Merrick Garland to appeal court ruling for Special Master.

The search warrant allowed them to search the trump private residence and seize anything they want... The FBI then later say if they need it for the case, otherwise they could be weeks in the place...
I don't think you get it, classified or not these are the property of the US people...
He does, he just acts stupid to keep a dead horse moving.
I'm not sure if they haven't been paying attention to all this breaking news, won't pay attention to it, want to stay in their bubble, whatever?

Between the W.H. lawyers testifying against him, and his own lawyers resisting saying the documents were de-classified when Trump said they were, has got Trump boxed in.

His supporters are in shock and in denial right now, but to be honest, for months, they've debated like chickens with the head cut off. Some are certainly going to totally lose it I'm sure, once the news hits them. It maybe after the mid terms, but Trump is definitely going to be idicted.
I'm not sure if they haven't been paying attention to all this breaking news, won't pay attention to it, want to stay in their bubble, whatever?

Between the W.H. lawyers testifying against him, and his own lawyers resisting saying the documents were de-classified when Trump said they were, has got Trump boxed in.

His supporters are in shock and in denial right now, but to be honest, for months, they've debated like chickens with the head cut off. Some are certainly going to totally lose it I'm sure, once the news hits them. It maybe after the mid terms, but Trump is definitely going to be idicted.
$100 says Trump won't be indicted. You game?
They'll be the last.
After Trump was told he was breaking the law he returned SOME of the documents then lied about the rest which were recovered in the search warrant. Oops!

She achieved nothing other than to look the fool, by not knowing the law herself;

You really are doing nothing but making an idiot of yourself with your post.

You don't like her ruling so you lash out at me. She knows the law or she wouldn't be a judge. Are you really this obtuse?
What precedent did she cite for a special master to review documents for executive privilege of a former president over the objection of a current one?

There is none. She made it up.
The Precedent that shows your head is up Putin's ass.
Judge Cannon was making it up as she went along. It's not our legal system I have a problem with. It's judges going off feels rather than law.

Either way, the appeal is smart. The DoJ doesn't say they want to avoid a special master. The special master can go over all the non-classified documents. The DoJ doesn't give a shit about that. They want to investigate the handling of classified information. There is no logical way Trump can claim executive privilege or ownership of the classified documents so there's no rational reason the special master would have to review them anyway.
Call us when they raid Obama Bin Lying's home. He still has classified documents in his home and has also destroyed thousands of documents. This is just more Russian Collusion. Nothing but a political hit job and scam.

Lying LibTards got to Lying LibTar
Call us when they raid Obama Bin Lying's home. He still has classified documents in his home and has also destroyed thousands of documents. This is just more Russian Collusion. Nothing but a political hit job and scam.

Lying LibTards got to Lying LibTar
To get a search warrant, you’re going to need more evidence than what the voices in your head told you.
After Trump was told he was breaking the law he returned SOME of the documents then lied about the rest which were recovered in the search warrant. Oops!

A lot of Chinese military and tech engineering looks a lot like American versions over the years. Those classified documents somehow got lost in the laundry.
To get a search warrant, you’re going to need more evidence than what the voices in your head told you.
Nah, you just lie to the judge, like Comey and Mueller did in FISA court, and like Garland did to The Magistrate.
Or you lie to the AG like Mueller did after he tried to wipe Strozk and Paige's cellphones.
Or you manufacture emails and lie about that like The FBI did.
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The search warrant allowed them to search the trump private residence and seize anything they want... The FBI then later say if they need it for the case, otherwise they could be weeks in the place...
I don't think you get it, classified or not these are the property of the US people...
If it said they can seize anything they want it is unconstitutional, period.
Call us when they raid Obama Bin Lying's home. He still has classified documents in his home and has also destroyed thousands of documents. This is just more Russian Collusion. Nothing but a political hit job and scam.

Lying LibTards got to Lying LibTar
Prove it liar.
$100 says Trump won't be indicted. You game?
Yea he will. Rooting for criminals I see. Do you have an ounce of self respect? Folks like you are what makes folks America not so great.

Betting a $100 dollars on USMB? Are you stupid?
Prove it liar.

Just another political assassination attempt like "Operation Russian Collusion" by a desperate, criminally negligent and incompetent Faux Xiden Regime as ordered by Joe's Puppet Masters CCP Communist China.

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