
I will not insult great Rabbinical minds by reducing them to one sentence.
You ask what you ignore?
The very fact that you constantly quote verses out of context and ignore other verses is more than enough proof that you practice the deceptive art of Verse Selection.
It's not your fault as this is how Christians are trained.
In your mind. I gave you the whole verses but you seem to ignore that fact as it must be convenient for you to think that in your own mind.
You're playing word games.
I'm not asking for a whole verse.
I'm asking for a whole chapter.
You quote verses(s) out of the context of the chapter.
The whole was in the link I gave you. You can even search the original Hebrew meanings in the tools in those links given. If you are not satisfied or do not believe that their Hebrew is accurate you can either ignore those words or search another place on the Internet to see if anyone else has put that information from the original Hebrew texts and the Holy inspiration that was given for these scrolls.

Rod says to tell you, "If you are so wide awake and afraid of the Lord putting instructions into you in your sleep don't go to sleep. Good luck with that."
I do know Hebrew, quite well, in fact.
I also know that you wanted me to focus on one verse, which every yeshiva student know never to do.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
In your mind. I gave you the whole verses but you seem to ignore that fact as it must be convenient for you to think that in your own mind.
You're playing word games.
I'm not asking for a whole verse.
I'm asking for a whole chapter.
You quote verses(s) out of the context of the chapter.
The whole was in the link I gave you. You can even search the original Hebrew meanings in the tools in those links given. If you are not satisfied or do not believe that their Hebrew is accurate you can either ignore those words or search another place on the Internet to see if anyone else has put that information from the original Hebrew texts and the Holy inspiration that was given for these scrolls.

Rod says to tell you, "If you are so wide awake and afraid of the Lord putting instructions into you in your sleep don't go to sleep. Good luck with that."
I do know Hebrew, quite well, in fact.
I also know that you wanted me to focus on one verse, which every yeshiva student know never to do.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.
You're playing word games.
I'm not asking for a whole verse.
I'm asking for a whole chapter.
You quote verses(s) out of the context of the chapter.
The whole was in the link I gave you. You can even search the original Hebrew meanings in the tools in those links given. If you are not satisfied or do not believe that their Hebrew is accurate you can either ignore those words or search another place on the Internet to see if anyone else has put that information from the original Hebrew texts and the Holy inspiration that was given for these scrolls.

Rod says to tell you, "If you are so wide awake and afraid of the Lord putting instructions into you in your sleep don't go to sleep. Good luck with that."
I do know Hebrew, quite well, in fact.
I also know that you wanted me to focus on one verse, which every yeshiva student know never to do.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
The whole was in the link I gave you. You can even search the original Hebrew meanings in the tools in those links given. If you are not satisfied or do not believe that their Hebrew is accurate you can either ignore those words or search another place on the Internet to see if anyone else has put that information from the original Hebrew texts and the Holy inspiration that was given for these scrolls.

Rod says to tell you, "If you are so wide awake and afraid of the Lord putting instructions into you in your sleep don't go to sleep. Good luck with that."
I do know Hebrew, quite well, in fact.
I also know that you wanted me to focus on one verse, which every yeshiva student know never to do.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
I do know Hebrew, quite well, in fact.
I also know that you wanted me to focus on one verse, which every yeshiva student know never to do.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
You are the one that keeps asking for one verse. In fact I gave you the whole and with each one of those is another portion in the Books that confirms the other portions. You do whatever you think you need to do. Hopscotch all you want.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
My apologies.
I did not ask for a verse justifying "the spirit", but I wasn't clear.
There is no chapter in Tanach that can be used to justify, or not living by, the Commandments.
There will almost always be verse that be taken out of context, but not in context.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
The Commandments and the law given to Moses do seem to get confused.

As son of man we are definitely not perfected yet but we are a work in progress. Perhaps you can think about Jacob's story prior to becoming fully Israel. Children are always a work in progress. As humans we either progress until the end or something goes awry and our minds digress. The spirit works along those same lines if you can grasp that concept. Have a good one. I have no need to argue or debate what I already know to be truth.

Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
Let's discuss advanced Euclidean Geometry.
You'll say, "What! But I've never studied it! How can I discuss it?"
And that's exactly the point.
It's called getting an education.
It takes about 2 years to nail the essentials which is why a conversion can take no less than 2 years.
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
I have studied the spirit you could say for my whole life or existence. You seem to want to talk more about theology and religious mantras when the spirit is what gives true life. Without that life giving spirit sparked in us we are as those who are dead or asleep in the dust of the earth. There is a big difference in those two things of religion and spirit. If religion leads anyone away from the life giving spirit what good is that religion?
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
You can't study a spirit unless you know what's supposed to change within you when you achieve milestones.
There's no kabbalist who can achieve anything without physical action.
I would go so far as to say that someone who has reached a certain spiritual level would never bother with a message board.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
Well I am not a kabbalist so there you have it. God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in their own eyes.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
I know what I post. That you cannot understand the posts I make is a totally different issue.
A fool quotes verses out of chapter context until the fool sees his foolishness and then travels the path of the non-fool.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
I know what I post. That you cannot understand the posts I make is a totally different issue.
Oh, I understand that you're convinced you're posting something significant.
Some fish like the smell of stink bait....(that reminds me I have this talking Catfish. I have caught him a half a dozen times over the past twenty plus years but ended up putting him back each time so he could grow. It was the last time I caught him that he talked to me going grunt, on as if to ask please don't butcher me. I was going to feed him to my 200lb baby dog as we were in some pretty tough times at that point but I put him back into the pond after showing Rod how well he could talk well enough to ask please don't butcher me. The talking Catfish is still living in my little heart pond)
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
I know what I post. That you cannot understand the posts I make is a totally different issue.
Oh, I understand that you're convinced you're posting something significant.
I entertain myself in between researching among other things. You seem to be good at making assumptions yet fail to answer questions posed to you. Why do you waste your time on a message board?
*cough cough-clears his throat*
This thread is about Moshiach.
Both of you guys are oblivious, and I'll prove it. Both of you answer this:
1)Who brought the HaShev and gathering of people back to Israel and instituted the Building of the Mikdash?

2)Who today is gathering the Temple building movements, orchestrating and arch strategizing the HaShev of
the Hosts?

3)Who is "returning" the people to Torah and path of life and watching over us?

NO AD HOMINEM RESPONSES, otherwise you prove my point-"Oblivious".
That's when are you going to study the original without all the errors?
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
I know what I post. That you cannot understand the posts I make is a totally different issue.
Oh, I understand that you're convinced you're posting something significant.
I entertain myself in between researching among other things. You seem to be good at making assumptions yet fail to answer questions posed to you. Why do you waste your time on a message board?
I have pointed out all of your mistakes.
Jews and Christians use the word "messiah,' the meaning of the word is quite different in each faith. The Christian understanding is that their messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah, according to this Christian definition, is supposed to be a human offering: a blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in our Bible that no one can die for the sins of another. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says this unequivocally:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
(Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another,' and Essay #2, 'Jews Believe That a Blood Sacrifice Is Not Required for Forgiveness of Sins').

The Bible is clear, in verse after verse: no one can die for the sins of another. Regarding what the Bible says about human sacrifice, please see Essay #4, 'Gd hates human sacrifices.'

Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, Gd had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of Gd's own human 'son' that Gd wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did Gd change Gd's mind and say, 'Okay, now go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe?' No -- as we saw in Malachi 3:6, Gd is constant and unchanging. (Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another').

Gd tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something Gd hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into Gd's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practiced by the pagans -- those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities -- it was NOT to be practiced by believers in the One Gd.

It should be understood that the Christian definition of the term 'messiah' is pagan. How do Christians define the term messiah? They understand it exactly as the pagans understood their dying-saving man-gods and heroes. The ancient world is filled with examples. Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Ra, and many others were born in the Winter, died in the Spring, and came back to life. This should sound familiar to anyone conversant with Christian theology.

Alongside this, they believed that their followers would have immortal life, since the death of the hero-god acted as the sacrifice for their sins. This should also sound familiar. The pagan world was filled with gods who were the product of a human mother and a god for the father. Heracles had Zeus for a father, and a human mother named Alcmene. Dionysus’s human mother was Semele, and his father was Zeus; Dionysus was considered a savior god. The parallels to Christian theology are plain to see.

When the earliest Christians would come into the synagogues and missionize, they would get kicked out; they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognized as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. (Please see Essay #9 'Jews' for Jesus, Messianic 'Jews', and 'Hebrew' Christians are not Jews').

