Yes but what type of Afterlife and where is it to be?
We don't know. We are taught to concentrate on this life.

Also 90% of the worlds Jews are Secular and Athiest so where are they going?
I have no idea where you are getting those statistics. I believe the number of at least somewhat secular Jews worldwide is closer to 50%.
Lucy Hamilton

Actually, many (most?) Jews believe in some sort of afterlife.

Judaisms god cannot be the SAME as our God in Christianity. Our God sent his only Son to be delivered via The Virgin Birth of Mary, Joseph was NOT Jesus Christ's father Our Lord in Heaven is Jesus Christ's father as He is the Son of Our Father. Jesus Christ was put to the death on The Cross, three days later he was Resurrected and is Jesus Christ The Messiah. This is ALL the most CRUCIAL part of Christianity. Judaism does NOT accept The Holy Trinity, a VERY CRUCIAL part of Christianity.

Judaism does NOT accept that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, The Lamb of God, does not accept he was anything unique or special and that he was just a random man in Biblical times, Judaism does not accept The Virgin Birth OR The Resurrection.

So we have two different things here, we have Judaism's god which is the OPPOSITE of EVERYTHING we are taught in our Christian Bible and we have our God who's only Son is Jesus Christ The Messiah, who was delivered via The Virgin Birth, was put to death on The Cross and three days later was Resurrected.
'We step off the path and get lost. But the path doesn't disappear.'

Yes. That's how it is.
So we have two different things here, we have Judaism's god which is the OPPOSITE of EVERYTHING we are taught in our Christian Bible ...

Interestingly, the reason for Jewish rejection of Christianity is that it is the opposite of everything we are taught in our Torah.
The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies.
So why The Sacrifices?
They are not for G-d. They are for us. Physical acts which draw us closer to G-d.

What is the point of that at all?
Because being a Jew is about action, not belief. It is acting on what G-d has taught us.

Even God said the sacrifices were for the remission of sins.
The sacrifices themselves are only outward expressions of the actions which achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d. The sacrficies are entirely unnecessary. What is required is repentance, making amends, prayer and a return to the actions which G-d instructed us to take.
But G-d says there is sin.....and you say you are never Separated from G-d, so why the need to achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d if you are never separated from him, and there is no sin?

Judaisms god is not the same as our God, this is why they say that their god says there is no sin and no Hell. So I maintain my position that their messiah they wait for is going to be what in our Bible tells us will be The Anti-Christ. I think it would help if Christians begin to realise we have ZERO in common with Judaism, it's beliefs or it's rituals this is not rocket science, if we did have ANYTHING in common with that crowd then we would HAVE to begin with also REJECTING Jesus Christ as The Messiah, then REJECT there is no Heaven OR Hell, then REJECT there is NO Resurrection OR Afterlife, this is not rocket science, it is easy to comprehend:

Judaism = NO Jesus Christ The Messiah.
Judaism = NO sin.
Judaism = NO Hell.
Judaism = NO Heaven.
Judaism = NO Resurrection OR Afterlife.

Christianity = Jesus Christ IS The Messiah.
Christianity = YES there is sin.
Christianity = YES there is a Hell.
Christianity = YES there is a Heaven.
Christianity = YES there IS Resurrection AND an Afterlife.

Oil and water oil and water. The majority of what is in our Christian Bible Judaism REJECTS, they want to brainwash those who they think they can get to to get them to follow THEM instead, they do this not openly but in a subtle way the End Game as their god instructs them is to convince as many Christians as they can to turn AWAY from Jesus Christ who is Our Salvation and instead to follow their Pagan god who will put his representative on this earth during The End Times a man in human form who will perform with the power from Satan perform the miracles so that Judaism will then say THIS MAN IS THE MESSIAH, he will have the rebuilding of The Third Temple as his seat, he will enter it and perform The Abomination of Desolation which will be him declaring himself Jesus Christ and x amount of Christians who have the Judaism Fetish will FOLLOW and ACCEPT him and WILL take The Mark of The Beast and will be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet. They do NOT FEAR Hell like we Christians are taught to FEAR Hell and Eternal Damnation, their version of Hell is our version of Heaven, everything is inverted and upside down in their world.

I'm not sure you can take one person's view of Judaism and make assumptions from that. I have talked to Jews who believe in just about everything you listed.

