Saul spoke of David.

Christ is called The Son of David and is descended from The Davidic Line.

When He returns, He returns to Jerusalem to rule as Messiah Bin David from The Throne of David. He returns to expand Israel to the borders defined by Abraham and to restore peace upon The Earth for He is The Prince of Peace.

Messiah refers to anyone, such as king Saul anonted by God's prophet.

But there is only ONE Messiah for Christians, Jesus Christ The Messiah who was put to death on The Cross. I am not about to Reject Jesus Christ for ANYONE.

That's because You project foreign meanings into words from another language.
According to the original Hebrew definition, what William said is 100% correct.

Okay, but I have never heard anyone personally refer to eg. Saul as The Messiah.

Messiah= anointed.

All Jewish kings were anointed, however in the Torah (to the best of my knowledge) only 2 of them are referred to with the adjective 'messiah' - King Shaul is one:

"And he said to his men, "The Lord forbid it for me, that I should do this thing to my lord, to the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth my hand upon him, for he is the Lord's anointed."
(Shmuel 1, 24: 7)

Regarding the quote, the first comment is incorrect.
David speaks of King Shaul.

I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?

I think I already told You, Judaism was not much a religion in the sense of Christianity or Islam,
we're commanded to know, know G-d, one who is not a man, and has no image, or an image of a body.
That's basics,

How do we know? Dig the Torah and have a relationship with G-d, not a messiah.
In Zen, they say - "don't stare at the finger pointing at the moon".
Saul spoke of David.

Christ is called The Son of David and is descended from The Davidic Line.

When He returns, He returns to Jerusalem to rule as Messiah Bin David from The Throne of David. He returns to expand Israel to the borders defined by Abraham and to restore peace upon The Earth for He is The Prince of Peace.

But there is only ONE Messiah for Christians, Jesus Christ The Messiah who was put to death on The Cross. I am not about to Reject Jesus Christ for ANYONE.

That's because You project foreign meanings into words from another language.
According to the original Hebrew definition, what William said is 100% correct.

Okay, but I have never heard anyone personally refer to eg. Saul as The Messiah.

Messiah= anointed.

All Jewish kings were anointed, however in the Torah (to the best of my knowledge) only 2 of them are referred to with the adjective 'messiah' - King Shaul is one:

"And he said to his men, "The Lord forbid it for me, that I should do this thing to my lord, to the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth my hand upon him, for he is the Lord's anointed."
(Shmuel 1, 24: 7)

Regarding the quote, the first comment is incorrect.
David speaks of King Shaul.

I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?

I think I already told You, Judaism was not much a religion in the sense of Christianity or Islam,
we're commanded to know, know G-d, one who is not a man, and has no image, or an image of a body.
That's basics,

How do we know? Dig the Torah and have a relationship with G-d, not a messiah.
In Zen, they say - "don't stare at the finger pointing at the moon".

"I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?"

I agree with you, Jesus Christ is not the son of Joseph or the son of David, Jesus Christ as defined in Christianity and in our Bible is the Son of God, His only Son that He send to this earth, if anything then Joseph was Jesus Christ's ADOPTIVE father, Mary of course was Jesus Christ's physical birth mother.
No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem...

I have good news for you then! (Not Good News! But you already have that!)

No Jew would ever demand that of you. Ever. It would be a violation of our faith.

Okay good, also in no other thread have I been in with you and rylah I have not even noticed a post in Politics or Current Events etc but you are both interesting and it's good you are participating in this excellent discussion that Tree started.

I'm mostly on the Israel/Palestine board. I venture out of that cave only occasionally. This time with a point of mutual interest with The Original Tree.

I never have posted in that section I have read some threads and arguing and poisonous on both sides and so I would prefer not to get involved.
I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.

I think The Anti-Christ is already here or if not The Spirit of The Anti-Christ is here, we see this EVERY day The Anti-Christ Agenda is happening, of course 99% of it unfortunately for Leftists is The Leftist Agenda.

