Merkel babble about more tolerance and respect towards 'refuges'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Nothing can stop this 'women'.Even yesterday she babble about tolerance and respect towards 'refuges' ( male, 90 % uneducated, 99,99 % Muslims from dirtiest countries, probably waiting for their reactivation as IS-Fighters.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel responded to the Paris massacre by calling for “tolerance” towards migrants and respect for “the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live,” as her policy of allowing in hundreds of thousands of refugees came under fresh scrutiny.

Merkel Calls For “Tolerance” Towards Migrants After Paris Massacre

What kind of 'democracy' has Germany if no one can stop her.Even Stalin, Lenin or Hitler do not wanted completely ruin their countries. Merkel is the First Ruler of a country in Human History which can completely destroy the country within a couple of years.

Merkel's goal is 10 or more millions Muslim 'refuges' in 2016. Her 'government' is preparing new laws for quickly eviction of natives, confiscation their property and imprisonment for 'hate crimes' if they dare to criticizes Merkels 'refuge' policy.

The US Host Michael Savage demands war crime tribunal for Merkel due to performed by her genocide on Germans. That's right.

Michael Savage: Merkel is currently conducting a merciless war against her own country and people

Michael Savage: Merkel is currently conducting a merciless war against her own country and people

Flooding of Tibet with Chinese immigrants is called genocide.
Flooding of Germany with Muslim immigrants is called diversity.
Her stupidity and ignorance is EPIC. One could very easily surmise that she actually has plans to destroy Germany. The German people should have that woman arrested for treason.
Her stupidity and ignorance is EPIC. One could very easily surmise that she actually has plans to destroy Germany. The German people should have that woman arrested for treason.

it's ironic..the germans fought against communism and the hated communists in WWII (recall that communism is a jewish invention. marx, et al.)...and then after WWII the commies partitioned germany and we had 40 years of cold war....

now the communist merkel is in charge of germany and is invading her own country with 3rd world subhumans whose violent "culture" and "religion" make them unsuitable for living in a western nation.

they fought so hard against communism and now a commie is in charge...interesting times.
take a good like at Merkel. that's what we will look like you put in the OLD fogies, Hillary or Bernie.

two babbling old people who believes only they have the answers to all the world problems. and if you don't bow to them, they'll just torture you with babbling gibberish . We already played around with someone acting like a dictator with Obama. Is that really what you want again for us? but this time they will both need walkers and propped up to give a speech.


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