Menstrual blood portrait of Donald Trump

Frida Kahlo she ain't!

How charming!:puke3:

Are you a Kahlo fan? Love her works. LOVE!

Crumbling hands, bones and blood will be gone,
Something in a heart lives forever.
Thousand words painted by love's broken stroke,
Master and slave you were both.

Eyes serving as our own mirror
Of passion and pleasure and pain
Costume and face of a story
Bearing that yesterday stain...

Mother of dreams, who would dare to predict
Women would dream by your name?
Restless the eagle still chained by the wing;
Frida, are you sleeping in peace?
  • Thanks
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I'll trade her one bullet for it, but she has to try to catch it with her teeth as it moves faster than the speed of sound.

It other words - you'd like to shoot her in the head. You must really love Trump. How sad...
I'd like to think of it as assisted suicide.

How should she think of it? Forced assisted suicide? You really are sick. Get help.
Hey, if she wants to make the trade, it isnt forced. Im merely offering to blow her head off, if i can have her picture in return. This is a fair deal.
I'll trade her one bullet for it, but she has to try to catch it with her teeth as it moves faster than the speed of sound.

It other words - you'd like to shoot her in the head. You must really love Trump. How sad...
I'd like to think of it as assisted suicide.

How should she think of it? Forced assisted suicide? You really are sick. Get help.
Hey, if she wants to make the trade, it isnt forced. Im merely offering to blow her head off, if i can have her picture in return. This is a fair deal.

Does not appear her I.Q. will drop any if you do.
I'll trade her one bullet for it, but she has to try to catch it with her teeth as it moves faster than the speed of sound.

And this is what God does to you, huh boy?
Thanks for the tip.
No, im a godless heathen atheist.

Wow. That was quick. Good show.
Now about these authoritarian murder fantasies...
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Well, it's a pretty shade of red.
You have lost your mind, that is sick.

Is it?

Know why when women paint their nails, the traditional color is... red?

Hmm... no answer.

>> Menstrual Blood used to be the most Sacred substance on Earth, and now science is discovering its incredible healing powers...