And to make a judgment upon a people saying they will do this and they will do that during The Tribulation, is also rather wrong headed. None of the prophesies specifically state who is going to take The Mark of AntiChrist for instance. In fact, as I have told you before, Jews refuse to worship AntiChrist during The Tribulation and they have to flee in to The Wilderness 'sila' because he makes war against Israel and all those that refuse his mark, for them refusing to worship him.

They will be Messianic Jews I would think.

Not ALL Jews refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, only a percentage of them do. What IS Israel in our Bible? Is it a nation OR is it Our Lord's Church on Earth, we are ALL Israelites who believe in Our Lord OR ONLY a land called Israel is to survive and EVERY OTHER LIVING THING is to perish? Again to ACCEPT what they are telling you you have to do you will have to REJECT Jesus Christ as The Messiah, you cannot accept what they say and agree with them and follow them IF they are REJECTING Jesus Christ and YOU are ACCEPTING Jesus Christ, logic dictates that you HAVE to DENOUNCE Jesus Christ and REJECT Him as The Messiah.
I find it disturbing to have an entire peoples reduced to your Christian prophecy fulfillment. It feels dehumanizing.
Also, no one is asking Christians to denounce or reject JC.
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The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies.

Messianic Prophecies ACCORDING to Judaism NOT Christianity, the situation is this you might get some to agree and eventually join YOU in trashing Jesus Christ as just a piece of shit but you are NOT going to get a majority of Mainstream Christians to join in with that, I do not consider Evangelicals to be Mainstream they are on the Fringe just listen to their preachers, idiots who on ONE hand say they WORSHIP Jesus Christ and on the OTHER hand say we have to follow like little dogs a crowd who REJECT and TRASH Jesus Christ as a piece of shit who was NEVER anything important.

The historical fact also is how many of the Jews in the world can show they have a DNA link to The Biblical Hebrews and not be that at some point in the Middle Ages their Ancestors converted from Paganism to Judaism? As opposed to converting from Paganism to Christianity or Islam. All of this idiocy that Evangelicals have been brainwashed with about God's Chosen so we HAVE to have The Fetish with them OR WHO are God's Chosen logically they are the ones who have a DNA link with The Biblical Hebrews, not the descendents of converts from Paganism to Judaism in the Middle Ages. The thing is ridiculous and IF at ANY point in time a crowd of whoever can illustrate with DNA they ARE descendents of The Biblical Hebrews then I will listen to them, because they WILL have blood in their veins of those who in Biblical Times were in The Holy Land.
The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies.

Messianic Prophecies ACCORDING to Judaism NOT Christianity, the situation is this you might get some to agree and eventually join YOU in trashing Jesus Christ as just a piece of shit but you are NOT going to get a majority of Mainstream Christians to join in with that, I do not consider Evangelicals to be Mainstream they are on the Fringe just listen to their preachers, idiots who on ONE hand say they WORSHIP Jesus Christ and on the OTHER hand say we have to follow like little dogs a crowd who REJECT and TRASH Jesus Christ as a piece of shit who was NEVER anything important.

The historical fact also is how many of the Jews in the world can show they have a DNA link to The Biblical Hebrews and not be that at some point in the Middle Ages their Ancestors converted from Paganism to Judaism? As opposed to converting from Paganism to Christianity or Islam. All of this idiocy that Evangelicals have been brainwashed with about God's Chosen so we HAVE to have The Fetish with them OR WHO are God's Chosen logically they are the ones who have a DNA link with The Biblical Hebrews, not the descendents of converts from Paganism to Judaism in the Middle Ages. The thing is ridiculous and IF at ANY point in time a crowd of whoever can illustrate with DNA they ARE descendents of The Biblical Hebrews then I will listen to them, because they WILL have blood in their veins of those who in Biblical Times were in The Holy Land.

Who is trashing Jesus Christ as a piece of shit? Certainly not me.

Messianic prophecies according to Judaism. Of course. That's the whole point. For Jews.
Also, no one is asking Christians to denounce or reject JC.

That will happen in The End Times though, we will be told to denounce and reject Jesus Christ and accept The Anti-Christ.

Told by Jews?

Told by followers of The Anti-Christ, that could be Jews or Christians or Jews AND Christians, predominantly it is going to be a crowd who have already Fallen and we see MILLIONS who have Fallen in the world already who are following The Anti-Christ Agenda even IF The Anti-Christ has NOT appeared right now.
Also, no one is asking Christians to denounce or reject JC.