Don't tempt me: Jeremy Corbyn. :cool-45:

May now talking with Corbyn re. Brexit situation, illustrate again she is a weak woman and NOT an intelligent politician, this is NOT going to have a happy ending. I think many in the Conservative Party going to be angry at this bizarro thing with Corbyn.

The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]

Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.
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I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

You're not going to like, if even understand my views


Who cares if someone does not like your views, you have a right to have what views you want to, so post what they are.

Any 'views' have the right to the court of public opinion here Lucy

But i digress, allow me to address the jury

Religion and Faith are mutually exclusive , if not diametrically opposed

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

You're not going to like, if even understand my views


Who cares if someone does not like your views, you have a right to have what views you want to, so post what they are.

Any 'views' have the right to the court of public opinion here Lucy

But i digress, allow me to address the jury

Religion and Faith are mutually exclusive , if not diametrically opposed


I agree that Organised Religion and Faith are not the same thing.
If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.
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Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.

I think The Anti-Christ is already here or if not The Spirit of The Anti-Christ is here, we see this EVERY day The Anti-Christ Agenda is happening, of course 99% of it unfortunately for Leftists is The Leftist Agenda.

Don't tempt me: Jeremy Corbyn. :cool-45:

May now talking with Corbyn re. Brexit situation, illustrate again she is a weak woman and NOT an intelligent politician, this is NOT going to have a happy ending. I think many in the Conservative Party going to be angry at this bizarro thing with Corbyn.

It's making me lose the will to live. :cool-45:
Trump Brexit same issue.

Defend a country against Globalism and the destruction of your National Sovereignty, and The Powerful and Elite will try to destroy you!

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.

I think The Anti-Christ is already here or if not The Spirit of The Anti-Christ is here, we see this EVERY day The Anti-Christ Agenda is happening, of course 99% of it unfortunately for Leftists is The Leftist Agenda.

Don't tempt me: Jeremy Corbyn. :cool-45:

May now talking with Corbyn re. Brexit situation, illustrate again she is a weak woman and NOT an intelligent politician, this is NOT going to have a happy ending. I think many in the Conservative Party going to be angry at this bizarro thing with Corbyn.

It's making me lose the will to live. :cool-45:
He had to come to Earth as a human
to reverse what Adam did and take Adam’s-Mankind’s place to pay the debt for sin.

This is why Messiah is called The 2nd Adam.

Through the 1st Adam Sin entered The World.

And through The 2nd Adam, Sin will be banished from The World.

The Throne of David by the way is also called The Throne of Adam.

Saul spoke of David.

Christ is called The Son of David and is descended from The Davidic Line.

When He returns, He returns to Jerusalem to rule as Messiah Bin David from The Throne of David. He returns to expand Israel to the borders defined by Abraham and to restore peace upon The Earth for He is The Prince of Peace.

That's because You project foreign meanings into words from another language.
According to the original Hebrew definition, what William said is 100% correct.

Okay, but I have never heard anyone personally refer to eg. Saul as The Messiah.

Messiah= anointed.

All Jewish kings were anointed, however in the Torah (to the best of my knowledge) only 2 of them are referred to with the adjective 'messiah' - King Shaul is one:

"And he said to his men, "The Lord forbid it for me, that I should do this thing to my lord, to the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth my hand upon him, for he is the Lord's anointed."
(Shmuel 1, 24: 7)

Regarding the quote, the first comment is incorrect.
David speaks of King Shaul.

I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?

I think I already told You, Judaism was not much a religion in the sense of Christianity or Islam,
we're commanded to know, know G-d, one who is not a man, and has no image, or an image of a body.
That's basics,

How do we know? Dig the Torah and have a relationship with G-d, not a messiah.
In Zen, they say - "don't stare at the finger pointing at the moon".

"I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?"

I agree with you, Jesus Christ is not the son of Joseph or the son of David, Jesus Christ as defined in Christianity and in our Bible is the Son of God, His only Son that He send to this earth, if anything then Joseph was Jesus Christ's ADOPTIVE father, Mary of course was Jesus Christ's physical birth mother.
Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

Did G-d create the world exactly as He Intended?

