Merkel Warns US, Britain No Longer Reliable Partners

ust like
They're like a load of sheep.
Have you ever even been there? Your comment is ludicrous. The sheep are the RW nut jobs on here. Like yourself, for example.

I live amongst them.

Once you resort to name calling, stupid labeling, and then display astonishing ignorance, you have no argument.
Sounds like you are describing yourself, sweetie, and the entire population of right wingers on this board. . I have lived for many years in both Germany and Austria. I don't believe you 'live among' Germans. If you did, and had half a brain, you'd know they are not 'sheep.' But maybe you don't even have half a brain, or don't know how to use it.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
ust like
They're like a load of sheep.
Have you ever even been there? Your comment is ludicrous. The sheep are the RW nut jobs on here. Like yourself, for example.

I live amongst them.

Once you resort to name calling, stupid labeling, and then display astonishing ignorance, you have no argument.
Sounds like you are describing yourself, sweetie, and the entire population of right wingers on this board. . I have lived for many years in both Germany and Austria. I don't believe you 'live among' Germans. If you did, and had half a brain, you'd know they are not 'sheep.' But maybe you don't even have half a brain, or don't know how to use it.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.


It ain't rocket science....

Fertility rate in Germany rises to 33-year high

Yep,Germany is fucked.
LMAO The population growth in Germany is 0.5%. You people are so stupid.

Not anymore numbnuts.
The muslims are out fucking the's only a matter of time.

Germany's birthrate is at its highest level in 33 years due to immigration
You are fucking sick.

For stating the obvious?
It's you who should be questioning your mental health.
Stating the obvious according to close minded racists and bigots.

So the media who's reporting the stats are racist?
ust like
Have you ever even been there? Your comment is ludicrous. The sheep are the RW nut jobs on here. Like yourself, for example.

I live amongst them.

Once you resort to name calling, stupid labeling, and then display astonishing ignorance, you have no argument.
Sounds like you are describing yourself, sweetie, and the entire population of right wingers on this board. . I have lived for many years in both Germany and Austria. I don't believe you 'live among' Germans. If you did, and had half a brain, you'd know they are not 'sheep.' But maybe you don't even have half a brain, or don't know how to use it.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
Actually, I'm finding this very humorous. It is common for simple minded folks like you with no vision to not understand that millions of American expats live and work overseas for their entire career. It's so funny because you are so limited in your understanding of the world that you disbelieve someone who tells you she is one of those people. Hilarious.
LMAO The population growth in Germany is 0.5%. You people are so stupid.

Not anymore numbnuts.
The muslims are out fucking the's only a matter of time.

Germany's birthrate is at its highest level in 33 years due to immigration
You are fucking sick.

For stating the obvious?
It's you who should be questioning your mental health.
Stating the obvious according to close minded racists and bigots.

So the media who's reporting the stats are racist?
OMG you are ridiculous.
Not anymore numbnuts.
The muslims are out fucking the's only a matter of time.

Germany's birthrate is at its highest level in 33 years due to immigration
You are fucking sick.

For stating the obvious?
It's you who should be questioning your mental health.
Stating the obvious according to close minded racists and bigots.

So the media who's reporting the stats are racist?
OMG you are ridiculous.

So let me get this straight.
The media says the recent birthrate boom in germany is caused by muslim immigrants...No Racism.

But when I repeat that data ......Racism!!!

God you're a vapid bimbo.
ust like
I live amongst them.

Once you resort to name calling, stupid labeling, and then display astonishing ignorance, you have no argument.
Sounds like you are describing yourself, sweetie, and the entire population of right wingers on this board. . I have lived for many years in both Germany and Austria. I don't believe you 'live among' Germans. If you did, and had half a brain, you'd know they are not 'sheep.' But maybe you don't even have half a brain, or don't know how to use it.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
Actually, I'm finding this very humorous. It is common for simple minded folks like you with no vision to not understand that millions of American expats live and work overseas for their entire career. It's so funny because you are so limited in your understanding of the world that you disbelieve someone who tells you she is one of those people. Hilarious.

I couldn't care less if you'd worked in Papua New Guinea. Or even if you find it humorous.

Your BS is down to your hysterical rantings. Not to your subjective talk about where you've lived and worked. So you got that one wrong. Simple minded did you say?
Not anymore numbnuts.
The muslims are out fucking the's only a matter of time.

Germany's birthrate is at its highest level in 33 years due to immigration
You are fucking sick.

For stating the obvious?
It's you who should be questioning your mental health.
Stating the obvious according to close minded racists and bigots.

