Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.

Ahhhhh .... Germany has to pay for its own defence?

That's gonna put a big dent in their welfare spending for immigrants.
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

As popular as Hillary was here?

Just curious ...

To think a former member in good standing of Stasi is the leader of the Free World is mad indeed.
It sounds like Merkel didn't appreciate the lecture about "thousands upon thousands of people pouring in", in her case a million refugees. She probably felt that the speech hit a little too close to home.

If she doesn't understand the threat of terror and the precarious situation that the E.U is in than it doesn't matter who their partners are. They have gone years without paying their agreed upon commitment to NATO, but they find great energy and cash for climate change and helping the less fortunate of the world. A backhand to the face of her own citizens who demand peace and security in their own country. Worse, she makes her own police and intelligence agencies work that much harder trying to understand who poses a threat and who doesn't.

America has to lead the way in changing the course that the West has been going on for too long, there's no happiness or prosperity in state bankruptcy, lost jobs and lost generations.
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
Refugees are not imported but have a right in international to seek asylum. Greece and Italy have done heroic work in accommodating asylum seekers. Angela Merkel has also preserved the honor of Europeans by welcoming around a million refugees during the height of the crisis. In 2016 about 280,000 migrants applied for asylum, less than a third of the 890,000 applications received in 2015. Fewer than half have been given full refugee status and there remains a backlog of applications.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany has fallen dramatically
Angela Merkel has done us proud and her moral leadership is unquestioned in the European Union.
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
Refugees are not imported but have a right in international to seek asylum. Greece and Italy have done heroic work in accommodating asylum seekers. Angela Merkel has also preserved the honor of Europeans by welcoming around a million refugees during the height of the crisis. In 2016 about 280,000 migrants applied for asylum, less than a third of the 890,000 applications received in 2015. Fewer than half have been given full refugee status and there remains a backlog of applications.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany has fallen dramatically
Angela Merkel has done us proud and her moral leadership is unquestioned in the European Union.

If the Germans retain her, she will destroy Europe.
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
Refugees are not imported but have a right in international to seek asylum. Greece and Italy have done heroic work in accommodating asylum seekers. Angela Merkel has also preserved the honor of Europeans by welcoming around a million refugees during the height of the crisis. In 2016 about 280,000 migrants applied for asylum, less than a third of the 890,000 applications received in 2015. Fewer than half have been given full refugee status and there remains a backlog of applications.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany has fallen dramatically
Angela Merkel has done us proud and her moral leadership is unquestioned in the European Union.

Merkel isn't the enemy, but the fact is that the entire EU don't seem to understand that America has been fleeced for a long time and now has to change course. It takes leadership, courage and a realistic view of what is going on to address this.

I do however wish the GOP would address the biggest threat, which is China. This will probably only be solved with a border tax, so broad that they can't circumvent it.

Errr, I also beg to differ regarding some of your claims:

More than 250 Syrian refugees drown after Italian forces ignored sinking ship
More than 250 Syrian refugees drown after Italian forces ignored sinking ship

until Monday, the public did not know that the refugees had alerted Italian authorities that they were in distress as early as five hours before their ship sank. Even though the refugees' ship called the Italian coast guard and warned that it was floating adrift, taking on water and had wounded children aboard, Italian authorities refused to intervene for several hours.

L'Espresso published five recordings of separate telephone conversations from the day of the incident. In the first, at 12:39 p.m., passenger Mohanned Jammo, a doctor who survived the shipwreck and who had a smartphone with him, calls the headquarters of the Italian coast guard in Rome asking for help. "The boat is going down" and "water is coming into it," he says. A woman can be heard asking for his position, which he gives.

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‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Chancellor Merkel is now the leader of the free world. Our fat senile old orange clown has abdicated that position.
It sounds like Merkel didn't appreciate the lecture about "thousands upon thousands of people pouring in", in her case a million refugees. She probably felt that the speech hit a little too close to home.

If she doesn't understand the threat of terror and the precarious situation that the E.U is in than it doesn't matter who their partners are. They have gone years without paying their agreed upon commitment to NATO, but they find great energy and cash for climate change and helping the less fortunate of the world. A backhand to the face of her own citizens who demand peace and security in their own country. Worse, she makes her own police and intelligence agencies work that much harder trying to understand who poses a threat and who doesn't.

America has to lead the way in changing the course that the West has been going on for too long, there's no happiness or prosperity in state bankruptcy, lost jobs and lost generations.
Germans know what terror means. The targeting of civilians in the incendiary carpet bombing of Dresden by the Anglo-Americans in 1945 is not forgotten.
The European Union is strong today and we can do fine without the English and Americans. Have no worry.
The 2% of GDP by NATO members is only a guideline and not meant to be in place until 2020, years from now.
Angela Merkel's party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) saw a surge in support in Germany's most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) recently. She is set to retain power in September's general election.
Victory in state vote shows Germany's Merkel on course to retain power
The German intelligence agency does as good work as any in the free world and, like in England, more needs to be done ro combat terrorism.
Europe does not look to American bankers and real estate speculators for leadership.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Chancellor Merkel is now the leader of the free world. Our fat senile old orange clown has abdicated that position.

