Men who are abused emotionally and physically

I think we should try to help these men. It's appalling to see it happen and nobody gives those men any compassion. They have feelings and should be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion just as a woman would be treated had she been abused.
I think it is recognized in some areas already. Not all mind you but some.

What we need is to help establish better habits with people in general. Awareness of a problem can help that if you don't go hog wild in thumping it too hard and forcing people into positions that they do not desire to be in.
Which is as it should be in most instances.....Men are supposed to be looked-up to to be there when things, big or small, go south and be the final judge in family matters.

I will have been married to the same woman for 45 years come next month.....It's worked for me. ;)

I can't t disagree. If a man is perceived as weak, it can usually be attributed to his own actions.

I had my 45th anniversary last year.
I think it is recognized in some areas already. Not all mind you but some.

What we need is to help establish better habits with people in general. Awareness of a problem can help that if you don't go hog wild in thumping it too hard and forcing people into positions that they do not desire to be in.
I think a lot more could be done. DO men get any help at all? What about if they have kids and they are poor and can't afford to fight in court. The abusive woman can make up all sorts of things and be believed. How is an honest man supposed to get out of his personal hell if people, in general, make fun of men as weak if they complain over a woman? The truth is women are just as abusive as men and some women take it to such a level of emotional abuse it can destroy a man. Yet there really aren't any groups out there reaching out to help these men. It's Weird!
I think a lot more could be done. DO men get any help at all? What about if they have kids and they are poor and can't afford to fight in court. The abusive woman can make up all sorts of things and be believed. How is an honest man supposed to get out of his personal hell if people, in general, make fun of men as weak if they complain over a woman? The truth is women are just as abusive as men and some women take it to such a level of emotional abuse it can destroy a man. Yet there really aren't any groups out there reaching out to help these men. It's Weird!
You could always start a support outlet for them. NGO's, are the going ginny these days id you can get some corporate sponsors.
You could always start a support outlet for them. NGO's, are the going ginny these days id you can get some corporate sponsors.
I don't know how to do that. I am not sure abused men would want a woman involved in their recovery from horrible abuse. I would imagine it would be hard to trust a woman after all that. But I would help if there was a way. I think men are worn the fuck out in general and the pressures of life are overwhelming enough but to have a woman that shits on your bed, makes up false allegations turns people against you how do you battle that if nobody stands up for you?
I don't know how to do that. I am not sure abused men would want a woman involved in their recovery from horrible abuse. I would imagine it would be hard to trust a woman after all that. But I would help if there was a way. I think men are worn the fuck out in general and the pressures of life are overwhelming enough but to have a woman that shits on your bed, makes up false allegations turns people against you how do you battle that if nobody stands up for you?
Like I said I think the best approach is to start early teaching both sexes good habits. Part of the problem I have seen over the years is many females are looking for a good free ride verses an actual relationship in the cases you are talking about (btw, some men do that too). Also, some think its the only way they can get an upper hand and those things are just shitty spirits that need to be overcome. On a whole females have and still do receive the most abuse worldwide; and a lot of that is because of erroneous religious teachings and stupidity.

If you have the time and inclination start a support group. People that cannot overcome that male vs female mindset are stuck in it until they can personally overcome it.
Well, men deserve better than just addiction as a way to deal with it. They deserve help, respect, dignity, and support. If they had the proper care and support in society they wouldn't have to drown out all that pain in a bottle.
It's not going to change. It's pretty simple for a women to completely thrash your life. If she knows you will be home at a certain time you don't even have to be there. She can say he asulted me. Before you even get your coat off the cops are there hauling you away. Strait to jail. If she does it on a Friday no judge till Monday. Over the week end your bank account is gone. Monday morning your bail is set, she has gone to domestic court got a restraining order and called your boss and got you fired. Mean while you are getting out of jail if some one posts bond for you penny less. Jobless and homeless with a domestic violence hanging over your head. So now you are penny less homeless, can't see your kids, you have forty eight hours to make arrangements to even get some cloths from your house. She has stolen and sold 100k worth if tools out your garage and you don't have an TY money for a cab or or storage space for your clothes and ya can't see your kids or frequent any where you use to go because there is a chance you violate your restraining order because she could be there. Mean while she has convinced her best friends husband ya beat the shit out of her and when you do show up for your clothes he is threatening you in front of a deputy. The deputy thinks your a piece of shit because of the accusations against you and let's. You are flat fed up and aren't going to take shit from the guy so he get his nose with in am inch of your own ya lose it and knock him out in front of the deputy and right back to jail ya go. Some how ya figure away out of all the trouble you are in because you are sluck like that gothrough a four year divorce paying 95k in divorce attorneys, she had all the bank accounts frozen the whole time, had a restraining order and control of all the rental properties. Did not pay the payments and they are all in foreclosure but covid 19 came around and there is a moratorium on foreclosures. Ya make a deal where she gets all the cash you take the property that is foreclosure. Over a hundred thousand dollars in fees and rehab are needed to fix the properties and sell. So you have no money have been living in a camper for four years. You have no tools to fix the properties with and you go to your dad to borrow the money and tools to fix the properties with. You go about eight months with out sleeping and doing nothing but fixing properties all by yourself because you have no money to pay for labor. Ya get all the properties fixed and sold all is well because real estate values have luckily gone through the roof. Now ya got a bag of money and still in a camper because even though you make a hundred offers if you are not there wij in three hours they are already sold. So you stuck in a camper thru the winter. Your dad dies she finds out how much money you have and she has already spent the entire settlement from the divorce and the crazy bitch calls you up saying she is sorry and wants to get back together. Then you laugh and change your phone number. According to a freind.
Like I said I think the best approach is to start early teaching both sexes good habits. Part of the problem I have seen over the years is many females are looking for a good free ride verses an actual relationship in the cases you are talking about (btw, some men do that too). Also, some think its the only way they can get an upper hand and those things are just shitty spirits that need to be overcome. On a whole females have and still do receive the most abuse worldwide; and a lot of that is because of erroneous religious teachings and stupidity.

