
All entities in creation carry out God's will.
The Satan (Messenger of Adversary) is meant to strengthen one's resolve to align with God's will.
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.

Judaism does not consider "Satan" to be an independent entity.
That's a totally Christian concept.
I did not say that the many satan's are independent entities that is presumptive on your part just as many others make presumptions about overall religious labels.
Then you have to be clearer in your descriptions.
No people have to seek and search out the truth on their own. There is no way to fully describe God's creation in a few posts on the Internet. Nor can anyone fully describe, define or discern what each individual believes with overall religious labels.
But you need a source or lots of people will determine that burning people at the stake or beheading them is OK.
No standards produces chaos.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.
If you go back to older writings it was documented where he studied in areas where Sanskrit was the common language.
Accepting both Jesus and Buddha as enlightened beings is taken to be nonjudgmental, inclusive, and affirming of both Christians and Buddhists.

So far the history of one of those has proven to be rather bloody.
It took the Enlightenment to get over it.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.
If you go back to older writings it was documented where he studied in areas where Sanskrit was the common language.
Show me one piece of paper than can pass a Carbon Dating test.
I'm so tired of hearing about 10,000 year old texts that no one can find.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.
I'm afraid Moshe beat Jesus by several hundred years on that journey.
Yet another bit of plagiarism by TNT from TJS.
Buddha precedes Christianity. The idea that Christ may have been an accomplished Buddhist master explains the phenomena of his "rising from the dead", called "rainbow body" in Buddhism.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
Kaballah is a result of Gematria and reading every verse as a universal statement.
Buddhism is not needed.
You need to listen to some lectures on line IF you know enough Hebrew to understand gematria.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
That is interesting.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
Kaballah is a result of Gematria and reading every verse as a universal statement.
Buddhism is not needed.
You need to listen to some lectures on line IF you know enough Hebrew to understand gematria.

i can read hebrew but not speak it except for a few words
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
Kaballah is a result of Gematria and reading every verse as a universal statement.
Buddhism is not needed.
You need to listen to some lectures on line IF you know enough Hebrew to understand gematria.

i can read hebrew but not speak it except for a few words

I listen to lectures on TorahAnytime...amazing stuff.
Tons of commentary not yet translated into English books and lots of new thought.

Anyway, I have a Kuzari class...see you later.
Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.

there is a belief that as jews moved east, judaism and buddhism crossed paths and gave us kaballah
Kaballah is a result of Gematria and reading every verse as a universal statement.
Buddhism is not needed.
You need to listen to some lectures on line IF you know enough Hebrew to understand gematria.

i can read hebrew but not speak it except for a few words

I listen to lectures on TorahAnytime...amazing stuff.
Tons of commentary not yet translated into English books and lots of new thought.

Anyway, I have a Kuzari class...see you later.

thanks for the info. let me know when/if they translate it.

have fun
Actually I would consider that an error but you can think that if you like.

Judaism does not consider "Satan" to be an independent entity.
That's a totally Christian concept.
I did not say that the many satan's are independent entities that is presumptive on your part just as many others make presumptions about overall religious labels.
Then you have to be clearer in your descriptions.
No people have to seek and search out the truth on their own. There is no way to fully describe God's creation in a few posts on the Internet. Nor can anyone fully describe, define or discern what each individual believes with overall religious labels.
But you need a source or lots of people will determine that burning people at the stake or beheading them is OK.
No standards produces chaos.
If the standards set are in error then what good do those standards do?

The ten commandments are the standard with an added love one another. That is a starting point.

If the laws are set by governments that can be run by corrupted people things such as beheadings, stabbings or shootings becomes a norm and then chaos ensues. If a religion becomes corrupted it too is useless.
Judaism is much more compatible with Buddhism.

Buddhism may have developed with the help of the children of Ketura whom Avraham sent to the East.
I've never head that before. Some Buddhists think Jesus three year wander in the desert that he went to India and had Buddhist teachings.
If you go back to older writings it was documented where he studied in areas where Sanskrit was the common language.
Show me one piece of paper than can pass a Carbon Dating test.
I'm so tired of hearing about 10,000 year old texts that no one can find.
You will have to depend on what was written in 200 and 300 A.D. concerning where Jesus traveled as crusaders burned, destroyed and trashed anything that they thought went against their beliefs. They thought they were doing God a favor. Or simply keep on believing whatever you think is truth.
Spiritual light was knowledge and truth,
darkness was ignorance and lies.
Luciferous light is phosphorus or physical light. It becomes spiritual darkness when they teach their god as that mystical light between the sun and earth, or in claiming that luciferous light came to Paul & Constantine claiming it's name Jesus.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

Symbolism of Morning Star=Lucifer
The Planet Venus was used to symbolise both arch angels.
(top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
But On the subject Morning Star was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar so said to be the same. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star) thus adversary of God and top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Easter as son of Ishtar and Baal's special birthday Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology as found through ancient tablets predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.

Use of the term morning star particularly in the NT, it also is talking about a guide (Jesus being the guide) from the darkness into the light.