That will happen in The End Times though, we will be told to denounce and reject Jesus Christ and accept The Anti-Christ.

Told by Jews?

Told by followers of The Anti-Christ, that could be Jews or Christians or Jews AND Christians, predominantly it is going to be a crowd who have already Fallen and we see MILLIONS who have Fallen in the world already who are following The Anti-Christ Agenda even IF The Anti-Christ has NOT appeared right now.

Out of curiosity, what is the Anti-Christ agenda? And how can you tell that someone is Fallen?
The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies.

Messianic Prophecies ACCORDING to Judaism NOT Christianity, the situation is this you might get some to agree and eventually join YOU in trashing Jesus Christ as just a piece of shit but you are NOT going to get a majority of Mainstream Christians to join in with that, I do not consider Evangelicals to be Mainstream they are on the Fringe just listen to their preachers, idiots who on ONE hand say they WORSHIP Jesus Christ and on the OTHER hand say we have to follow like little dogs a crowd who REJECT and TRASH Jesus Christ as a piece of shit who was NEVER anything important.

The historical fact also is how many of the Jews in the world can show they have a DNA link to The Biblical Hebrews and not be that at some point in the Middle Ages their Ancestors converted from Paganism to Judaism? As opposed to converting from Paganism to Christianity or Islam. All of this idiocy that Evangelicals have been brainwashed with about God's Chosen so we HAVE to have The Fetish with them OR WHO are God's Chosen logically they are the ones who have a DNA link with The Biblical Hebrews, not the descendents of converts from Paganism to Judaism in the Middle Ages. The thing is ridiculous and IF at ANY point in time a crowd of whoever can illustrate with DNA they ARE descendents of The Biblical Hebrews then I will listen to them, because they WILL have blood in their veins of those who in Biblical Times were in The Holy Land.

Who is trashing Jesus Christ as a piece of shit? Certainly not me.

Messianic prophecies according to Judaism. Of course. That's the whole point. For Jews.

Okay and okay. But this illustrate again the difference between Judaism and Christianity and it's a BIG difference and this is why I say oil and water that Judaism and Christianity do not have many things in common, we do not share the same philosophy and we are polar opposites. One situation is that Judaism is never going to get a majority of Christians to think there is ANOTHER Messiah when the importance of Jesus Christ The Messiah is fundamental to Christianity.

The concern for many Christians is that IF we are on this planet when events begin and this Mashiach appears then many Christians of the Evangelical variety mainly are going to follow him as messiah and when they do that means they will have already Fallen because they will have turned AWAY from Jesus Christ because as a Christian you cannot have duel Messiahs you cannot have Jesus Christ AND Mashiach and worship BOTH of them.
So why The Sacrifices?
They are not for G-d. They are for us. Physical acts which draw us closer to G-d.

What is the point of that at all?
Because being a Jew is about action, not belief. It is acting on what G-d has taught us.

Even God said the sacrifices were for the remission of sins.
The sacrifices themselves are only outward expressions of the actions which achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d. The sacrficies are entirely unnecessary. What is required is repentance, making amends, prayer and a return to the actions which G-d instructed us to take.
But G-d says there is sin.....and you say you are never Separated from G-d, so why the need to achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d if you are never separated from him, and there is no sin?

Judaisms god is not the same as our God, this is why they say that their god says there is no sin and no Hell. So I maintain my position that their messiah they wait for is going to be what in our Bible tells us will be The Anti-Christ. I think it would help if Christians begin to realise we have ZERO in common with Judaism, it's beliefs or it's rituals this is not rocket science, if we did have ANYTHING in common with that crowd then we would HAVE to begin with also REJECTING Jesus Christ as The Messiah, then REJECT there is no Heaven OR Hell, then REJECT there is NO Resurrection OR Afterlife, this is not rocket science, it is easy to comprehend:

Judaism = NO Jesus Christ The Messiah.
Judaism = NO sin.
Judaism = NO Hell.
Judaism = NO Heaven.
Judaism = NO Resurrection OR Afterlife.

Christianity = Jesus Christ IS The Messiah.
Christianity = YES there is sin.
Christianity = YES there is a Hell.
Christianity = YES there is a Heaven.
Christianity = YES there IS Resurrection AND an Afterlife.