... Evidence of the Sacredness of Menstruation throughout all cultures before the rise of the male-dominated patriarchy is well documented….
  • The Maoris stated explicitly that human souls are made of menstrual blood, which when retained in the womb ‘assumes human form and grows into a man
  • Africans said menstrual blood is ‘congealed to fashion a man’.
  • In Hindu theory as the Great Mother creates, her substances become thickened and forms a curd or clot. This was the way she gave birth to the cosmos, and women employ the same method on a smaller scale.
  • Indians of South America said all mankind was made of ‘moon blood’ in the beginning.
  • In ancient Mesopotamia, they believed the Great Goddess Ninhursag made mankind out of clay and infused with her “blood of life.”
  • Adam, from the feminine adamah, means “bloody clay.” The Bible’s story of Adam was lifted from an older female-oriented creation myth recounting the creation of man from clay and moonblood.
  • In the Koran’s creation story, it says that Allah “made man out of flowing blood”; but in pre-Islamic Arabia, Allah was the Goddess of creation, Al-Lat.
  • The Great Mother manifested herself as the spirit of creation (Kali-Maya). She ‘invited the gods to bath in the bloody flow of her womb and to drink of it; and the gods, in holy communion, drank of the fountain of life and rose to Heaven
  • ‘hic est sanguis meus’ – ‘this is the Chalice of my Blood’ as spoken in the Christian Eucharist refers in origin to the menstrual blood of the Great Mother, not Christ.
  • The Norse god Thor reached the magic land of enlightenment and eternal life by bathing in a river filled with the menstrual blood of a ‘giantesses’ — that is of the Primal Matriarchs, the ‘Powerful Ones’.
  • Odin acquired supremacy by stealing and drinking the ‘wise blood’ from the triple cauldron in the womb of the Mother-Earth, the same Triple Goddess known as Kali-Maya in the southeast Asia.
  • Egyptian pharaohs became divine by ingesting ‘the blood of Isis,’ a soma-like ambrosia called sa. Its hieroglyphic sign was the same as the sign of the vulva, a yonic loop like the one on the ankh or Cross of Life. Painted red, this loop signified the female genital and the Gate of Heaven.
  • The same elixir of immortality received the name of amrita in Persia. Sometimes it was called the Milk of the Mother Goddess, sometimes a fermented drink, sometimes sacred blood. It was always associated with the moon.
  • Celtic kings became gods by drinking the ‘red mead’ dispensed by the Fairy Queen, Mab, whose name was formerly Medhbh or “mead.” Thus she gave a drink of herself. A Celtic name of this fluid was dergflaith, meaning either “red ale” or “red sovereignty.” In Celtic Britain, to be stained with red meant to be chosen by the Goddess as king. Celtic ruadh meant both “red” and “royal.”
  • The communion wine drunk by witches was menstrual blood. The famous wizard Thomas Rhymer joined a witch cult under the tutelage of the Fairy Queen, who told him she had “a bottle of claret wine here in her lap,” and invited him to lay his head in her lap. Claret was the traditional drink of the kings and also a synonym for blood; its name literally meant ‘enlightenment.’
  • It is still specified in the Left Hand Rite of Tantra that the priestess impersonating the goddess must be menstruating, and after contact with her a man may perform rites that will make him “a great poet, a Lord of the World”
  • Taoists said a man could become immortal (or at least long-lived) by absorbing menstrual blood, called red yin juice, from a woman’s Mysterious Gateway, symbol of life-giving female energy. Chinese sages called this red juice the essence of Mother Earth, the yin principal that gives life to all things. They claimed the Yellow Emperor became a god by absorbing the yin juice of twelve hundred women.
  • Taoist China considered red a sacred color associated with women, blood, sexual potency, and creative power. White was the color of men, semen, passivity, and death. This was the Tantric Idea of male and female essences: the male principal is seen as ‘passive’ and as the female principal as ‘active’, the reverse of later patriarchal views.
  • The Maori rendered anything sacred by coloring it red, and calling the red color menstrual blood. Andaman Islanders thought blood-red paint a powerful medicine, and painted sick people red all over in an effort to cure them.
  • Ancient tombs everywhere have shown the bones of the dead covered with red ochre. Sometimes everything in the tomb, including the walls, had the red color. J.D. Evans described a tomb on Malta filled reddened bones, which struck fear into the workmen who insisted the bones were covered with “fresh blood.”
  • Greek mystics were “born again” out of the river Styx, otherwise known as Alpha, “the Beginning.” This river wound seven times through the earth’s interior and emerged at a yonic shrine near the city of Clitor (Greek kleitoris) sacred to the Great Mother. Styx was the blood-stream from the earth’s vagina.
  • The Sufis, who also practiced Yoni Worship, associated female embodiment with red, and the male counterpart of ‘consciousness’ with white. Red and white colors alternated in the Sufi halka or magic circle, called the very hear of Sufism. The Arab rosary of alternating red and white beads had the same meaning: men and women coupled around the circle.
  • The rites were often governed by old women, due to the ancient belief that post-menopausal women were the wisest people because the permanently retained their “wise blood.”
List adapted from ‘Women’s Encyclopaedia of Myths and Secret‘ by Barbara Walker << --- Reclaiming Our Wise Blood

Perhaps someone can elucidate for us why menstrual blood is "disgusting".
-- Or perhaps not.

Think I already know.
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I'll trade her one bullet for it, but she has to try to catch it with her teeth as it moves faster than the speed of sound.

And this is what God does to you, huh boy?
Thanks for the tip.
No, im a godless heathen atheist.

Wow. That was quick. Good show.
Now about these authoritarian murder fantasies...
Well, if you really thought it was anything more than a joke, you wouldn't be responding like this, so forgive me if I ignore your fake outrage.
Well, it's a pretty shade of red.
You have lost your mind, that is sick.

Is it?

Know why when women paint their nails, the traditional color is... red?

Hmm... no answer.

>> Menstrual Blood used to be the most Sacred substance on Earth, and now science is discovering its incredible healing powers...

