
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.
I suggest you look into the Arizal, the Orh Hachaim, the Zohar, the Ramchal, the Alshich.
You have zero idea of what you're talking about.
It's not like 99% of the Jews on this form actually study Torah.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.
I omitted Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan...he published 82 books on kaballah.

And I see how well the "holy" spirit, minus Commandments, have worked out in the last 2,017 years.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
If people choose, that forces them to think.
The last thing the Church wants is for people to think.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.
I suggest you look into the Arizal, the Orh Hachaim, the Zohar, the Ramchal, the Alshich.
You have zero idea of what you're talking about.
It's not like 99% of the Jews on this form actually study Torah.
Why would I want to look into a mystic from Syria when I have already had the Holy Spirit show me what the laws of Moses mean?

Sounds like Baal worshiper to me.
Brief from wiki: Isaac Luria Ashkenazi, commonly known as "Ha'ARI", "Ha'ARI Hakadosh" [the holy ARI] or "ARIZaL" [the ARI, Of Blessed Memory ], was a foremost rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman Syria

Was this one of those that helped the Catholics to get that mess called the Koran to those pesky Muslims?
Orh Hachaim
Ḥayyim ben Moshe ibn Attar also known as the Or ha-Ḥayyim after his popular commentary on the Pentateuch, was a Talmudist and kabbalist; born at Meknes, Morocco, in 1696; died in Jerusalem, Ottoman Empire on 7 July 1743.

Some more Baal worship in the spirit of Babylon?

Zohar Chadash/The New Zohar (זוהר חדש) - The Zohar is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known....

More Babylonian mystism?

Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ([URL='']Hebrew: משה חיים לוצאטו‎, also Moses Chaim, Moses Hayyim, also Luzzato) (1707 in Padua – 16 May 1746 i......University of Padua[/URL] and certainly associated with a group of students there, known to dabble in mysticism and alchemy.

Can't say much on this one he may have something worth reading.... Moshe Alshich - Wikipedia

I still think I will stick with my Bible, the Holy Spirit and the confirmation I was given in the research that followed in my quest for absolute truth.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
If people choose, that forces them to think.
The last thing the Church wants is for people to think.

good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.
good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
First you have to get one to be able to use it....until these you are merely a carnal human being ridden by powers and principalities.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.
good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
First you have to get one to be able to use it....until these you are merely a carnal human being ridden by powers and principalities.
I don't mind your POV on your religion.
It's your opinion on my religion that I find offensive.
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.

sorry sweetums. WRITING UPON ONES HEART ----is
a Hebrew colloquialism -------it was not invented by the
Pentecostal church. It does not refer to EMOTION----it refers to INTELLECT. In Hebrew usage-----the HEART is
a seat of INTELLECT. (you're thinking of the amygdala)
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.
Here is two. I am sure you can find the rest if you search for them.

Job 4:13 (KJV)

Jeremiah 31:33 (KJV)
good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
First you have to get one to be able to use it....until these you are merely a carnal human being ridden by powers and principalities.
I don't mind your POV on your religion.
It's your opinion on my religion that I find offensive.
I suppose you will have to be offended as I will call it as I see it when a person or groups make claims that are not born of truth. Would you rather someone lie to you than tell you the truth?
You self identified Jews and even many Christians have no clue what the laws of Moses are really saying. Sorry that is just the way it is because you are all stuck in that carnal mode and unwilling or incapable of getting past that to understand that it is the spirit within that makes sure that the law of Moses is fulfilled. At least with the anointing of Jesus Christ Christians have that whether they understand and know it or not (some just have not reached maturity yet to get it).
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.

sorry sweetums. WRITING UPON ONES HEART ----is
a Hebrew colloquialism -------it was not invented by the
Pentecostal church. It does not refer to EMOTION----it refers to INTELLECT. In Hebrew usage-----the HEART is
a seat of INTELLECT. (you're thinking of the amygdala)
Those who are chosen get to reveal the mysteries are chosen by God and if you are not willing to accept that when it is presented before you that is a personal issue that you will have to take up within yourself.
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.
Here is two. I am sure you can find the rest if you search for them.

Job 4:13 (KJV)

Jeremiah 31:33 (KJV)
Job is irrelevent and, true to Christianity, you keep ignoring
If these ordinances depart from before Me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me for ever. {S}

When the Messiah comes, all Jews will be filled with the knowledge of Tanach.
They will then spend the rest of eternity discussing it's secrets.

