Message from "Pinko"


Aug 28, 2003
New York
I'm posting this here as this is the forum that he wished to post in. He also made his one and only post in here.

A little background first:

You have options in your control panel as to whether or not you want this page to save your username and password for future visits and whether or not you want to browse the board using cookies. The only complaint I've received from the beginning of this board was from Bry, and it really wasn't a complaint. He would time out when posting if he used up longer than 15 minutes to make his post. I changed his settings to what mine have to monitor from there.

I've taken longer than 1/2 an hour to make posts many times and have never had an issue. Has anyone else been having these issues? You may want to verify your settings in the control panel. Also make sure your machine is setup properly to accept cookies. There are a few variables to consider when trying to avoid being automatically logged out when "idle". And yes, when you are typing, your session is "idle".

One thing I can assure you that WON'T help, is emailing me the following as "Pinko" did:

I tried to use your message board, but everytime I tried to post a reply, it would say that I was not logged on. When it did finally work, it said I had not specified a thread.
The format of your message board sucks ass

Well, Pinko, fix your sorry ass settings or your PC! 2 users out of 280 doesn't make it an issue. Bry politely emailed me and I am working with him to make sure he has no further issues. You can suck MY ass.
There have been times where I've worked on a particular post for over an hour, and never have I had problems - the one time I did have trouble logging in, it was because my browser was set to 'Paranoid' and refused all cookies.

And I think the format is killer, Jim. :D
I THINK IT SUCKS, LOSER!!!!! :D ok, so I was joking!!! great board Jimbo!
I've never had any problems myself. I use the board mostly during the day at work. I've already had instances where I was in the middle of a post and got busy, leaving that minimized for hours on end.

Pinko probably just skipped his mealtime Lithium dose.
I haven't seen this Pinko! I think one time the board goes down on this person and they leave! oh well, probably another LIB anyway.

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