
Heaven, hell, God and the devil don't make sense to me.
Do you understand emotions?
Sure I do. I understand hell as a state of mind, a mind in hatred, anger or violence
Can you always control your emotions?
NO. That doesn't mean it's devil doing it.
A devil can be many things. Satan is an adversarial spirit which can also be many things. God is a spirit.

Hell can be perceived as a state of mind as that is where some dwell in the spirit. Some people have seen it and described what they saw in the spirit and some have not. From a flesh point of view it seems pretty easy to see the hell some people live in whether they are rich, poor or in between. The Bible when read through actually describes hell as separation from God.

Emotions can sometimes show a basic understanding of the manifestation of the spirit within a person.

Heaven is a real place but also a spiritual place. It can also be seen in the spirit and the portions some have seen they have tried to describe.
Then Jesus was Lucifer. Thank you.
Because you consider Jesus over all The Rabbis and Jesus said he was Baal's son and nemesis of God in Rev 22;16.
Nice Argument!
And to your understanding what is the full meaning of the name Lucifer? Describe that spiritual host if you can please.

Lucifer and Judaism...nonsense...
Ask the Rabbi, » The Jewish View of Satan
The description is also given from this person's precepts in your link.
Heaven, hell, God and the devil don't make sense to me.
Do you understand emotions?
Sure I do. I understand hell as a state of mind, a mind in hatred, anger or violence
Can you always control your emotions?
NO. That doesn't mean it's devil doing it.
A devil can be many things. Satan is an adversarial spirit which can also be many things. God is a spirit.

Hell can be perceived as a state of mind as that is where some dwell in the spirit. Some people have seen it and described what they saw in the spirit and some have not. From a flesh point of view it seems pretty easy to see the hell some people live in whether they are rich, poor or in between. The Bible when read through actually describes hell as separation from God.

Emotions can sometimes show a basic understanding of the manifestation of the spirit within a person.

Heaven is a real place but also a spiritual place. It can also be seen in the spirit and the portions some have seen they have tried to describe.

And to your understanding what is the full meaning of the name Lucifer? Describe that spiritual host if you can please.[/QUOTE]

Lucifer and Judaism...nonsense...
Ask the Rabbi, » The Jewish View of Satan[/QUOTE]
The description is also given from this person's precepts in your link.[/QUOTE]

All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.
Do you understand emotions?
Sure I do. I understand hell as a state of mind, a mind in hatred, anger or violence
Can you always control your emotions?
NO. That doesn't mean it's devil doing it.
A devil can be many things. Satan is an adversarial spirit which can also be many things. God is a spirit.

Hell can be perceived as a state of mind as that is where some dwell in the spirit. Some people have seen it and described what they saw in the spirit and some have not. From a flesh point of view it seems pretty easy to see the hell some people live in whether they are rich, poor or in between. The Bible when read through actually describes hell as separation from God.

Emotions can sometimes show a basic understanding of the manifestation of the spirit within a person.

Heaven is a real place but also a spiritual place. It can also be seen in the spirit and the portions some have seen they have tried to describe.

And to your understanding what is the full meaning of the name Lucifer? Describe that spiritual host if you can please.

Lucifer and Judaism...nonsense...
Ask the Rabbi, » The Jewish View of Satan[/QUOTE]
The description is also given from this person's precepts in your link.[/QUOTE]

All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.[/QUOTE]

Now that makes much more sense. The Light Bearer strengthens one's resolve to align with the Divine.
Sure I do. I understand hell as a state of mind, a mind in hatred, anger or violence
Can you always control your emotions?
NO. That doesn't mean it's devil doing it.
A devil can be many things. Satan is an adversarial spirit which can also be many things. God is a spirit.

Hell can be perceived as a state of mind as that is where some dwell in the spirit. Some people have seen it and described what they saw in the spirit and some have not. From a flesh point of view it seems pretty easy to see the hell some people live in whether they are rich, poor or in between. The Bible when read through actually describes hell as separation from God.