Is G-d constrained by His own rules?

Wages, sin, death, sending Himself, being in human form, paying off debt to Himself, sinless, spotless, sacrifice without blemish, heaven, hell, eternal lakes of fire....those things all depend on G-d being constrained.

In other words, it is Christianity which claims there are things which are too impossible for G-d to do.
You do not understand Christianity.

But I guess God is constrained by one thing, and one thing only, Human Free Will, for God cannot force man to love Him.

But then He knew that when He created man, and He knew that they would sin, and He knew that there would be a penalty for sin, death and knew He'd be willing to pay it Himself.

And that is what He did.

He offered himself up as a propitiation, a ransom for sin.

He told you He was going to do it and be willing to do it even in The Garden Of Eden. He told you in The Word of God from Alpha to Omega, from the first book to The Last.

Is it too hard a thing for God to offer Himself in Isaac’s place?

No it is not.

“Stay thy hand! I will provide The Lamb!”

God does not ask us to do things He Himself is not willing to do.

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

Did G-d create the world exactly as He Intended?

Is G-d constrained by His own rules?

Wages, sin, death, sending Himself, being in human form, paying off debt to Himself, sinless, spotless, sacrifice without blemish, heaven, hell, eternal lakes of fire....those things all depend on G-d being constrained.

In other words, it is Christianity which claims there are things which are too impossible for G-d to do.
Last edited:
Saul spoke of David.

Christ is called The Son of David and is descended from The Davidic Line.

When He returns, He returns to Jerusalem to rule as Messiah Bin David from The Throne of David. He returns to expand Israel to the borders defined by Abraham and to restore peace upon The Earth for He is The Prince of Peace.

That's because You project foreign meanings into words from another language.
According to the original Hebrew definition, what William said is 100% correct.

Okay, but I have never heard anyone personally refer to eg. Saul as The Messiah.

Messiah= anointed.

All Jewish kings were anointed, however in the Torah (to the best of my knowledge) only 2 of them are referred to with the adjective 'messiah' - King Shaul is one:

"And he said to his men, "The Lord forbid it for me, that I should do this thing to my lord, to the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth my hand upon him, for he is the Lord's anointed."
(Shmuel 1, 24: 7)

Regarding the quote, the first comment is incorrect.
David speaks of King Shaul.

I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?

I think I already told You, Judaism was not much a religion in the sense of Christianity or Islam,
we're commanded to know, know G-d, one who is not a man, and has no image, or an image of a body.
That's basics,

How do we know? Dig the Torah and have a relationship with G-d, not a messiah.
In Zen, they say - "don't stare at the finger pointing at the moon".

"I don't mean to be unpleasant, but if I understand the definition of 'Christ', then the second part of Your response is irrational. Once he is called son of Joseph and then son of David in the same breath, and then he's supposed to have no human father?"

I agree with you, Jesus Christ is not the son of Joseph or the son of David, Jesus Christ as defined in Christianity and in our Bible is the Son of God, His only Son that He send to this earth, if anything then Joseph was Jesus Christ's ADOPTIVE father, Mary of course was Jesus Christ's physical birth mother.

"You are children of the Lord, your God"
Deuteronomy - Chapter 14

Children = plural of son.
If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23
Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

Apparently USMB does not allow
Hebrew characters

Immanuel - Wikipedia

Immanuel (Hebrew:
"God with us"; also romanized Emmanuel, Imanu'el) is a Hebrew name which appears in the Book of Isaiah as a sign that God will protect the House of David.[1]

The Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 1:22–23) interprets this as a prophecy of the birth of the Messiah and the fulfillment of Scripture in the person of Jesus.[2] Immanuel "God (El) with us" is one of the "symbolic names" used by Isaiah, alongside Shearjashub, Maher-shalal-hash-baz, or Pele-joez-el-gibbor-abi-ad-sar-shalom. It has no particular meaning in Jewish messianism.[3] By contrast, the name based on its use in Isaiah 7:14 has come to be read as a prophecy of the Christ in Christian theology following Matthew 1:23, where ImmanuelKJV: "God with us").

