
Generalities are only "obvious" to the narrow minded when using them to make rationalizations.
You should know about narrow minded- that I'll grant- however, your lack of intellectual depth is showing it's ugly head- show my opinion and the article to your wife- I'll argue with her if need be.
You're too shallow-
Wow, highly reactive defense mechanism you have there........
Mine is still applicable for life
The article refers to History- that equals many life times- so, you were saying?
My experiences are MY LIFE- being a thinker and pretty introspective I applied my experiences to my observations in LIFE while meeting and knowing people of both sexes and came to "a" conclusion- IF you can honestly refute anything I've said (here or any other thread, I'll reconsider MY conclusions)
Wow, highly reactive defense mechanism you have there........
Wow, not really- reaction is a learned trait (automatic like Pavlov's dogs), as is reponding (which requires thinking through), which is what I do- your obviously biased (maybe envious) and sadly misinformed (without validation) opinion-is wrong.
Honestly refute anything I or the article said and I'll reconsider my conclusions- until then, you're just another, shallow minded message board poster, which I don't mind pointing out.
Wow, highly reactive defense mechanism you have there........
Wow, not really- reaction is a learned trait (automatic like Pavlov's dogs), as is reponding (which requires thinking through), which is what I do- your obviously biased (maybe envious) and sadly misinformed (without validation) opinion-is wrong.
Honestly refute anything I or the article said and I'll reconsider my conclusions- until then, you're just another, shallow minded message board poster, which I don't mind pointing out.
Your self delusion is strong!!
I've been divorced a long time. 31 years as of this writing, give or take a couple of months.
I'm 72. I have dated a few women and had relationships, physically and mentally, that lasted a while- and some that lasted a few weeks.
In dating as an adult life stories are exchanged in the getting to know process - if one is open to honest discussion a lot can be learned in a short period of time. The learning can be used for future use. I'm also a thinker, so I dig deeper for the Bigger Picture effect trying to discern a direction that might be helpful to navigate life's trials and tribulations- or, maybe get laid- LOL -
However, in "thinking" there are conclusions arrived at.

One of the conclusions I arrived at was not very flattering to men. Listening to some of the stories from the women I dated made me embarrassed to be of the same species, never mind the same gender, as those I heard the stories about.
YES, I know here are two sides to every story and I was hearing just one. But, at some point one has to realize, something ain't right here-

This link indisputably points out the trouble with men. I dare you to read it and offer a thinkers perspective.

It's a Man's World The Truth and its Consequences

“You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years, because they didn’t wear a veil,” Mattis said. “You know guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot ’em.”

The first rule of human thought is that everything is somebody else’s fault. American whites note that violent crime is mostly committed by blacks or Hispanics, who see all their problems as due to whites. Terrorism is the domain of Muslems. Democrats blame everything on Republicans and vice versa.

Most of the world points out that America causes most of avoidable destruction and suffering on the planet. The Americans believe themselves virtuous, indispensable, exceptional, and entirely dedicated to promulgating democracy. No group is itself guilty of anything.

Nobody (except feminists) says the obvious, that all of these evils are committed by….


There is an old joke that goes: "Menstration, menopause, mental heath, everything that makes women crazy or miserable, begins with "men".
"And I will put enmity between thee and woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" -- Genesis 3:15

I've spent far too long trying to figure out how women think ... as I'm sure most men have ... with the passage above I've come to the conclusion that this is an impossible task ... men can never understand women ... and we men waste our time trying ... all I've gotten out of the effort is a concussion ...

I think we can all agree that the passage above is very very old ... I find it amazing that prehistoric humans figured this out and yet we still struggle with the truth of it ... why does a woman need to talk and discuss a problem for 2 hours when it's a goddam 5 minute fix? ... small comfort every man who's ever lived suffered under this brutality ... the sexes think differently, and we'll never understand each other ...

What kind of conjecture can we pull out of the Theory of Evolution ...

"Both sexes are driven to pass their genetic material on to as many offspring as possible. However, each sex has their own strategy: the male seeks a mate that is young and has wide hips, the large birth canal pumps out healthy babies and her youth allows her to live on to raise and protect the children (hip-to-waist ratio); the female seeks a mate who is able to bring in resources to her and her children keeping them fed, sheltered and clothed (money)." -- heavily paraphrased from some PBS documentary that aired years ago ...

And ... of course ... what every Dead Head knows ...

Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...
That is completely immaterial to what I said or what the article says. Jesus H Christ. Do you not have a fucking brain at all?

or u just don't see how women see men and blame men for everything you hear them tell you jesus you blamed yourself an felt guilty for shit women say to you there's r problem YOU don't see it and any female not a feminazi will tell you that.. LMAO

the guy is funny either way

Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...

