Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Maybe Frau Merkel will start spending a whole 2% of GDP on their own defense instead of 1.2.

Who would want to attack Germany?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.

Did Trump allow millions of Muslims into Germany and the rest of Europe? No. Merkel did, she is the reckless and irresponsible one.
It is a violation of international law to refuse asylum to refugees.

And coming in on false pretences? In a 'Trojan Horse'?
Applicants for asylum are vetted.

All those boat people you mean?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Maybe Frau Merkel will start spending a whole 2% of GDP on their own defense instead of 1.2.

Who would want to attack Germany?
The potential enemy of the European Union is Russia.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Chancellor Merkel is now the leader of the free world. Our fat senile old orange clown has abdicated that position.
Wow, it didn't take long for a traitor like you to switch allegiance.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
We understand. The left would rather us be invaded by Muslims, and go to war with Russia. Hillary was going to implement their plan for the one world govt. and it failed. So now we have to deal with hissyfits for the next eight to sixteen years.
Merkels liberal European position that borders and background vetting are too offensive to immigrants. in that case just let anyone an everyone settle in our country even if some are terrorist. They will appreciate our charity and gesture of good faith. For that they will appreciate, assimilate and learn to love us all... Silly EU liberals your politically correct policy of appeasement is never going to work for history always says so
D'ya reckon a wall might solve the problem?

No wall.just borders inforced by a new 21st century immigration system that can screen inbound migrants..atleast mitigate the risk of spreading terrorism and disease..Protect the native citizen population so the immigrants that qualify to enter have a healthy country to settle in not a open border entitlement program financially bankruped country that half of immigrants refuse to assimilate with because due to unchecked open borders that country looses its culture and pride from globalist thinking ideology from people like Merkel and Obama that care more about the immigrants than the citizens they took an oath to serve in that country such as Germany and America before Trump
What about in the main city at least...what's the name of it again?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What absolute rubbish.

Are you sure you're not Herr Juncker?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What absolute rubbish.

Are you sure you're not Herr Juncker?
You do not say what you believe is unreasonable about my post so I cannot respond to your objection.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What absolute rubbish.

Are you sure you're not Herr Juncker?
You do not say what you believe is unreasonable about my post so I cannot respond to your objection.

That's a relief.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What absolute rubbish.

Are you sure you're not Herr Juncker?
Don't tell him that London is no longer the financial center of the world..
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
We understand. The left would rather us be invaded by Muslims, and go to war with Russia. Hillary was going to implement their plan for the one world govt. and it failed. So now we have to deal with hissyfits for the next eight to sixteen years.
The invaders could be Muslims from Russia.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

What absolute rubbish.

Are you sure you're not Herr Juncker?
Don't tell him that London is no longer the financial center of the world..

Why? Is it New York?

London will remain world’s 'leading financial centre' despite Brexit, says senior City figure.

Says The Telegraph.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Would a federal UN be more practicable now that we have Google Translate; and Towers of Babel are no longer any form of obstacle.
The European Union (EU) is developing a closer political union. English has been the working language throughout the EU with simultaneous translations where necessary. With Brexit, English is bound to lose its position and will likely be replaced by French because it is a Romance language, sharing many elements with Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Macron is so far doing a great job: the opposite of our new prez.
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
We understand. The left would rather us be invaded by Muslims, and go to war with Russia. Hillary was going to implement their plan for the one world govt. and it failed. So now we have to deal with hissyfits for the next eight to sixteen years.
Reagan is rolling in his grave.
Hillary was almost 3 million more votes popular than the fat senile old orange clown.

It's amazing how hard it is for you to understand we elect the POTUS via The Electoral Collage, if it was won by Popular Votes he would have campaigned in the Left Coast States...
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Maybe Frau Merkel will start spending a whole 2% of GDP on their own defense instead of 1.2.

Who would want to attack Germany?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
Maybe Frau Merkel will start spending a whole 2% of GDP on their own defense instead of 1.2.

Who would want to attack Germany?

What for?
‘Frankfurt am Main (AFP) - Europe "must take its fate into its own hands" faced with a western alliance divided by Brexit and Donald Trump's presidency, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.’

Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners

Actually, it’s Trump who is unreliable – as well as reckless and irresponsible.
We understand. The left would rather us be invaded by Muslims, and go to war with Russia. Hillary was going to implement their plan for the one world govt. and it failed. So now we have to deal with hissyfits for the next eight to sixteen years.
The invaders could be Muslims from Russia.

In Poland that's actually true, most of it's Muslim refugees are Chechens.

Although apparently most of those Chechens want to go to Germany instead, seeing Germany as more tolerant, and richer.

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