Menorah Lighting Rejected

now you are moving from angles to trees.

But yes, Christmas trees are not religious symbols by their very nature like one can argue angels are. They are twisted into religious symbols so religions people can justify having them in their homes

You started with trees, and didn't qualify it as your belief.

They are to many a symbol of Christmas, to Christians a religious holiday, and thus a religious symbol.

Twisted is another bad opinion of yours, "adapted" is far more accurate.
Twisted is another bad opinion of yours, "adapted" is far more accurate.

Semantics, and either way there is no good way to tie the tree to the bible and in fact I could find some good verses against the idea of a shiny tree as a religious symbol.

I should add I used to have this same discussion with members of the churches I belonged to while still a part of the organized Christian church.
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Semantics, and either way there is no good way to tie the tree to the bible and in fact I could find some good verses against the idea of a shiny tree as a religious symbol.

I should add I used to have this same discussion with members of the churches I belonged to while still a part of the organized Christian church.

Catholic priest Celibacy isn't tied to the bible, yet it exists.

Not semantics, you pretending your opinion is fact for everyone else because it's your wibble special twat opinion.

Hubris, narcissism, goalpost moving, Golfing gutless's signature moves.

Merry Religious Christmas, dipshit.
It's the "evergreen " that is the symbol...

Same as Holly branches...another evergreen....a symbol of immortality.

The small tree was/is a symbol of the birth of an everlasting in Jesus's birth.

It's not like a simple Google search won't turn up everything I've said as true....but some people are desperate to never admit when wrong. Proving they have a mental health disorder but feel perfectly fine giving opinions on the internet as if they were sane.
A weak excuse.
You can condemn their decision, frankly I’m betting they regret it

But saying this somehow violates freedom is stupid. They’re free to change what they display however they want
Catholic priest Celibacy isn't tied to the bible, yet it exists.

Paul disagrees...“To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am

Not semantics, you pretending your opinion is fact for everyone else because it's your wibble special twat opinion.

but you do make a good point, there are so many things that people twist into being religious that really are not.
You can condemn their decision, frankly I’m betting they regret it

But saying this somehow violates freedom is stupid. They’re free to change what they display however they want

I doubt they do, if they had let this happen then they would be inundated with religious folks wanting their shit displayed

They have a long standing rule against religious displays, why change for this one group?
Paul disagrees...“To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am

but you do make a good point, there are so many things that people twist into being religious that really are not.

That doesn't mean the priesthood has to, and the fact even in the Eastern Roman Rite priests (not bishops) can be married shows it is open to interpretation.

Not twist, believe.

What made you so miserable when it comes to faith and religion?
That doesn't mean the priesthood has to, and the fact even in the Eastern Roman Rite priests (not bishops) can be married shows it is open to interpretation.

Not twist, believe.

What made you so miserable when it comes to faith and religion?

I am not miserable over faith or religion, I just refused to be bullied into not offering my views.

I spent more than 3/4 of my life as part of the organized Christian church. I was heavily involved in the church, the head of Children's church, a group for kids called AWANA, as well as being on a budget committee as well as the Lay Leader for our Outreach ministry. I was the Christian lay reader in my boot camp platoon as well as earned the AF Volunteer Medal for my work on Kadena AFB and their 3 chapels.

I used to have these same discussions with people in the churches, needless to say it went over about as well as they do with you. nobody wants their beliefs they cannot defend to be questioned.

It has been roughly 12 years or so since I walked away from all of that. And my life has been far better for it.
I am not miserable over faith or religion, I just refused to be bullied into not offering my views.

I spent more than 3/4 of my life as part of the organized Christian church. I was heavily involved in the church, the head of Children's church, a group for kids called AWANA, as well as being on a budget committee as well as the Lay Leader for our Outreach ministry. I was the Christian lay reader in my boot camp platoon as well as earned the AF Volunteer Medal for my work on Kadena AFB and their 3 chapels.

I used to have these same discussions with people in the churches, needless to say it went over about as well as they do with you. nobody wants their beliefs they cannot defend to be questioned.

It has been roughly 12 years or so since I walked away from all of that. And my life has been far better for it.

I beg to differ.

Show me where the bad church touched you.....
I beg to differ.

Show me where the bad church touched you.....

They did not touch me, but they did do my teenage daughter wrong and that was the final straw. It is amazing the things you see that you had pretended were not there when you were a part of it.

The most telling part of it all is that when we left only one person out of a 50 or so we called good friends remained friends with us, once we dared to leave the church we were viewed as no longer worthy. In the end it was the best damn thing that could have ever happened to us.
They did not touch me, but they did do my teenage daughter wrong and that was the final straw. It is amazing the things you see that you had pretended were not there when you were a part of it.

The most telling part of it all is that when we left only one person out of a 50 or so we called good friends remained friends with us, once we dared to leave the church we were viewed as no longer worthy. In the end it was the best damn thing that could have ever happened to us.
Which denomination were you?
I am not miserable over faith or religion, I just refused to be bullied into not offering my views.

I spent more than 3/4 of my life as part of the organized Christian church. I was heavily involved in the church, the head of Children's church, a group for kids called AWANA, as well as being on a budget committee as well as the Lay Leader for our Outreach ministry. I was the Christian lay reader in my boot camp platoon as well as earned the AF Volunteer Medal for my work on Kadena AFB and their 3 chapels.

I used to have these same discussions with people in the churches, needless to say it went over about as well as they do with you. nobody wants their beliefs they cannot defend to be questioned.

It has been roughly 12 years or so since I walked away from all of that. And my life has been far better for it.
A person without faith is shallow.
They did not touch me, but they did do my teenage daughter wrong and that was the final straw. It is amazing the things you see that you had pretended were not there when you were a part of it.

The most telling part of it all is that when we left only one person out of a 50 or so we called good friends remained friends with us, once we dared to leave the church we were viewed as no longer worthy. In the end it was the best damn thing that could have ever happened to us.

You probably just didn't leave, you probably attacked their church and their beliefs for the wrongs you are alluding to, but I will not ask you to go into details about.

Did you just leave, or did you denounce them, and by proxy the other members?

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