Message to GOP: Make the media define themselves


Aug 23, 2011
Cornelius, NC
Ever since the election ended, people have been talking about what the GOP needs to do in order to win future elections. Some advice I've heard is for them to get better with their handling in the media. I agree, and I think the primary thing they need to do is force the media to cop to being liberally biased.

You have remember: the thing about liberalism is the underlying notion that it's normal, and conversely, that conservatism is crazy and strange. That's the reason minorities, women, and young people flock to the Democrats...because they have an image in their head of what a Republican is and all they see are old angry white men screaming about rich people paying taxes and providing for the poor.

That's why it's hard to find liberal mouthpieces actually cop to being liberal in the media. For as obviously biased as MSNBC is, how often does Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Ed Schultz, and Chris Matthews admit they're liberals and favor Democrats in their coverage? They're always so quick to make the opposite point about FOX, you'd think they would quickly cop to it about their own biases.

Just like a lot of people don't consider themselves conservative, they also don't consider themselves liberal because they know there are certain stereotypes about them, too. People don't tend to hold beliefs they think make them social and political outliers; they like to feel like they're normal just like everybody else.

Liberals don't like to frame their ideas as liberal ideas, simply as a reaction to conservative ideas, they like to make it seem like their ideas are what any sane, rational, smart person of thought would believe (i.e. amnesty for illegals, high taxation on the rich to get us out off our fiscal cliff, gay marriage, pot legalization, Obamacare, etc.) On the other hand, conservatives proudly declare themselves conservative, and a lot of people just don't buy into it, simply because they fear What It Means.

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