Men in women's bathrooms

Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?

You're a tranny? Really?
Do you attack Catholic Priests that enter mens restrooms with young boys?

There you go being a bigot again.
No no no, you don't get to run tough guy.

You claim that you don't want children attacked by sick perverts and you have case ALL trans as perverted threats.
Yet, you ignore Catholic Priests, who have had a sadly high number of priests molesting young boys.

So I guess that mean's you're okay with with the sexual exploitation of young boys...

OR you have no intellectual defense of your position when it's exposed as the ignorance it is.
Renae: I'm just a lady with a birth defect

No. You were born an anatomically correct man. There is no 'birth defect' here, unless you are referring to something as yet unmentioned. If not, hijacking that phrase is rather vulgar, to say the least, and diminishes the plight and hardships of those born with actual birth defects. You don't like that you were born a perfectly healthy male, that is not a birth defect, it's a psychological issue.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?

You're a tranny? Really?
I am a transwoman yes. Pre-op and one year on hormones.
Renae: I'm just a lady with a birth defect

No. You were born an anatomically correct man. There is no 'birth defect' here, unless you are referring to something as yet unmentioned. If not, hijacking that phrase is rather vulgar, to say the least, and diminishes the plight and hardships of those born with actual birth defects. You don't like that you were born a perfectly healthy male, that is not a birth defect, it's a psychological issue.
ACtually the science is leaning heavily towards an hormonal imbalance in the womb causing the disconnct. don't think a man who believes he is a woman and was supposed to have been born a woman is a "delusional mental state"!?!?
Gender Dysphoria is not a delusional state.
Gender dysphoria used to be called “gender identity disorder.” But the mismatch between body and internal sense of gender is not a mental illness. Instead, what need to be addressed are the stress, anxiety, anddepression that go along with it.
What Is Gender Dysphoria?


Gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there's a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. It's sometimes known as gender identity disorder (GID), gender incongruence or transgenderism.

Biological sex is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the genitals. Gender identity is the gender that a person "identifies" with or feels themselves to be.

While biological sex and gender identity are the same for most people, this isn't the case for everyone. For example, some people may have the anatomy of a man, but identify themselves as a woman, while others may not feel they're definitively either male or female.

This mismatch between sex and gender identity can lead to distressing and uncomfortable feelings that are called gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is a recognised medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness.

Some people with gender dysphoria have a strong and persistent desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex. These people are sometimes called transsexual or trans people. Some trans people have treatment to make their physical appearance more consistent with their gender identity.

Gender dysphoria - NHS Choices
God Almighty, it's the text book definition. And you're the one ignoring science. A person with an "X" and a "Y" chromosome is absolutely a man. And if that person thinks they are a woman, they are absolutely, positively no different from the person who thinks they are Jesus Christ or the person who "identifies" as President of the United States. They only difference in your mind is that you don't suffer from their condition, so you could care less about their plight. But your condition requires the entire world to stop revolving and bend to your every whim and every desire.

So like I said, self-absorbed, selfish ignorant science denier. You condition is no different from that person in the ER so many years ago who truly believed they were Jesus Christ. Both of you suffer from an unfortunate mental illness which leads you to believe that you are something you are not.

You can choose to be ignorant, or you can man up and admit you are wrong.
This is completely nonsensical. There is absolutely, positively nothing scientific about this. Psychologists, afraid of being labeled as "homophobes" and thus losing business, have been intimidated into making a false diagnosis. It's not based on science and fact like "X" and "Y" chromosomes. It's based on opinion out of fear to appease the liberal nazis.

You are absolutely, positively no different from the person who believes he is Jesus Christ. And those same psychologist, if intimidated by the nazi liberal crowd, could just as easily state the same thing for the person who believes they are Jesus Christ. See:

But the mismatch between body and internal sense of being Jesus is not a mental illness. Instead, what need to be addressed are the stress, anxiety, and depression that go along with it.
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
No see, you cannot accept that there is a difference between Sex and Gender.