View attachment 323387

So now when you go ouut with womenn you are going out with those who even if they don't know it " indoctrinated " bring home the bacon" hate men feminazis.

IF you went out with an infowarrior. lol you'd find they aren't these pathetic ass women who blame all their issues on fkn men!!


Women are trained to blame the freaking man never looking with in themselves as to wtf is wrong with them FIRST!

I'll b b on this one LOL..

Talking about the blame game, and you couldn't be more WRONG, but then you post links to Info Wars, so right off that bat who know you're wearing a hockey helmet most days. Your blathering idiot post isn't even English. The conservative view of feminism is coloured by the insecurity and guilt of conservatives males who, like all true narcissists, think that feminism is all about hating THEM.

Feminism began because women felt unfulfiled as housewives. They enjoyed the financial freedoms and independence they had in the working world when their husbands were overseas fighting in WWII. They were kept busy enough during the post war Baby Boom years, but by the time all the kids were in school, the women were left at home and very restless. Especially educated middle class women.

Being a housewife in the 20th Century with modern laundry facilities, dishwashers, and convenience foods, left the housewife with a lot of time and energy, and few outlets for them. Growing up, girls were told that they could grow up to be anything they wanted, but that wasn't really true, and women started asking, why not?

Eventually we started pushing on those glass ceilings and demanding to flex our business skills, and that's when we started noticing that we were paid a lot less money, even when we were doing the same job as a man, and even when we were doing it better. That's not right.

Then we noticed things like even though we were working just as many hours as our men, often time, those men came home and sat on their asses while we did the cooking, the cleaning and the laundry, and took care of the household and the children. And they did this because their fathers did this, and it had never occurred to them that their wives came home from work just as tired as they did. If someone had to stay home from work with the a sick child, it was almost always the wife.

Feminists are still dealing with the fallout of inequity in wages, lack of sick leave, lack of affordable child care, and yes, we have to go after MEN to try to change things because they're the ones in charge, and as we have seen with the white nationalist movement, men, and in particular, white men, are clinging to that power like a terrier with a rat.

All of that white male angst, isn't because they have it so tough, it's because the weakest among them, the ones who can barely compete for jobs, promotions, and the American Dream, know that they'll be shit out of luck when they have to compete on a level playing field with women and racial minorities.

The attacking of feminists as "feminazis", of racial minorities as stupid or lazy, or criminal, are all false narratives, to keep the stupid and the gullible among you to believe like Mind Wars, the feminists are all about hating men. When you believe men like Rush Limbaugh, guys who sexually abuse women, like the entire culture at FOX News with their NDA's and their litany of sexual abuse payouts, you show just how gullible and stupid you are.

Of course just being a believer in Alex Jones, shows you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
Of course just being a believer in Alex Jones, shows you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
I agree with a lot of your rant- until the one I quoted-

Knowledge isn't biased in it's origin and can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- the bold words I learned from Limbaugh.

Mind wars- the moniker explains itself- that's not to say a blind squirrel won't find a nut on occasion. Alex Jones serves a purpose and offers a different perspective. As far as I know that isn't a sin, or illegal yet.
ALL information passed on in the media, any media is based on opinion- even that is knowledge. What it tells me, critically thinking, is, for the most part, TDS is alive and well.

However, Mind wars is indicative of many message board posters, from BOTH sides of the aisle.
They claim to be politically astute and well informed (how they get informed is questionable, since very few want to comment on article body but love making asinine comments, required by the owners of the message board, on the posters personality, opinion(s), politics etc with broad assumptions because- Democrat/Republican/Liberal/Conservative as though that makes them informed or special) and demand it's okay to dis on the other side- what they FAIL at, is multi-faceted, and involves introspection which very few people display having a grasp on that concept. The comments here are excellent representaion of that particular trait. The lack of introspection gives way to politicians who exploit to their advantage. BOTH sexes. BOTH Party's.

One of the negative, asinine commenters, even went so far as to tout his wifes skills as though they made him qualified to talk about what he felt (notice I didn't say think) I needed- critical thinking, concerning "needs" renders; people's needs are basic: Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Clothing with the last two depending on climate/environment. EVERYTHING ELSE is a desire, a want, a wish- sometimes for ones self, most times against another.

