Message to Democrats - Never forgot our Soviet Brothers and Stop supporting the Killing of Russian Soldiers in Ukraine


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The ancestors of the Soviets fight bravely in the Ukraine today. FDR wanted the Allie’s to remain Allies after ww2. Today Russia and America are enemies. We got to figure things out and solve the issues.

Today Ukraine is the only military In the world with pro third reich fighters.

“A Russian World War 2 vet wishes the world to know how a group of American prisoners of war risked their lives to help him and his comrades.”

That’s why I won’t condemn Russia. How can anyone forget about the allies of WW2^ what a better time that was!
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The American who fought for the Soviet Union in WW2. That’s why I have my position on Russia Ukraine
The ancestors of the Soviets fight bravely in the Ukraine today. FDR wanted the Allie’s to remain Allies after ww2. Today Russia and America are enemies. We got to figure things out and solve the issues.

Today Ukraine is the only military In the world with pro third reich fighters.

“A Russian World War 2 vet wishes the world to know how a group of American prisoners of war risked their lives to help him and his comrades.”

That’s why I won’t condemn Russia. How can anyone forget about the allies of WW2^ what a better time that was!

FDR admired Stalin
Lol! Are you sure about that?


There have been several documented cases of Russian neo-nazis in Ukraine. Get used to it, most slavs are, from Ukraine to Russia, and Belarus and Latvia, and Estonia, and all the other shitholes over there.

The Soviets were an evil regime, and the only reason we sided with them during WWII, was because we had a common enemy - the Germans. In my opinion, we should have beaten the Germans in Europe, and then armed them to fight the Soviet Horde out of Eastern Europe. We abandoned Poland, and East Germany, and Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and Estonia, and Ukraine, and Austria, and the like. We should have immediately put a stop to the Rusk Dogs.

But no, we had to try and make peace. Millions of Europeans died because of our strive for peace. A bloody reign of terror, filled with secret police, and gulags, torture, rape and murder. The communist party was and still is a party of death. FDR trusted them too much, and Truman was too stupid to try and halt the arguably more dangerous Communists from taking over all Eastern Europe.

The Germans were a bloody brutal regime, but their death tolls are miniscule compared to what communism has done. That fucking U.S.S.R. killed millions in Russia, armed the North Koreans, armed the North Vietnamese, armed the Chinese, armed the Cubans and set up communism all over. MILLIONS DIED because of the Soviets. The entire free world was on edge as they rattled nuclear sabers for years. Useless wars, and blood were the dominant themes of the second half of the 20th century, blood was the Harvest for the communist ideal.

The ancestors of the Soviets fight bravely in the Ukraine today. FDR wanted the Allie’s to remain Allies after ww2. Today Russia and America are enemies. We got to figure things out and solve the issues.

Today Ukraine is the only military In the world with pro third reich fighters.

“A Russian World War 2 vet wishes the world to know how a group of American prisoners of war risked their lives to help him and his comrades.”

That’s why I won’t condemn Russia. How can anyone forget about the allies of WW2^ what a better time that was!

They were not allies. They entered the war on the side of Russia and carved up several countries between them. The only reason they became allies was because Germany double crossed Russia. I DO CONDEMN RUSSIA AND PUTIN.
They were not allies. They entered the war on the side of Russia and carved up several countries between them. The only reason they became allies was because Germany double crossed Russia. I DO CONDEMN RUSSIA AND PUTIN.
I’ve read hours of material on this topic and watched countless hours of documentaries. The Soviets and Americans were the allies. we saved the free world

remember the Soviet union back then made a one time deal with the third Reich.. just like Neville Chamberlain and the British did as well. It was all to buy time

I used to think that Democrats cared about World War II and Franklin Roosevelt. It seems some of them don’t know who FDR is ….they’re on Instagram all the time. What I’m saying here in this thread is supported by lots of Americans who fought in World War II.

I used to think Democrats cared about American exceptionalism. We’ve invaded other countries… and I support our military… you know the people of Russia are patriots as well…. here’s the thing there war in Ukraine it’s kind of like our Vietnam.

Also when we invaded Iraq Russia did not give Iraq any weapons or billions of dollars they could have and that would’ve resulted in the deaths of many Americans. We have no right to be supporting Ukraine it’s not the right thing to do.

