Menstrual blood portrait of Donald Trump

‘Free bleeding’ and the stupidly clever feminists who fell for it

Does this mean we should all feel terribly outraged on behalf of Kiran? Well up to a point, I’d say. Stripped of its broader social context, her humiliation — even though it wasn’t deliberately inflicted on her personally — does seem a bit ugly and callous and deserving of our pity. But then you ask yourself: ‘Hang on, this girl has got a Harvard MBA, so she’s not exactly thick.

No, this girl is weapons grade stupid, and she has been loaded in the chamber of a very influential gun.

How do vapid whores like Huma Weiner, who actually has an intellectual capacity, end up so astoundingly stupid? How do so many people come out of ivy league schools without any ability to think? I have more respect for drop outs who built small businesses than I ever will for "educated" douchebags who do nothing productive.

The agitprop of the left merely solidifies Trump's relevance, and he is NOT the dude I want to be POTUS.

However, if he can make bed wetting libtards this hysterical he can't be that bad.

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"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Lots of batshit crazy artists have walked the earth, like the one who painted this, which sold for $106.5 million:

Not bad for a crazy fucker eh?

And the crazy bastard who painted this thought people might one day fly. What a loon...
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Well... yeah... When you play with your own bodily fluids. Who wouldn't view you as wacko?

Can you actually imagine meeting one of these loons? "Hi, I paint with my own blood". Go away ya freaking loon
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Well... yeah... When you play with your own bodily fluids. Who wouldn't view you as wacko?

Can you actually imagine meeting one of these loons? "Hi, I paint with my own blood". Go away ya freaking loon
Sounds like something Ravi would do.
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Lots of batshit crazy artists have walked the earth, like the one who painted this, which sold for $106.5 million:

Not bad for a crazy fucker eh?

And the crazy bastard who painted this thought people might one day fly. What a loon...
I still dont see the appeal to the Mona Lisa. I'm convinced there are lots of people that are afraid to say its not remarkable at all for fear of being thought uncultured.
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Well... yeah... When you play with your own bodily fluids. Who wouldn't view you as wacko?

Can you actually imagine meeting one of these loons? "Hi, I paint with my own blood". Go away ya freaking loon
Been done. This guy even wrote a book with his:
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Lots of batshit crazy artists have walked the earth, like the one who painted this, which sold for $106.5 million:

Not bad for a crazy fucker eh?

And the crazy bastard who painted this thought people might one day fly. What a loon...
I still dont see the appeal to the Mona Lisa. I'm convinced there are lots of people that are afraid to say its not remarkable at all for fear of being thought uncultured.
I'd agree, with that and the same for most art...
"Oh that's so amazing and empowering for us women!" :cuckoo:

For her next "painting" maybe she'll use dead baby's blood.
I know ... right? That is not empowering... It's just vile.

And these people wonder why they are viewed as bat shit coo coo
Lots of batshit crazy artists have walked the earth, like the one who painted this, which sold for $106.5 million:

Not bad for a crazy fucker eh?

And the crazy bastard who painted this thought people might one day fly. What a loon...
I still dont see the appeal to the Mona Lisa. I'm convinced there are lots of people that are afraid to say its not remarkable at all for fear of being thought uncultured.
That's because you can't see her titties.

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