When will Christians knock off the selective verse nonsense?
good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
First you have to get one to be able to use it....until these you are merely a carnal human being ridden by powers and principalities.
I don't mind your POV on your religion.
It's your opinion on my religion that I find offensive.
I suppose you will have to be offended as I will call it as I see it when a person or groups make claims that are not born of truth. Would you rather someone lie to you than tell you the truth?
I get offended by members of a religion that refuse to study the original and realize what a ton of crap you've been handed, not to mention the selective verse crap.
We have entire libraries dedicated to discussing the many deep concepts of the Commandments.
The issue is that Christians are not educated to pursue these paths.
Judaism demands we ask questions.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.

sorry sweetums. WRITING UPON ONES HEART ----is
a Hebrew colloquialism -------it was not invented by the
Pentecostal church. It does not refer to EMOTION----it refers to INTELLECT. In Hebrew usage-----the HEART is
a seat of INTELLECT. (you're thinking of the amygdala)
Those who are chosen get to reveal the mysteries are chosen by God and if you are not willing to accept that when it is presented before you that is a personal issue that you will have to take up within yourself.

very FATALISTIC ------who twisted your mind? John Calvin?
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.

sorry sweetums. WRITING UPON ONES HEART ----is
a Hebrew colloquialism -------it was not invented by the
Pentecostal church. It does not refer to EMOTION----it refers to INTELLECT. In Hebrew usage-----the HEART is
a seat of INTELLECT. (you're thinking of the amygdala)
Those who are chosen get to reveal the mysteries are chosen by God and if you are not willing to accept that when it is presented before you that is a personal issue that you will have to take up within yourself.

very FATALISTIC ------who twisted your mind? John Calvin?
Good old John with his Select because the Christian view of "god" has limited room in the "Heaven" section.
good point. Poor Adam and Eve------and Cain. They were all CURSED with the same horror that jewish mothers have
inflicted on their children for MILLENNIA
First you have to get one to be able to use it....until these you are merely a carnal human being ridden by powers and principalities.
I don't mind your POV on your religion.
It's your opinion on my religion that I find offensive.
I suppose you will have to be offended as I will call it as I see it when a person or groups make claims that are not born of truth. Would you rather someone lie to you than tell you the truth?
I get offended by members of a religion that refuse to study the original and realize what a ton of crap you've been handed, not to mention the selective verse crap.
Like I said there are many other verses that go along with that and it is up to you to search for the truth. The original is as mixed up as the Bible and searching out the original meanings you will not find in the Torah either (I could tell you why but I am not going to do that right at the moment but it is also written into the Torah why it is written down the way it is).

I have compared them and I spent four years studying and writing down the names and meanings from Lexicons and other sources of the original Hebrew, Persian, Egyptian, and all the other languages to find out what I was being shown in the spirit concerning each and every item I had ever questioned that different preachers and rabbis over the years tried to teach about that were not Holy Spirit filled. It took many hours of prayer and research to find the answers and my old books. Each time I was shown something in the spirit I may have had to spend weeks searching out to understand what I was shown. I realize most people do not have that kind of time to dedicate to doing that same thing but if they do not have the spirit they will still not understand even if told in plain English what it means.
The answers evidently were not revealed to those who practice Judaism either. Again because the spirit has not shown them how it works. Without faith and the spirit one cannot see it even when it is written plain easy to understand language. That also serves a purpose. With carnal minds we cannot overcome our own vanity and pride to see more clearly and it doesn't matter how long or how hard one studies the scriptures. Until one can overcome with the help of the holy spirit one cannot see clearly.

gibberish "the spirit". You negate that which is "God"s most sublime creation-----intelligent man----the keeper of the
Garden, to the level of a crazed ecstatic. Of the books of the bible---GENESIS is the most sublime. The theme of
Genesis is "MAN's FREE WILL". The directive to man is
"CHOOSE". Over and over the directive is CHOOSE! ----not 'lie down and let the *spirit* move you' Choice is a function of the forebrain. It is not an INSTINCT. The forebrain suppresses instinctual animalistic behavior. It is
the forebrain that defines HUMAN. One of the hallmark signs of dysfunction of the forebrain is ENHANCED PRIMITIVE REFLEXES------like SUCKING
Wrong even the Torah states that God write the instruction into a Man's (spiritual human's) heart while they sleep, at night in their beds.... It really is no one's fault but your own that you are contrary to the Spirit of God leading you. It is okay though as that is what carnal/earthly minded people do.

sorry sweetums. WRITING UPON ONES HEART ----is
a Hebrew colloquialism -------it was not invented by the
Pentecostal church. It does not refer to EMOTION----it refers to INTELLECT. In Hebrew usage-----the HEART is
a seat of INTELLECT. (you're thinking of the amygdala)
Those who are chosen get to reveal the mysteries are chosen by God and if you are not willing to accept that when it is presented before you that is a personal issue that you will have to take up within yourself.

very FATALISTIC ------who twisted your mind? John Calvin?
Just making things up about someone you have no clue about when you have nothing else to think about or say won't get you anywhere either. I'm not the one still trampling blindly through the desert sands in dry areas with no sustenance to hold me over until the Lord lifts the veil to where you can see. That again is a personal issue you will have to take up with your self.

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