Beyond that introspection very few display "critical thinking" skills, never mind exercise them, so you got that part right.
They also, like the political "leaders", (which I've yet to see where, in the constitution, elected servants are designated leaders), use broad brush painting (similar to the article) to force "one size fits all" legislation which suits many, but not all, rendering their actions bogus. However, the article referenced some pretty solid History to illustrate the author's point- but, what do we get? Answer: Not me. I'm perfect.

This lack of critical thinking skills or exercising leads to yet more moronic statements by empty suited morons believing they're gods and have the moral clarity or character what is essential. To wit:

Essential is defined as of extreme importance- well who the hell left an elected empty suit "leader" to determine what is essential for others? The "one size fits all" mentality of poorly educated idiots is who.
Last edited:
I enjoyed reading your post, and the link.

When they first announced the closing of "non-essential" businesses, I was shocked was at what was deemed "essential. Both liquor stores and pot stores were initally deemed "essential", and the argument made was the hospitals didnt need detoxing alcoholics coming in to emergency wards with the DT's. Fair enough.

Both have been deemed less essential now are most are closed. My city dwelling daughter tells me the only liquor store still open in her neighbourhood has a line around the block to get in.

As for critical thinking skills, I have my own story: I was working for a Bay Street law firm, clerking for 3 lawyers, one of whom specialized in wills, estates and trusts. Our client was a recent widow whose husband left a small estate, including a nice little house in Toronto - worth around a quarter of million dollars. The couple had no children, and his widow was his only beneficiary.

Estate law requires Estate Trustee named in the will to send a copy of the application to be appointed Administrator of her late husband's estate, along with a certified copy of her husband's will to every beneficiary named in the his will, by registered mail, and proof of mailing had to be provided with the application. Since the applicant was the also the sole beneficiary under the will, we didn't do this. I mean what was she supposed to do: Send a registered letter to herself?

Yes. That's exactly what she was supposed to do. I received a phone call from the Estates Court. Where was the Notice to Beneficiaries? Where was the affidavit of service? I reminded the Court Clerk that the Applicant was the sole beneficiary. Didn't matter. I spent 15 minutes trying to talk the Clerk out of it. I spoke to her Supervisor. I may as well have talked to the wall. The Clerk told me she was returning the Application to me. Please attach the Notice and Affidavit of Service and return it to her.

I had to call the client to drive downtown and park her car and come to my office and send herself a Notice. She thought I was joking. I assured her that this was no joke, and that I was just as "are you fucking kidding me" as she was but yes, she was going to have to drive downtown, pay $20 to park her car, to come to our office and send herself a letter.

We did it. We sent in the Notice and the Affidavit of Service, and she was appointment Administrator of her husband's estate without further ado.
Mine is still applicable for life
The article refers to History- that equals many life times- so, you were saying?
My experiences are MY LIFE- being a thinker and pretty introspective I applied my experiences to my observations in LIFE while meeting and knowing people of both sexes and came to "a" conclusion- IF you can honestly refute anything I've said (here or any other thread, I'll reconsider MY conclusions)
A world that has a quarter in change and need a dollar does not help much. Brutality exists. Brutality will return if things ever get bad here. We are not that nice as it is.
Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...

View attachment 323387

So now when you go ouut with womenn you are going out with those who even if they don't know it " indoctrinated " bring home the bacon" hate men feminazis.

IF you went out with an infowarrior. lol you'd find they aren't these pathetic ass women who blame all their issues on fkn men!!


Women are trained to blame the freaking man never looking with in themselves as to wtf is wrong with them FIRST!

I'll b b on this one LOL..

Talking about the blame game, and you couldn't be more WRONG, but then you post links to Info Wars, so right off that bat who know you're wearing a hockey helmet most days. Your blathering idiot post isn't even English. The conservative view of feminism is coloured by the insecurity and guilt of conservatives males who, like all true narcissists, think that feminism is all about hating THEM.

Feminism began because women felt unfulfiled as housewives. They enjoyed the financial freedoms and independence they had in the working world when their husbands were overseas fighting in WWII. They were kept busy enough during the post war Baby Boom years, but by the time all the kids were in school, the women were left at home and very restless. Especially educated middle class women.

Being a housewife in the 20th Century with modern laundry facilities, dishwashers, and convenience foods, left the housewife with a lot of time and energy, and few outlets for them. Growing up, girls were told that they could grow up to be anything they wanted, but that wasn't really true, and women started asking, why not?

Eventually we started pushing on those glass ceilings and demanding to flex our business skills, and that's when we started noticing that we were paid a lot less money, even when we were doing the same job as a man, and even when we were doing it better. That's not right.

