Methane emissions from fossil fuels vastly underestimated.

If true, it would suggest that a disastrous feedback loop—in which human-driven greenhouse gas emissions melt the planet’s permafrost, turning it from a vast carbon storage unit into a huge new source of planet-warming methane, driving further warming—might yet be averted.

This appears to violate the laws of thermodynamics ... the 2nd predicts energy will flow towards equilibrium, positive feedbacks do the opposite (think of plucking an electric guitar string in front of the speaker) ... that doesn't automatically make this claim bogus, but the onus is on you to explain why this doesn't violate the 2nd Law ...

Subliming methane from a solid to a gas requires energy be absorbed, and without a change in temperature ... this energy comes from the environment, and once used this way, it's gone ... we have to bring new energy in to sublime more methane ... there's just not enough power here to drive any kind of runaway effect ... and the methane starts to decompose immediately ... on balance, this only adds a trivial amount to our new equilibrium, below instrumentation error ... a single degree rise in 50 years is very low power ...

But if you've another take ... post away ... there are positive feedbacks in the atmosphere ... and scientists take great care to assure every detail is worked out and there are no violations of the law ... so maybe I missed something ...

As a rule of thumb ... positive feedbacks violate the laws of thermodynamics unless it can be explained why they don't ... our electric guitar amplifier is drawing 240 W from the grid powering the speaker feedback, thus energy is conserved, we have a force driving the feedback, and nothing here requires a perfect vacuum ...

The guy that wrote this can't figure out where the extra methane's coming from ...
Another new study, however, offers some measure of hope, citing modeling that shows that reducing anthropogenic methane emissions can still offset the “natural” leakage that the thawing Arctic will produce under warmer temperatures. If true, it would suggest that a disastrous feedback loop—in which human-driven greenhouse gas emissions melt the planet’s permafrost, turning it from a vast carbon storage unit into a huge new source of planet-warming methane, driving further warming—might yet be averted. But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

I agree, it'd be awful!!

The last time the permafrost melted....all life ended.....
Another new study, however, offers some measure of hope, citing modeling that shows that reducing anthropogenic methane emissions can still offset the “natural” leakage that the thawing Arctic will produce under warmer temperatures. If true, it would suggest that a disastrous feedback loop—in which human-driven greenhouse gas emissions melt the planet’s permafrost, turning it from a vast carbon storage unit into a huge new source of planet-warming methane, driving further warming—might yet be averted. But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

I agree, it'd be awful!!

The last time the permafrost melted....all life ended.....
We still don't know a lot.
Like who built the pyramids in Egypt and when ?
Was it an asteroid that caused the dinosaur extinction ?
Was there a big bang, or more than one ?
Another new study, however, offers some measure of hope, citing modeling that shows that reducing anthropogenic methane emissions can still offset the “natural” leakage that the thawing Arctic will produce under warmer temperatures. If true, it would suggest that a disastrous feedback loop—in which human-driven greenhouse gas emissions melt the planet’s permafrost, turning it from a vast carbon storage unit into a huge new source of planet-warming methane, driving further warming—might yet be averted. But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

But scientists also say the time available for avoiding that runaway-train scenario is quickly disappearing.

I agree, it'd be awful!!

The last time the permafrost melted....all life ended.....
We still don't know a lot.
Like who built the pyramids in Egypt and when ?
Was it an asteroid that caused the dinosaur extinction ?
Was there a big bang, or more than one ?


The pyramid builders went extinct because of methane!

The pyramid builders went extinct because of methane!
And the Stay Puft Marshmallow man took down the towers on 9/11.
We still don't know a lot.
Like who built the pyramids in Egypt and when ?
Was it an asteroid that caused the dinosaur extinction ?
Was there a big bang, or more than one ?

You don't know who built the pyramids in Egypt? ...
They speculate, but nobody knows for sure.
Same with the Sphinx.

Interesting interview.

Every piece of physical evidence ever found in the all of Egypt clearly and convincingly say the pyramids were built by the Egyptians ... not the Celts, not the Norse, not the Chinese ... the Egyptians built the pyramids in Egypt ... that's not speculation, it's documented fact ...

I'm not wasting 20 minutes watching a YouTube video some 14-year-old whipped up in his parent's basement ... not after the whopper you posted earlier ... so toss us the TL;DR version ... unless it's aliens, then don't, please just don't tell us ...
just how hard is it to cut consumption of meat in half?

You can cut yours in half, I'll double mine.


We're blessed with a commercial elk burger producer here locally ... to die for ...
No doubt the elk actually did die for it. Sounds delicious. I am for People Eating Tasty Animals. I'm over 65, 5'11", 185lb, avg BP 125/78, Cholesterol middle of upper average, heart and circulatory checked and stress tested great, never spent a night in the hospital in my life, still active lifestyle including Kayaking, Snow skiing, bicycling, swimming, and Gym (in the winter).
I enjoy and eat MEAT daily often mostly more than once a day, as a normal and significant part of a balanced diet that my body thrives on. Have no intention of cutting down to avoid problems I have never had or for someone else's global warming fears. My family has always thrived on plenty of meat in our diet, with parents, grandparents and great grandparents all living to at least middle 80s or as aged as 103. If there are those that cannot eat and enjoy meat, I am truly sorry for them. Avoiding meat as a conscious lifestyle choice, I cannot recommend.
Every piece of physical evidence ever found in the all of Egypt clearly and convincingly say the pyramids were built by the Egyptians ... not the Celts, not the Norse, not the Chinese ... the Egyptians built the pyramids in Egypt ... that's not speculation, it's documented fact ...

I'm not wasting 20 minutes watching a YouTube video some 14-year-old whipped up in his parent's basement ... not after the whopper you posted earlier ... so toss us the TL;DR version ... unless it's aliens, then don't, please just don't tell us ...