The setting is the Syro-Ephraimite War, 735-734 BCE, which saw the kingdom of Judah pitted against two northern neighbors, the kingdoms of Israel (called Ephraim in the prophecy) and Syria (also known as Aram or Aram-Damascus or Syria-Damascus). Isaiah 7:1–2 tells how the kings of Ephraim and Syria attack Jerusalem when Ahaz refuses to join them in their anti-Assyrian alliance. Ahaz wishes to ask Assyria for help, but Isaiah, at God's command, takes his son Shear-jashub (a symbolic name meaning "a remnant shall return") and assures Ahaz that the two enemy kings will not succeed (Isaiah 7:3–9). Isaiah tells Ahaz of the apparent sign by which he will know that this is a true prophecy: a young woman will give birth to a child whom she will name Immanuel (another symbolic name, meaning "God with us"), and the lands of the "two kings you dread" will be laid waste before the child is old enough to "reject the wrong and choose the right" (Isaiah 7:13–16).

Isaiah 7:17 follows with a further prophecy that at some unspecified future date God will call up Assyriaagainst Judah: "The Lord will cause to come upon you and your people and your ancestral house such days as have not been seen since Ephraim broke away from Judah—the king of Assyria" (verse 7:17). Verses 7:18–25describe the desolation that will result: "In that day a man will save alive a young cow and two sheep…in that day every place where there used to be a thousand vines…will be turned over to thorns and briars" (verses 7:21–23).[4] Isaiah 8:1–15 continues the previous chapter: the prophet tells of the birth of another child, his own son named Maher-shalal-hash-baz (a third symbolic name), then predicts that after Ephraim and Syria are destroyed the Assyrians will come like a river in flood to "cover the breadth of your land, Immanuel" (Isaiah 8:8).[5]

A fourth, even longer, prophetic "name", is found in Isaiah 9:6 with "Pele-joez-el-gibbor-abi-ad-sar-shalom". This is generally translated fully in English Bible versions such as "his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (KJV).

Isaiah 7:1–8:15, is on the surface set in the time of king Ahaz, and a prophecy concerning the two kings whom Ahaz dreads, namely Pekahand Rezin. The defeat and death of both these kings at the hands of the Assyrians is dated around 732 BCE, placing the birth of the Immanuel child late in the reign of Ahaz.

Scholars generally date the written version of these events from the reign of Ahaz's son Hezekiah some thirty years later, the purpose being to persuade Hezekiah not to join with other kings who intended to rebel against their joint overlord, Assyria. Isaiah points to the dreadful consequences that followed for Judah's northern neighbours, the kingdom of Israel and Aram-Damascus (Syria) when they rebelled in the days of Ahaz and brought the Assyrians down on themselves. In the event, Hezekiah ignored Isaiah and joined the rebels, and the prophet's warning came true: the Assyrians ravaged Judah and Hezekiah barely escaped with his throne. A century later, in the time of Josiah, the prophecy was revised to present Ahaz as the faithless king who rejected God's promise of protection for Jerusalem and the house of David, with the result that God brought Assyria to devastate the land until a new and faithful king (presumably Josiah) would arise.[6]

Isaiah 7–8 mentions three children with symbolic names: Shear-jashub, meaning "a remnant shall return"; Immanuel, "God is with us"; and Maher-shalal-hash-baz, "the spoil speeds, the prey hastens".[7] Isaiah 8:18 informs the reader that Isaiah and his children are signs ("Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion"). The meaning of these name-signs is not clear: Shear-jashub has been variously interpreted to mean that only a remnant of Ephraim and Syria will survive the Assyrian invasion, or that a remnant of Judah will repent and turn to God, while in Isaiah 10:20–23 it seems to mean that a remnant of Israel will return to the Davidic monarchy.[8] Maher-shalal-hash-baz is more clearly related to the expected destruction of Ephraim and Syria. As for Immanuel, "God is with us", Isaiah might mean simply that any young pregnant woman in 734 BCE would be able to name her child "God is with us" by the time he is born; but if a specific child is meant, then it might be a son of Ahaz, possibly his successor Hezekiah (which is the traditional Jewish understanding); or, since the other symbolic children are Isaiah's, Immanuel might be the prophet's own son.[8] However this may be, the significance of the sign changes, from Isaiah 7, where Immanuel symbolises the hope of imminent defeat for Syria and Ephraim, to Isaiah 8:8, where Immanuel is addressed as the people whose land is about to be overrun by the Assyrians.[5]

