There is no replacement, but rather an expansion or what passover is.

It doesn't need to be expanded ... there's already too much food

That all looks yummy to me.

Hand's off ... you have your own food

That's just communion. But I get where you are going. Again, funny. LOL
FWIW, I think Communion is done completely wrong. But at least they are trying to do what they think they should.

The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]

Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

My intention is to return to this thread today and in other days. Now I am able not to do this as very busy with things. But I read my comments from last night and I think to you Tree some of my comments not that polite, I was tired I am sorry for how I put in phrase some of my comments. We agree on some things and on other things I disagree I will elaborate when I have more time to do.
Awesome. I look forward to learning about what you have to say. That's why I wanted to do this.:113:


The point of the discussion is to find out what different people believe in Messiah.

I believe Jesus Christ was The Son of God, who came as Messiah Bin Joseph and is returning as Messiah Bin David. One Messiah, many names, spoken of In The New and Old Testament.

The Bible is The Story Of God’s Faithful Efforts to Redeem man.

You do not know what is in anyone’s heart nor what is in the mind of God.

A non Believer could come to Christ by reading this thread, or a believer to a deeper understanding of Christ. A Jew May consider that Messiah May be coming soon, or maybe he never believed in Messiah at all and sees hope in some things we say.

Does not Faith come from the hearing of God’s Word?

That should be enough for you or anyone and that is the point of this thread. I want to learn too. And there is much we all can learn from each other.

The word is widely available for anyone to read and accept Christ. We don’t need to preach that, though I believe in One Christ and One Salvation through Christ.

The Word itself will reveal what anyone may need to hear. I’m not here to convert anyone or condemn anyone, but am here only to speak and seek truth.

Christ is The Logos. The Word of God. I believe The whole of The Bible reveals this.

Romans 10:17

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

In Christology, the Logos (Greek: Λόγος, lit. ''Word", "Discourse", or "Reason'')[1] is a name or title of Jesus Christ, derived from the prologue to the Gospel of John (c 100) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God",[2] as well as in the Book of Revelation (c 85), "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."[3] These passages have been important for establishing the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus since the earliest days of Christianity.[4]

Logos (Christianity) - Wikipedia

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

My intention is to return to this thread today and in other days. Now I am able not to do this as very busy with things. But I read my comments from last night and I think to you Tree some of my comments not that polite, I was tired I am sorry for how I put in phrase some of my comments. We agree on some things and on other things I disagree I will elaborate when I have more time to do.
I am a Christian and understand it. No true Christian wants anything to do with replacement. That is a doctrine of demons.

But We study The Feasts and honor and respect them.

What is Passover?

God’s mercy upon Israel for all those who would accept The Blood Of The Lamb upon their doorposts while they were captive in Egypt.

What is Egypt? The sinful world. A world without God which we have to endure and live in but are called to be separate from that world because it is not our homeland.

Belief in The Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world and Passover are not contradictions.

To believe in Christ is to allow The Blood Of The Lamb to be placed upon the doorposts of your heart.

Revelations 3:21

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”


I never understood replacement. ...

... That is a false doctrine. There are imposter Christian Religions who only have a facade of Christianity washed over something else. The only way to know what they are is to study scripture.

There is no reason also a Messianic Christian cannot keep The Feasts and Traditions of all that it is to be a Hebrew. Just because a Hebrew who practices Judaism comes to the realization or belief in Messiah does not mean he cannot go to Synagogue, celebrate Passover.
But, as you said, it is just a facade of Judaism washed over something else (Christian beliefs which are incompatible with Judaism). Why would one practice a ritual or celebrate a holiday which is at odds with one's own sacred belief system? Which is contradicted by one's own belief system? What would be the purpose in that? The only way I can possibly understand it working is if you CHANGE the meaning of the source ritual or holiday.

That's appropriation. That's replacement. That's creating a false doctrine within the sacred and holy ritual or celebration which one is attending. Why would you do that? And, importantly, why should the adherents to Judaism permit that in their holy spaces of time and place?

Atonement is very Jewish.
Of course it is. But Christians do not understand the idea of atonement the way Jews do, as evidenced by your next sentence:

The Atonement Of Jesus though was through a one time sacrifice. He could do this because He was a Lamb without Blemish, The Son of God.