Yes we had a cold war, yes today America and Russia are enemies. I’m talking about the past and I’m trying to figure out how we got to where we are today… and how we can move on and once again hit the reset button with Russia and work together like we did in the 1990s.
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I noticed that the detractors making no comment of the following video

I believe I’m on the right side of history with what I’m saying in this thread. You know that’s only human. Look at those heroes in the video above. They were on the right side of history. People can laugh at this all they want that means nothing…. we are not slaves today because of those heroes above. Everyone in this thread is free today because of the Soviets and Americans, be thankful

Long live the Allies of ww2
I’m proud to be proud of the American past. lots of younger Americans are stuck in video games, stuck on Instagram living in the cyber world. Not me I watch a lot of videos from the 1940s ….
Lol! Are you sure about that?

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There have been several documented cases of Russian neo-nazis in Ukraine. Get used to it, most slavs are, from Ukraine to Russia, and Belarus and Latvia, and Estonia, and all the other shitholes over there.

The Soviets were an evil regime, and the only reason we sided with them during WWII, was because we had a common enemy - the Germans. In my opinion, we should have beaten the Germans in Europe, and then armed them to fight the Soviet Horde out of Eastern Europe. We abandoned Poland, and East Germany, and Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and Estonia, and Ukraine, and Austria, and the like. We should have immediately put a stop to the Rusk Dogs.

But no, we had to try and make peace. Millions of Europeans died because of our strive for peace. A bloody reign of terror, filled with secret police, and gulags, torture, rape and murder. The communist party was and still is a party of death. FDR trusted them too much, and Truman was too stupid to try and halt the arguably more dangerous Communists from taking over all Eastern Europe.

The Germans were a bloody brutal regime, but their death tolls are miniscule compared to what communism has done. That fucking U.S.S.R. killed millions in Russia, armed the North Koreans, armed the North Vietnamese, armed the Chinese, armed the Cubans and set up communism all over. MILLIONS DIED because of the Soviets. The entire free world was on edge as they rattled nuclear sabers for years. Useless wars, and blood were the dominant themes of the second half of the 20th century, blood was the Harvest for the communist ideal.

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I’ll try and get to you later buddy. I had a really rough morning today
Lol! Are you sure about that?

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There have been several documented cases of Russian neo-nazis in Ukraine. Get used to it, most slavs are, from Ukraine to Russia, and Belarus and Latvia, and Estonia, and all the other shitholes over there.

The Soviets were an evil regime, and the only reason we sided with them during WWII, was because we had a common enemy - the Germans. In my opinion, we should have beaten the Germans in Europe, and then armed them to fight the Soviet Horde out of Eastern Europe. We abandoned Poland, and East Germany, and Hungary, and Czechoslovakia, and Estonia, and Ukraine, and Austria, and the like. We should have immediately put a stop to the Rusk Dogs.

But no, we had to try and make peace. Millions of Europeans died because of our strive for peace. A bloody reign of terror, filled with secret police, and gulags, torture, rape and murder. The communist party was and still is a party of death. FDR trusted them too much, and Truman was too stupid to try and halt the arguably more dangerous Communists from taking over all Eastern Europe.

The Germans were a bloody brutal regime, but their death tolls are miniscule compared to what communism has done. That fucking U.S.S.R. killed millions in Russia, armed the North Koreans, armed the North Vietnamese, armed the Chinese, armed the Cubans and set up communism all over. MILLIONS DIED because of the Soviets. The entire free world was on edge as they rattled nuclear sabers for years. Useless wars, and blood were the dominant themes of the second half of the 20th century, blood was the Harvest for the communist ideal.

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I will start by saying I don’t want America to become a communist country, I’m not a communist. I am a Catholic in the first place. And an American. And I think that communism is clearly a much greater thing for society for example compared to a Muslim extremists state like what the Taliban has. I would much rather have seen the communist went out in Afghanistan in the 1980s for the sake of the women there who right now are brutally tortured they’re forced to cover their hair forced to live in a filthy country.

The other starting point is that you are right to call out the criticisms of the Soviet union. But to that point let’s look at the 20th century so many countries struggled with brutal poverty. Let’s look at the modern era. Look at the African countries in the Middle Eastern countries that have absolutely nothing. Nothing but dirt poor corruption. Poverty all over the place. No hope they can’t even be proud of their country because their countries don’t do anything. The Soviet union was a world empire he who cares about history who cares about the free world will never forget World War II. Nobody in the world Noel Nazis in Ukraine he said the first man to space. They were a nuclear power and they were the heroes of the world along with the Americans the British and the Chinese nobody will ever forget World War II. Everyone who cares about history who cares about the free world will never forget World War II. Nobody in the world know Nazis in Ukraine and ever take away that victory and they could never take away the glorious achievement of the Americans of the Soviets.

