Men who are abused emotionally and physically

You shouldn't have to do that as an outlet to release anger at the abuse a person is enduring. The abuser should be held accountable and help should be available to the man being abused.
Not me my friend. It's OK same stuff I did as a kid. Just second childhood. I mean same thing as my friend did as a kid. Lol
Men need to learn to think outside of the box.
....or just find another box. ;)

That's awful he shouldn't have had to give her a dime, in fact, the court should have ordered her to pay him reparations for domestic emotional abuse.

People need to speak out more otherwise these sociopath women get away with it. It's not fair that abused women get protection and empathy but abused men get humiliated and ridiculed. Public outrage is one of the ways to bring it more to light and to make society recognize it and help men heal. It's really gross that people look the other way and don't help men in the same exact abusive situation that they gladly help women out of.
I tend to agree with you to a point but again its a human condition. My son isn't hung up on worldly property so much. He's was blessed with talents that very few have and makes good money which made him a target. He made those choices of his own accord as he didn't want the hassle.

I walked away from his biological father and was divorce at 18 with two babes. The man didn't even show up for the divorce court, was ordered by the judge in the case that he was to pay a healthy amount in child support and even alimony; it was up to me to file paperwork for all that to be finalized; and I didn't do that for years as I didn't want him anywhere near me or the children. I didn't get child support for ten years and even then the guy died some years back owing me child support in the double digits. Property and money isn't everything and truthfully really not worth haggling over in many cases. To top that all off I can say God creates all justice; I made more than most over the years and that was without higher education or a big money family backing me. My son know that and he lives by faith doing the best he can do regardless of what others are doing... He's like everyone else and not perfect in the flesh but the good put into his heart and the good Lord keeps him and he knows it.
Well one yeR hS put since divorce final we will see in seven if there is a change of mind. Unlikely though.
Over forty years celebrated. Sometimes it takes time to know beyond a doubt you are with the soulmate God created you and he for.
Yes, I do believe God does. I pray that society truly becomes equal in treating men who have suffered domestic abuse emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically with love, support, and care in much the same way a woman of domestic abuse would receive.

I just wish society would be fair in helping both men and women in those situations.
Yes, I do believe God does. I pray that society truly becomes equal in treating men who have suffered domestic abuse emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically with love, support, and care in much the same way a woman of domestic abuse would receive.

I just wish society would be fair in helping both men and women in those situations.
I think a lot of all that depends on the lawyers and the court too. When I did finally take the ex to task for child support it was in California which had a very good family court system. At first just like the initial divorce I didn't hire an attorney because I did not have the money. I ended up chickening out and borrowed money and hired a lawyer and that really was a waste of time and money both as it would have all turned out the same anyhow. The ex lost his temper in front of the court appointed councilor and started pounding his fist on the guy's desk. I told the lawyer at that final hearing that the ex wouldn't get diddly but didn't tell him why. He tried to tell me that California wouldn't deny him access to take the children whenever he wanted. Well the lawyer was wrong.
I'm glad it's being brought to light. Will Smith has clearly been abused by Jada Smith and Johnny Depp was abused by Amber Heard.

It's good to bring that to light. If there had not been recordings to prove it the men wouldn't have been believed.

I wondered why they stay in the abuse but it's probably the same reason women do because they are afraid to leave scared of retaliation from the abuser.

Do you know any men in your own life who have been in an abusive relationship where the woman was totally abusive?

What kind of help is offered to these men? A shelter, humiliation, ridicule?
My first wife was definitely emotionally abusive.
As men...we are just supposed to be tough and resilient and never complain. Course that is bullshit.
Having a wife that provides little to no support for anything, complains about everything, puts you down in front of others (almost always only making herself look bad in the process) - knows as a man you will never harm her, so she smarts off a lot and generally makes your life an exhaustive hell.
Oh... of course... has almost no interest in bed. So sex is mechanical/awkward and generally not worth it.

Whenever a man says things like this, it is always the same - "well have you looked at yourself? maybe you should work harder to make her happy etc. etc. etc." Since we are men, we never get sympathy. Not that we asked for it.
If a woman says things like that - the "believe all women" immediately kicks in and her husband is a piece of shit.
Such as it is.
"Toxic masculinity" phrase is a great example of how uneven the scales are.
There is absolutely nothing men do to women, that women also - don't do to men.
My first wife was definitely emotionally abusive.
As men...we are just supposed to be tough and resilient and never complain. Course that is bullshit.
Having a wife that provides little to no support for anything, complains about everything, puts you down in front of others (almost always only making herself look bad in the process) - knows as a man you will never harm her, so she smarts off a lot and generally makes your life an exhaustive hell.
Oh... of course... has almost no interest in bed. So sex is mechanical/awkward and generally not worth it.

Whenever a man says things like this, it is always the same - "well have you looked at yourself? maybe you should work harder to make her happy etc. etc. etc." Since we are men, we never get sympathy. Not that we asked for it.
If a woman says things like that - the "believe all women" immediately kicks in and her husband is a piece of shit.
Such as it is.
"Toxic masculinity" phrase is a great example of how uneven the scales are.
There is absolutely nothing men do to women, that women also - don't do to men.
Yeah, there is no empathy for men. It's evil to leave abused men hanging all alone in pain but have all sorts of help for women who are abused. It really needs to be talked about more and programs for men and their children should be equally accessible as it is to women who are leaving abusive relationships.
I don't know of any guy who has physically been abused, but I do have male cousins in my family who have been cheated on. I wouldn't be surprised if that right there alone might be enough to destroy a guy's self-confidence.

God bless you and my family members who are still here always!!!

Yeah, there is no empathy for men. It's evil to leave abused men hanging all alone in pain but have all sorts of help for women who are abused. It really needs to be talked about more and programs for men and their children should be equally accessible as it is to women who are leaving abusive relationships.
Thank you very much!

Hopefully, Society becomes more aware about male victims of abuse.
I knew three boys severely physically abused by their mothers and one girl severely physically abused by her grandmother. In many cultures, physical child abuse is the norm rather then exception. That was the case in USSR, and in most Developing Nations today.

I was not abused. I viewed myself as special.
I knew three boys severely physically abused by their mothers and one girl severely physically abused by her grandmother. In many cultures, physical child abuse is the norm rather then exception. That was the case in USSR, and in most Developing Nations today.

I was not abused. I viewed myself as special.
That's really sad. The world actually needs to be more aware of the damage and of offenders.

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