... Evidence of the Sacredness of Menstruation throughout all cultures before the rise of the male-dominated patriarchy is well documented….
  • The Maoris stated explicitly that human souls are made of menstrual blood, which when retained in the womb ‘assumes human form and grows into a man
  • Africans said menstrual blood is ‘congealed to fashion a man’.
  • In Hindu theory as the Great Mother creates, her substances become thickened and forms a curd or clot. This was the way she gave birth to the cosmos, and women employ the same method on a smaller scale.
  • Indians of South America said all mankind was made of ‘moon blood’ in the beginning.
  • In ancient Mesopotamia, they believed the Great Goddess Ninhursag made mankind out of clay and infused with her “blood of life.”
  • Adam, from the feminine adamah, means “bloody clay.” The Bible’s story of Adam was lifted from an older female-oriented creation myth recounting the creation of man from clay and moonblood.
  • In the Koran’s creation story, it says that Allah “made man out of flowing blood”; but in pre-Islamic Arabia, Allah was the Goddess of creation, Al-Lat.
  • The Great Mother manifested herself as the spirit of creation (Kali-Maya). She ‘invited the gods to bath in the bloody flow of her womb and to drink of it; and the gods, in holy communion, drank of the fountain of life and rose to Heaven
  • ‘hic est sanguis meus’ – ‘this is the Chalice of my Blood’ as spoken in the Christian Eucharist refers in origin to the menstrual blood of the Great Mother, not Christ.
  • The Norse god Thor reached the magic land of enlightenment and eternal life by bathing in a river filled with the menstrual blood of a ‘giantesses’ — that is of the Primal Matriarchs, the ‘Powerful Ones’.
  • Odin acquired supremacy by stealing and drinking the ‘wise blood’ from the triple cauldron in the womb of the Mother-Earth, the same Triple Goddess known as Kali-Maya in the southeast Asia.
  • Egyptian pharaohs became divine by ingesting ‘the blood of Isis,’ a soma-like ambrosia called sa. Its hieroglyphic sign was the same as the sign of the vulva, a yonic loop like the one on the ankh or Cross of Life. Painted red, this loop signified the female genital and the Gate of Heaven.
  • The same elixir of immortality received the name of amrita in Persia. Sometimes it was called the Milk of the Mother Goddess, sometimes a fermented drink, sometimes sacred blood. It was always associated with the moon.
  • Celtic kings became gods by drinking the ‘red mead’ dispensed by the Fairy Queen, Mab, whose name was formerly Medhbh or “mead.” Thus she gave a drink of herself. A Celtic name of this fluid was dergflaith, meaning either “red ale” or “red sovereignty.” In Celtic Britain, to be stained with red meant to be chosen by the Goddess as king. Celtic ruadh meant both “red” and “royal.”
  • The communion wine drunk by witches was menstrual blood. The famous wizard Thomas Rhymer joined a witch cult under the tutelage of the Fairy Queen, who told him she had “a bottle of claret wine here in her lap,” and invited him to lay his head in her lap. Claret was the traditional drink of the kings and also a synonym for blood; its name literally meant ‘enlightenment.’
  • It is still specified in the Left Hand Rite of Tantra that the priestess impersonating the goddess must be menstruating, and after contact with her a man may perform rites that will make him “a great poet, a Lord of the World”
  • Taoists said a man could become immortal (or at least long-lived) by absorbing menstrual blood, called red yin juice, from a woman’s Mysterious Gateway, symbol of life-giving female energy. Chinese sages called this red juice the essence of Mother Earth, the yin principal that gives life to all things. They claimed the Yellow Emperor became a god by absorbing the yin juice of twelve hundred women.
  • Taoist China considered red a sacred color associated with women, blood, sexual potency, and creative power. White was the color of men, semen, passivity, and death. This was the Tantric Idea of male and female essences: the male principal is seen as ‘passive’ and as the female principal as ‘active’, the reverse of later patriarchal views.
  • The Maori rendered anything sacred by coloring it red, and calling the red color menstrual blood. Andaman Islanders thought blood-red paint a powerful medicine, and painted sick people red all over in an effort to cure them.
  • Ancient tombs everywhere have shown the bones of the dead covered with red ochre. Sometimes everything in the tomb, including the walls, had the red color. J.D. Evans described a tomb on Malta filled reddened bones, which struck fear into the workmen who insisted the bones were covered with “fresh blood.”
  • Greek mystics were “born again” out of the river Styx, otherwise known as Alpha, “the Beginning.” This river wound seven times through the earth’s interior and emerged at a yonic shrine near the city of Clitor (Greek kleitoris) sacred to the Great Mother. Styx was the blood-stream from the earth’s vagina.
  • The Sufis, who also practiced Yoni Worship, associated female embodiment with red, and the male counterpart of ‘consciousness’ with white. Red and white colors alternated in the Sufi halka or magic circle, called the very hear of Sufism. The Arab rosary of alternating red and white beads had the same meaning: men and women coupled around the circle.
  • The rites were often governed by old women, due to the ancient belief that post-menopausal women were the wisest people because the permanently retained their “wise blood.”
List adapted from ‘Women’s Encyclopaedia of Myths and Secret‘ by Barbara Walker << --- Reclaiming Our Wise Blood

Perhaps someone can elucidate for us why menstrual blood is "disgusting".
-- Or perhaps not.

Think I already know.
Slavery used to be cool too, but it isnt cool to anyone today. No one cares about what barbarians from the past were into.

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