Yeah...that's because it is inextricably not. I've already proven that. I posted the definition for you. I've never seen anyone reject science, fact, and reality like you. But I'll post it one more time:

  1. the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
    "traditional concepts of gender"
    synonyms: sex
Contrary to what liberals have taught you - you're condition does not entitle you to make up your own facts and your own reality. You can live in your own reality for certain, but you don't get to push that false reality on the rest of society.
No, you've blathered a dictionary entry.
Good job.

Sex And Gender: What Is The Difference?
And yet you're still not mature enough to admit that Gender and Sex is absolutely one in the same. And the definition proves as much. You have absolutely denied science, history, facts, and even the English language in your quest to support you position that you should be able to use the same facilities as little girls even though you are a grown man.

Can you at least tell us why you are incapable of keeping your personal issue at home? Why do you have to torment young girls just because you are tormented? You can't suck it up for 3 or 4 minutes and use the correct facility? And you can't suck it up for a couple of hours and just dress normal? Seriously?

I've been a completely normal, straight, heterosexual male my entire life. And if I went to some country that demand while I was in public that I dress like a woman and I use the women's restroom, I would just do it. No big deal. Doesn't change who I am if I have to wear high heels for an hour to fit the culture of another society. Why do you feel your mental health is more important than the mental health of children who will be completely tormented by big, scary, grown men in dresses invading their facility? And why do your rights trump the rights of these little girls? Are you that selfish?

My guess is no. My guess is it is the sexual deviance. Sex-drives are a powerful force - it's why Ted Bundy couldn't stop killing. It's why rapists can't stop raping. And it's why people like you can't act normal for two hours for the sake of society and children. But you're not wiling to admit that. Instead - it's all some psycho-babble nonsense about a fragile 'lil psyche if - God forbid - you have to wear pants and use the correct facilities for three or four minutes. In the end, it's all disingenuous to avoid the giant pink elephant in the corner of the room.
Do you attack Catholic Priests that enter mens restrooms with young boys?

There you go being a bigot again.
No no no, you don't get to run tough guy.

You claim that you don't want children attacked by sick perverts and you have case ALL trans as perverted threats.
Yet, you ignore Catholic Priests, who have had a sadly high number of priests molesting young boys.

So I guess that mean's you're okay with with the sexual exploitation of young boys...

OR you have no intellectual defense of your position when it's exposed as the ignorance it is.

Nope... I am opposed to Catholic priests being in the little girl's room too.... and the Pope as well. Anything with a penis... doesn't matter how they "identify".

Again... since you're such a bigot and this went over your head the first dozen times... I don't have a problem with you being transgender. I don't believe all transgenders are perverts who would harm children... my viewpoint has nothing to do with how you identify sexually.... it's about you having a penis in a women's restroom... that's what I am opposed to. Penises don't belong in women's rest rooms.

But hey... if we're going to jump the crazy train and make this the law everywhere, expect to find me in the stall next to you somewhere because I will never use the men's room again.
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Do you attack Catholic Priests that enter mens restrooms with young boys?

There you go being a bigot again.
No no no, you don't get to run tough guy.

You claim that you don't want children attacked by sick perverts and you have case ALL trans as perverted threats.
Yet, you ignore Catholic Priests, who have had a sadly high number of priests molesting young boys.

So I guess that mean's you're okay with with the sexual exploitation of young boys...

OR you have no intellectual defense of your position when it's exposed as the ignorance it is.

Nope... I am opposed to Catholic priests being in the little girl's room too.... and the Pope as well. Anything with a penis... doesn't matter how they "identify".

Again... since you're such a bigot and this went over your head the first dozen times... I don't have a problem with you being transgender. I don't believe all transgenders are perverts who would harm children... my viewpoint has nothing to do with how you identify sexually.... it's about you having a penis in a women's restroom... that's what I am opposed to. Penises don't belong in women's rest rooms.

But hey... if we're going to jump the crazy train and make this the law everywhere, expect to find me in the stall next to you somewhere because I will never use the men's room again.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?

You're a tranny? Really?
I am a transwoman yes. Pre-op and one year on hormones.

