Messiah getting ready to kill innocent civilians!

I see Luddly has opted out of the rep system. Good for you, Luddly! It must drive Sunshine crazy when she can't neg someone.

Now she's gonna neg me for speaking my mind. Hey Sunshine, haven't you noticed? Everytime you neg me, my rep goes up...quite a bit. :lol:

Oh, and while I'm at it...that one quote from Zona you have in your signature line? I'm going to positive rep him for saying it. :) Oh, that's right, he opted out of the rep system also. Probably because of you.

By the way, I'm kind of torn on this Syria issue. I tend to think we should stay out of it. So actually, Sunshine, we probably agree more than disagree on this issue, but your nasty delivery makes me veer in the other direction. Don't want to be associated with your ilk.
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Woah there, what on earth are you talking about I've claimed nothing of the sort. Are you a liar or retarded?

1. Big difference between civilians getting killed and your shrill cries of murder civilians en masse. They would hit military targets with precision weapons.

2. It sounds like the plan is to lob cruise missiles from ships, what is some sailor going to sprain his finger pressing the button?

My messiah? This is just political for you isn't it? Your opinions are formed strictly along party lines like some of the other gibbering idiots in here. That is sad, come back when you want to argue actual things I've said instead of political strawmen.

You will notice this is a strange place. Rightwingers who call President Obama "messiah". Rightwingers who want Putin for President. Rightwingers who support the gassing of innocent civilians. Rightwingers who think about gay sex 24/7.

Not all rightwingers, mind you. But we've got our fair share.

And, they always take the side of terrorists against their own country.


You're such a liar :cuckoo:

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