Oil and water oil and water. The majority of what is in our Christian Bible Judaism REJECTS, they want to brainwash those who they think they can get to to get them to follow THEM instead, they do this not openly but in a subtle way the End Game as their god instructs them is to convince as many Christians as they can to turn AWAY from Jesus Christ who is Our Salvation and instead to follow their Pagan god who will put his representative on this earth during The End Times a man in human form who will perform with the power from Satan perform the miracles so that Judaism will then say THIS MAN IS THE MESSIAH, he will have the rebuilding of The Third Temple as his seat, he will enter it and perform The Abomination of Desolation which will be him declaring himself Jesus Christ and x amount of Christians who have the Judaism Fetish will FOLLOW and ACCEPT him and WILL take The Mark of The Beast and will be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet. They do NOT FEAR Hell like we Christians are taught to FEAR Hell and Eternal Damnation, their version of Hell is our version of Heaven, everything is inverted and upside down in their world.

I'm not sure you can take one person's view of Judaism and make assumptions from that. I have talked to Jews who believe in just about everything you listed.

And to make a judgment upon a people saying they will do this and they will do that during The Tribulation, is also rather wrong headed. None of the prophesies specifically state who is going to take The Mark of AntiChrist for instance. In fact, as I have told you before, Jews refuse to worship AntiChrist during The Tribulation and they have to flee in to The Wilderness 'sila' because he makes war against Israel and all those that refuse his mark, for them refusing to worship him.

They will be Messianic Jews I would think.

Not ALL Jews refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, only a percentage of them do. What IS Israel in our Bible? Is it a nation OR is it Our Lord's Church on Earth, we are ALL Israelites who believe in Our Lord OR ONLY a land called Israel is to survive and EVERY OTHER LIVING THING is to perish? Again to ACCEPT what they are telling you you have to do you will have to REJECT Jesus Christ as The Messiah, you cannot accept what they say and agree with them and follow them IF they are REJECTING Jesus Christ and YOU are ACCEPTING Jesus Christ, logic dictates that you HAVE to DENOUNCE Jesus Christ and REJECT Him as The Messiah.

Lucy: What are the 144,000?

They are 12,000 Hebrew Christians from each of The 12 Tribes of Israel during The Great Tribulation who are Filled With The Spirit of God and who go out Preaching The Gospel of Christ through out the whole world. God protects these Christian Hebrews and they are Indestructible and Invincible during The Tribulation. Nothing can harm them, not even The AntiChrist.

I assume that these 144,000 come to life so to speak after hearing The Preaching of the Two Witnesses in Israel and maybe that is how they are converted, and their ministry begins after they are killed and resurrected and ascend back to Heaven. But that is a pure speculation on my part.

When their preaching is done, all 144,000 of them will be on top of Mount Zion when Messiah Descends To Earth. These 144,000 will be so filled with The Spirit that many Gentiles and Jews will turn to Christ despite knowing that it will cost them their lives. Think on that.

Right now, there is a veil that is upon the minds and hearts of many people. During The Great Tribulation that veil is lifted for those people. While many will accept The Mark of AntiChrist and worship him, many will accept The Messiah and they will be Martyred during The Last 3/12 years of The Great Tribulation.
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Also, no one is asking Christians to denounce or reject JC.

That will happen in The End Times though, we will be told to denounce and reject Jesus Christ and accept The Anti-Christ.

Told by Jews?

Told by followers of The Anti-Christ, that could be Jews or Christians or Jews AND Christians, predominantly it is going to be a crowd who have already Fallen and we see MILLIONS who have Fallen in the world already who are following The Anti-Christ Agenda even IF The Anti-Christ has NOT appeared right now.

Out of curiosity, what is the Anti-Christ agenda? And how can you tell that someone is Fallen?

Well I commented in this thread that the unfortunate thing for Leftists is that The Leftist Agenda contain a great of what we are told The Anti-Christ Agenda is supposed to look like and that if you are already following that you have already Fallen.
They are not for G-d. They are for us. Physical acts which draw us closer to G-d.

Because being a Jew is about action, not belief. It is acting on what G-d has taught us.

