Men in women's bathrooms

You're not a woman, you're a man, you were born with the XY chromosome, even if you have your penis removed and get boobies, you'll still possess the XY chromosome, you are a man, you can NEVER be a woman, you can never surgically become XX chromosome....also you can never possess a womb, because men aren't born with one.

The DNA never lies

Are you pushing for DNA tests to use the bathrooms? :cuckoo:

No dumbass but you're too fucking stupid to grasp it.....stop trying to respond to every comment, you look foolish

If I'm too stupid to grasp it what do you call yourself who cant explain your own words?

Just stop, you're not gaining anything and you look ridiculous trying it

Why are you for it? What exactly is your goal here? Tolerance at the expense of privacy? The liberal mind is a very confused thing.

I am for it because you dont want Rupaul walking into the Mens room and women dont want Chaz Bono in the womens room.

Also, what you want cant be enforced unless you ask everyone if they have a penis or a vagina. Which you cant do :dunno:.

Chaz Bono is an obese freak.

Yes an obese freak who you dont want in the womens room

Hey chucklenuts, it's you who's got the problem not me.

We have the same problem....You dont want Chaz Bono to use the womens bathroom. So we agree

But you think it's okay for men to enter female bathrooms.
I am for it because you dont want Rupaul walking into the Mens room and women dont want Chaz Bono in the womens room.

Also, what you want cant be enforced unless you ask everyone if they have a penis or a vagina. Which you cant do :dunno:.

Chaz Bono is an obese freak.

Yes an obese freak who you dont want in the womens room

Hey chucklenuts, it's you who's got the problem not me.

We have the same problem....You dont want Chaz Bono to use the womens bathroom. So we agree

But you think it's okay for men to enter female bathrooms.

So you DO want Chaz in womens bathrooms? You have to pick one or the other. This isnt a multiple choice where you answer "D. All of the above"
Chaz Bono is an obese freak.

Yes an obese freak who you dont want in the womens room

Hey chucklenuts, it's you who's got the problem not me.

We have the same problem....You dont want Chaz Bono to use the womens bathroom. So we agree

But you think it's okay for men to enter female bathrooms.

So you DO want Chaz in womens bathrooms? You have to pick one or the other. This isnt a multiple choice where you answer "D. All of the above"

Chaz Bono would use the Uni-Sex bathroom, like all Transgenders should....I already articulated about the Uni-Sex bathrooms last night, it must be like 15 pages ago.


Yes an obese freak who you dont want in the womens room

Hey chucklenuts, it's you who's got the problem not me.

We have the same problem....You dont want Chaz Bono to use the womens bathroom. So we agree

But you think it's okay for men to enter female bathrooms.

So you DO want Chaz in womens bathrooms? You have to pick one or the other. This isnt a multiple choice where you answer "D. All of the above"

Chaz Bono would use the Uni-Sex bathroom, like all Transgenders should....I already articulated about the Uni-Sex bathrooms last night, it must be like 15 pages ago.



So all businesses will have to create a whole other restroom? Everywhere? That'll go over like a lead balloon
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
How come Springsteen can refuse to work over the homosexual issue but a photographer will go to jail for refusing to photograph guys swapping spit at a homo wedding?

Because he didn't discriminate. He didn't say "I don't sing for gays", or ban gays from his concerts, he said "I won't contribute to the economy of a state which discriminates against gays". The photographer is offering his services to some, but not all, based on his bias against gays.
Yes he did. He said he won't work for constitutes who support a government that wants to keep perverted freaks out of little girls bathrooms.
Man - you are just crushing it today. Every junk ball they try to throw at you out of sheer desperation you are knocking out of the park with facts an common sense.

Your definition of common sense, is totally lacking in common sense. Nothing in his post made sense at all. Springstein refused to perform for anyone in the state - gay, straight, or trans, so the comparison between Bruce and a photog who won't work at a gay wedding is a fallacy. The photog would work a straight wedding but not a gay wedding. That's called discrimination, what Springstein did is called a protest. He didn't discriminate against anyone.

The transgendered do not freak out little girls in washrooms. The ones I've encountered are usually very shy, and just go about their business like the rest of the women there. Children who were in the washrooms at the time were totally unaware they were present. These people are not trying to stand out. They're trying to blend in.