Interesting and with that said what do you think gives you the right to do your business in a restroom where our young daughters are? I don't care if you THINK you are female you are indeed a male and have absolutely no business in a restroom with young impressionable girls. Our children are not going to be subjected to some grand social experiment and if that makes me a bigot then so be it but I'm NOT going to allow it
Do you attack Catholic Priests that enter mens restrooms with young boys?

There you go being a bigot again.
No no no, you don't get to run tough guy.

You claim that you don't want children attacked by sick perverts and you have case ALL trans as perverted threats.
Yet, you ignore Catholic Priests, who have had a sadly high number of priests molesting young boys.

So I guess that mean's you're okay with with the sexual exploitation of young boys...

OR you have no intellectual defense of your position when it's exposed as the ignorance it is.

Nope... I am opposed to Catholic priests being in the little girl's room too.... and the Pope as well. Anything with a penis... doesn't matter how they "identify".

Again... since you're such a bigot and this went over your head the first dozen times... I don't have a problem with you being transgender. I don't believe all transgenders are perverts who would harm children... my viewpoint has nothing to do with how you identify sexually.... it's about you having a penis in a women's restroom... that's what I am opposed to. Penises don't belong in women's rest rooms.

But hey... if we're going to jump the crazy train and make this the law everywhere, expect to find me in the stall next to you somewhere because I will never use the men's room again.
Yes an obese freak who you dont want in the womens room

Hey chucklenuts, it's you who's got the problem not me.

We have the same problem....You dont want Chaz Bono to use the womens bathroom. So we agree

But you think it's okay for men to enter female bathrooms.

So you DO want Chaz in womens bathrooms? You have to pick one or the other. This isnt a multiple choice where you answer "D. All of the above"

Chaz Bono would use the Uni-Sex bathroom, like all Transgenders should....I already articulated about the Uni-Sex bathrooms last night, it must be like 15 pages ago.


But Renae said s/he would refuse to use that bathroom, and would only use the ladies.
Nope... I am opposed to Catholic priests being in the little girl's room too.... and the Pope as well. Anything with a penis... doesn't matter how they "identify".
Again... since you're such a bigot and this went over your head the first dozen times... I don't have a problem with you being transgender. I don't believe all transgenders are perverts who would harm children... my viewpoint has nothing to do with how you identify sexually.... it's about you having a penis in a women's restroom... that's what I am opposed to. Penises don't belong in women's rest rooms...But hey... if we're going to jump the crazy train and make this the law everywhere, expect to find me in the stall next to you somewhere because I will never use the men's room again.

Well put!
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.
Well no ones ever read me, so... I can only go by that.
As far as you know. There are a great many polite people around who would not tell you that you are not passing for a woman, even though you think you are doing a great job.
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I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for one single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I unquestionably deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Apples and oranges
Yes, and no.
It's the same ignorant bigotry of then has a new target. And you're that bigot.

Calling me and anyone else that dares to disagree with you a bigot is getting tiresome...get some new vocabulary
Okay, you say you want to force me to use the men's restroom because you think it's wrong someone like myself is in there.

You base this on fear, ignorance and hatred.

What else should I call you?
Freak male homosexual wants to potty with little girls.

See a shrink.
I would like to ask Renae, Seawytch, and Moonglow if just for ONE single post they could be honest? Can you give an honest, consistent answer to this question:

I'm Rottweiler. I suffer from a condition. I "identify" as President of the United States. I experience a certain mental anguish if I don't dress in a suit, if I lose my American flag lapel pin, etc.

As such, I absolutely, positively deserve unfettered access to the Oval Office, Air Force 1, the presidential limo, and at least two Secret Service security details at all times. And denying me such is "bigoted", "hateful", and wrong. Oh - and you can't play the "security" card as I pose no threat to the President and I will comply with all security protocols upon entering the White House.

Am I correct in assuming you will completely support this? Failure to do so is extraordinary hypocrisy on your part and also shows a callous indifference to my condition.
Good evening, Mr President :eusa_shifty:
Finally!!! Thank you Tilly!!! Thank you much! I've been insisting that even my closest friends refer to me as "Mr. President" and they won't. At least someone has some compassion for my plight. I would kiss you Tilly if I could... :lol:
Just don't ask to use the ladies restroom, Mr President :eusa_shifty:

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