The sacrifices themselves are only outward expressions of the actions which achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d. The sacrficies are entirely unnecessary. What is required is repentance, making amends, prayer and a return to the actions which G-d instructed us to take.
But G-d says there is sin.....and you say you are never Separated from G-d, so why the need to achieve a restoration of closeness with G-d if you are never separated from him, and there is no sin?

Judaisms god is not the same as our God, this is why they say that their god says there is no sin and no Hell. So I maintain my position that their messiah they wait for is going to be what in our Bible tells us will be The Anti-Christ. I think it would help if Christians begin to realise we have ZERO in common with Judaism, it's beliefs or it's rituals this is not rocket science, if we did have ANYTHING in common with that crowd then we would HAVE to begin with also REJECTING Jesus Christ as The Messiah, then REJECT there is no Heaven OR Hell, then REJECT there is NO Resurrection OR Afterlife, this is not rocket science, it is easy to comprehend:

Judaism = NO Jesus Christ The Messiah.
Judaism = NO sin.
Judaism = NO Hell.
Judaism = NO Heaven.
Judaism = NO Resurrection OR Afterlife.

Christianity = Jesus Christ IS The Messiah.
Christianity = YES there is sin.
Christianity = YES there is a Hell.
Christianity = YES there is a Heaven.
Christianity = YES there IS Resurrection AND an Afterlife.

Oil and water oil and water. The majority of what is in our Christian Bible Judaism REJECTS, they want to brainwash those who they think they can get to to get them to follow THEM instead, they do this not openly but in a subtle way the End Game as their god instructs them is to convince as many Christians as they can to turn AWAY from Jesus Christ who is Our Salvation and instead to follow their Pagan god who will put his representative on this earth during The End Times a man in human form who will perform with the power from Satan perform the miracles so that Judaism will then say THIS MAN IS THE MESSIAH, he will have the rebuilding of The Third Temple as his seat, he will enter it and perform The Abomination of Desolation which will be him declaring himself Jesus Christ and x amount of Christians who have the Judaism Fetish will FOLLOW and ACCEPT him and WILL take The Mark of The Beast and will be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The Anti-Christ and The False Prophet. They do NOT FEAR Hell like we Christians are taught to FEAR Hell and Eternal Damnation, their version of Hell is our version of Heaven, everything is inverted and upside down in their world.

I'm not sure you can take one person's view of Judaism and make assumptions from that. I have talked to Jews who believe in just about everything you listed.

And to make a judgment upon a people saying they will do this and they will do that during The Tribulation, is also rather wrong headed. None of the prophesies specifically state who is going to take The Mark of AntiChrist for instance. In fact, as I have told you before, Jews refuse to worship AntiChrist during The Tribulation and they have to flee in to The Wilderness 'sila' because he makes war against Israel and all those that refuse his mark, for them refusing to worship him.

They will be Messianic Jews I would think.

Not ALL Jews refuse to worship The Anti-Christ, only a percentage of them do. What IS Israel in our Bible? Is it a nation OR is it Our Lord's Church on Earth, we are ALL Israelites who believe in Our Lord OR ONLY a land called Israel is to survive and EVERY OTHER LIVING THING is to perish? Again to ACCEPT what they are telling you you have to do you will have to REJECT Jesus Christ as The Messiah, you cannot accept what they say and agree with them and follow them IF they are REJECTING Jesus Christ and YOU are ACCEPTING Jesus Christ, logic dictates that you HAVE to DENOUNCE Jesus Christ and REJECT Him as The Messiah.

Lucy: What are the 144,000?

They are 12,000 Hebrew Christians from each of The 12 Tribes of Israel during The Great Tribulation who are Filled With The Spirit of God and who go out Preaching The Gospel of Christ through out the whole world. God protects these Christian Hebrews and they are Indestructable and Invincible during The Tribulation. Nothing can harm them, not even The AntiChrist.

When their preaching is done, all 144,000 of them will be on top of Mount Zion when Messiah Descends To Earth. These 144,000 will be so filled with The Spirit that many Gentiles and Jews will turn to Christ despite knowing that it will cost them their lives. Think on that.

Right now, there is a veil that is upon the minds and hearts of many people. During The Great Tribulation that veil is lifted for those people. While many will accept The Mark of AntiChrist and worship him, many will accept The Messiah and they will be Martyred during The Last 3/12 years of The Great Tribulation.