I am Christian and from a religious and spiritual point of view I cannot accept Judaism in any form as they reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah, the majority of International Jewry are Athiest only a minority are religious Jews and they also reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah and as a Christian I cannot support any group who reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah and that include Islamics and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity. My thought is that this Jewish Messiah, Masiach will be The Anti-Christ, that Masiach is The Man of Sin and he will tell them to rebuild the Third Temple and he will enter it and commit The Abomination of Desolation and mainly Evangelicals because of their Judaism Fetish they will when told by Jews that Masiach IS the messiah the Evangelicals will think it is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and they WILL take The Mark of The Beast. Our Bible tells us that only 144,000 Jews are to remain, they are called in our Bible The Remnant, they are the ones who will Repent and will in the end accept that Jesus Christ is The Messiah, all of the others will stay with The Anti-Christ and stay rejecting Jesus Christ and with The False Prophet and ALL who follow them they are thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire.
I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.
some debate around the edges because one third of the Bible is prophecy. fitting all of the pieces of prophecy into a coherent whole is a nightmare. famously Matthew Henry threw up his hands at explaining how more than half a century before Israel would be reborn Israel would beat Russia in a future war. Neither China nor India is mentioned in the Bible but one of them will field the 200 million man army that Jesus will kill on his return. America either is not mentioned or only obliquely in prophecy with the predominant opinion being the US will not be a major political unit when the Anti-Christ is reveled.

How do you get India? I agree about China, they logically could field a 200 million man army, not sure about India so you will have to elaborate, however that 200 million man army is The Anti-Christ army and I am not sure if China or India are The Anti-Christ Nation. The United States of America is more logical as Mystery, Babylon, New York City primarily Manhattan Island is more logical as The Whore of Babylon, I will elaborate more about my theory on this after I have had a sleep, getting tired right now. If you think that America will not be a major political until when The Anti-Christ is revealed does that mean you think America will have been destroyed or why would America be out of action when The Anti-Christ is revealed?

If The Rapture happens, and there are a significant amount of Christians in various parts of Government, Industry, Aerospace, Law Enforcement, The Military, it would put America in a Chaotic State.

Something could happen combined with that, such as Yosemite's Caldron erupting, or a meteor strike, and EMP, or a Comet exploding over The US which would create the same effect. All sorts of things are going to happen near the end times. The Bible also talks about The Restrainer having to be removed, before AntiChrist takes power. That could be The Church being raptured. HARD to say how much America could be involved. There is somewhere in scripture where The Bible talks about The Young Lions of Tarshish, and a Captain of 50 who defends Israel, but I believe something occurs that leaves Israel isolated, so that Only God gets The Credit for Defending Israel.

All of these things require study to be sure, but it is good to discuss them here and share what we do know, and then take that and expand upon it with our own studies and sharing.

I commented last night my top candidate at this moment for The Anti-Christ is Emmanuel Macron, of course as Satan is the Master of Deception he is not going to be this obvious, so Macron could be one of the many anti-christs he is probably NOT The Anti-Christ.

My theory is that Mystery, Babylon is The United States of America, one of the names our Bible give to The Anti-Christ is The King of Babylon, this does not have to be that he is whoever at that time is American President as we see with The Donald he is NOT fully in charge, he is NOT the most powerful man on earth when he CANNOT even send troops to protect America's borders, he is PREVENTED from doing this and those who prevent him are probably OF The Anti-Christ. So whoever IS in charge 100% of running America is probably The Anti-Christ, The King of Babylon.

My theory to why America is Mystery, Babylon two parts one from the description of The Whore of Babylon, some have the theory that it is Rome, The Vatican City, the purple and scarlet, the Seven Hills but many years ago the now capital of America Washington DC was called Rome, Maryland and it still has Seven Hills. The original owner of Rome, Maryland was a man called Francis Pope, interesting as my theory that The Anti-Pope Francis is The False Prophet is very strong and we know The False Prophet has deep connections to The Anti-Christ. The Seven Hills of Washington DC that were also the Seven Hills of Rome, Maryland are Capital Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills, Hillbrook, Hillcrest and Knox Hill. Rome, Maryland was actually called also Rome on the Tiber, originally called Goose Creek it was renamed Tiber Creek by Francis Pope and today Tiber Creek is part of the Washington City Canal (the original Tiber River of course runs in Rome, Italy)

Tiber Creek - Wikipedia

Also this to elaborate on Rome, Maryland name change to Washington DC:

Well, one of the estates which made up the original city of Washington was called Rome. Have you heard about Rome, Washington? Probably not, so read on.

D.C. has an interested historical connection to the city of Rome. This might be one of the more fascinating pieces of local trivia we have ever come across.

