Message to America to Repent

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a series on why America must repent - it begins with a teaching on Jezebel and Ahab and is a very telling picture of our leadership in America today, our government, where it is all headed. Excellent teaching. In this video the Preacher points out that the Prophets of Baal are plentiful.. but where are the Elijahs of today? Great question.

Watch this:

[ame=]2012-05-06 Part 1 Michael Boldea Message to America to Repent - YouTube[/ame]
It is easier to get people saved before you try to clean them up because if you try to do it then you have to lord all of the commands over people and God says not to exercise Lordship over people because you are not supposed to be like that.

Luke 22:25 Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors.
Luke 22:26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.

If someone gets saved, all of a sudden the light turns on and then the Holy Spirit teaches them but when you start to make rules, you rob the believer of listening to the Holy Spirit because they are listening to you.
The judgment of God is going to fall upon America not because of the wickedness of those outside the church but because of those inside the churches. Yes. Those inside of the church. The false teachings, the false doctrines, heresies, have brought the judgment of God upon America. Judgment begins in the House of the Lord. Judgment is coming. Because we refuse to repent before a holy and righteous God. We don't preach repentance and holiness inside the church anymore because it is offensive. Jesus is an offense to those who purport to be his. - Michael Boldea Jr.
If men cannot stand to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ inside the churches today? To receive the message to repent, to live holy, to obey Jesus and keep his commandments? If they cannot stand to hear the true Gospel and to live the life of a Christian in a free nation why would they believe they will do this once the nation comes under great persecution? The truth is they won't.

If we cannot live for Jesus in a free nation we have deceived ourselves into believing we will live for him in a restricted one.

The false gospel of God is your sugar daddy and Jesus wore a rolex and drove a Bentley will not sustain the nation that is in food lines and tremendous persecution. It is time for the church to wake up and stop fleecing the sheep. Stop lying, stop tricking and fleecing the sheep... stop taking money from the poor, the elderly, those who are on fixed incomes and repent. It is time for those inside the House of God to repent for teaching such lies and refusing to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The time for the church to repent is now.
Now this teaching from Michael Boldea is on the End times - studying the Book of Revelation - Titled - The Revelation of Jesus Christ - and is outstanding.

Watch this:
[ame=]The End Times with Michael Boldea - YouTube[/ame]
If men cannot stand to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ inside the churches today? To receive the message to repent, to live holy, to obey Jesus and keep his commandments? If they cannot stand to hear the true Gospel and to live the life of a Christian in a free nation why would they believe they will do this once the nation comes under great persecution? The truth is they won't.

If we cannot live for Jesus in a free nation we have deceived ourselves into believing we will live for him in a restricted one.

The false gospel of God is your sugar daddy and Jesus wore a rolex and drove a Bentley will not sustain the nation that is in food lines and tremendous persecution. It is time for the church to wake up and stop fleecing the sheep. Stop lying, stop tricking and fleecing the sheep... stop taking money from the poor, the elderly, those who are on fixed incomes and repent. It is time for those inside the House of God to repent for teaching such lies and refusing to preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The time for the church to repent is now.

You're just telling people to repent and that isn't the gospel.
You can make people moral and they will just go to hell.
One could just look at the various people on the message board and realize our nation needs to repent. We are a very proud people. We need to be humble or we will blindly destroy ourselves. We are a corrupt people. Both in our actions and in our communications. We need to become men and women of integrity.

Maybe I just see the darker side alot more with my clients, but we are not in good shape. And when the other hand drops it will drop fast.
One could just look at the various people on the message board and realize our nation needs to repent. We are a very proud people. We need to be humble or we will blindly destroy ourselves. We are a corrupt people. Both in our actions and in our communications. We need to become men and women of integrity.

Maybe I just see the darker side alot more with my clients, but we are not in good shape. And when the other hand drops it will drop fast.

Well said, Avatar. Judgment begins in the house of God and it is very apparent that the wide road gospel preachers who teach lies for money feel very threatened by the message of repentance, holiness, obedience to Christ. It as if the very thought of holiness is the bitterness of gall to them. If you say Repent they scream Works! Yet what did the John the Baptist preach? Repent! The Kingdom of heaven is at hand! What did the Apostles preach? Repent! What did Jesus preach? Repent! Yet these modern day pharisees who despise Christ and his followers will hear nothing of repentance. The church is big business for them. Very sad.
Do you think god pays attention to national borders?

