God cannot break His own Law, however God’s Law has contingencies in it for alternate penalities, such as payments for atonement for sin and what is required to accomplish that.

But then He knew that when He created man, and He knew that they would sin, and He knew that there would be a penalty for sin, death and knew He'd be willing to pay it Himself.

Sure. He created rules and then becomes constrained by those rules.

Or are you agreeing that He has other options, but chooses not to employ them?

Can He choose, for example, NOT to send "sinners" to hell/eternal damnation/cut off from Him?
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

No "God the son".
It's 180 degrees opposite of Judaism.

It's worse than calling Your father by the name.
Downgrading, or referring to God as an offspring, is a great insult.
He's not a man, and doesn't have an image of a man, and no beginning.
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I am my Father’s son. I am the son of my Father. If you see me, you see my father.

John 10:30

“I and the Father are one."
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

No God the son.
That's an abomination.

It's worse than calling Your father by the name.
I am my Father’s son. I am the son of my Father. If you see me, you see my father.

John 10:30

“I and the Father are one."
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

No God the son.
That's an abomination.

It's worse than calling Your father by the name.

You know that we have only a set number of common books.
This one is not among them.

That just doesn't resonate, doesn't taste anything like the Torah.
It’s not The Torah.

Is not there The Law & The Prophets?

Why wouldn’t God just give us The Law, and The Law alone?

Why The Prophets as well?

What is the purpose of The Law?

And What is the purpose of The Prophets?

Can Man Keep The Law?

If all we had were The Law, what would become of Man?

I am my Father’s son. I am the son of my Father. If you see me, you see my Father.

John 10:30

“I and the Father are one."
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

No God the son.
That's an abomination.

It's worse than calling Your father by the name.

You know that we have only a set number of common books.
This one is not among them.

That just doesn't resonate, doesn't taste anything like the Torah.
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There was No Beginning for The Son of God, and there was No Beginning for The Holy Spirit as There was no beginning for God The Father.

God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit are One.

John 1:1-5

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Then John goes in to John The Baptist appearing in The Spirit Of Elijah, Crying in The Wilderness announcing the coming of The Messiah.

But that’s another discussion.
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You do not understand Christianity.

Possibly true. Please feel free to point out any errors I make in our discussions. I think the issue, when people of different faiths attempt discussion with one another is that in order to understand another's faith, one has to adopt certain fundamental concepts. If one does not begin with that particular world view, it is very difficult to understand the other's faith. And it is very difficult to get someone of a specific faith to let go of their world view.
But then He knew that when He created man, and He knew that they would sin, and He knew that there would be a penalty for sin, death and knew He'd be willing to pay it Himself.

Yes. I do not buy into your construct of G-d. I do not buy into the willful, intentional creation of a place of suffering for non-believers. I do not buy into the intentional creation of man who was without the ability to choose to sin or not to sin, nor of man who has the choice to sin or not, except that no one can actually attain that perfection, depending on whether you are an original sin kinda Christian or not. I do not buy into a (nearly) irreversible penalty for sin beyond the agency of those committing the sin. I do not buy that G-d would construct a world where He would have to fake kill Himself in order to save His Creation, whom He supposedly loves, in order to avoid the very horrors that He created.

Its the construct built around the whole messiah thing that I reject utterly. I don't believe in that kind of G-d and I believe He created something better than what Christians serve up.

That's just me. Shrug. On the other hand, I DO understand the whole idea of a loving, forgiving god who caretakes his children. No matter what they've done. i just prefer it without the god who set man up in the first place with His impossible-to-break-even-for-Him-rules.
It’s not The Torah.

Is not there The Law & The Prophets?

Why wouldn’t God just give us The Law, and The Law alone?

Why The Prophets as well?

What is the purpose of The Law?

And What is the purpose of The Prophets?

Can Man Keep The Law?

If all we had were The Law, what would become of Man?

I am my Father’s son. I am the son of my Father. If you see me, you see my Father.

John 10:30

“I and the Father are one."
So there is No “Spirit of The Lord?”

God is One but He has three personalities.

God The Father
God The Son
The Holy Spirit

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

No God the son.
That's an abomination.

It's worse than calling Your father by the name.

You know that we have only a set number of common books.
This one is not among them.