A long time ago, way before the city was in the thoughts of our founding fathers, back in the 17th century, there was a large estate in the area of about 400 acres. This farm occupied the land southeast of Georgetown (then, a part of Maryland). The man who owned the land was fond of Italy and decided to name the estate Rome, in honor of the city. The small body of water bordering it to the south was originally called Goose Creek, but then took the new name, Tiber Creek (i.e., after the The Tiber in Rome). Of course, the story wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that the landowner’s name happened to be Francis Pope.

According to an article I came across in The Washington Post from October 7th, 1883, the land was laid out and acquired by Pope on June 5th, 1663. Also, legend has it, that Francis was very proud of his ingenious naming scheme, often telling anyone who’d listen that America had its own Rome on the Tiber, and a Pope lived there.

The final coincidence, of course, is a modern addition to the story, as the current Pope residing the The Vatican holds the name Pope Francis, and he is the first pope ever to come from the Americas. So, while the title of this post is slightly misleading, a large plot of land which would eventually become part of Washington was named Rome.

So, there was a Rome here before there was a Washington.

Washington Was Originally Called Rome? - Ghosts of DC

This Barbara Price a descendent of Francis Pope she has researched him and this the below she find:

Hi All,

I have done extensive research on the beginnings of Washington, DC as my Burnes family owned much of the old downtown are of present-day Washington, DC.While conducting this research, I came across Francis Pope, one of the original owners of the land that became Washington, DC.Not only are we connected in that way, but Francis's wife, Margaret Porter, is probably the sister of another ancestor, Johanna Porter, the second wife of John Neville, who came to America on The Ark and The Dove.Below is from, "Original Patentees of Land at Washington," by Bessie Wilmarth Gahn:

"No. 7.Francis Pope, owner of "Rome" on the Tyber,
June 5, 1663.
In the early records of Annapolis, one finds:
ffrancis Pope, transported since 1635; wife 1649 (1).
And in the Proceedings of the early Assemblies:
ffrancis Pope---member of the Assembly in September, 1642 (2), and 1667 and 1670, he was Justice of the Peace for Charles County, Maryland. (3)
In an old volume of precious records at Annapolis, Liber 6, folio 318:"June 5th, 1663, Lyd out for Francis Pope of this Province, Gent., a parcel of land in Charles County called Rome, lying on the East side of the Anacostian River (4) [meaning here, the main channel of the Potomac], beginning at amarked oak standing by the River side, the bounded tree of Captain Robert Troop and running north by the river for breadth the length 200 perches to a bounded oak standing at the mought of a bay or inlet called Tiber, bounding on the north by the said Lett and a line drawn east for the length of 320 perches to a bounded oak standing in the woods on the East with a line drawn south from the end of the former line until you meet with the exterior bounded tree of Robert Troop called Scotland Yard on the south with the said land, on the west with the said river (Tyber), containing and now laid out for 400 acres more or less."

Francis Pope, Original Landown -

Now to the actual description from our Bible of The Whore of Babylon:

Revelation 17:

17 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

^^^^ The Vatican City does not sit upon many waters. But New York City Manhattan Island does it is surrounded by waters.

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

^^^^ Manhattan Island Financial Centre of the world.

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

^^^^ The Vatican City not have a symbol of a woman with a golden cup. The Statue of Liberty IS a woman she holds not a golden cup but a golden torch.

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

^^^^ The Statue of Liberty, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi design this after the Roman Goddess Libertas, the Goddess of Freedom including Sexual Freedom she was called the Goddess of Prostitution. Libertas was based on the Babylonian Ishtar who was also called the Mother of Harlots.

15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

^^^^ New York City the unfortunate Melting Pot and also the UN Building, The Vatican City is not that type of melting pot.

18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

^^^^ The Whore of Babylon described as a CITY, so it's NOT a Church ie. The Vatican and Manhattan Island the Financial Centre of the world reign over the kings of the earth because in Manhattan the Financial Sorcery they commit and with that if they want to they can collapse other nations economic structure.

Also The Whore of Babylon must be full of massive amounts of Athiest Jews who reject Jesus Christ because in one FINAL attempt to save them God tells them to flee Babylon before it falls and they do flee but most of them STILL will continue to rebel against Our Lord, The Vatican City and Rome does not have this only New York City does.

Here is a webpage where this Andy Neckar at Community Bible Chapel-Hico, TX explains more, he agrees with my theory and I agree with his theory, both using Biblical Text to define Mystery, Babylon and The Whore of Babylon:

The land of the USA
Zech 5:11 The land of Shinar:

Mystery Babylon is the lone Global Superpower
A global superpower in three ways
Economic Superpower
Military Superpower
Political Superpower-

Major Port City-
Greatest and Wealthiest city the world has ever seen-
Home to a large population of Jewish Exiles-
Mystery Babylon is represented by a Woman- Nation/country

A Study on Mystery Babylon
There is no replacement, but rather an expansion or what passover is.