Do you think he will punish the nation? Or will he punish the sinners?

The idea that God favors one nation over another has always been laughable to me. It tries to infer that God is political.
Do you think god pays attention to national borders?

Do you think he will punish the nation? Or will he punish the sinners?

The idea that God favors one nation over another has always been laughable to me. It tries to infer that God is political.

Of course he doesn't favor one nation over another. The nation that departs from God is the nation that is under the judgment of God, WinterBorn. The Bible tells us that! Today the most popular message in the pulpits of America is the Gospel of Hedonism. It is an abomination and a stench in God's nostrils. Will God punish the nation? Yes. Judgment begins in the House of God. Then it spills over.. This is happening worldwide - why does America believe they are special? Why does the church in America believe it is special? Special sinners? I cannot find it in scripture. As for sinners, God is angry with the wicked everyday. WB. Of course God is going to judge them. But not before He judges His church. I know the wide road christians do not like hearing that truth but it is in the bible so they may as well stop acting as if it isn't there. It is. - Jeri p.s. if you listen to the second video you will see that God is coming as Judge and how and why a nation comes under judgment. God is love, yes, but God is also a righteous judge. The American churches have conveniently removed every teaching except grace - not realizing grace & mercy only precede judgment. The door to grace is shutting right now. Time is running out.
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Some people struggle with the commandments because they don't understand how we can be saved by Christ and how we still have to follow the commandments. They think that if we try to keep the commandments that we are somehow not trusting Christ and instead trying to work ourselves into heaven, which, of course, is impossible.

And yet Christ has said "If you love me, keep my commandments." He also said that on the day of judgment there will be many who cry Lord Lord and He will say I knew them not because they didn't follow the commandments.

The Atonement and Resurrection of Christ are the Gospel. Because of Christ we will all rise into Immortality. Because of Christ we can also recieve Eternal Life if we Repent.

We have an obligation and a duty to seek Him out. That duty is also a privilege. We need to stop resisting the Holy Spirit and submit ourselves to Him in humility. We can be humble through the grace of God. We can become honest through the grace of God. We can only become moral people through His grace.

There is power in godliness. As we seek to live godly/Christ-like lives, we will see that power in our own life.
Do you think god pays attention to national borders?

Do you think he will punish the nation? Or will he punish the sinners?

The idea that God favors one nation over another has always been laughable to me. It tries to infer that God is political.

Yes He pays attention to national border. He created them. He has established the nations. They rise and fall by His Providence just as individuals will. They rise and fall for His purposes.

The Founders realized that. At the Constitutional Convention Ben Franklin pointed out that without the support of providence it didn't matter what they did.

God is always encouraging men and women who enter into His covenant to gather together and forget communities of righteousness. And He holds nations accountable when they break covenants and/or sin.

Read the scriptures. There are countless nations judged and blessed because of His grace and Providence.

This site - voice of the martyrs has stories about christians who are obeying God and keeping His commandments, they are overcoming by the word of their testimony and the blood of the lamb and they love not their lives unto the death. There are some wonderful testimonies of Believers on the news room links. Remember to pray for persecuted believers who are suffering for Christ all over the world right now.

Listen to the testimony of this Follower of Christ, Rev. P:

If You love me“For me the issue has been settled. The Lord called me to reach out to my people and I have to. So whether they are killing me, I will still love them with the love of God. I do not see them as my enemies because they killed my son. I have forgiven them because they do not have Christ and that is all they can think at their level.”

These are the words of Reverend P, a pastor in Northern Nigeria whose son was murdered by the militant Muslim group, Boko Haram. Reverend P had received threats from Boko Haram because of his Christian faith and ministry. One day while his son was out walking they attacked him, cutting him to pieces with machetes.

I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to find Rev. P’s response of love and forgiveness astounding. Oftentimes, we like to talk about how much we love God. Love makes us feel good. But love isn’t just kindness and good feelings. God’s love is fierce. It’s jealous, unyielding and all consuming, in a pure and holy way. God’s love for us caused him to give up what he held most dear, his son Jesus Christ. And that same love asks much of us in return.

