Menthol Cigs and Flavored Vapes now banned in CA

Winded as in out of breath idiot or are you having a stroke with all these periods ..........

Idk who Clayton Jones is, that your gay daddy?

Reeeee is your language on full display page after page mad cause someone didn't use their exact location while contributing 0 to the topic

So you finally gonna do that or misspell Reindeer again
you dont know who jones is?.....look up.....its his dick you have in your mouth...
They should ban fat people from eating certain foods.

Fat fucks, riding through Walmart in the electric shopping cart with their basket filled high with cookies and chips and processed garbage and soda. We need a Fat Tax!

How does any of that affect you honestly? Oh you gotta walk slow behind jabba the fatfuck for a few extra minutes. Cry me a river

Or maybe if were skinny enough you could walk around the lard ass and continue about your assholey day
Shouldn't smoke that shit in the first place.

You're probably right, but shouldn't people have Freedom to choose this for themselves?

After all, California allows legal grass already.

But this is definitely interesting. Folks will be standing on the corner in the ghetto smoking Newports and hide it by lying to the beat cop and explaining that what they are smoking is a joint. The world is upside down.
Enemy democrats want to stop vaping so the people will take fentanyl like democrats want. The cartels are paying enemy democrats good money to increase fentanyl use.

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