Oh really? Good, then Merkel can negotiate peace in the Middle East, address Chinese trade abuses, deal with Russian sanctions, North Korean sanctions, work to deny Iran the nuke, push for the Euro to be the global currency, destroy ISIS and coordinate intelligence agencies to defend the world from terror. This among many other things. Hell, she couldn't even keep the E.U together, because they wanted centralized power, and it looks as if others aren't too eager to remain either.

No, she won't do this and you know she won't. Why? Because the E.U, like Canada is a protectionist bloc that pretends it is capitalist, while exploiting real capitalist countries like America. They surely wouldn't allow the unbridled capitalism that America does and definitely not the individual freedom.
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

As popular as Hillary was here?

Just curious ...

To think a former member in good standing of Stasi is the leader of the Free World is mad indeed.
A person who has grown-up in the oppressive GDR knows better than most what the values of freedom means. Angela Merkel is now the undisputed Leader in the European Union and the Free World.
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
And, in the meantime in this nation, we have to deal with evil malignant fucks like you. Sure, make the whole world the enemy of the USA. Sure worked out good for Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

As popular as Hillary was here?

Just curious ...

To think a former member in good standing of Stasi is the leader of the Free World is mad indeed.
Hillary was almost 3 million more votes popular than the fat senile old orange clown.
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

As popular as Hillary was here?

Just curious ...

To think a former member in good standing of Stasi is the leader of the Free World is mad indeed.
Hillary was almost 3 million more votes popular than the fat senile old orange clown.

But she lost the Electoral College. Need we say it again?
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
Refugees are not imported but have a right in international to seek asylum. Greece and Italy have done heroic work in accommodating asylum seekers. Angela Merkel has also preserved the honor of Europeans by welcoming around a million refugees during the height of the crisis. In 2016 about 280,000 migrants applied for asylum, less than a third of the 890,000 applications received in 2015. Fewer than half have been given full refugee status and there remains a backlog of applications.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany has fallen dramatically
Angela Merkel has done us proud and her moral leadership is unquestioned in the European Union.
The problem with that scenario is that the majority of those pouring into Germany are not refugees. I've seen numbers that say 70-80% are not from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other war torn country. These are, for the most part, economic migrants.

As far as the EU, an unelected legislature that neither initiates nor votes on legislation? Sounds more like the Soviets. Merkel has said herself that the migrant crisis will likely cost more than the Marshall Plan, this in the most lackluster economic zone on the planet. Good luck, you're going to need it. And all this for the implementation of the Fourth Reich.
It's about time Germany got off its ass. Now they can deal with their importing islamic terrorists their damn selves.
Refugees are not imported but have a right in international to seek asylum. Greece and Italy have done heroic work in accommodating asylum seekers. Angela Merkel has also preserved the honor of Europeans by welcoming around a million refugees during the height of the crisis. In 2016 about 280,000 migrants applied for asylum, less than a third of the 890,000 applications received in 2015. Fewer than half have been given full refugee status and there remains a backlog of applications.
The number of asylum seekers in Germany has fallen dramatically
Angela Merkel has done us proud and her moral leadership is unquestioned in the European Union.
The problem with that scenario is that the majority of those pouring into Germany are not refugees. I've seen numbers that say 70-80% are not from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other war torn country. These are, for the most part, economic migrants.

As far as the EU, an unelected legislature that neither initiates nor votes on legislation? Sounds more like the Soviets. Merkel has said herself that the migrant crisis will likely cost more than the Marshall Plan, this in the most lackluster economic zone on the planet. Good luck, you're going to need it. And all this for the implementation of the Fourth Reich.
There is a lot of bogus information put out by racists with an agenda and those who are anti European Union. If you had read the link I cited then you will see that your non-cited numbers which you have seen are not supported by German government data. "The acceptance rate for almost all nationalities was below half, with only a fifth from Afghanistan and 2 per cent from Pakistan, averaging at 37 per cent." Also, contrary to what you wrote, "Syrians make up the largest group of arrivals ..."

I do not know what newspapers you are reading but you are also misinformed about the European Parliament. Although the Council of Ministers tasks the Commission to draft legislation, this cannot be enacted without the approval of the elected Parliament.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.

Did Trump allow millions of Muslims into Germany and the rest of Europe? No. Merkel did, she is the reckless and irresponsible one.
Since you Liberals love your polls, get a load of this one. 81% of Germans say she screwed the pooch on the migrant crisis.
Angela Merkel has made a mess of the refugee situation say 81% on Germans | Daily Mail Online
Angela Merkel is very popular in Germany and in Europe. She is considered the Leader of the Free World since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

As popular as Hillary was here?

Just curious ...

To think a former member in good standing of Stasi is the leader of the Free World is mad indeed.
Hillary was almost 3 million more votes popular than the fat senile old orange clown.

And Trump won 30 of 50 states and more electoral votes. But hey if an extra 3 million votes from CA and NY make you feel better...

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