Then we noticed things like even though we were working just as many hours as our men, often time, those men came home and sat on their asses while we did the cooking, the cleaning and the laundry, and took care of the household and the children. And they did this because their fathers did this, and it had never occurred to them that their wives came home from work just as tired as they did. If someone had to stay home from work with the a sick child, it was almost always the wife.

Feminists are still dealing with the fallout of inequity in wages, lack of sick leave, lack of affordable child care, and yes, we have to go after MEN to try to change things because they're the ones in charge, and as we have seen with the white nationalist movement, men, and in particular, white men, are clinging to that power like a terrier with a rat.

All of that white male angst, isn't because they have it so tough, it's because the weakest among them, the ones who can barely compete for jobs, promotions, and the American Dream, know that they'll be shit out of luck when they have to compete on a level playing field with women and racial minorities.

The attacking of feminists as "feminazis", of racial minorities as stupid or lazy, or criminal, are all false narratives, to keep the stupid and the gullible among you to believe like Mind Wars, the feminists are all about hating men. When you believe men like Rush Limbaugh, guys who sexually abuse women, like the entire culture at FOX News with their NDA's and their litany of sexual abuse payouts, you show just how gullible and stupid you are.

Of course just being a believer in Alex Jones, shows you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
Dragonlady.....everything about extreme feminism will only exist as long as there is a functioning economy with most people having comforts. Don't denigrate anyone who warns to not push to much. For that affects the economy negatively also. We do not live in a world with plenty for all. We live in a world with some nations that have more its citizens then other nations. And that is not a permanent guarantee. Foundations must be built. So as we expanded social justice agendas we have removed and/or weakened traditional foundations. Poverty can come here swiftly.
Feminazi started in school the public school system. They were on a mission to destroy the family when you figure out how all these dots connect the world of evil is destroy the family. We've warned over and over how all of this is filtered into our indoctrination ....
Leftist are teaching their little girls to hate me....... " Potty mouthed princess drops f bombs" look it up youtube...

View attachment 323387

So now when you go ouut with womenn you are going out with those who even if they don't know it " indoctrinated " bring home the bacon" hate men feminazis.

IF you went out with an infowarrior. lol you'd find they aren't these pathetic ass women who blame all their issues on fkn men!!


Women are trained to blame the freaking man never looking with in themselves as to wtf is wrong with them FIRST!

I'll b b on this one LOL..

Talking about the blame game, and you couldn't be more WRONG, but then you post links to Info Wars, so right off that bat who know you're wearing a hockey helmet most days. Your blathering idiot post isn't even English. The conservative view of feminism is coloured by the insecurity and guilt of conservatives males who, like all true narcissists, think that feminism is all about hating THEM.

Feminism began because women felt unfulfiled as housewives. They enjoyed the financial freedoms and independence they had in the working world when their husbands were overseas fighting in WWII. They were kept busy enough during the post war Baby Boom years, but by the time all the kids were in school, the women were left at home and very restless. Especially educated middle class women.

Being a housewife in the 20th Century with modern laundry facilities, dishwashers, and convenience foods, left the housewife with a lot of time and energy, and few outlets for them. Growing up, girls were told that they could grow up to be anything they wanted, but that wasn't really true, and women started asking, why not?

Eventually we started pushing on those glass ceilings and demanding to flex our business skills, and that's when we started noticing that we were paid a lot less money, even when we were doing the same job as a man, and even when we were doing it better. That's not right.

Then we noticed things like even though we were working just as many hours as our men, often time, those men came home and sat on their asses while we did the cooking, the cleaning and the laundry, and took care of the household and the children. And they did this because their fathers did this, and it had never occurred to them that their wives came home from work just as tired as they did. If someone had to stay home from work with the a sick child, it was almost always the wife.

Feminists are still dealing with the fallout of inequity in wages, lack of sick leave, lack of affordable child care, and yes, we have to go after MEN to try to change things because they're the ones in charge, and as we have seen with the white nationalist movement, men, and in particular, white men, are clinging to that power like a terrier with a rat.

All of that white male angst, isn't because they have it so tough, it's because the weakest among them, the ones who can barely compete for jobs, promotions, and the American Dream, know that they'll be shit out of luck when they have to compete on a level playing field with women and racial minorities.

The attacking of feminists as "feminazis", of racial minorities as stupid or lazy, or criminal, are all false narratives, to keep the stupid and the gullible among you to believe like Mind Wars, the feminists are all about hating men. When you believe men like Rush Limbaugh, guys who sexually abuse women, like the entire culture at FOX News with their NDA's and their litany of sexual abuse payouts, you show just how gullible and stupid you are.

Of course just being a believer in Alex Jones, shows you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

if u think so femi.

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