The sphinx is older. I forgot.
In the 1990s Dr. Schoch estimated that the origins of the Great Sphinx might lie in the period 9,000 to 7,000 years ago. With the discovery of new evidence – most stunningly the 12,000-year-old site of Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey – and also taking into account the latest data regarding ancient climatic changes and a re-analysis of the seismic studies, a strong case can now be made that the origins of the Great Sphinx go back some 12,000 years into the past. High culture existed at the end of the last ice age, but catastrophe struck circa 11,700 years ago. The ice age ended abruptly and an early cycle of civilization was decimated. Humanity was thrown into a dark age for thousands of years until civilization fully re-emerged around 6000 to 5000 years ago. What event brought the ice age to an end? Piecing together clues from many fields, Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun.
just how hard is it to cut consumption of meat in half?

You can cut yours in half, I'll double mine.


We're blessed with a commercial elk burger producer here locally ... to die for ...
No doubt the elk actually did die for it. Sounds delicious. I am for People Eating Tasty Animals. I'm over 65, 5'11", 185lb, avg BP 125/78, Cholesterol middle of upper average, heart and circulatory checked and stress tested great, never spent a night in the hospital in my life, still active lifestyle including Kayaking, Snow skiing, bicycling, swimming, and Gym (in the winter).
I enjoy and eat MEAT daily often mostly more than once a day, as a normal and significant part of a balanced diet that my body thrives on. Have no intention of cutting down to avoid problems I have never had or for someone else's global warming fears. My family has always thrived on plenty of meat in our diet, with parents, grandparents and great grandparents all living to at least middle 80s or as aged as 103. If there are those that cannot eat and enjoy meat, I am truly sorry for them. Avoiding meat as a conscious lifestyle choice, I cannot recommend.
Have you ever slaughtered the animal you ate? ... half our baby goats were billies and they got to be dinner ...
Every piece of physical evidence ever found in the all of Egypt clearly and convincingly say the pyramids were built by the Egyptians ... not the Celts, not the Norse, not the Chinese ... the Egyptians built the pyramids in Egypt ... that's not speculation, it's documented fact ...

I'm not wasting 20 minutes watching a YouTube video some 14-year-old whipped up in his parent's basement ... not after the whopper you posted earlier ... so toss us the TL;DR version ... unless it's aliens, then don't, please just don't tell us ...

The sphinx is older. I forgot.
In the 1990s Dr. Schoch estimated that the origins of the Great Sphinx might lie in the period 9,000 to 7,000 years ago. With the discovery of new evidence – most stunningly the 12,000-year-old site of Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey – and also taking into account the latest data regarding ancient climatic changes and a re-analysis of the seismic studies, a strong case can now be made that the origins of the Great Sphinx go back some 12,000 years into the past. High culture existed at the end of the last ice age, but catastrophe struck circa 11,700 years ago. The ice age ended abruptly and an early cycle of civilization was decimated. Humanity was thrown into a dark age for thousands of years until civilization fully re-emerged around 6000 to 5000 years ago. What event brought the ice age to an end? Piecing together clues from many fields, Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun.

I've been following this ... the actual research has been twisted around so many CT's there's no sense to it anymore ... and the evidence is thin, very thin ...

The Sphinx was a rock, a very large rock right there where the Nile enters it's rich and futile delta region ... it certainly was a landmark for cro-magnon man when he first arrived ... whatever carving were placed on this rock was obliterated when the Egyptians (or their immediate predecessors) carved their Sphinx into the rock ... which in turn was obliterated when the Romans came and saw it need extensive repairs ... and again when Napoleon was there he did some repairs ...

The case is not strong ... "an eruption from our Sun." is a fairy tale, there's absolutely no evidence of any kind such a thing has ever happened ...
I've been following this ... the actual research has been twisted around so many CT's there's no sense to it anymore ... and the evidence is thin, very thin ...

The Sphinx was a rock, a very large rock right there where the Nile enters it's rich and futile delta region ... it certainly was a landmark for cro-magnon man when he first arrived ... whatever carving were placed on this rock was obliterated when the Egyptians (or their immediate predecessors) carved their Sphinx into the rock ... which in turn was obliterated when the Romans came and saw it need extensive repairs ... and again when Napoleon was there he did some repairs ...

The case is not strong ... "an eruption from our Sun." is a fairy tale, there's absolutely no evidence of any kind such a thing has ever happened ...
Still, you can't explain water erosion that must have predated our known historical
timelines. That's part of the mystery- the possibility that evidence has been found that's being kept secret.
Probably in the Vatican.
Still, you can't explain water erosion that must have predated our known historical
timelines. That's part of the mystery- the possibility that evidence has been found that's being kept secret.
Probably in the Vatican.

Always in the deepest vault in the deepest catacomb buried under the Vatican ... the place must be immense with everything the Illuminati have in there ...

I'm aware of what appears to be rainwater erosion on the Sphinx ... by no means is it conclusive, erosion is erosion no matter the cause ... it's an area on on-going research, but so far nothing says this validates the timelines you're suggesting ... the drying of the Sahara is also predates our known historical timelines ... what you have is speculation based on speculation ... a poor mix ...

"Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun." ... just a wacko tossing around wacko ideas ... believe if you need it, or leave if you dare ...
"Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun." ... just a wacko tossing around wacko ideas ... believe if you need it, or leave if you dare ...
Piecing together clues from many fields, Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun.

You can't make your point without arranging things out of context ?
"Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun." ... just a wacko tossing around wacko ideas ... believe if you need it, or leave if you dare ...
Piecing together clues from many fields, Dr. Schoch has concluded that the triggering factor was an eruption from our Sun.

You can't make your point without arranging things out of context ?

When you get a chance...….post some of those "clues".

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