I’m not here for bad conversations. I’m here for good conversations. And for the source I respect you a good portion of Americans on the left would automatically view you as a racist because of your screen the confederate soldier. Not me I have respect for the men and women of the confederate forces our fellow Americans even though I would disagree with them.

Knowing that we have a disagreement I just hope you don’t hate me or use foul language against me. You can’t it doesn’t affect me I got Jesus on my side, I beat a wheelchair I could do anything.

I’ve seen hours upon hours of video testimonial that would lead me to disagree with you. I’ve seen testimonial from Russians living in America saying they love the Soviet times. I know a friend who is 75 years old from Russia he’s actually a Muslim guy from Uzbekistan I believe, he says that the Russian federation and United States of America is nothing compared to the Soviet union. He said Vladimir Lenin and Stalin were great men who are misunderstood.

Where do you stand on the third Reich? Because I know that a few people who have confederate flags are also supporters of the Third Reich. Like at the so-called neo Nazi rallies in America and there’s only a few of them this isn’t even a popular thing but it is a thing and there’s often people who have swastikas and confederate flags at the same time.

Anyways my position based on the facts there’s only one military in the world with neo-Nazis that’s the Ukrainian military. There’s neo-Nazis in America and there’s neo-Nazis in Russia but they’re not accepted in mainstream society …they’re a joke, nobody cares about them.

As for World War II itself. Many have said if Franklin Roosevelt lived on past World War II there would be no Cold War. There would’ve been no Vietnam war no Korean War. But that did not happen. But that’s why I love Franklin Roosevelt. Well I know this much my friend I talk with a lot of men who are World War II veterans and they all agree Franklin Roosevelt was the greatest American to ever live.

comparing what anyone on the Internet says to me compared to the World War II veterans I have spoken with ….when I speak with such honorable American men… these are the greatest generation of Americans that have ever lived, the World War II generation. And that provides me strength to my viewpoint. You know I am recovering from a horrific spinal cord injury I was in a wheelchair and I got out of it because of my heroes of history like Jesus and Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair but he was the greatest American to ever live. He brought a Social Security, more union jobs. A much better economy. The greatest American middle-class ever, the greatest American economy and he catapulted our military from number 17 in the world behind Romania to the number one military super power. If we had isolationists in power during World War II we would be a weak disgraceful country today. But America’s number one today because of World War II because we had the greatest generation.

When Roosevelt died his coffin was being transported and two men noticed that ….one man was very emotional and crying because of the death of FDR .. The other man said to him “why are you crying ..” you never knew Franklin Roosevelt”

the other guy said “but he knew me“

This was clearly the American middle-class showing that they cared for Franklin Roosevelt. And they knew that Franklin Roosevelt had the backs of the American middle-class and all of America. He was the greatest man to ever live in world history.

I cannot believe I see work in class Americans and middle-class Americans who oppose unions. They are slaves to corporations. They accept making a shit hole wage of 15 or $20 an hour. . It’s garbage and that’s not the American way to live.

Our country today is a disgrace it’s a hell hole. Just as the 100 year old veteran said

For people in response to bury their head in the sand. And keep on talking about communism and they keep on talking about the Cold War they never talk about Americans and Soviets in World War II they don’t talk about the videos I show. They don’t talk about World War II veterans who stand by the allies of World War II. So it’s either based on a misunderstanding or the problem is so many Americans in the modern era are so fat and disgusting and out of shape, on Instagram all the time they’re brainwashed by pornography and by filth.

