Merged Credit downgrade threads

S&P made it clear several times that the main driving force behind a downgrade was the debt, deficit spending, and glacial economic growth.

S&P: Deficit cuts of $4 trillion a good start | Reuters

(Reuters) - Cutting the U.S. deficit by some $4 trillion over 10 years would be a good start, but more savings would be needed over time to bring the country's finances under control, ratings agency Standard & Poor's said on Thursday.

There it is in a nutshell.


The Democrats want to end the Bush Tax Cuts SO THEY CAN SPEND IT.

They want to tax the rich SO THEY CAN SPEND IT.

They want to tax internet sales SO THEY CAN SPEND IT.

They have no intention of paying down the debt...just keep raising the debt ceiling.

And the Republicans are no better. They raised the debt ceiling too, and spent like they stole Dad's credit card.

The Tea Party is the only hope. They are the only ones who are serious about reducing the deficit and the national debt.

The Democrat haven't produced a budget in years!

How can you even pretend to care about the deficit or debt.

When you find yourself getting your credit downgraded for the first time in history, the first thing you should do is STOP SPENDING.

Then cut spending...cut it some more...and when you get done....go back and cut again.

Then and only then can we raise pay down the debt.

If the Tea Party wanted to reduce the deficit they would have supported the President's plan to reduce the deficit by $4T and raise $1T in revenue. Then The U.S. credit rating would not have been downgraded.

The Tea Party, like you, are FULL OF SHIT!

They got what they wanted: a national economic disaster!


Or the Senate could have passed the RAND PAUL Tea Party bill that balanced the deficit in 5 years that didn't touch SS/MC/MC.... Right on man, you're not like bias or politically inferior at all!

Still trying to blame the TP for something that well, never happened I see!

I do love the fact that even though It has been proven over and over you and a few others will still leave the conversation thinking you're right even after being proven (factually, evidence) wrong.
Keep it up, the support for Obama is falling faster than at any other point in his presidency, you’re on to something!
Nice cherry-picking, CTL-C/CTL-V....

Try these paragraphs:

S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating — Press Release - MarketBeat - WSJ

Owned in the face... And the best part is they never say taxes are the way to get revenue, they could mean policy that grows the economy but hey, being they are clear on spending and "entitlement spending" specifically as being a problem but don’t say "taxes needed to be raised" what do we get?? We get people trying to claim spending cuts are not needed but of course higher taxes are!

Please stop making this political. Other countries with much higher tax rates and much higher spending rates than America have AAA ratings.

Which country that currently has a AAA rating has a higher corporate tax rate? Which one has higher spending rates? WHAT F-ING ONE, PROVIDE A SOURCE GODDAMN IT
Nice cherry-picking, CTL-C/CTL-V....

Try these paragraphs:

S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating — Press Release - MarketBeat - WSJ

Owned in the face... And the best part is they never say taxes are the way to get revenue, they could mean policy that grows the economy but hey, being they are clear on spending and "entitlement spending" specifically as being a problem but don’t say "taxes needed to be raised" what do we get?? We get people trying to claim spending cuts are not needed but of course higher taxes are!

Please stop making this political. Other countries with much higher tax rates and much higher spending rates than America have AAA ratings.

Toro, see if you can keep up on this PLEASE! More taxes would have NOT raised enough revenue to put even a dent in the deficit... Cuts would have and could have quickly balanced the budget... Obama, The Senate and the house all votes yes to a crap budget that didn't raise taxes nor did it do any meaningful cuts at all...

This played out just as many of us (me too) predicted! So why would I listen to others when they get it wrong over and over?
Nice cherry-picking, CTL-C/CTL-V....

Try these paragraphs:

S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating — Press Release - MarketBeat - WSJ

Owned in the face... And the best part is they never say taxes are the way to get revenue, they could mean policy that grows the economy but hey, being they are clear on spending and "entitlement spending" specifically as being a problem but don’t say "taxes needed to be raised" what do we get?? We get people trying to claim spending cuts are not needed but of course higher taxes are!

Please stop making this political. Other countries with much higher tax rates and much higher spending rates than America have AAA ratings.

Technically, the reasons ARE political in that the parties can't get together and fix this shit...
Nice cherry-picking, CTL-C/CTL-V....

Try these paragraphs:

S&P Downgrades U.S. Debt Rating — Press Release - MarketBeat - WSJ

Owned in the face... And the best part is they never say taxes are the way to get revenue, they could mean policy that grows the economy but hey, being they are clear on spending and "entitlement spending" specifically as being a problem but don’t say "taxes needed to be raised" what do we get?? We get people trying to claim spending cuts are not needed but of course higher taxes are!

Youre not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?
It says:
especially on entitlements, or on reaching an agreement on raising revenues is less likely than we previously assumed and will remain a contentious and fitful process.