That just doesn't resonate, doesn't taste anything like the Torah.
If I understand Your equation between Torah and the Law, and we agree that there's no replacement, then If it's not the Torah, it's not THE Law.

Moses our Rabbi A"H gave the Law, it was given so that we can get closer, connect to HaShem, and as a spice against the bad inclination that was given to us to be able to do beyond the letter of the 7 Noahide Laws. And yes a man can keep the Law, that's why prophets were sent after Moses A"H, to keep the strayed en route. And why the Torah itself was given to Israel, to do in this world, because it can be done, it's the most basic root of our relationship with the Law, or what G-d said, doing is put before hearing more. That's the 'humor" and openness and humanity of Israel's story.

All it takes is really the Song of Songs to understand Judaism.
The Law gives You repentance, direct from HaShem. and one who repents, or more exactly returns to HaShem through repentance, is above a righteous man who from his first days was not blemished by sin. That's what every man can do, and there's no human or messianic intermediary, return through repentance comes directly from HaShem, and only Him.

So to speak, Eve wanted her children to be holders of repentance rather than unblemished righteous men. She knew there was no duality in G-d's words before the choice.
The Messiah himself, if riding on a donkey, can mean to be a holder of repentance who rides the materialist world and being an integral part of the generation, not the most beautiful, or unblemished, but ugly in appearance and very humanly experienced with sin. A donkey and material come from the same root.

A messiah is even referred in terms of family lines, very worldly native idea.
So is he to be born of human father who is the seed of King David A"H in this world, and in every generation. A specific family was promised a representative role in the redemption of the world.
And Davidic families is not a myth, it's a common thing for Jews to keep track family lines, and the same Davidic families that ruled the community in diaspora, can be found today as representatives in the Israeli politics, sitting in the parliament. Not that they're a messiah, there's no oil yet involved, because there's no prophet, and not that the Israeli govt is the redemption, it's a process and a very worldly one, with real human beings involved, but at the end of the day "The Messiah" is about G-d redeeming his sons and not the human being, or one of his sons, redemption comes from G-d only, and that's what Messiah is supposed to help You, and the world eventually comprehend. Once and for all, that there is no intermediary, not even he himself.

G-d is so close to us it's frightening, it won't help creating offspring god concepts to wall off from that reality.
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God cannot break His own Law ...

My point stands then. It is Christianity which says that there are things which it is impossible for G-d to do.
How so? How does your point stand through a simple statement such as "God cannot Lie" That is The Word of God. Or "God does not break His own Law."

Within God's Laws are opportunities for restoration. This is what the oblations are. This is what the red heifer is for, and what the many other things the priests were commanded to do in The Old Testament are for. Redemption - Restoration.

"I know my Redeemer Lives"

There is The Law, and then there is The Restoration of The Law Breaker.

If God's Law did not have this element, NO MAN could be restored.

Without Redemption - Restoration, all of us are lost.

In my conversations with you, you seemed to indicate that you think God could not come to Earth as Immanuel in human form to make Himself a propitiation for man's sin and pay the debt for man's sin, Himself.

Or am I misunderstanding you?
But then He knew that when He created man, and He knew that they would sin, and He knew that there would be a penalty for sin, death and knew He'd be willing to pay it Himself.

Yes. I do not buy into your construct of G-d. I do not buy into the willful, intentional creation of a place of suffering for non-believers. I do not buy into the intentional creation of man who was without the ability to choose to sin or not to sin, nor of man who has the choice to sin or not, except that no one can actually attain that perfection, depending on whether you are an original sin kinda Christian or not. I do not buy into a (nearly) irreversible penalty for sin beyond the agency of those committing the sin. I do not buy that G-d would construct a world where He would have to fake kill Himself in order to save His Creation, whom He supposedly loves, in order to avoid the very horrors that He created.

Its the construct built around the whole messiah thing that I reject utterly. I don't believe in that kind of G-d and I believe He created something better than what Christians serve up.

That's just me. Shrug. On the other hand, I DO understand the whole idea of a loving, forgiving god who caretakes his children. No matter what they've done. i just prefer it without the god who set man up in the first place with His impossible-to-break-even-for-Him-rules.

How do you not buy in to that construct of God, and this world when you are living in such a place?

That is a denial of reality.

If God gave us Free Will, and He is Omniscient, then He had to know that man would rebel. If He did not know this would happen when He made man, He is not God.

