Merkel: "The times in which we could fully rely on others have somewhat ceased."


Nov 14, 2012
In a speech Merkel said that the Europeans must take their destiny in our own hands.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:10 P.M.) – The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, that the US are no longer a reliable partner and called for European self-determination. Merkel made these remarks during a speech at a beerfest in Munich Trudering, where she was campaigning together with the Bavarian Minister President Horst Seehofer from the party of the Christian Social Union (CSU).

While Seehofer is known for his strong worded rhetoric, strong remarks are uncommon for the chancellor to voice, Merkel is often criticised for her indecisiveness. But following the latest G7 summit at Sicily, that led to a deep discord and Merkels assessment, that the talks were basically six against one, Trump also targeted Germany’s trade policy, labeling the many car sales of Germany’s motor companies in the US as “bad, very bad.”

In addition to trade policies Merkel and Trump also diverge in questions of climate protection and military budgeting of NATO member states. The following is a translated excerpt of Merkel’s speech on Sunday:

“The times in which we could fully rely on others have somewhat ceased, this I experienced in recent days. And therefore i can only say: We Europeans have to actually take our destiny in our own hands, naturally in friendship with the USA, in friendship with Great Britain, in good neighboorhood whereever possible with Russia and others too, but we need to know, we have to fight for our future ourselves, as Europeans for our destiny”."

Below is the video of Merkel’s campaign speech:

German Chancellor Merkel: US no longer a reliable partner
Hey, Trump and FOX news have been telling us what a success his foreign trip was. Guess they forgot to mention that Trump pissed off Germany.
Hey, Trump and FOX news have been telling us what a success his foreign trip was. Guess they forgot to mention that Trump pissed off Germany.
We are going to raise a 35 % fee on Trump visits. Terrorism charges possible.
She is looking at an American leader who is unbalanced and forms his opinions watching tv with his breakfast. Of course she is right to be concerned and communicate that to the people who employ her.
Germany and the rest of Europe ought to be responsible for their own defense, the days when the US could subsidize everybody else are gone and Trump is right to spell that out. Of course they aren't going to like it, but this has been going on for too long. The EU has to be more concerned with their internal security these days, with so many people from the ME coming in or already there. Let's not make this about Trump cuz he is only doing what should have been done many years ago.
Trump's going to topple another hag.
On twitter, I guess.
Whatever. Frau Merkel is employing desperation measure by banking on the same thing Frau Clinton did which is something like vote for me because I don't like Trump. I don't know if that or a thriving economy is going to save her in light of her colossal fuck up on immigration.
It is also because nobody takes that Schulz guy seriously. He will probably witness a big defeat.
Germany and the rest of Europe ought to be responsible for their own defense, the days when the US could subsidize everybody else are gone and Trump is right to spell that out. Of course they aren't going to like it, but this has been going on for too long. The EU has to be more concerned with their internal security these days, with so many people from the ME coming in or already there. Let's not make this about Trump cuz he is only doing what should have been done many years ago.
We Germans have no desire in "protection" and paying protection money. The crook can call his troops home.
Germany and the rest of Europe ought to be responsible for their own defense, the days when the US could subsidize everybody else are gone and Trump is right to spell that out. Of course they aren't going to like it, but this has been going on for too long. The EU has to be more concerned with their internal security these days, with so many people from the ME coming in or already there. Let's not make this about Trump cuz he is only doing what should have been done many years ago.
We Germans have no desire in "protection" and paying protection money. The crook can call his troops home.

You tell me, haven't the Germans and pretty much the rest of Europe been doing that since NATO's inception? Which is understandable, they hardly had the wherewithal to do so themselves for a long time. However, that time has passed and the EU countries ought to be shouldering that burden themselves; IMHO Americans need to be looking to their own fiscal problems and obligations.

Maybe it is time for our troops stationed in Europe to come home and those bases closed up. However, those bases offer an intermediate place to stash men and materiel if a war breaks out in the ME or Africa. And if we are not there and Putin decides to annex the 3 Baltic states and we are no longer in Europe, what then? This guy wants to restore the old Soviet Union to it's former glory, do we allow that? Would he stop there or continue on to the rest of Europe? Appeasement didn't work with Hitler or any other imperialist conqueror, so what is the smart thing to do?
Germany and the rest of Europe ought to be responsible for their own defense, the days when the US could subsidize everybody else are gone and Trump is right to spell that out. Of course they aren't going to like it, but this has been going on for too long. The EU has to be more concerned with their internal security these days, with so many people from the ME coming in or already there. Let's not make this about Trump cuz he is only doing what should have been done many years ago.
We Germans have no desire in "protection" and paying protection money. The crook can call his troops home.