Emotions can sometimes show a basic understanding of the manifestation of the spirit within a person.

Heaven is a real place but also a spiritual place. It can also be seen in the spirit and the portions some have seen they have tried to describe.

And to your understanding what is the full meaning of the name Lucifer? Describe that spiritual host if you can please.

Lucifer and Judaism...nonsense...
Ask the Rabbi, » The Jewish View of Satan
The description is also given from this person's precepts in your link.[/QUOTE]

All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.[/QUOTE]

Now that makes much more sense. The Light Bearer strengthens one's resolve to align with the Divine.[/QUOTE]

You can't develop anything worthwhile without a struggle.
another hate christian thread by guano

if bat guno had any balls, even for a leftist, he talk some shit about muslims and buddist.

but alas, even leftist males consider him a wimp

how is telling the truth about how we see "messiah" and you do a "hate christians thread".


the reality is that you pretend that jesus was somehow prophesied. he wasn't. there wasn't even agreement on what messiah was. some saw it as a messianic king. some saw it as a spiritual messiah. some saw it as a combination of both.

then constantine made up what he wanted, mixed it with pagan holidays etc and came up with your version of christianity.

you can believe what you want. others believe (or don't believe) what they want, but pointing out those differences isn't hate.

except to the insane.
All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.

Judaism does not consider "Satan" to be an independent entity.
That's a totally Christian concept.
I did not say that the many satan's are independent entities that is presumptive on your part just as many others make presumptions about overall religious labels.
All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.

Judaism does not consider "Satan" to be an independent entity.
That's a totally Christian concept.
I did not say that the many satan's are independent entities that is presumptive on your part just as many others make presumptions about overall religious labels.
Then you have to be clearer in your descriptions.
another hate christian thread by guano

if bat guno had any balls, even for a leftist, he talk some shit about muslims and buddist.

but alas, even leftist males consider him a wimp

how is telling the truth about how we see "messiah" and you do a "hate christians thread".


the reality is that you pretend that jesus was somehow prophesied. he wasn't. there wasn't even agreement on what messiah was. some saw it as a messianic king. some saw it as a spiritual messiah. some saw it as a combination of both.

then constantine made up what he wanted, mixed it with pagan holidays etc and came
Jews and Christians use the word "messiah,' the meaning of the word is quite different in each faith. The Christian understanding is that their messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah, according to this Christian definition, is supposed to be a human offering: a blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in our Bible that no one can die for the sins of another. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says this unequivocally:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
(Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another,' and Essay #2, 'Jews Believe That a Blood Sacrifice Is Not Required for Forgiveness of Sins').

The Bible is clear, in verse after verse: no one can die for the sins of another. Regarding what the Bible says about human sacrifice, please see Essay #4, 'Gd hates human sacrifices.'

Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, Gd had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of Gd's own human 'son' that Gd wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did Gd change Gd's mind and say, 'Okay, now go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe?' No -- as we saw in Malachi 3:6, Gd is constant and unchanging. (Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another').

Gd tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something Gd hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into Gd's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practiced by the pagans -- those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities -- it was NOT to be practiced by believers in the One Gd.

It should be understood that the Christian definition of the term 'messiah' is pagan. How do Christians define the term messiah? They understand it exactly as the pagans understood their dying-saving man-gods and heroes. The ancient world is filled with examples. Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Ra, and many others were born in the Winter, died in the Spring, and came back to life. This should sound familiar to anyone conversant with Christian theology.

Alongside this, they believed that their followers would have immortal life, since the death of the hero-god acted as the sacrifice for their sins. This should also sound familiar. The pagan world was filled with gods who were the product of a human mother and a god for the father. Heracles had Zeus for a father, and a human mother named Alcmene. Dionysus’s human mother was Semele, and his father was Zeus; Dionysus was considered a savior god. The parallels to Christian theology are plain to see.