The Gospel of Matthew cites the prophecy of the sign of Immanuel from Isaiah, using a Greek translation rather than the original Hebrew. Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus from Abraham through David to Joseph, with Jesus as "the son of David", (Matthew 1:1) a member of the "house of David" (Isaiah 7:12) to whom the sign of Immanuel was given. Matthew 1:16 indicates that Jesus is not Joseph's natural son, and Matthew never refers to Joseph as Jesus's father. Verses 1:18–25turn to Mary, the future mother of Jesus, betrothed (engaged) to Joseph, but "found with child of the Holy Ghost" before she and Joseph "came together". (v.18) Joseph was about to break the engagement, but an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him of the child's divine origin, and Matthew 1:22–23 declares how this was the fulfillment of Scripture:[2]

The gospel of Matthew was written by an author who believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, "God with us".[9][10] At first, titles such as "Messiah" and "son of God" had described Jesus's future nature at the "deutera parousia", the Second Coming; but very soon he came to be recognised as having become the Son of God at the resurrection; then, in Mark, he becomes known as Son of God at his baptism; and finally Matthew and Luke add infancy narratives in which Jesus is the Son of God from the very beginning, long before being conceived of a virgin mother without a human father.[11]

If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23
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But then He knew that when He created man, and He knew that they would sin, and He knew that there would be a penalty for sin, death and knew He'd be willing to pay it Himself.

Sure. He created rules and then becomes constrained by those rules.

Or are you agreeing that He has other options, but chooses not to employ them?

Can He choose, for example, NOT to send "sinners" to hell/eternal damnation/cut off from Him?
Being both God and Man, God The Son is The Only Man Who Cannot Lie.

If God chose to come To Earth as a man, why wouldn’t He have a name?

If God Believes according to His Law that the wages of sin are death, and He chose to send Himself as The Son of God in human form to pay off that debt Himself, as a sinless, spotless sacrifice without blemish, are you saying that this is a thing that God cannot do? Is that a thing too hard for God to do?

And if God was sinless and chose to do this, then would not that break that contract with Death forever?

Tell me then what is too impossible for God to do? Does God not love us enough to send Himself in the form of The Son of God to offer Himself as The Sacrificial Ram, even though he asked Abraham to offer up his son Isaac on Golgotha for the atonement of sin?

Why would God ask Abraham to offer Isaac as a Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and then say to man, I would not offer My Son as The Lamb of God to wash awaymthe sins of The World?

God is not a liar and neither is He a hypocrit!

Tell me what thing there is that God cannot do.


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]
Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

I don't understand the point of asking people what they believe in Messiah.
Again the whole thing of faith is based on knowledge. If You know Your Bible to be true, You know there's hard truth and everything deviating is corrupt. And if You know the "Word" is hard truth, then Your Bible is that Word, not a messiah.

Sounds logical?

It's not as simple as a human being, that's too easy.
We're supposed to study all life to know G-d here in this world, again not the messiah, and not in the afterlife, but here today, now.
Hold G-d's Name in front of our eyes and not a name of a human.
The later IS the abomination.

"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal"
Numbers - Chapter 23

"God the Son"?
No thaks, there's no beginning to the beginning of the G-d of Israel.
And there's no one, and nothing else.

No humans, no intermediaries, not someone's son. HaShem is our Father and there's nothing else above or in addition. Impossible.

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