How do we show God that we love him beyond just giving lip service? The Bible says “If you love me, you will obey my commands” (John 14:15). If we can show God we love him through obedience to commands then that begs the question, which commands? Isn’t the Bible full of commands?

There is a story in the book of Matthew where a lawyer asks Jesus what the greatest commandment is (Matthew 22:34–39). He wanted Jesus to pick just one. However, when pressed with the issue, Jesus couldn’t pick just one—he had to pick two: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” What Jesus is saying here, which he reaffirms in scripture elsewhere, is that you cannot separate loving God from loving people. In fact, you can show God how much you love him by loving other people.

The Bible says “what you have done unto to least of these you did to me” (Matthew 25:40). Often we think of “the least of these” as a poor orphaned child or abandoned widow; that could certainly be true. But the least of these could also be a Muslim militant member of Boko Haram. Those hardest to love are often “the least of these.” So when Rev. P choose to love his son’s murderers and to obey the Bible’s command to “Love your enemies” (Luke 6:27), he is showing God how much he loves Him.
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I believe the Rev. in this story reveals the love of God in a believer for the world. The Boko Haram were his sons murderers but he showed love for them because God loves the most hardened sinner, the lost and dying world. Jesus came to save men such as these. What a powerful testimony this mans life is for the LORD.
Do you think god pays attention to national borders?

Do you think he will punish the nation? Or will he punish the sinners?

The idea that God favors one nation over another has always been laughable to me. It tries to infer that God is political.

Yes He pays attention to national border. He created them. He has established the nations. They rise and fall by His Providence just as individuals will. They rise and fall for His purposes.

The Founders realized that. At the Constitutional Convention Ben Franklin pointed out that without the support of providence it didn't matter what they did.

God is always encouraging men and women who enter into His covenant to gather together and forget communities of righteousness. And He holds nations accountable when they break covenants and/or sin.

Read the scriptures. There are countless nations judged and blessed because of His grace and Providence.

Wow. What a strange alternate reality you live in. Its as if when you flip the switch, its God who turns the light on or off and has nothing to do with electricity and circuits. What point does science have in your little universe, since God intervenes in everything? What point does anything have if its all just God's doing?
I don't believe nations rise and fall by God's providence. Not at all. I believe men have a free will and the foolish tear down their own houses, kingdoms, nations by their own hands. Then they blame it on God. It isn't taking accountability for our actions. God does not leave men. Men leave God. - Jeri
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Do you think god pays attention to national borders?

Do you think he will punish the nation? Or will he punish the sinners?

The idea that God favors one nation over another has always been laughable to me. It tries to infer that God is political.

Yes He pays attention to national border. He created them. He has established the nations. They rise and fall by His Providence just as individuals will. They rise and fall for His purposes.

The Founders realized that. At the Constitutional Convention Ben Franklin pointed out that without the support of providence it didn't matter what they did.

God is always encouraging men and women who enter into His covenant to gather together and forget communities of righteousness. And He holds nations accountable when they break covenants and/or sin.

Read the scriptures. There are countless nations judged and blessed because of His grace and Providence.

Wow. What a strange alternate reality you live in. Its as if when you flip the switch, its God who turns the light on or off and has nothing to do with electricity and circuits. What point does science have in your little universe, since God intervenes in everything? What point does anything have if its all just God's doing?

God created the science. They are the study of the laws of the universe He created. Why do you create this false dilemna and try to argue that the two are incompatible? The fact is many of the greatest scientists this world has known have been god fearing men.
I don't believe nations rise and fall by God's providence. Not at all. I believe men have a free will and the foolish tear down their own houses, kingdoms, nations by their own hands. Then they blame it on God. It isn't taking accountability for our actions. God does not leave men. Men leave God. - Jeri

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (Psalms 127:1)

I believe that is one of the scriptures Franklin quoted when he suggested they pray at the Constitutional Convention.

There is too much of the hand of divine providence in the history of this nation to not believe that God had a hand in it. I believe He established this nation and gave us our liberty for a reason. It is part of His work in the last days. I think there has been a purpose for all nations though I don't know what all those purposes are or were.

We can try to build our nation all we want, but if God doesn't want it, we will fail. We can try to destroy our nation all we want, but if God wants it built, it will be built.

I think this is a good principle. if I am wrong then I hope the Lord will teach me otherwise.

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