What Jews Believe: Essay #3: Jesus Not the Messiah

I see the Old Testament paining a picture of Messiah. Zechariah for example is a dreamscape pointing to the man called branch
Zechariah: A Dreamscape Pointing to a Man Called Branch

1)Zech was not Messianic prophecy
2)Branch is vague with many possible meanings/connections
3) the Moshiach is supposed to be from the Branch of David, more specific the Aaronic lineage (Kohanim). Out of Kohanim lineage (per scrolls IQS IX, II FROM FRAGMENT
4QSe [4Q259])
Jesus is disqualified, because he is placed through all the Harlots of the Bible, one even being non Jewish (Rahab).
4)When 4Q285 Fr. 4&5 is talking about Moshiach in the "BRANCH OF DAVID" it is doing so in Michael's title as
"Prince of the Congregation" aka head Rabbi(Kohanim). In this commentary is revelation of the "STUMP" (not branch) 9f Jesse and by the Branch of David this stump is entered into Judgement.
That this "Prince of the Congregation" defeats/removes/slays them "by STROKES"
(LIKE with a pen/writings) & will defeat the Kittim (slang for Rome).
Fr. 10 once again reveals this liberator is Michael with the elect will let "the TRUTH" BE KNOWN and who best knows these truths, but your prince of the congregation
(Head Priest as arch messenger)-Dan 10:21
What makes you think I haven't.
The contents of your posts.
You're getting as bad as Hobelim.
Don't claim what you don't post.
I know what I post. That you cannot understand the posts I make is a totally different issue.
Oh, I understand that you're convinced you're posting something significant.
I entertain myself in between researching among other things. You seem to be good at making assumptions yet fail to answer questions posed to you. Why do you waste your time on a message board?
I have pointed out all of your mistakes.
In your carnal dreams perhaps.

Jews and Christians use the word "messiah,' the meaning of the word is quite different in each faith. The Christian understanding is that their messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah, according to this Christian definition, is supposed to be a human offering: a blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in our Bible that no one can die for the sins of another. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says this unequivocally:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
(Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another,' and Essay #2, 'Jews Believe That a Blood Sacrifice Is Not Required for Forgiveness of Sins').

The Bible is clear, in verse after verse: no one can die for the sins of another. Regarding what the Bible says about human sacrifice, please see Essay #4, 'Gd hates human sacrifices.'

Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, Gd had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of Gd's own human 'son' that Gd wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did Gd change Gd's mind and say, 'Okay, now go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe?' No -- as we saw in Malachi 3:6, Gd is constant and unchanging. (Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another').

Gd tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something Gd hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into Gd's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practiced by the pagans -- those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities -- it was NOT to be practiced by believers in the One Gd.

It should be understood that the Christian definition of the term 'messiah' is pagan. How do Christians define the term messiah? They understand it exactly as the pagans understood their dying-saving man-gods and heroes. The ancient world is filled with examples. Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Ra, and many others were born in the Winter, died in the Spring, and came back to life. This should sound familiar to anyone conversant with Christian theology.

Alongside this, they believed that their followers would have immortal life, since the death of the hero-god acted as the sacrifice for their sins. This should also sound familiar. The pagan world was filled with gods who were the product of a human mother and a god for the father. Heracles had Zeus for a father, and a human mother named Alcmene. Dionysus’s human mother was Semele, and his father was Zeus; Dionysus was considered a savior god. The parallels to Christian theology are plain to see.

When the earliest Christians would come into the synagogues and missionize, they would get kicked out; they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognized as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. (Please see Essay #9 'Jews' for Jesus, Messianic 'Jews', and 'Hebrew' Christians are not Jews').

What Jews Believe: Essay #3: Jesus Not the Messiah

I see the Old Testament paining a picture of Messiah. Zechariah for example is a dreamscape pointing to the man called branch
Zechariah: A Dreamscape Pointing to a Man Called Branch

1)Zech was not Messianic prophecy
2)Branch is vague with many possible meanings/connections
3) the Moshiach is supposed to be from the Branch of David, more specific the Aaronic lineage (Kohanim). Out of Kohanim lineage (per scrolls IQS IX, II FROM FRAGMENT
4QSe [4Q259])
Jesus is disqualified, because he is placed through all the Harlots of the Bible, one even being non Jewish (Rahab).
4)When 4Q285 Fr. 4&5 is talking about Moshiach in the "BRANCH OF DAVID" it is doing so in Michael's title as
"Prince of the Congregation" aka head Rabbi(Kohanim). In this commentary is revelation of the "STUMP" (not branch) 9f Jesse and by the Branch of David this stump is entered into Judgement.
That this "Prince of the Congregation" defeats/removes/slays them "by STROKES"
(LIKE with a pen/writings) & will defeat the Kittim (slang for Rome).
Fr. 10 once again reveals this liberator is Michael with the elect will let "the TRUTH" BE KNOWN and who best knows these truths, but your prince of the congregation
(Head Priest as arch messenger)-Dan 10:21
You are being kind Michael... Jesus is disqualified for many many reasons not the least of which if he ever exsisted which there is no proof he did except in the versions of the New Testament .. But the teachings or fruit of what is claimed for him lead people astray from the original concepts of the Jewish scriptures... Further it is one of Moschiach jobs to turn people back to the rightful way or worship and behaviour
Jews and Christians use the word "messiah,' the meaning of the word is quite different in each faith. The Christian understanding is that their messiah, Jesus, died for the sins of the people. The messiah, according to this Christian definition, is supposed to be a human offering: a blood sacrifice necessary for the forgiveness of sin. But we are taught in our Bible that no one can die for the sins of another. In Deuteronomy 24:16 it says this unequivocally:

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. [Deuteronomy 24:16]
(Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another,' and Essay #2, 'Jews Believe That a Blood Sacrifice Is Not Required for Forgiveness of Sins').