"They are 12,000 Hebrew Christians from each of The 12 Tribes of Israel during The Great Tribulation who are Filled With The Spirit of God and who go out Preaching The Gospel of Christ through out the whole world. God protects these Christian Hebrews and they are Indestructable and Invincible during The Tribulation. Nothing can harm them, not even The AntiChrist."

Yes Hebrew Christians = Messianic Jews. Hebrew Christians who have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and they go out preaching The Gospel of Christ which is a Gospel that you have already seen REJECTED in this thread.

"When their preaching is done, all 144,000 of them will be on top of Mount Zion when Messiah Descends To Earth. These 144,000 will be so filled with The Spirit that many Gentiles and Jews will turn to Christ despite knowing that it will cost them their lives. Think on that."

Yes and that is WHY we must continue to pray for and help to guide as many Gentiles and Jews as we can to turn to The Light, to accept The Gospel of Jesus Christ and look forward to their Salvation and to NOT be weak and give in to The Anti-Christ's Agents who are promising them EVERYTHING in return for REJECTING Jesus Christ and taking The Mark of The Beast which will condemn their souls to Eternal Damnation, those who have no FEAR of Hell are because Hell is where they were spawned and that they look forward to returning to the realm of Lucifer.

"They are 12,000 Hebrew Christians from each of The 12 Tribes of Israel during The Great Tribulation who are Filled With The Spirit of God and who go out Preaching The Gospel of Christ through out the whole world. God protects these Christian Hebrews and they are Indestructable and Invincible during The Tribulation. Nothing can harm them, not even The AntiChrist."

Yes and they will ALL have a DNA link to The Biblical Hebrews, which rules out 99% of the world's Jews. And again the Hebrew Christians will be Messianic Jews which is not allowed in the MODERN nation of Israel.
The historical fact is that Jesus fulfilled none of the messianic prophecies.

Messianic Prophecies ACCORDING to Judaism NOT Christianity, the situation is this you might get some to agree and eventually join YOU in trashing Jesus Christ as just a piece of shit but you are NOT going to get a majority of Mainstream Christians to join in with that, I do not consider Evangelicals to be Mainstream they are on the Fringe just listen to their preachers, idiots who on ONE hand say they WORSHIP Jesus Christ and on the OTHER hand say we have to follow like little dogs a crowd who REJECT and TRASH Jesus Christ as a piece of shit who was NEVER anything important.

The historical fact also is how many of the Jews in the world can show they have a DNA link to The Biblical Hebrews and not be that at some point in the Middle Ages their Ancestors converted from Paganism to Judaism? As opposed to converting from Paganism to Christianity or Islam. All of this idiocy that Evangelicals have been brainwashed with about God's Chosen so we HAVE to have The Fetish with them OR WHO are God's Chosen logically they are the ones who have a DNA link with The Biblical Hebrews, not the descendents of converts from Paganism to Judaism in the Middle Ages. The thing is ridiculous and IF at ANY point in time a crowd of whoever can illustrate with DNA they ARE descendents of The Biblical Hebrews then I will listen to them, because they WILL have blood in their veins of those who in Biblical Times were in The Holy Land.

Who is trashing Jesus Christ as a piece of shit? Certainly not me.

Messianic prophecies according to Judaism. Of course. That's the whole point. For Jews.

Okay and okay. But this illustrate again the difference between Judaism and Christianity and it's a BIG difference and this is why I say oil and water that Judaism and Christianity do not have many things in common, we do not share the same philosophy and we are polar opposites. One situation is that Judaism is never going to get a majority of Christians to think there is ANOTHER Messiah when the importance of Jesus Christ The Messiah is fundamental to Christianity.

The concern for many Christians is that IF we are on this planet when events begin and this Mashiach appears then many Christians of the Evangelical variety mainly are going to follow him as messiah and when they do that means they will have already Fallen because they will have turned AWAY from Jesus Christ because as a Christian you cannot have duel Messiahs you cannot have Jesus Christ AND Mashiach and worship BOTH of them.

We won't be here. We'll be with The Old Testament Saints and Prophets, The Dead In Christ, and we who are caught up alive to meet Messiah in The Air.

Daniel's 70th year is for The Jews, and the undecided who will be on Earth after The True Church is removed from Earth. And by True Church, we are not talking about a denomination, but only those people God knows who's hearts are with Him.

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