So the media who's reporting the stats are racist?
OMG you are ridiculous.

Is that the outfit you wore?


ust like
Sounds like you are describing yourself, sweetie, and the entire population of right wingers on this board. . I have lived for many years in both Germany and Austria. I don't believe you 'live among' Germans. If you did, and had half a brain, you'd know they are not 'sheep.' But maybe you don't even have half a brain, or don't know how to use it.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
Actually, I'm finding this very humorous. It is common for simple minded folks like you with no vision to not understand that millions of American expats live and work overseas for their entire career. It's so funny because you are so limited in your understanding of the world that you disbelieve someone who tells you she is one of those people. Hilarious.

I couldn't care less if you'd worked in Papua New Guinea. Or even if you find it humorous.

Your BS is down to your hysterical rantings. Not to your subjective talk about where you've lived and worked. So you got that one wrong. Simple minded did you say?

Actually a brother of mine worked there for some years. It's an interesting country. I've not been there; too humid. I prefer the dry heat.

I must add as an edit that it is evidently fantastic during the dry season. A bit like Darwin.

What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
Actually, I'm finding this very humorous. It is common for simple minded folks like you with no vision to not understand that millions of American expats live and work overseas for their entire career. It's so funny because you are so limited in your understanding of the world that you disbelieve someone who tells you she is one of those people. Hilarious.

I couldn't care less if you'd worked in Papua New Guinea. Or even if you find it humorous.

Your BS is down to your hysterical rantings. Not to your subjective talk about where you've lived and worked. So you got that one wrong. Simple minded did you say?

Actually a brother of mine worked there for some years. It's an interesting country. I've not been there; too humid. I prefer the dry heat.


It's where consulate people, Ambassadors and the like, get sent to when they don't know what to do with them.
What's BS? They I haven't lived in Austria and Germany? Sorry, it is true. My career has been one of living and working in many different countries; lucky me. :) I have lived and worked in both Germany and Austria for many years, as well as other countries. LOL It's so stupendous that you just can't believe it. But it's true. Very true.

Calm down dear. You might get a stroke at this rate.
Actually, I'm finding this very humorous. It is common for simple minded folks like you with no vision to not understand that millions of American expats live and work overseas for their entire career. It's so funny because you are so limited in your understanding of the world that you disbelieve someone who tells you she is one of those people. Hilarious.

I couldn't care less if you'd worked in Papua New Guinea. Or even if you find it humorous.

Your BS is down to your hysterical rantings. Not to your subjective talk about where you've lived and worked. So you got that one wrong. Simple minded did you say?

Actually a brother of mine worked there for some years. It's an interesting country. I've not been there; too humid. I prefer the dry heat.


It's where consulate people, Ambassadors and the like, get sent to when they don't know what to do with them.

Yes; one step above The Congo. Mind you; I played Rugby with several from there and they were excellent chaps. One even introduced himself to my brother in Moresby; top fellow.

From David Vance; A Tangled Web.

' Merkel is the primary architect of the Open Borders policy which has seen the European continent swarming with muslim immigrants, allowing Islamic State to penetrate all those countries, bringing death and destruction, rape and crime. Merkel is the architect of the economic union that sees countries like Greece kept in perpetual poverty and massive youth unemployment across the continent but which sustains German prosperity. In essence the EU allows her to achieve a dominance a previous German Chancellor could but dream about.

Here’s the deal. Merkel and her pygmy allies may no longer rely upon the USA (and the UK, by inference) but we have long gone past the point where we can rely on Germany. I would like to see the US, the UK and Russia form an alliance to counter the menace from Merkel. Let’s see how she can cope with that.'
Merkels liberal European position that borders and background vetting are too offensive to immigrants. in that case just let anyone an everyone settle in our country even if some are terrorist. They will appreciate our charity and gesture of good faith. For that they will appreciate, assimilate and learn to love us all... Silly EU liberals your politically correct policy of appeasement is never going to work for history always says so
D'ya reckon a wall might solve the problem?[/QUOT

No wall.just borders inforced by a new 21st century immigration system that can screen inbound migrants..atleast mitigate the risk of spreading terrorism and disease..Protect the native citizen population so the immigrants that qualify to enter have a healthy country to settle in not a open border entitlement program financially bankruped country that half of immigrants refuse to assimilate with because due to unchecked open borders that country looses its culture and pride from globalist thinking ideology from people like Merkel and Obama that care more about the immigrants than the citizens they took an oath to serve in that country such as Germany and America before Trump

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