The Bible is clear, in verse after verse: no one can die for the sins of another. Regarding what the Bible says about human sacrifice, please see Essay #4, 'Gd hates human sacrifices.'

Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, Gd had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of Gd's own human 'son' that Gd wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did Gd change Gd's mind and say, 'Okay, now go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe?' No -- as we saw in Malachi 3:6, Gd is constant and unchanging. (Please see Essay #1, 'Jews Believe That No One Can Die for the Sins of Another').

Gd tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something Gd hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into Gd's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practiced by the pagans -- those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities -- it was NOT to be practiced by believers in the One Gd.

It should be understood that the Christian definition of the term 'messiah' is pagan. How do Christians define the term messiah? They understand it exactly as the pagans understood their dying-saving man-gods and heroes. The ancient world is filled with examples. Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Ra, and many others were born in the Winter, died in the Spring, and came back to life. This should sound familiar to anyone conversant with Christian theology.

Alongside this, they believed that their followers would have immortal life, since the death of the hero-god acted as the sacrifice for their sins. This should also sound familiar. The pagan world was filled with gods who were the product of a human mother and a god for the father. Heracles had Zeus for a father, and a human mother named Alcmene. Dionysus’s human mother was Semele, and his father was Zeus; Dionysus was considered a savior god. The parallels to Christian theology are plain to see.

When the earliest Christians would come into the synagogues and missionize, they would get kicked out; they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognized as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time. (Please see Essay #9 'Jews' for Jesus, Messianic 'Jews', and 'Hebrew' Christians are not Jews').

What Jews Believe: Essay #3: Jesus Not the Messiah

I see the Old Testament paining a picture of Messiah. Zechariah for example is a dreamscape pointing to the man called branch
Zechariah: A Dreamscape Pointing to a Man Called Branch

1)Zech was not Messianic prophecy
2)Branch is vague with many possible meanings/connections
3) the Moshiach is supposed to be from the Branch of David, more specific the Aaronic lineage (Kohanim). Out of Kohanim lineage (per scrolls IQS IX, II FROM FRAGMENT
4QSe [4Q259])
Jesus is disqualified, because he is placed through all the Harlots of the Bible, one even being non Jewish (Rahab).
4)When 4Q285 Fr. 4&5 is talking about Moshiach in the "BRANCH OF DAVID" it is doing so in Michael's title as
"Prince of the Congregation" aka head Rabbi(Kohanim). In this commentary is revelation of the "STUMP" (not branch) 9f Jesse and by the Branch of David this stump is entered into Judgement.
That this "Prince of the Congregation" defeats/removes/slays them "by STROKES"
(LIKE with a pen/writings) & will defeat the Kittim (slang for Rome).
Fr. 10 once again reveals this liberator is Michael with the elect will let "the TRUTH" BE KNOWN and who best knows these truths, but your prince of the congregation
(Head Priest as arch messenger)-Dan 10:21
I prefer the word Moschiach over the word Messiah as that word has been thoroughly tainted by errounous teachings regarding Jesus who was a real MESS and not a messiah by any stretch of the imagination..Besides there was no RETURN RESTORE DELIVER during his bamboozlement( by his followers) of the last 1900 or so years.. Just complete mockery of the original teachings till we have the mess we have today where every group does what is right in their own eyes...No central authority just chaos.... I liken it to a garden that once had beautiful healthy plants and was left unattended till the weeds and vines had covered up the original beauty... Moschiach will come along and will direct other caring individuals to help him pull out the vile plants that are choking the good ones and will RESTORE REEDEM and DELIVER that garden back to its original pristine state keeping the weeds and vines at bay after RETURNING it to its former glory...
And if they were not oblivious, they would notice the character did EVERYTHING THE OPPOSITE. Instead of gathering he caused dispursement, instead of peace he caused conflict, instead of building a Temple he caused destruction and was written as boasting it's destruction (showing Rome as the voice behind the puppet image.)

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