Men should have the right to ‘abort’ responsibility for an unborn child, Swedish political group say


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I agree with what they're saying. If women can choose to not be parents then men should have that choice too.

Men should have the right to ‘abort’ responsibility for an unborn child, Swedish political group says

Sweden may well have among the most accepting views of abortion in the world — one recent poll found that 84 percent of the country supports a woman's right to have an abortion whenever she wants one. Yet a proposal from a Swedish group to offer men the right to a "legal abortion" of an unborn child has not been met with enthusiasm.

The idea, proposed by a regional branch of the youth wing of the centrist Liberal Party, would allow a potential father to legally abdicate his responsibility toward the child up to the 18th week of a woman's pregnancy. The man would lose any rights to visit the child but also would not pay any child support he may otherwise be required to contribute.
When my ex was pregnant with our first kid back in 1981, she tried to overdose on Tylenol PM and beat her distended belly with her fist while shouting expletives at our unborn child. She was a fucking mental case.

That unaborted clump of tissue is now a 35 year old executive producer for Netflix pulling in some high six figures.

That article is bullshit, by the way. Fuck those lunatic Swedes.
If you don't want a baby then don't make one. If you don't put it in her in the first place then you won't have to worry about it, right?
If you don't want a baby then don't make one. If you don't put it in her in the first place then you won't have to worry about it, right?

It's not realistic to shrug everything off by expecting people to not have sex. People are going to have sex; it's nature.
I agree with what they're saying. If women can choose to not be parents then men should have that choice too.

Men should have the right to ‘abort’ responsibility for an unborn child, Swedish political group says

Sweden may well have among the most accepting views of abortion in the world — one recent poll found that 84 percent of the country supports a woman's right to have an abortion whenever she wants one. Yet a proposal from a Swedish group to offer men the right to a "legal abortion" of an unborn child has not been met with enthusiasm.

The idea, proposed by a regional branch of the youth wing of the centrist Liberal Party, would allow a potential father to legally abdicate his responsibility toward the child up to the 18th week of a woman's pregnancy. The man would lose any rights to visit the child but also would not pay any child support he may otherwise be required to contribute.

What idiots.

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