The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.

The resurrection is central to your faith.

This thought provoking movie challenges that notion.

The Body (2001) - IMDb
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?
Faith is of God. Religion is of Man.
The instructions and teachings given to us by G-d are of G-d. You agree, yes?

Christ said, "There is no mediator between Man and God, but The Lamb of God."
G-d says there is no need for a mediator between man and G-d.

Do not ascribe the Sins of Those who called themselves Christian, and did not bear the fruit of Christianity, with those who Are Christian. One cannot hate a Jew or Persecute a Jew and be a Christian.
I'll ascribe sins and abhorrent behaviours where I see them. And I'll call them out when I feel the need to. I don't buy into the "not a real Christian" argument anymore than I buy into the "not a real Muslim" argument. It is my firm belief that trying to pretend the gangrenous limb does not exist or isn't "real" is a danger. Christian ideology is the source of Lucy's hatred.

That said, I will also let you know that I have had discussions with many wonderful Christians over the years. There is much about the faith which is lovely (Wrong, but lovely. Grin.) and there are many Christians which fill me with hope for the future. If we could just honor and respect each other. Including each other's sacred rituals.

I do not hate anyone, I pity them. I pray for their souls, that they wake up and see The Light and not allow their souls to be condemned to Hell.

We can honour and respect each other and each others rituals, but we do NOT have to if we do NOT want to participate in each others rituals which are the polar opposites of each other.
The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.

I agree with you on ALL points. They want us to agree that Jesus Christ was ZERO that he was nothing but a common criminal and a lunatic, they want us to REJECT Jesus Christ like they ALWAYS have rejected Jesus Christ, Islam and Judaism do NOT accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah, but Islam does accept that Jesus Christ was a Holy Man, a Prophet although a Minor Prophet in NO WAY as important on their scale to Mohammed, in Judaism they do NOT even consider Jesus Christ a Minor Prophet they consider him a PIECE of SHIT to be mocked, ridiculed and REJECTED as a common criminal and a lunatic. I maintain that their messiah the Masiach will be what our Bible calls The Man of Sin, The Anti-Christ and they want to get Christians to agree with them, we must NOT do this, we must NOT turn away from Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our road to Salvation through Him, to follow them we must REJECT Jesus Christ and ACCEPT their Masiach as the messiah and to do that we condemn our souls to Eternal Hell, to be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire..

To be fair, we don't reject JC, per se. We reject the concept you have built around the man.
I do not hate anyone, I pity them.

We can honour and respect each other and each others rituals

Honest question...How can you respect and honour someone that you pity? It seems hard to reconcile those two ideas.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.
I thought we were going to talk about different views of Messiah.

Would God hold it against you to sit with a Jew and enjoy a Passover Meal?

Would God hold it against you to sit with a Jew and observe The Feast of Trumpets?

Would God hold it against you to sit with a Jew and observe, The Feast of Tabernacles?

No one says you have to follow anything a Jew says or does. But God also tells you to love and respect His People and that if you bless them, He will bless you.

Lastly, what is more important for a Christian is to understand The Jew of The Bible, and see Jews in that light.

No person is a threat to Christianity, NONE.

Christ said, "Whom The Father has placed in His hand, NO MAN CAN REMOVE."

Do we contend against men? No. We contend against the spiritual world.

Ephesians 6:12-20

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

13 Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth fastened around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness arrayed,

15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

18 Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints.

19 Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, divine utterance may be given me, so that I will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel,

20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it fearlessly, as I should
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly topic of study.
And that concept is a construct of man. It is not of God. Each man has his own journey to find God. No man can tell him what path to take. He may point this way, or that way, but it is the man who choses the path and no man choses your path or my path for me.

What we pray then is this.

"In all thy way Acknowledge God, and He shall direct they path."

The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.

I agree with you on ALL points. They want us to agree that Jesus Christ was ZERO that he was nothing but a common criminal and a lunatic, they want us to REJECT Jesus Christ like they ALWAYS have rejected Jesus Christ, Islam and Judaism do NOT accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah, but Islam does accept that Jesus Christ was a Holy Man, a Prophet although a Minor Prophet in NO WAY as important on their scale to Mohammed, in Judaism they do NOT even consider Jesus Christ a Minor Prophet they consider him a PIECE of SHIT to be mocked, ridiculed and REJECTED as a common criminal and a lunatic. I maintain that their messiah the Masiach will be what our Bible calls The Man of Sin, The Anti-Christ and they want to get Christians to agree with them, we must NOT do this, we must NOT turn away from Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our road to Salvation through Him, to follow them we must REJECT Jesus Christ and ACCEPT their Masiach as the messiah and to do that we condemn our souls to Eternal Hell, to be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire..

To be fair, we don't reject JC, per se. We reject the concept you have built around the man.
I do not hate anyone, I pity them.

We can honour and respect each other and each others rituals

Honest question...How can you respect and honour someone that you pity? It seems hard to reconcile those two ideas.

