Menthol Cigs and Flavored Vapes now banned in CA

Good job nanny state you've given me another reason to move from this hell hole. This state has gone down the drain thanks to democrats. Banned Gas cars by 2035, banning natural gas heat in homes, water restrictions, high cost of living, its time to finally put my house on the market and head back to the South. Fuck California

Any day now Cali will be setting guidelines as to how often you can jerk off.
Good forward looking and progressive action by government for people who don't take care for their own personal wellbeing.

This from a Canadian's POV, that should point out our differences in that we are much more socially conscious.
Frankly 'government' really has no business deciding what is the 'wellbeing' of any sentient citizen.
Frankly 'government' really has no business deciding what is the 'wellbeing' of any sentient citizen.
No, you're wrong and that's because America has always been wrong on that question.

Have yourself another coup attempt to see if you can get it figured out right!
yea you did...when i said it takes one to spot one you never said i was are a faggot....
You're wrong, you're a faggot who gets winded typing and leaves ...... Everywhere

Spell Reindeer for me or keep Reeeing
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You're wrong, you're a faggot who gets winding typing and leaves ...... Everywhere

Spell Reindeer for me or keep Reeeing
winding typing and leaving? have me mixed up with your boyfriend clayton jones....and what the fuck language is Reeeing?.....
winding typing and leaving? have me mixed up with your boyfriend clayton jones....and what the fuck language is Reeeing?.....
Winded as in out of breath idiot or are you having a stroke with all these periods ..........

Idk who Clayton Jones is, that your gay daddy?

Reeeee is your language on full display page after page mad cause someone didn't use their exact location while contributing 0 to the topic

So you finally gonna do that or misspell Reindeer again
Can't wait til they start banning fat people from eating certain foods
They should ban fat people from eating certain foods.

Fat fucks, riding through Walmart in the electric shopping cart with their basket filled high with cookies and chips and processed garbage and soda. We need a Fat Tax!


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