Wait, are you saying there is only 1 way to raise revenues? Are you really going to do this???????
the two years the democrats held a super majority in congress, and never ever--not one fuc*ing time passed a budget means absolutely nothing to the mindlessly uninformed morons on this thread
Won't you right-wing nutters be surprised by S&P's justification for the downgrade. Will you accept the reasoning?
Let's see...Debt ceiling gets raised, with absolutely ZERO substantive change in spending trajectory, then half of it gets blown within 48 hours.

Gee...I wonder why any credit agency would downgrade such a credit risk? :eusa_whistle:

Who has been in charge?

Great liberal minds are hard at work
thinking on how to blame this on Bush

Well, we will all know soon enough who the public blames. There will be endless polls taken over the next week for initial reactions. Everyone should just calm down, except BDBoop, you can go fuck yourself.
Hey!!! Hard Core Non-thinking conservatives.....
Look what Hannity wont be saying: 'Reagan proved deficits don't matter," Dick Cheney told Paul O'Neill during a Cabinet meeting.

Although Im a Centrist, you GOP fans are REALLY spewing a lot of emotion and opinion around. I see NO facts. If I was wrong I would say it. But EVERYTHING factual says Im correct.

Im going to relax now and pour myself a nice glass of Guiness. :razz:
the two years the democrats held a super majority in congress, and never ever--not one fuc*ing time passed a budget means absolutely nothing to the mindlessly uninformed morons on this thread

This will be one of the hardest things for Obama to get around in the 2012 election, and all the Dems in congress... People will keep asking, why did you wait and why should we believe you will actually do anything you say in the future?

Again, I'm not being bias, I really do mean it when I say the Dems have fucked themselves... They tried to pin this all on the Tea Party but your average American does not give a shit, they don't even know what congress is or does, they just know the President's name.
Owned in the face... And the best part is they never say taxes are the way to get revenue, they could mean policy that grows the economy but hey, being they are clear on spending and "entitlement spending" specifically as being a problem but don’t say "taxes needed to be raised" what do we get?? We get people trying to claim spending cuts are not needed but of course higher taxes are!

Please stop making this political. Other countries with much higher tax rates and much higher spending rates than America have AAA ratings.

Which country that currently has a AAA rating has a higher corporate tax rate? Which one has higher spending rates? WHAT F-ING ONE, PROVIDE A SOURCE GODDAMN IT

chill, dude, it's not worth having a stroke.

it's obvious that the fault lies with the pols of both parties and with ourselves.

stomping your feet won't change it.

Hey!!! Hard Core Non-thinking conservatives.....
Look what Hannity wont be saying: 'Reagan proved deficits don't matter," Dick Cheney told Paul O'Neill during a Cabinet meeting.

Although Im a Centrist, you GOP fans are REALLY spewing a lot of emotion and opinion around. I see NO facts. If I was wrong I would say it. But EVERYTHING factual says Im correct.

Im going to relax now and pour myself a nice glass of Guiness. :razz:

Hey!!! Hard Core Non-thinking conservatives.....
Look what Hannity wont be saying: 'Reagan proved deficits don't matter," Dick Cheney told Paul O'Neill during a Cabinet meeting.

Although Im a Centrist, you GOP fans are REALLY spewing a lot of emotion and opinion around. I see NO facts. If I was wrong I would say it. But EVERYTHING factual says Im correct.

Im going to relax now and pour myself a nice glass of Guiness. :razz:

10 bucks you watch more Hanity/Beck/Bill/Rush than most "conservaties" on these boards. I never nor have I every invested time in these people, they are there for people like you, you give them rating and are the reason they get paid so much.
Please stop making this political. Other countries with much higher tax rates and much higher spending rates than America have AAA ratings.

Which country that currently has a AAA rating has a higher corporate tax rate? Which one has higher spending rates? WHAT F-ING ONE, PROVIDE A SOURCE GODDAMN IT

chill, dude, it's not worth having a stroke.

it's obvious that the fault lies with the pols of both parties and with ourselves.

stomping your feet won't change it.


Toro is a good guy, I think the problem here is he has a bias and it's showing but he is trying to make it about something it's not (taxes) rather than do as the others here are doing and just blame the Tea Party because Toro is in fact to smart to play such a losing hand.
Hey!!! Hard Core Non-thinking conservatives.....
Look what Hannity wont be saying: 'Reagan proved deficits don't matter," Dick Cheney told Paul O'Neill during a Cabinet meeting.

Although Im a Centrist, you GOP fans are REALLY spewing a lot of emotion and opinion around. I see NO facts. If I was wrong I would say it. But EVERYTHING factual says Im correct.

Im going to relax now and pour myself a nice glass of Guiness. :razz:

Oh, you're a centrist :clap2: Good for you.

This downgrade has proven that debt and deficits do have consequences. Drink your shitty beer and shut up.
Wait, are you saying there is only 1 way to raise revenues? Are you really going to do this???????

What did your Party do to raise revenues? Not a god damn thing. They LOWERED revenue while going to war with Iraq!!!!!! :cuckoo:


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