I pity their souls, I can respect and honour that they have a right to their rituals and festivals, I do not want to remove their right to have their rituals and festivals but I do not have to have it in my face by participation in. Oil and water, oil and water.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

Yes I know but I talk about a time in the future, during The End Times things are going to be different. I do not want to be on this earth during those times I hope they are in several hundreds of years from now.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Shusha sees Messiah, what she believes about Messiah.

I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. If The Old Testament Saints and Prophets are in Heaven, (The New Testament Says This) then Jews are of God.

Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I will tell you one thing, that I find interesting. The Bible, and many Jews may not agree with this, but The New Testament talks about The Vine and The Branches, one being Israel, and the other, The Church that gets grafted on to The Vine. The Branches & The Vine are part of each other. So at some point we will unite together in our Love of God. We may show that love in different ways, but I believe God is OK with that, so long as those ways both honor God.

The Bible also talks about Two Olive Trees That Stand Near God as a Witness to Him.
What other two Faiths do you know That Proclaim God and His Goodness than Israel & The Church?

I am just a man, and am an imperfect man. But there is no greater thing a man can possess than wisdom. Let us seek it, and in doing that, we achieve greater understanding of each other and of God.
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While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.
It is also Christian theology that Jesus will reinstitute temple animal sacrifice in the millennial kingdom, go figure. "And I will bless those who bless and I will curse those who curse you." is still in effect.
The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.

I agree with you on ALL points. They want us to agree that Jesus Christ was ZERO that he was nothing but a common criminal and a lunatic, they want us to REJECT Jesus Christ like they ALWAYS have rejected Jesus Christ, Islam and Judaism do NOT accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah, but Islam does accept that Jesus Christ was a Holy Man, a Prophet although a Minor Prophet in NO WAY as important on their scale to Mohammed, in Judaism they do NOT even consider Jesus Christ a Minor Prophet they consider him a PIECE of SHIT to be mocked, ridiculed and REJECTED as a common criminal and a lunatic. I maintain that their messiah the Masiach will be what our Bible calls The Man of Sin, The Anti-Christ and they want to get Christians to agree with them, we must NOT do this, we must NOT turn away from Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our road to Salvation through Him, to follow them we must REJECT Jesus Christ and ACCEPT their Masiach as the messiah and to do that we condemn our souls to Eternal Hell, to be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire..

To be fair, we don't reject JC, per se. We reject the concept you have built around the man.

So what is your thought on Jesus Christ? To you he was and is what? Just a man or not even a man he is a Supernatural Being in Mythology and never existed? Or if he existed he was a common criminal and a lunatic?
Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.

Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.

I think The Anti-Christ is already here or if not The Spirit of The Anti-Christ is here, we see this EVERY day The Anti-Christ Agenda is happening, of course 99% of it unfortunately for Leftists is The Leftist Agenda.
It is also Christian theology that Jesus will reinstitute temple animal sacrifice in the millennial kingdom, go

Prayer has taken the place of the animal sacrifice, which one must consider, in the context of those ancient times, was a considerable undertaking, given that the 'beasts of the field' constituted a family's livelihood.
No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem...

I have good news for you then! (Not Good News! But you already have that!)

No Jew would ever demand that of you. Ever. It would be a violation of our faith.

Okay good, also in no other thread have I been in with you and rylah I have not even noticed a post in Politics or Current Events etc but you are both interesting and it's good you are participating in this excellent discussion that Tree started.
Strangely, we are on the same side here, Lucy.

Although, I think you probably take it too far to say that non-Christians are a danger to Christians. If you are saved, surely having an honest, simple discussion with a Jew is not going to endanger your soul, now, is it? Surely your faith is stronger than that?

I think also we are on the same side.

Well I also think that Islam is a danger to Christians, so it's not just Judaism. No having a simple discussion with a Jew not going to endanger soul, but if they at some point DEMAND that we ALL have to AGREE with them on EVERYTHING that would be a problem, because that would then include we would have to agree with the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah and if this Masiach appear in MY lifetime I will say GTFO when they announce to the planet that THIS is the messiah. I am willing to get beheaded during The End Times IF I am here when it all happens, the choice will be to reject Jesus Christ to follow The Anti-Christ who will have had MEGA PR and be treated like a rock star OR to NOT follow The Anti-Christ and be beheaded. So I will NEVER reject Jesus Christ and I intend if around to go down in a blaze of glory firing my Glock at the Luciferarians.

Lucy, with all due respect, Jews are not allowed to proselytise, and certainly do not challenge Christian faith in conversations. In fact, Jesus is never mentioned, unless undertaken as a scholarly undertaking.

That's really what I want to talk about. I want to hear how Susha see Messiah, what he believes about Messiah. I know what Christians think about Messiah. I also want to hear how Jews see prophecies. I don't want to challenge Judaism. Like I said, and will say again, it is God's Word that does any kind of work, not me. I am just a vessel, and my job is to seek truth, and to speak truth.

I am a Jew, and I believe the Messiah to be an earthly person. Maybe he is here already.

I think The Anti-Christ is already here or if not The Spirit of The Anti-Christ is here, we see this EVERY day The Anti-Christ Agenda is happening, of course 99% of it unfortunately for Leftists is The Leftist Agenda.

Don't tempt me: Jeremy Corbyn. :cool-45:

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