Use of the term morning star does not always refer to lucifer.
For Jews, if the Tanach's requirements for the messiah have not been fulfilled, then there can only be one explanation: he has not yet come.

There is another explanation.

Your expectations of what the messiah is supposed to do is as irrational as Christian expectations about the second coming of Christ so of course he has not yet come and you will be waiting for a Messiah that builds a temple and leads the Jewish people back to Israel (even though they are already there) for as long as Christians will wait for Jesus to float down from the sky.

And even if someone in this day and age manages to convince Jews to build a Temple to slaughter animals in the name of God he will only be another false messiah to add to a very long list of false messiahs'.

For as long as people think that a holy God wants people to ritually slaughter animals in a Temple dedicated to a God obsessed with diet and fashion and the sex lives of human beings they will never see peace.

1)it's a known fact that us Jews have a unique biological makeup reason for seperating meat and Dairy. Many of us seem to get easilly
sick from the combo. Back then especially
bacteria developing in milk and meat combined would be enough a reason for dietary Warnings.
2) I guess you missed the source I posted that has busted your excessively repeating complaint about Temple ritual animal sacrifice(barbeque) bring your own dish party.
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”.

Not only does it put your rant and rave to rest but it also puts your missing king to rest being the MIKdash is named after Mike but not Jesus or Yeshu or Theudas.
In fact the Mikdash is also called MikDosh. Dosh meaning thresher, meaning Mike is the thresher not Jesus.

In Isaiah 25:7 it's the Moshiach who lifts the veil from our eyes, this is symbolised by the thresher label on Moshiach being the thresher removing the thin layer film from the grain so what's left is the edible substance.
Check and Mate! I got your king.
And if I have your Lucifer under my foot, that makes me...... come on Hobe, you know this answer. Just let the pride go and be honest with yourself and
the conclusion. John Hagee was able to admit in front of his congregation, that if Jesus was not who he claimed to be then Jesus was the biggest liar and nutcase known to man. Of course you understand it was Rome that was the liar and early followers who lifted the image high, the actual ad era figure never claimed to be son of man he spoke of third person tense. Just as Rabbi Schneerson never claimed to be Moshiach he talked about third person tense.
It was some of his Chabad Lubivictors devotees that made Schneerson their Messiah and lifted him to the role he so eloquently spoke of as another to come.
WE LEARN FROM EMULATIONS (LIKENESSES), so we can see how these inflated images occur theoretically found in similar events.

Many people have health problems don't realize at in part, they are food related.
Doctors are prescribing a diet more similar in many ways to a kosher diet.
People love the taste of their food and just don't realize an accumulation in their body is actually what is making them sick, or contributes to pain or depression, difficulty thinking, anger, spasms, etc.

Jews back then might not have understood the whys, but they did recognize a connection to food and health. You have to wait for a time to eat different food as the body does not digest competing food at the same time. It is a good diet for any one. It is not that jews digestive systems are different by DNA, but when anyone get used to eating right it becomes very obvious when they eat wrong.

If anyone has been put on a temporary lactose free diet and when better begin to drink regular milk again, your body will probably object in the beginning. Fermenting like making yogurt breaks down the lactose and makes it more digestible. It is the same basic idea.

Biblically speaking, a Jew can eat beef, say the after-meal blessing, brush his teeth and eat cheese without waiting.
It is NOT a health issue.
It is a matter of admitting through one's behavior that God is the Boss.

Digestion Part I - International Wellness Directory Home Page
You should not have to strain and push, if you are eating enough fiber and are avoiding foods .... Milk and meat are simply not designed to be digested together.
Correct Food Combining Principles - Alkaline Diet
This means do not eat nuts, meat, eggs, cheese, or other protein foods at the same ... they are mixed in the stomach they interfere with the digestion of each other. ... In fact, they cannot proceed together at all for long, as the rising acidity of the ... Do not use meat and milk, or eggs and milk, or nuts and milk at the same meal.
Spiritual light was knowledge and truth,
darkness was ignorance and lies.
Luciferous light is phosphorus or physical light. It becomes spiritual darkness when they teach their god as that mystical light between the sun and earth, or in claiming that luciferous light came to Paul & Constantine claiming it's name Jesus.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

Symbolism of Morning Star=Lucifer
The Planet Venus was used to symbolise both arch angels.
(top prophet messengers) the fallen arc of venus called morning star symbolized lucifers fall while the rising arc of the planet Evening Star represented
Michael's rise-Dan 12:1-4.
But On the subject Morning Star was Baal's son and Ishtar's (easter) son. Baal's wife was Isis and she is basically another cultures mimick of Ishtar so said to be the same. Furthermore Morning Star is the adversary to Shalem (Evening Star) thus adversary of God and top messenger. To call yourself Morning Star is to call yourself the fallen false prophet Lucifer son of Baal adversary of God and Michael.
Hence celebration of the Morning Star on Easter as son of Ishtar and Baal's special birthday Dec 25th as father and son are the same Mythology as found through ancient tablets predating the Jesus myth.
So Now we know the secret of the number of his name;
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.