It doesn't need to be expanded ... there's already too much food

That all looks yummy to me.

Hand's off ... you have your own food

That's just communion. But I get where you are going. Again, funny. LOL
FWIW, I think Communion is done completely wrong. But at least they are trying to do what they think they should.

I think for Communion we should at least get the addition of a Martini :smoke:
There is no replacement, but rather an expansion or what passover is.

It doesn't need to be expanded ... there's already too much food

That all looks yummy to me.

Hand's off ... you have your own food

That's just communion. But I get where you are going. Again, funny. LOL
FWIW, I think Communion is done completely wrong. But at least they are trying to do what they think they should.

I think for Communion we should at least get the addition of a Martini :smoke:

Shaken, not stirred.

I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.
some debate around the edges because one third of the Bible is prophecy. fitting all of the pieces of prophecy into a coherent whole is a nightmare. famously Matthew Henry threw up his hands at explaining how more than half a century before Israel would be reborn Israel would beat Russia in a future war. Neither China nor India is mentioned in the Bible but one of them will field the 200 million man army that Jesus will kill on his return. America either is not mentioned or only obliquely in prophecy with the predominant opinion being the US will not be a major political unit when the Anti-Christ is reveled.

How do you get India? I agree about China, they logically could field a 200 million man army, not sure about India so you will have to elaborate, however that 200 million man army is The Anti-Christ army and I am not sure if China or India are The Anti-Christ Nation. The United States of America is more logical as Mystery, Babylon, New York City primarily Manhattan Island is more logical as The Whore of Babylon, I will elaborate more about my theory on this after I have had a sleep, getting tired right now. If you think that America will not be a major political until when The Anti-Christ is revealed does that mean you think America will have been destroyed or why would America be out of action when The Anti-Christ is revealed?

If The Rapture happens, and there are a significant amount of Christians in various parts of Government, Industry, Aerospace, Law Enforcement, The Military, it would put America in a Chaotic State.

Something could happen combined with that, such as Yosemite's Caldron erupting, or a meteor strike, and EMP, or a Comet exploding over The US which would create the same effect. All sorts of things are going to happen near the end times. The Bible also talks about The Restrainer having to be removed, before AntiChrist takes power. That could be The Church being raptured. HARD to say how much America could be involved. There is somewhere in scripture where The Bible talks about The Young Lions of Tarshish, and a Captain of 50 who defends Israel, but I believe something occurs that leaves Israel isolated, so that Only God gets The Credit for Defending Israel.

All of these things require study to be sure, but it is good to discuss them here and share what we do know, and then take that and expand upon it with our own studies and sharing.

I commented last night my top candidate at this moment for The Anti-Christ is Emmanuel Macron, of course as Satan is the Master of Deception he is not going to be this obvious, so Macron could be one of the many anti-christs he is probably NOT The Anti-Christ.

My theory is that Mystery, Babylon is The United States of America, one of the names our Bible give to The Anti-Christ is The King of Babylon, this does not have to be that he is whoever at that time is American President as we see with The Donald he is NOT fully in charge, he is NOT the most powerful man on earth when he CANNOT even send troops to protect America's borders, he is PREVENTED from doing this and those who prevent him are probably OF The Anti-Christ. So whoever IS in charge 100% of running America is probably The Anti-Christ, The King of Babylon.

My theory to why America is Mystery, Babylon two parts one from the description of The Whore of Babylon, some have the theory that it is Rome, The Vatican City, the purple and scarlet, the Seven Hills but many years ago the now capital of America Washington DC was called Rome, Maryland and it still has Seven Hills. The original owner of Rome, Maryland was a man called Francis Pope, interesting as my theory that The Anti-Pope Francis is The False Prophet is very strong and we know The False Prophet has deep connections to The Anti-Christ. The Seven Hills of Washington DC that were also the Seven Hills of Rome, Maryland are Capital Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills, Hillbrook, Hillcrest and Knox Hill. Rome, Maryland was actually called also Rome on the Tiber, originally called Goose Creek it was renamed Tiber Creek by Francis Pope and today Tiber Creek is part of the Washington City Canal (the original Tiber River of course runs in Rome, Italy)

Tiber Creek - Wikipedia

Also this to elaborate on Rome, Maryland name change to Washington DC:

Well, one of the estates which made up the original city of Washington was called Rome. Have you heard about Rome, Washington? Probably not, so read on.