If you have the time and inclination start a support group. People that cannot overcome that male vs female mindset are stuck in it until they can personally overcome it.
I am not sure if females receive it more since there are not many studies on the abuse men endure. But I agree with everything you said besides that.
friend., ya start a fishing charter and hunt guide business so you can kill and eat shit to take your anger out while getting paid to do it but Jack Daniel's is always there if that fails.
Son walked away letting the wrecks he managed marry along the way keep it all except for his pickup and bike. The last one he did that with tried to get the court to force him to stay married to her; apparently she wasn't content to have his very good paycheck and everything it bought for several years... I pray the one he is with now remains a stable force in his life as she has actually been his best friend from the get go.
It's not going to change. It's pretty simple for a women to completely thrash your life. If she knows you will be home at a certain time you don't even have to be there. She can say he asulted me. Before you even get your coat off the cops are there hauling you away. Strait to jail. If she does it on a Friday no judge till Monday. Over the week end your bank account is gone. Monday morning your bail is set, she has gone to domestic court got a restraining order and called your boss and got you fired. Mean while you are getting out of jail if some one posts bond for you penny less. Jobless and homeless with a domestic violence hanging over your head. So now you are penny less homeless, can't see your kids, you have forty eight hours to make arrangements to even get some cloths from your house. She has stolen and sold 100k worth if tools out your garage and you don't have an TY money for a cab or or storage space for your clothes and ya can't see your kids or frequent any where you use to go because there is a chance you violate your restraining order because she could be there. Mean while she has convinced her best friends husband ya beat the shit out of her and when you do show up for your clothes he is threatening you in front of a deputy. The deputy thinks your a piece of shit because of the accusations against you and let's. You are flat fed up and aren't going to take shit from the guy so he get his nose with in am inch of your own ya lose it and knock him out in front of the deputy and right back to jail ya go. Some how ya figure away out of all the trouble you are in because you are sluck like that gothrough a four year divorce paying 95k in divorce attorneys, she had all the bank accounts frozen the whole time, had a restraining order and control of all the rental properties. Did not pay the payments and they are all in foreclosure but covid 19 came around and there is a moratorium on foreclosures. Ya make a deal where she gets all the cash you take the property that is foreclosure. Over a hundred thousand dollars in fees and rehab are needed to fix the properties and sell. So you have no money have been living in a camper for four years. You have no tools to fix the properties with and you go to your dad to borrow the money and tools to fix the properties with. You go about eight months with out sleeping and doing nothing but fixing properties all by yourself because you have no money to pay for labor. Ya get all the properties fixed and sold all is well because real estate values have luckily gone through the roof. Now ya got a bag of money and still in a camper because even though you make a hundred offers if you are not there wij in three hours they are already sold. So you stuck in a camper thru the winter. Your dad dies she finds out how much money you have and she has already spent the entire settlement from the divorce and the crazy bitch calls you up saying she is sorry and wants to get back together. Then you laugh and change your phone number. According to a freind.
Sounds awful, sounds like that person is completely powerless, and not only that the abuser convinced authorities and friends of a lie. I can't imagine what the man in that story must feel like. He must feel all alone and wonder why he exists to be abused and not believed by anyone. I believe it. I think more people should question allegations and also abused men should start recording abusive women and protect themselves. You have to outwit these psycho bitches.
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Son walked away letting the wrecks he managed marry along the way keep it all except for his pickup and bike. The last one he did that with tried to get the court to force him to stay married to her; apparently she wasn't content to have his very good paycheck and everything it bought for several years... I pray the one he is with now remains a stable force in his life as she has actually been his best friend from the get go.
That's awful he shouldn't have had to give her a dime, in fact, the court should have ordered her to pay him reparations for domestic emotional abuse.

People need to speak out more otherwise these sociopath women get away with it. It's not fair that abused women get protection and empathy but abused men get humiliated and ridiculed. Public outrage is one of the ways to bring it more to light and to make society recognize it and help men heal. It's really gross that people look the other way and don't help men in the same exact abusive situation that they gladly help women out of.
friend., ya start a fishing charter and hunt guide business so you can kill and eat shit to take your anger out while getting paid to do it but Jack Daniel's is always there if that fails.
You shouldn't have to do that as an outlet to release anger at the abuse a person is enduring. The abuser should be held accountable and help should be available to the man being abused.
Son walked away letting the wrecks he managed marry along the way keep it all except for his pickup and bike. The last one he did that with tried to get the court to force him to stay married to her; apparently she wasn't content to have his very good paycheck and everything it bought for several years... I pray the one he is with now remains a stable force in his life as she has actually been his best friend from the get go.
My, friend just hunts fishes and sleeps now. No women lasts more than five days. Fool him once shame on you. Fool him twice shame on him

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