Your fear and paranoia, so typical of Americans, makes you look stupid and ridiculous. Never have I encountered such a pack of paranoid cowards. No wonder conservatives all want guns. They're afraid of every one who isn't just like them. So much for the "Home of the brave and the land of the free".
Well, he's not transgendered. He's a sicko. I'll call the cops and let them deal with it.

Oh yeah? What are the cops going to do?
Uhm, there are laws against videotaping in bathrooms. Disturbing the peace, chances are the perv has a record, might even be a sex offender on parole. You might think you're Frank Castle tough but something says you are not.

I'm thinking all he has to do is deny he was taking pictures and play his "tranny card" ...then start crying "discrimination!" The officers will say... nothing we can do, our hands are tied! Meanwhile if anyone has taken his camera or put their hands on him to detain, that's illegal. THEY can be arrested.
Full Definition of bigot
  1. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Wow... that seems to be describing YOU in this case! Amazing!
How do you figure at all? I'm bigoted against people who hate transgender people? Yeah you got me there, I don't much care for those assholes at all.

Go read your definition of bigot again. You're bigoted against people who want to protect their children from potential abuse. You've decided they hate transgenders. Just like you decided the creep in the bathroom is probably on parole. All you do is cast bigoted judgment against people based on your intolerant opinions... You're a regular Archie Bunker.
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.
I'm going to use the woman's restroom for now on.

I'm with you... if this stupid law passes here, I'll never use the men's room again! Maybe that's the best way to get rid of this idiocy? Yep... just got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly, I felt like a woman! Sooo........ ? :lol:
And yet you ignore the inappropriateness of that comment. As a pre-operative woman I am not going to be bullied by ignorant bigots into embarrassing and debasing myself. You need to learn and educate yourself on the matter. If I look, walk, sound, smell like a woman, I'll be damned if you are going to force me in the men's room because of your stupidity.

You're not a woman if you still have your penis. Sorry toots.

You ARE going to be bullied. You are not only going to be bullied, you are going to be treated with violence and risk death if you persist in trying to go into public women's restrooms with your penis. That is no threat, it's a guarantee.

You see... the problem here is not my ignorance or bigotry... it's your penis. So what's the big deal? Fix the problem, then we won't have one!
How will anyone know if she has a penis?
A lot of these guys think they are doing a much better job of looking like a woman than they actually are in RL. I'm not talking photos or tv, but out there in the big wide world. There are a lot of subtle as well as the less than subtle cues that indicate whether one is male or female, and they aren't that easy to hide.
Well no ones ever read me, so... I can only go by that.
I'm going to use the woman's restroom for now on.

I'm with you... if this stupid law passes here, I'll never use the men's room again! Maybe that's the best way to get rid of this idiocy? Yep... just got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly, I felt like a woman! Sooo........ ? :lol:
And then some father with your anger issues sees you do it, and kicks your ass. Fate will laugh as will we all.
Go read your definition of bigot again. You're bigoted against people who want to protect their children from potential abuse. You've decided they hate transgenders. Just like you decided the creep in the bathroom is probably on parole. All you do is cast bigoted judgment against people based on your intolerant opinions... You're a regular Archie Bunker.

Do you attack Catholic Priests that enter mens restrooms with young boys?
I worked security in Mexican dance clubs for 7 years..I saw a lot of unhappy ghey boys become happy ghey little girls....They used the female restrooms yet no one said a damn word about it..

Were there little girls using the Mexican dance clubs restrooms at the time?
I worked security in Mexican dance clubs for 7 years..I saw a lot of unhappy ghey boys become happy ghey little girls....They used the female restrooms yet no one said a damn word about it..

Were there little girls using the Mexican dance clubs restrooms at the time?
They do use it, but I didn't stand at the terlet door and watch all night....They did allow kids to be in the club as long as their parents where there.
I'm going to use the woman's restroom for now on.

I'm with you... if this stupid law passes here, I'll never use the men's room again! Maybe that's the best way to get rid of this idiocy? Yep... just got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly, I felt like a woman! Sooo........ ? :lol:
And then some father with your anger issues sees you do it, and kicks your ass. Fate will laugh as will we all.

I'll get the final laugh when I have him arrested for a hate crime.

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