Menorah Lighting Rejected

You probably just didn't leave, you probably attacked their church and their beliefs for the wrongs you are alluding to, but I will not ask you to go into details about.

Did you just leave, or did you denounce them, and by proxy the other members?

We just left, the only person we told as to why we were leaving was the Pastor after he did our daughter wrong. When he would not relent we told him we could no longer be a part of his flock.

What he told the rest of the church, God only knows.
We just left, the only person we told as to why we were leaving was the Pastor after he did our daughter wrong. When he would not relent we told him we could no longer be a part of his flock.

What he told the rest of the church, God only knows.

Criminal wrong, or argument of faith wrong?

That's as much as I am going to ask, and don't answer if you feel like not answering.
Criminal wrong, or argument of faith wrong?

A matter of church discipline wrong. Nothing illegal. We were told after we left one of the other church leaders brought it up in our Sunday School class and was told to let it lie.

My wife and I were very good friends with another coup0le with a son the age of ours. They saw a lot of the same problems with the church that we did and talked about leaving, but after what happened to us they said they just could not give up all those friends and thus started calling us less and less till they just never did.
A person without faith is shallow.

and people with faith are shallow, you being the perfect example as you are not even bright enough to understand that one does not need to be part of an organized group to have faith
and people with faith are shallow, you being the perfect example as you are not even bright enough to understand that one does not need to be part of an organized group to have faith
I never said you need to be part of an organized group to have faith. Where did I say that?
At which festivals do you support blocking freedom of speech?

This is an arts and music festival that does not allow religious symbols of any kind. This is not blocking freedom of speech, that you think it just show how fucking stupid you are

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