But He is God, and He did know. That is what Love is. Allowing someone to make their own choices in life, make their own way, and still loving them even when they make mistakes, rebel, do not love you back.

A good example of this is the story of The Prodigal Son. Perhaps that would help you to understand a tiny bit of what belief in Messiah is all about.

What the Prodigal Son story doesn't mean
Judaism teaches that to sin is a part of life, since there is no perfect man and everyone has an inclination to do evil "from his youth". ... Yom Kippur, the main day of repentance in Judaism, can atone for sins between man and God, but not for sins between man and his fellow, that is until he has appeased his friend.

Judaism teaches that to sin is a part of life, since there is no perfect man and everyone has an inclination to do evil "from his youth". ... Yom Kippur, the main day of repentance in Judaism, can atone for sins between man and God, but not for sins between man and his fellow, that is until he has appeased his friend.

Sin is disobedience to Gods law. Sin is only a part of life because people do not understand the meaning of the words nor the hidden subjects of the divine commands.

According to the story Jesus did away with sin by revealing the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law. According to the story Jesus removed the burden of the law which is the death, the promised maledictions for noncompliance by making the right way to follow the law, the way to eternal life clear.. According to the story by doing so Jesus made the talmud, what he called 'the traditions of men' and the wrong way to follow the law, obsolete.

According to the story all that anyone had to do back then was decide whether Jesus who said 'eat my flesh' was right or wrong about kosher law, whether standing guard over the purity of your own mind or being very careful about whats for dinner reflects the will and wisdom of God.

Now that you know what the argument between Jesus and the 'orthodox' was all about, you get to decide too.

Choose wisely (lol, and try not to laugh). If scripture is true, it is literally a matter of life or death.
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There is no replacement, but rather an expansion or what passover is.

It doesn't need to be expanded ... there's already too much food


All the deepness in this thread, and I'm thinking Matzoh ought to be outlawed! :tomato:
If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

God asked Abraham to offer up his son for a sacrifice as a test to see if people were worth him sacrificing his own son for them, because he knew he was going to do that later on.
If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

God asked Abraham to offer up his son for a sacrifice as a test to see if people were worth him sacrificing his own son for them, because he knew he was going to do that later on.

Nope, not in our Torah.
G-d transformed Itzhak our father A"h soul to be able to conceive.

G-d also put Abraham A"h our father in front of a burning furnace, and much more. As far as I understand Abraham was the first human who comprehended that there's supposed to be a a single G-d of all, and put all his faith in that knowledge further, later called one who loved G-d:

"But you, Israel My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, who loved Me,"
Whom I grasped from the ends of the earth, and from its nobles I called you, and I said to you,
"You are My servant"; I chose you and I did not despise you.
Do not fear for I am with you; be not discouraged for I am your God:
I encouraged you, I also helped you, I also supported you with My righteous hand.
Behold all those incensed against you shall be ashamed and confounded; those who quarreled with you shall be as nought and be lost. You may seek them but not find them, those who quarrel with you; those who war with you shall be as nought and as nothing. For I, the Lord your God, grasp your right hand;
Who says to you, "Fear not, I help you."
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Judaism teaches that to sin is a part of life, since there is no perfect man and everyone has an inclination to do evil "from his youth". ... Yom Kippur, the main day of repentance in Judaism, can atone for sins between man and God, but not for sins between man and his fellow, that is until he has appeased his friend.

Sin is disobedience to Gods law. Sin is only a part of life because people do not understand the meaning of the words nor the hidden subjects of the divine commands.

According to the story Jesus did away with sin by revealing the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects in the law. According to the story Jesus removed the burden of the law which is the death, the promised maledictions for noncompliance by making the right way to follow the law, the way to eternal life clear.. According to the story by doing so Jesus made the talmud, what he called 'the traditions of men' and the wrong way to follow the law, obsolete.

According to the story all that anyone had to do back then was decide whether Jesus who said 'eat my flesh' was right or wrong about kosher law, whether standing guard over the purity of your own mind or being very careful about whats for dinner reflects the will and wisdom of God.

Now that you know what the argument between Jesus and the 'orthodox' was all about, you get to decide too.

Choose wisely (lol, and try not to laugh). If scripture is true, it is literally a matter of life or death.

I'm not into Jesus. Sorry.

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