Messiah getting ready to kill innocent civilians!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
In a country that is no threat to the US, but which WILL be a threat to this country if Russia joins in the rumble.

(CNN) -- The Obama administration will release declassified intelligence Friday backing up a government assessment that the Syrian regime was responsible for a chemical weapons attack, a senior administration official said.

This comes amid talk among major powers of a military response against the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The administration has said that the information would be made public by the end of the week.

But diplomatic and political developments this week raised the chances of the United States going it alone in a military intervention.

U.S. to release information about Syria's chemical weapons use -

Time to write the congressman again. Hope fellow conservatives will join me.
Afghanistan,Libya, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Granada, Panama, just to name a few of the places the US has used military force that was unnecessary. Yet those presidents were not messiahs?
Afghanistan,Libya, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Granada, Panama, just to name a few of the places the US has used military force that was unnecessary. Yet those presidents were not messiahs?

Never heard them referred to as that. Nor did anyone call them the anti Christ.

Of course now that Obama is going to murder civilians en masse it is OK. Go figure.
I'd assume they would launch cruise missiles that would hit high value military targets. How exactly is that murdering civilians en masse? Are people living in radar sites?

I'm not in favor of military action by any means, just don't get how you're making this interpretation of the goal.
I'd assume they would launch cruise missiles that would hit high value military targets. How exactly is that murdering civilians en masse? Are people living in radar sites?

I'm not in favor of military action by any means, just don't get how you're making this interpretation of the goal.

You leftists claimed Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Sometimes even more than the population of the country.

No war is antiseptic and this one will not be either. We will lose men and civilians will be killed. But that's nothing to you messiah. He has already ordered a hit on an American citizen without due process of law while bringing foreign nationals here to stand trial in our courts. A few measly Syrians will be nothing for him.
You leftists claimed Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Sometimes even more than the population of the country.
Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

No war is antiseptic and this one will not be either. We will lose men and civilians will be killed.
1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

But that's nothing to you messiah.
My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.
Afghanistan,Libya, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Granada, Panama, just to name a few of the places the US has used military force that was unnecessary. Yet those presidents were not messiahs?

None was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, so I guess not.
Assad has already bussed in human shields to some of their military installations.
You leftists claimed Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Sometimes even more than the population of the country.
Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

No war is antiseptic and this one will not be either. We will lose men and civilians will be killed.
1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

But that's nothing to you messiah.
My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.

I see you are fairly new. You might want to work on your style.
You leftists claimed Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Sometimes even more than the population of the country.
Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

No war is antiseptic and this one will not be either. We will lose men and civilians will be killed.
1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

But that's nothing to you messiah.
My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.

You will notice this is a strange place. Rightwingers who call President Obama "messiah". Rightwingers who want Putin for President. Rightwingers who support the gassing of innocent civilians. Rightwingers who think about gay sex 24/7.

Not all rightwingers, mind you. But we've got our fair share.
I want to wager pretend money that Hussein Obama will back down. He'll need something to save face though. I expect a back door negotiation with Putin and a pathetic token blow to Assad that will solve nothing except satisfy dumb ass liberals while silencing calls for impeachment. Putin will of course need to dissuade Syria, Iran and Hezbollah from responding too harshly.

Personally, I hope he does it. I think the world needs a wake up call. I think the world needs to be concerned with the U.S. war machine and the people who run it for nefarious reasons.
You leftists claimed Bush killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Sometimes even more than the population of the country.
Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

But that's nothing to you messiah.
My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.

You will notice this is a strange place. Rightwingers who call President Obama "messiah". Rightwingers who want Putin for President. Rightwingers who support the gassing of innocent civilians. Rightwingers who think about gay sex 24/7.

Not all rightwingers, mind you. But we've got our fair share.

And, they always take the side of terrorists against their own country.

Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.

You will notice this is a strange place. Rightwingers who call President Obama "messiah". Rightwingers who want Putin for President. Rightwingers who support the gassing of innocent civilians. Rightwingers who think about gay sex 24/7.

Not all rightwingers, mind you. But we've got our fair share.

And, they always take the side of terrorists against their own country.


You're really stupid. It's you who supports terrorists because your Messiah arms terrorists called the FSA. Sunni terrorists that eat livers, hearts, and behead Christians, not that you'd care about that.
op is lying.



Lying about what? Be specific.

Your avatar is PERFECT for you.

Read the title of the thread.

Messiah getting ready to kill innocent civilians!

Its a lie. Is that specific enough for you? If you disagree with me, go ask her for PROOF that President Obama is "getting ready to kill innocent civilians".

And this -
In a country that is no threat to the US, but which WILL be a threat to this country if Russia joins in the rumble.


While you're at it, you might ask her to read her own frikkin link.

And, your stupid "pretend money" post - You DO know that your hero, putin, is giving aid to Syria?

I'm just sick of the constant lies about President Obama. Disagree with him if you want but, at least have the integrity to stop lying.

And, I'm up to here with the same people always siding with the enemies of their own country.
Personally, I hope he does it. I think the world needs a wake up call. I think the world needs to be concerned with the U.S. war machine and the people who run it for nefarious reasons.

Congress is, as usual, on vacation. Nothing to fear there.

Cheney and his butler Bush would have reacted to this by declaring war on Peru.

If Romney had been elected, we would have been in several more wars the day after the inauguration.

Terrorists like Syria know that President Obama walks softly and carries a big stick. The traitorous right can lie all they want, but Obama has proven himself to be a hawk who quietly goes after and kills America's enemies.

If you doubt that, ask bin Lades and others who the R sides with.

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