But you see in the 1940s our society was much different than the shit hole we have today. Maybe you know a little bit about this I don’t know what do you think about the American past compared to what we have today? I stand for the American past

But also realize that United States has its own dark history. We had slavery we had the civil rights issues. For all of the criticism of the communist era of the Soviet union and I am not yet convinced that millions of people died under Lennon or Stalin. Just because some person in the Cold War said so, no …only God knows. Only our Lord knows what happened.

any injustice anywhere in history whether it occurred in America or whether it occurred in the Soviet union is wrong. So there you have it That should make you rest easy. It should make you rest easy that I’m not a communist ….and I am a Catholic. What other American democrat will tell you that they admire the 1940s? . What other Democrat would tell you that. Do you realize you’re talking with a proud American here and a proud Catholic and a proud man who rejects Black Lives Matter I reject the far left I reject white lives matter. I believe in all Americans

The United States military, the US war department is on my side. I’m on the right side of history. And again if Franklin Roosevelt lived on Past World War II we would’ve avoided the Cold War. He won four terms overwhelmingly he would’ve been elected to a fifth term, a six term if he had lived on he would’ve been president for his whole life.

The United States military, the US war department is on my side. I’m on the right side of history. And if Franklin Roosevelt live on Past World War II we would’ve avoided the Cold War.

There were films produced in America and in the Soviet Union that complement each other. Yes that’s right the Soviet Union during World War II they produced films that greatly complimented the American government and the American people. And even after World War II for decades the Soviet government greatly appreciated Franklin Roosevelt.
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I’ve read hours of material on this topic and watched countless hours of documentaries. The Soviets and Americans were the allies. we saved the free world

remember the Soviet union back then made a one time deal with the third Reich.. just like Neville Chamberlain and the British did as well. It was all to buy time

I used to think that Democrats cared about World War II and Franklin Roosevelt. It seems some of them don’t know who FDR is ….they’re on Instagram all the time. What I’m saying here in this thread is supported by lots of Americans who fought in World War II.

I used to think Democrats cared about American exceptionalism. We’ve invaded other countries… and I support our military… you know the people of Russia are patriots as well…. here’s the thing there war in Ukraine it’s kind of like our Vietnam.

Also when we invaded Iraq Russia did not give Iraq any weapons or billions of dollars they could have and that would’ve resulted in the deaths of many Americans. We have no right to be supporting Ukraine it’s not the right thing to do.

Yes we had a cold war, yes today America and Russia are enemies. I’m talking about the past and I’m trying to figure out how we got to where we are today… and how we can move on and once again hit the reset button with Russia and work together like we did in the 1990s.
Russia had a treaty with the nazis to keep the nazis out of certain European countries because they wanted to invade themselves. Namely all the countries that were formed after Succeeding from Russia following World War I. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, etc.

The Rusdians were in full support of the Nazis and aiding them until they were sttacked.
Russia had a treaty with the nazis to keep the nazis out of certain European countries because they wanted to invade themselves. Namely all the countries that were formed after Succeeding from Russia following World War I. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, etc.

The Rusdians were in full support of the Nazis and aiding them until they were sttacked.
Disagreed. The United Kingdom also had a treaty with the third Reich. More than that the British had big-time business dealings with Germany… so you can’t just criticize the Soviet union you had to also criticize the British and for that matter the Americans both of which had huge business dealings with the third Reich. So that’s probably looking back on it a mistake by the Russians, the British and the Americans

The third Reich hated communism. Hitler’s greatest opponent were communist and Jews who we often thought were one in the same. Now the third Reich actually admired America and the British. So I can’t agree with what you’re saying brother. The one thing that stood in the way of the Nazis wiping out all Jews of the world was the Soviet union they liberated concentration camps. They played a huge role in doing that.

The soviet union were simply buying time they all knew that eventually the Third Reich was the enemy. Also watch the communist were right film that I showed it provides an argument from the United States military as to why the Soviets did what they did for example why they had to attack Poland why they had to Attack Finland for example. There’s answers to all of your concerns the problem is there’s a lot of bad people in the world who are trying to diminish the legacy of the allies of World War II nobody could ever diminish it. We had to remember one thing here the third Reich was trying to execute every single Jew of the world. They would all be dead if the axis powers won World War II.

500,000 Soviet Jews took up the rifle and fought for the Soviet union. Proving that Jews are not about banking and big money. No no way there construction workers, they are soldiers, they are workers, their taxi drivers. There every day Americans there every day Soviets back in the day
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The US should not be supporting ANY other country; militarily, economically, socially, or otherwise. Nationalism and Isolationism should be the buzzwords of this nation.
I’m proud to be proud of the American past. lots of younger Americans are stuck in video games, stuck on Instagram living in the cyber world. Not me I watch a lot of videos from the 1940s ….

I’ll try and get to you later buddy. I had a really rough morning today

I am in the 1940s too, just on the Patton side of the argument. Patton and Churchill were right.

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