When the earliest Christians would come into the synagogues and missionize, they would get kicked out; they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognized as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. (Please see Essay #9 'Jews' for Jesus, Messianic 'Jews', and 'Hebrew' Christians are not Jews').

What Jews Believe: Essay #3: Jesus Not the Messiah

Rabbi Kaduri before his death said different

Rabbi Kaduri was a kabbalist, which i have no problem with but didn't believe the same things as mainstream judaism
another hate christian thread by guano

if bat guno had any balls, even for a leftist, he talk some shit about muslims and buddist.

but alas, even leftist males consider him a wimp

how is telling the truth about how we see "messiah" and you do a "hate christians thread".


the reality is that you pretend that jesus was somehow prophesied. he wasn't. there wasn't even agreement on what messiah was. some saw it as a messianic king. some saw it as a spiritual messiah. some saw it as a combination of both.

then constantine made up what he wanted, mixed it with pagan holidays etc and came
Jews and Christians use the word "messiah,' the meaning of the word is quite different in each faith. The Christian understanding is that their messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah, according to this Christian definition, is supposed to be a human offering: a blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in our Bible that no one can die for the sins of another. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says this unequivocally:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
(Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another,' and Essay #2, 'Jews Believe That a Blood Sacrifice Is Not Required for Forgiveness of Sins').

The Bible is clear, in verse after verse: no one can die for the sins of another. Regarding what the Bible says about human sacrifice, please see Essay #4, 'Gd hates human sacrifices.'

Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, Gd had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of Gd's own human 'son' that Gd wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did Gd change Gd's mind and say, 'Okay, now go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe?' No -- as we saw in Malachi 3:6, Gd is constant and unchanging. (Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another').

Gd tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something Gd hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into Gd's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practiced by the pagans -- those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities -- it was NOT to be practiced by believers in the One Gd.

It should be understood that the Christian definition of the term 'messiah' is pagan. How do Christians define the term messiah? They understand it exactly as the pagans understood their dying-saving man-gods and heroes. The ancient world is filled with examples. Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Ra, and many others were born in the Winter, died in the Spring, and came back to life. This should sound familiar to anyone conversant with Christian theology.

Alongside this, they believed that their followers would have immortal life, since the death of the hero-god acted as the sacrifice for their sins. This should also sound familiar. The pagan world was filled with gods who were the product of a human mother and a god for the father. Heracles had Zeus for a father, and a human mother named Alcmene. Dionysus’s human mother was Semele, and his father was Zeus; Dionysus was considered a savior god. The parallels to Christian theology are plain to see.

When the earliest Christians would come into the synagogues and missionize, they would get kicked out; they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognized as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. (Please see Essay #9 'Jews' for Jesus, Messianic 'Jews', and 'Hebrew' Christians are not Jews').

What Jews Believe: Essay #3: Jesus Not the Messiah

Rabbi Kaduri before his death said different

Rabbi Kaduri was a kabbalist, which i have no problem with but didn't believe the same things as mainstream judaism

I never heard of Rabbi Kaduri.
My son-in-law, who is sefardic, told me yesterday Rabbi Kaduri was a nut.
All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.

Judaism does not consider "Satan" to be an independent entity.
That's a totally Christian concept.
I did not say that the many satan's are independent entities that is presumptive on your part just as many others make presumptions about overall religious labels.
Then you have to be clearer in your descriptions.
No people have to seek and search out the truth on their own. There is no way to fully describe God's creation in a few posts on the Internet. Nor can anyone fully describe, define or discern what each individual believes with overall religious labels.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.
I'm afraid Moshe beat Jesus by several hundred years on that journey.
Yet another bit of plagiarism by TNT from TJS.
Accepting both Jesus and Buddha as enlightened beings is taken to be nonjudgmental, inclusive, and affirming of both Christians and Buddhists.

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