all. I'm being completely serious. You need (and I encourage you to seek) the proper healthcare you need. Contrary to liberal belief - this is not a sexual issue. It is a mental health issue.

No, you're not "making fun" of her, you're just displaying your ignorance about her to anyone that reads this message board.

What does the mental health community recommend? Do you even know?
First of all....I'm not making fun of him. Because, my dear, he has an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome and that scientifically, indisputably means that he is a man.

And how sad that you sit on the sidelines cheering about his mental illness instead of showing even the slightest form of compassion as any normal human would. You're so turned on by the sexual deviance you won't even stop to recognize that there is a person who is really hurting behind the sexual aspect.

But then again - when have liberals ever really cared about people hurting? You people caused an entire major city to become a third world hell-hole of poverty, drugs, destitution, prostitution, and misery - to the point that that entire major city had to file bankruptcy. Something only liberalism can deliver. Take a thriving United States and turn it into Cuba.

You say they have a "mental health" issue, right? What do mental health professionals say is the treatment?
What was the treatment for the person in the ER that day that was whisked away to the Behavioral Health Unit for believing they were Jesus Christ? What is the treatment for me for "identifying" as President of the United States?

Ah, deflecting...lame.

What's the recognized treatment for gender dysphoria?
This is so cut and dry - I don't understand why you can't accept it.

A person is just a person - but they believe they are Jesus Christ. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

A person has an "X" and a "Y" chromosome - they are a man but they believe they are a woman. They have a mental illness as they believe they are something which they are not.

The problem here is your hypocrisy. You don't want the government to force acceptance of the person who believes they are Jesus Christ but you do want the government to force acceptance of a man who believes he is a woman.

Like all liberals - you refuse to apply your "rationale" consistently. You apply it whenever it suits you, and deny it whenever it doesn't suit you.
Because science says you're wrong.

Gender Dysphoria is not a mental illness

Until you can accept science, you'll just keep being wrong. And since I have provided you with the guidance to reach a smart decision, you choose to ignore science.

That makes you exactly what liberals accuse Conservatives of being, closed minded fools.

Don't, don't be that.'re the one who can't accept science. You're under the bizarre impression that having an "X" chromosome and a "Y" chromosome doesn't make you a man. It makes you a "birth defect". You've completely denied science. Oh...and lets not forget you have completely denied the English language over and over and over when you claim that gender and sex are not the same despite the fact that I've published the official definition of the word gender which included "synonyms: sex" :lol:

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