D.C. has an interested historical connection to the city of Rome. This might be one of the more fascinating pieces of local trivia we have ever come across.

A long time ago, way before the city was in the thoughts of our founding fathers, back in the 17th century, there was a large estate in the area of about 400 acres. This farm occupied the land southeast of Georgetown (then, a part of Maryland). The man who owned the land was fond of Italy and decided to name the estate Rome, in honor of the city. The small body of water bordering it to the south was originally called Goose Creek, but then took the new name, Tiber Creek (i.e., after the The Tiber in Rome). Of course, the story wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that the landowner’s name happened to be Francis Pope.

According to an article I came across in The Washington Post from October 7th, 1883, the land was laid out and acquired by Pope on June 5th, 1663. Also, legend has it, that Francis was very proud of his ingenious naming scheme, often telling anyone who’d listen that America had its own Rome on the Tiber, and a Pope lived there.

The final coincidence, of course, is a modern addition to the story, as the current Pope residing the The Vatican holds the name Pope Francis, and he is the first pope ever to come from the Americas. So, while the title of this post is slightly misleading, a large plot of land which would eventually become part of Washington was named Rome.

So, there was a Rome here before there was a Washington.

Washington Was Originally Called Rome? - Ghosts of DC

This Barbara Price a descendent of Francis Pope she has researched him and this the below she find:

Hi All,

I have done extensive research on the beginnings of Washington, DC as my Burnes family owned much of the old downtown are of present-day Washington, DC.While conducting this research, I came across Francis Pope, one of the original owners of the land that became Washington, DC.Not only are we connected in that way, but Francis's wife, Margaret Porter, is probably the sister of another ancestor, Johanna Porter, the second wife of John Neville, who came to America on The Ark and The Dove.Below is from, "Original Patentees of Land at Washington," by Bessie Wilmarth Gahn:

"No. 7.Francis Pope, owner of "Rome" on the Tyber,
June 5, 1663.
In the early records of Annapolis, one finds:
ffrancis Pope, transported since 1635; wife 1649 (1).
And in the Proceedings of the early Assemblies:
ffrancis Pope---member of the Assembly in September, 1642 (2), and 1667 and 1670, he was Justice of the Peace for Charles County, Maryland. (3)
In an old volume of precious records at Annapolis, Liber 6, folio 318:"June 5th, 1663, Lyd out for Francis Pope of this Province, Gent., a parcel of land in Charles County called Rome, lying on the East side of the Anacostian River (4) [meaning here, the main channel of the Potomac], beginning at amarked oak standing by the River side, the bounded tree of Captain Robert Troop and running north by the river for breadth the length 200 perches to a bounded oak standing at the mought of a bay or inlet called Tiber, bounding on the north by the said Lett and a line drawn east for the length of 320 perches to a bounded oak standing in the woods on the East with a line drawn south from the end of the former line until you meet with the exterior bounded tree of Robert Troop called Scotland Yard on the south with the said land, on the west with the said river (Tyber), containing and now laid out for 400 acres more or less."

Francis Pope, Original Landown -

Now to the actual description from our Bible of The Whore of Babylon:

Revelation 17:

17 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

^^^^ The Vatican City does not sit upon many waters. But New York City Manhattan Island does it is surrounded by waters.

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

^^^^ Manhattan Island Financial Centre of the world.

3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

^^^^ The Vatican City not have a symbol of a woman with a golden cup. The Statue of Liberty IS a woman she holds not a golden cup but a golden torch.

5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

^^^^ The Statue of Liberty, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi design this after the Roman Goddess Libertas, the Goddess of Freedom including Sexual Freedom she was called the Goddess of Prostitution. Libertas was based on the Babylonian Ishtar who was also called the Mother of Harlots.

15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

^^^^ New York City the unfortunate Melting Pot and also the UN Building, The Vatican City is not that type of melting pot.

18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

^^^^ The Whore of Babylon described as a CITY, so it's NOT a Church ie. The Vatican and Manhattan Island the Financial Centre of the world reign over the kings of the earth because in Manhattan the Financial Sorcery they commit and with that if they want to they can collapse other nations economic structure.

Also The Whore of Babylon must be full of massive amounts of Athiest Jews who reject Jesus Christ because in one FINAL attempt to save them God tells them to flee Babylon before it falls and they do flee but most of them STILL will continue to rebel against Our Lord, The Vatican City and Rome does not have this only New York City does.