Use of the term morning star particularly in the NT, it also is talking about a guide (Jesus being the guide) from the darkness into the light.

Use of the term morning star does not always refer to lucifer.

1) the messenger of spiritual Light is Michael (the Evening Star) -read Dan 10:21
once again proof they thief the roles thus called the thief of the Night and known as the first fallen imposter. Ummm he did come first you know, can't change the order of that.
2) claimed all knowing to stupid to know he's calling himself the Nemesis of God and claiming himself Baal's son.
3)everything points to one obvious conclusion yet you still want to protect their lies with excuses, what was it that I called this act of knowing the truth but continuing the lie and feeding the lie?
Wasn't it Voltaire who assumed people would embrace the truth and eventually reject the lie and the myth would fade
away around his day? He didn't take into account what profit and pride was at stake in doing so.

Research the sect of Sabians called Mandeans(followers of John remnants)to get an idea of the Luciferous teachings of the Nazarenes which are found throughout the NT, but also prominent in this sect. When that figure making up part of the Jesus image had his friend-follower Salome set up John to be beheaded, he took over the offshoot cult. They believed in the mystical rays of the sun's light as their god. This made the integration with the other sun religions easy to compile. Mandeans call Jesus the wicked evil false prophet who stole John's followers and referred to J0hn as the righteous 0ne.
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I object to strict literal interpretation of religion, but there are actually good health reasons for a more kosher diet. The fact we now age meat and have refrigeration is also a factor. Regular doctor, not jewish, are finding many benefits to avoiding certain food or not mixing them does help many with things from arthritis to sleep problem. People with uric acid problems, infections and some pain and some chronic pain conditions are helped by the change in diet. Certain medicines are more effective with a change in diet. Even those with ED will likely benefit. It s not a matter of following a total kosher diet, small simple change of avoiding or separating just a few items can make a big difference.

I have considered the possible health benefits for refraining from the flesh of swine but the remote possibility of getting parasites does not correspond to the reason given by God for their condemnation as unclean creatures. They are condemned as vile and loathsome unclean creatures specifically because they do not ruminate which has direct human implications. The general reason given why the flesh of any creature is declared unclean is because they are vile and loathsome creatures whose flesh defiles and contaminates. However true it may be that their are health benefits from a carefully restricted diet, failing to abide by one hardly defiles and contaminates anyone. No one dies in the very day that they eat a cheeseburger.. Another clue given by the authors is that in genesis the talking serpent is condemned by God to crawl on its belly as the lowest form of life possible. Later in kosher law it is prohibited to eat the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly under penalty of death which is a direct reference to the talking serpent. The obvious instruction is to refrain from the teaching of people who reflect the attributes of the talking serpent in the Garden of Eden, creatures that are vile and loathsome, their flesh, figurative for teaching, defiles and contaminates the mind.

The dietary laws were given so that people would learn to distinguish between clean and unclean teaching so that they may become holy as God is holy.

The holiness of God who is spirit has absolutely nothing whatever to do with what he eats or doesn't eat for dinner. People who think they can become holy by eating or abstaining from certain food do not reflect the image of a holy God they more closely resemble unclean creatures that do not ruminate.
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Biblically speaking, a Jew can eat beef, say the after-meal blessing, brush his teeth and eat cheese without waiting.
It is NOT a health issue.
It is a matter of admitting through one's behavior that God is the Boss.

What if when Jesus said to Peter, 'feed my sheep' , Peter went out immediately and gathered up all the fodder he could carry and went around to farms all over the world and fed sheep until the day he died. If Jesus asked him why he did what he did and Peter said, "Because your the boss", would that in any way absolve him from any possible consequences for failure to obey the command because feeding sheep literally had nothing to do with the boss's command?

Shouldn't anyone who hears instruction from a God who always spoke in metaphors and allegory take a few minutes to discern the deeper implications of the words used before they go running off and doing something that is literally not commanded?

Especially when it is a matter of life and death?

Biblically speaking, a Jew can eat beef, say the after-meal blessing, brush his teeth and eat cheese without waiting.
It is NOT a health issue.
It is a matter of admitting through one's behavior that God is the Boss.

What if when Jesus said to Peter, 'feed my sheep' , Peter went out immediately and gathered up all the fodder he could carry and went around to farms all over the world and fed sheep until the day he died. If Jesus asked him why he did what he did and Peter said, "Because your the boss", would that in any way absolve him from any possible consequences for failure to obey the command because feeding sheep literally had nothing to do with the boss's command?

Shouldn't anyone who hears instruction from a God who always spoke in metaphors and allegory take a few minutes to discern the deeper implications of the words used before they go running off and doing something that is literally not commanded?

Especially when it is a matter of life and death?


Apparently you haven't been learning your Torah.
God did not talk to Moses in metaphors and allegory.
Exodus 33 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre see 33:11

Numbers 12 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre

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