You tell me, haven't the Germans and pretty much the rest of Europe been doing that since NATO's inception? Which is understandable, they hardly had the wherewithal to do so themselves for a long time. However, that time has passed and the EU countries ought to be shouldering that burden themselves; IMHO Americans need to be looking to their own fiscal problems and obligations.

Maybe it is time for our troops stationed in Europe to come home and those bases closed up. However, those bases offer an intermediate place to stash men and materiel if a war breaks out in the ME or Africa. And if we are not there and Putin decides to annex the 3 Baltic states and we are no longer in Europe, what then? This guy wants to restore the old Soviet Union to it's former glory, do we allow that? Would he stop there or continue on to the rest of Europe? Appeasement didn't work with Hitler or any other imperialist conqueror, so what is the smart thing to do?
No, Putin does not want to restore the Soviet Union. And if he does, it is a domestic matter. Currently, our country is occupied by Nato troops, not by Russia. My concern is Germany´s sovereignty, not who controls the Baltic states. If they have US puppet governments or if they join the Russian Federation - It is not up to Germany to decide. As far as I am concerned, the US should get out of Europe. They are causing trouble, you know. Merkel is right, we need our sovereignty back. Russia is a good partner and we are dependent on their recources even more than they need our money. We don´t need no bully who determines that "hereby Russia is your enemy and we deploy more troops". The smart thing to do is certainly to put the imperialist conquerer out of Europe.
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The Europeans can take care of their own defense. The EU has the ability to raise ground forces with a population of 450 million (without the UK) it has the manpower and the economy to churn out tanks and aircraft as needed. And, it has its own capability to build ballistic missiles, fighter and bomber aircraft etc. While the naval forces are designed for regional operations, the EU does have 3 carriers the De Gaulle (France), the Cavour and Garibaldi (Italy) plus a good number of other naval assets, much more than anyone else except the U.S. Much more than Russia, for example. This combined with France's Force de Frappe, designed to obliterate any one enemy at a time, can be improved to be able to handle more enemies at a time, though it probably isn't necessary as it's hard to imagine any country would attack the EU with nukes.
The Europeans can take care of their own defense. The EU has the ability to raise ground forces with a population of 450 million (without the UK) it has the manpower and the economy to churn out tanks and aircraft as needed. And, it has its own capability to build ballistic missiles, fighter and bomber aircraft etc. While the naval forces are designed for regional operations, the EU does have 3 carriers the De Gaulle (France), the Cavour and Garibaldi (Italy) plus a good number of other naval assets, much more than anyone else except the U.S. Much more than Russia, for example. This combined with France's Force de Frappe, designed to obliterate any one enemy at a time, can be improved to be able to handle more enemies at a time, though it probably isn't necessary as it's hard to imagine any country would attack the EU with nukes.
Germany's Disarmed Forces: Ramshackle Military at Odds with Global Aspirations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
The Europeans can take care of their own defense. The EU has the ability to raise ground forces with a population of 450 million (without the UK) it has the manpower and the economy to churn out tanks and aircraft as needed. And, it has its own capability to build ballistic missiles, fighter and bomber aircraft etc. While the naval forces are designed for regional operations, the EU does have 3 carriers the De Gaulle (France), the Cavour and Garibaldi (Italy) plus a good number of other naval assets, much more than anyone else except the U.S. Much more than Russia, for example. This combined with France's Force de Frappe, designed to obliterate any one enemy at a time, can be improved to be able to handle more enemies at a time, though it probably isn't necessary as it's hard to imagine any country would attack the EU with nukes.
Germany's Disarmed Forces: Ramshackle Military at Odds with Global Aspirations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

I said Europe, not Germany alone. Many EU states have better trained and equipped military and France and Italy have far more naval assets than Germany.
The Europeans can take care of their own defense. The EU has the ability to raise ground forces with a population of 450 million (without the UK) it has the manpower and the economy to churn out tanks and aircraft as needed. And, it has its own capability to build ballistic missiles, fighter and bomber aircraft etc. While the naval forces are designed for regional operations, the EU does have 3 carriers the De Gaulle (France), the Cavour and Garibaldi (Italy) plus a good number of other naval assets, much more than anyone else except the U.S. Much more than Russia, for example. This combined with France's Force de Frappe, designed to obliterate any one enemy at a time, can be improved to be able to handle more enemies at a time, though it probably isn't necessary as it's hard to imagine any country would attack the EU with nukes.
Germany's Disarmed Forces: Ramshackle Military at Odds with Global Aspirations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

I said Europe, not Germany alone. Many EU states have better trained and equipped military and France and Italy have far more naval assets than Germany.
NATO runs short on some munitions in Libya

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