Here is a webpage where this Andy Neckar at Community Bible Chapel-Hico, TX explains more, he agrees with my theory and I agree with his theory, both using Biblical Text to define Mystery, Babylon and The Whore of Babylon:

The land of the USA
Zech 5:11 The land of Shinar:

Mystery Babylon is the lone Global Superpower
A global superpower in three ways
Economic Superpower
Military Superpower
Political Superpower-

Major Port City-
Greatest and Wealthiest city the world has ever seen-
Home to a large population of Jewish Exiles-
Mystery Babylon is represented by a Woman- Nation/country

A Study on Mystery Babylon

Huh? I haven't had enough Martinis to get through all that lot. But it does seem that the Pope lived in Rome.

I am a Christian and understand it. No true Christian wants anything to do with replacement. That is a doctrine of demons.

But We study The Feasts and honor and respect them.

What is Passover?

God’s mercy upon Israel for all those who would accept The Blood Of The Lamb upon their doorposts while they were captive in Egypt.

What is Egypt? The sinful world. A world without God which we have to endure and live in but are called to be separate from that world because it is not our homeland.

Belief in The Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world and Passover are not contradictions.

To believe in Christ is to allow The Blood Of The Lamb to be placed upon the doorposts of your heart.

Revelations 3:21

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”


I never understood replacement. ...

... That is a false doctrine. There are imposter Christian Religions who only have a facade of Christianity washed over something else. The only way to know what they are is to study scripture.

There is no reason also a Messianic Christian cannot keep The Feasts and Traditions of all that it is to be a Hebrew. Just because a Hebrew who practices Judaism comes to the realization or belief in Messiah does not mean he cannot go to Synagogue, celebrate Passover.
But, as you said, it is just a facade of Judaism washed over something else (Christian beliefs which are incompatible with Judaism). Why would one practice a ritual or celebrate a holiday which is at odds with one's own sacred belief system? Which is contradicted by one's own belief system? What would be the purpose in that? The only way I can possibly understand it working is if you CHANGE the meaning of the source ritual or holiday.

That's appropriation. That's replacement. That's creating a false doctrine within the sacred and holy ritual or celebration which one is attending. Why would you do that? And, importantly, why should the adherents to Judaism permit that in their holy spaces of time and place?

Atonement is very Jewish.
Of course it is. But Christians do not understand the idea of atonement the way Jews do, as evidenced by your next sentence:

The Atonement Of Jesus though was through a one time sacrifice. He could do this because He was a Lamb without Blemish, The Son of God.

I am Christian and from a religious and spiritual point of view I cannot accept Judaism in any form as they reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah, the majority of International Jewry are Athiest only a minority are religious Jews and they also reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah and as a Christian I cannot support any group who reject Jesus Christ as The Messiah and that include Islamics and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity. My thought is that this Jewish Messiah, Masiach will be The Anti-Christ, that Masiach is The Man of Sin and he will tell them to rebuild the Third Temple and he will enter it and commit The Abomination of Desolation and mainly Evangelicals because of their Judaism Fetish they will when told by Jews that Masiach IS the messiah the Evangelicals will think it is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and they WILL take The Mark of The Beast. Our Bible tells us that only 144,000 Jews are to remain, they are called in our Bible The Remnant, they are the ones who will Repent and will in the end accept that Jesus Christ is The Messiah, all of the others will stay with The Anti-Christ and stay rejecting Jesus Christ and with The False Prophet and ALL who follow them they are thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire.
The 144,000 are Christian Hebrews who go out and preach The Gospel on The Earth during The Great Tribulation. So, to say this is all there is of The Jews is incorrect.

The Temple in my opinion is not built for AntiChrist. He allows it. But in the middle of the 7 year treaty he takes over The Temple and demands to be worshiped. The Jews Refuse. He goes to war then with Israel and everyone on Earth who has not accepted his mark and has refused to worship him. if All The Jews, and All the Earth accepted The Mark of AntiChrist and Worshiped him, he would have no one to go to war with.

The Remnant are the 1/3rd of The Jews who flee in to The Wilderness "Sila" from AntiChrist where God protects them until Messiah Bin David's 2nd coming to defend Israel and Wars with The AntiChrist and his armies. 2/3rds of The Jews in Israel are Martyred for refusing to worship AntiChrist, and they call & pray upon Messiah to come Day and Night like they did during The Roman Occupation. These Martyrd Jews and Christians will be resurrected at the End of The Tribulation so long as they refuse to worship AntiChrist until the very end.

When Christ returns with The Old Testament Saints, and Old Testament Prophets, and The Raptured Church, it is THEN The Jews recognize Him as Messiah, and They Mourn as one who has lost their only son, because they understand that Messiah came first as Messiah Bin Joseph, The Man of Sorrows, The Lamb of God, when they look upon Him whom they pierced. They shall say to Him, "What are these wounds (holes) in Thy Hands?"

He shall say, "They were given Me in The House of my friends"

Zechariah 12:10

"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

Zechariah 13:6 And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

When they finally recognize Messiah they will praise Him.

Isaiah 12:1-6

1 In that day you will say: “O LORD, I will praise You. Although You were angry with me, Your anger has turned away, and You have comforted me. 2 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. For the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and He also has become my salvation.” 3 With joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation, 4 and on that day you will say: “Give thanks to the LORD; proclaim His name! Make His works known among the peoples; declare that His name is exalted. 5 Sing to the LORD, for He has done glorious things. Let this be known in all the earth. 6 Cry out and sing, O citizen of Zion, for great among you is the Holy One of Israel.”

Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Lamb of God, The Redeemer, The Word of God, The Logos, The Alpha and Omega, The Prince of Peace, Messiah For All, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah, THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, will sit upon The Throne of Adam, The Throne of David, and Rule in Peace from Jerusalem on that day!
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...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.
I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

Messiah refers to anyone, such as king Saul anonted by God's prophet.
Not anyone..... A king or a priest. Like Moses.
But to Christians Messiah means the Christ. The deliverer promised by God.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

I do not want to do that. No Christian I personally know wants to do that. God commanded His people to observe feasts and many other things. Why should they stop?

Like I have said, Jesus and The Disciples celebrated Passover, celebrated all feasts, went to Synagogue. The Early Church was exclusively Hebrew, and they celebrated being Hebrew.

But you are correct that there are differences between Judaism and Christianity, but realize that there is also a great difference between man made religious institutions, and actual personal faith in God.

Faith is of God. Religion is of Man.

Faith is belief in who God says He is.

Religion is belief in who Man says God is.

Christ said, "There is no mediator between Man and God, but The Lamb of God."

Do not ascribe the Sins of Those who called themselves Christian, and did not bear the fruit of Christianity, with those who Are Christian.

One cannot hate a Jew or Persecute a Jew and be a Christian.
I wanted to start this thread first, to Thank The Creator & The Jewish Nation for Being The Vessel Of God to bring us, The Word Of God.

I want to thank God for Messiah who is called The Word of God, and again Thank The Jewish Nation for being The Vessel through which Immanuel Messiah Bin Joseph came in to this world, to offer Himself up as The Lamb of God who takes away The Sins of The World.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss Messiah. The Prophecies regarding His 2nd Coming and The Scriptures. Discussion of The Man Of Sorrows, Messiah Bin Joseph who offered Himself as a once and forever sacrifice for Israel, for Gentiles and The Whole World.

I would like to discuss The Jewish and Gentile views of Messiah Bin Joseph, Messiah Bin David, The Building of The Third Temple, The Throne of David in Jerusalem, and the coming Kingdom of God. The Last 7 Years Of Prophecy as wrotten in The Book Of Daniel and all related End Time Prophecies.

You do not have to be a Christian
to participate. You do not have to be a Jew to participate. Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua, and discuss and learn in Love with one another.

I will not offer an opening view, but ask you to
tell me what your views are. I ask so you may answer. And when you answer I will ask.

This is how discussions are born. Shall we begin?

There is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ, if you disagree you are of The Anti-Christ.

"You do not have to be a Christian
to participate."

If you do NOT agree that there is ONLY ONE Messiah and that is Jesus Christ then you are NOT Christian, you are of The Anti-Christ.

"Just be curious and respectful of different views of Yahshua"

Why should a Child of Jesus Christ be respectful of anyone who REJECTS Jesus Christ as the ONLY Messiah? Why should a Child of Jesus Christ respect agents of The Anti-Christ?

"The Building of The Third Temple"

The Third Temple is for The Anti-Christ who those who get on their knees to praise 24/7 those who REJECT Jesus Christ will then instead ACCEPT The Anti-Christ as THE Messiah and will be ultimately thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire with The False Prophet and The Anti-Christ, that IS in my Christian Bible not sure what's in your bible.

Messiah refers to anyone, such as king Saul anonted by God's prophet.
Not anyone..... A king or a priest. Like Moses.
But to Christians Messiah means the Christ. The deliverer promised by God.

As a descendant of David on both sides and Levi on his mom's side (Mary's cousin Elizabeth was the wife of a Levite.) Jesus was qualified both ways.
The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
I think you misunderstand me. There is no replacement, but rather an expansion of what Passover is.
Meh. Different word. Same idea. You are erasing the meaning of Jewish sacred rituals and placing new meanings upon them.

Let me put it this way. If God commanded The Hebrews to commemorate certain events with feast days, why would God then demand a Hebrew who accepts Messiah to no longer do what God commanded?
Well, that is your Christian theology to work out, not mine. What is the point of the commemorations and the feast days? What is the POINT of "accepting" JC? And how do you reconcile the enormous chasms between these two things?

Now don't misunderstand me. I certainly don't think there is anything problematic with a Christian sitting down to a proper Jewish seder and understanding the significance of it in its original context. I think sharing religious practice is a good thing.

BUT I vehemently stand against Christian mutation of thousands year old Jewish sacred ritual.

You have plenty of Christian rituals. Some of them quite lovely. Use those.

So I am going to pose a couple questions. What are the sacrifices for?
In Judaism? There are many purposes for sacrifices. None of them match your Christian ideas.
The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.
...and it is confusing to me how ANY who accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah can support Judaism which is the polar opposite of Christianity.

While the rest of your post is a clear example of how utterly vile Christianity can be and a significant reason why I could never accept Christianity as a personal faith, I wholeheartedly agree with the statement above. Judaism and Christianity are polar opposites. And since Christianity is the dominant faith -- the supercessionist faith -- adopting, changing, usurping and erasing the Jewish rituals and their meaning is dangerous to the Jewish people.

Nobody is changing their rituals, but their rituals should be SEPARATE and NO Christian who accepts Jesus Christ as The Messiah should NOT participate in them, they do NOT participate in ANY Christian ritual including the total rejection of ALL Christian Festivals and Holy Days. I add that I also totally REJECT any participation in any Islamic Festivals, so I am not about to participate in Judaisms Festivals am I?

As a majority of Jews are Athiest and Secular, as a Christian why am I expected to follow them and listen to them and agree with them when they represent EVERYTHING that as a Christian I am against and I feel that any Christian following these Athiest Secular Jews is a danger to that person's soul.

So you say that Christianity is a danger to the Jews and I say yes but the same the other way Athiest and Secular Jews are a danger to Christians, considering for one thing to agree with them in total we would have to agree with them, in the rejection of Jesus Christ as The Messiah, I do not want to condemn my soul to Hell, others make that decision for themselves and I pray for them to see The Light and I wish them luck.
Faith is of God. Religion is of Man.
The instructions and teachings given to us by G-d are of G-d. You agree, yes?

Christ said, "There is no mediator between Man and God, but The Lamb of God."
G-d says there is no need for a mediator between man and G-d.

Do not ascribe the Sins of Those who called themselves Christian, and did not bear the fruit of Christianity, with those who Are Christian. One cannot hate a Jew or Persecute a Jew and be a Christian.
I'll ascribe sins and abhorrent behaviours where I see them. And I'll call them out when I feel the need to. I don't buy into the "not a real Christian" argument anymore than I buy into the "not a real Muslim" argument. It is my firm belief that trying to pretend the gangrenous limb does not exist or isn't "real" is a danger. Christian ideology is the source of Lucy's hatred.

That said, I will also let you know that I have had discussions with many wonderful Christians over the years. There is much about the faith which is lovely (Wrong, but lovely. Grin.) and there are many Christians which fill me with hope for the future. If we could just honor and respect each other. Including each other's sacred rituals.
The Jewish messiah (mashiach) will be a fully normal human being, not a god, demi-god, or other supernatural entity.
What do you think Jesus was?
His crucifixion proved that.
His resurrection proved he was the Christ.
He suffered for us in the worst possible way.
I'll never turn my back on him for that reason.

I agree with you on ALL points. They want us to agree that Jesus Christ was ZERO that he was nothing but a common criminal and a lunatic, they want us to REJECT Jesus Christ like they ALWAYS have rejected Jesus Christ, Islam and Judaism do NOT accept Jesus Christ as The Messiah, but Islam does accept that Jesus Christ was a Holy Man, a Prophet although a Minor Prophet in NO WAY as important on their scale to Mohammed, in Judaism they do NOT even consider Jesus Christ a Minor Prophet they consider him a PIECE of SHIT to be mocked, ridiculed and REJECTED as a common criminal and a lunatic. I maintain that their messiah the Masiach will be what our Bible calls The Man of Sin, The Anti-Christ and they want to get Christians to agree with them, we must NOT do this, we must NOT turn away from Jesus Christ Our Lord, The Messiah and our road to Salvation through Him, to follow them we must REJECT Jesus Christ and ACCEPT their Masiach as the messiah and to do that we condemn our souls to Eternal Hell, to be thrown into The Eternal Lake of Fire..

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