Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX - YES, She VOTED

1. The fact that she admitted to not being a citizen and voting previously supports her defense of being too stupid to know she was committing a crime.

2. Just deport her ass, under the "parole" of not coming back to this country.

1. I don't buy it, AND 'ignorance' is not a defense. She's here illegally, which means she already knowingly broke one law. If she's willing to break one....

2. Agreed.

1. I know it is normally not considered a defense. But that idea comes from a time when laws were vastly more limited than they are now.

We have BUILDINGS full of laws. We have an INDUSTRY dedicated to researching them. People go to school to be trained to help professional lawyers research laws, because we have so fucking many of them no person can actually know them all.

IMO, it should be a defense.

2. thank you.
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

The only reason she was caught was that she admitted to registration officials that she had voted in her previous district.

What percentage of criminals actively seek out law enforcement to admit their crimes?

Why did she get to vote before? Why was she not turned down in her last district?
She was a legal / permanent resident who was qualified to vote in local elections.
She was brought here as a baby, had learning disabilities and only a sixth-grade education. She's a mother of 4.

She mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote in federal elections
The charge was two felony counts of illegal voting.

She also.....voted republican.

Learning disability is vague enough to have almost no meaning.
1. I know it is normally not considered a defense. But that idea comes from a time when laws were vastly more limited than they are now.

We have BUILDINGS full of laws. We have an INDUSTRY dedicated to researching them. People go to school to be trained to help professional lawyers research laws, because we have so fucking many of them no person can actually know them all.

IMO, it should be a defense.

Not meant as an attack, BUT, 'it' isn't 'rocket science' - you come here illegally, you can't vote. If you're not a naturalized citizen, you don't vote. That's primarily why I don't buy her story...and neither did the jury.
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

The only reason she was caught was that she admitted to registration officials that she had voted in her previous district.

What percentage of criminals actively seek out law enforcement to admit their crimes?

Why did she get to vote before? Why was she not turned down in her last district?
She was a legal / permanent resident who was qualified to vote in local elections.
She was brought here as a baby, had learning disabilities and only a sixth-grade education. She's a mother of 4.

She mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote in federal elections
The charge was two felony counts of illegal voting.

She also.....voted republican.

Learning disability is vague enough to have almost no meaning.
Voting GOP tells us enough.
1. I know it is normally not considered a defense. But that idea comes from a time when laws were vastly more limited than they are now.

We have BUILDINGS full of laws. We have an INDUSTRY dedicated to researching them. People go to school to be trained to help professional lawyers research laws, because we have so fucking many of them no person can actually know them all.

IMO, it should be a defense.

Not meant as an attack, BUT, 'it' isn't 'rocket science' - you come here illegally, you can't vote. If you're not a naturalized citizen, you don't vote. That's primarily why I don't buy her story...and neither did the jury.
She was a legal / permanent resident who was qualified to vote in local elections.

She was brought here as a baby, had learning disabilities and only a sixth-grade education. She's a mother of 4.

She mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote in federal elections
The charge was two felony counts of illegal voting.

She also.....voted republican.

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

8 years in jail
Deported after her time is up
Separated from her kids not only for 8 years but longer if she leaves her kids in the US.

(**Notice she is not being prosecuted, or even charged, for violating US immigration law / being in the country illegally, a crime of which she is also guilty...)

Illegals don't vote in the US? Yeah, ask Rosa Ortega and the Jury in Tarrant County, Tx that just sentenced her to 8 years in jail about that...
It's unpossible.....liberals said so.....

nope, not impossible at all .. it's just so insignificant it doesn't make any difference, just like you and your opinion.
Wait....your admitting it occurred......stop the fucking presses....:lol:

sure it does, but the results are as damaging to elections as a fart in a hurricane.

nothing like RW idiots want everyone to believe.

1st it was: 'No Illegals Voting - Not ONE!'
Then it was: 'Not ENOUGH Illegals found voting.'
Now it's: 'Ok, Illegals have voted, but not enough to make a difference.

You snowflakes are about as accurate as those pre/election night predictions about Hillary's 'landslide victory'.

Just last week 'you' believed illegals weren't voting. This past weekend 'you' were coming to grips with the fact that they are...but you're still in denial about HOW MANY are possibly voting.

Snowflakes are funny...

In the real world all the states, Republican and Democrat controlled, said there was no widespread voter fraud as claimed by the so-called President.

HOW can this be? According to liberals illegals don't commit voter fraud / don't vote in US elections - never happened, never will. :p

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

8 years in jail
Deported after her time is up
Separated from her kids not only for 8 years but longer if she leaves her kids in the US.

(**Notice she is not being prosecuted, or even charged, for violating US immigration law / being in the country illegally, a crime of which she is also guilty...)

Illegals don't vote in the US? Yeah, ask Rosa Ortega and the Jury in Tarrant County, Tx that just sentenced her to 8 years in jail about that...

Is she the one near Dallas that voted Republican?

If so I have known about this for awhile now...

Seems a very sad case... The woman has obvious mental issues as she clearly said she was not a citizen and she had voted before to election officials.

“She has a sixth-grade education. She didn’t know she wasn’t legal,” said Ms. Ortega’s lawyer, Clark Birdsall, who once oversaw voter fraud prosecutions in neighboring Dallas County. “She can own property; she can serve in the military; she can get a job; she can pay taxes. But she can’t vote, and she didn’t know that.”

This is a scarey thing to do to anyone... 8 years for someone who was legally in the country and clearly made a mistake...

The Prosecutor Mr. Paxton (Tarrant County) is facing legal issues of his own: state securities fraud charges and a federal lawsuit stemming from efforts to recruit investors for a technology company... If found guilty will he get the death penalty?

This is just case of being vindictive to the weaker in society, this is not justice...
This is incredibly rare. Most voter fraud goes unpunished. And i'd skip the jail time for her. I'm fine with just deporting her.
Jailing her for 8 years just means more US tax dollars are spent on her.

Exactly. The US already ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its Citizens. The costs are astronomical. I would advise immediate deportation. But i do understand why they're apprehensive about doing it. They feel she'll just walk back across the border within days. But i still go with deportation.

Well I hope she would... She has been in US since and infant, she has mental issues and her family are in the US. The punishment does not fit the crime... In most countries in the world this would be thrown out, get serious....

Normal Judges look at a mother who got confused over voting in a local election and a general election... Now her kids, US citizens have no mother, how does that work out...
1. I know it is normally not considered a defense. But that idea comes from a time when laws were vastly more limited than they are now.

We have BUILDINGS full of laws. We have an INDUSTRY dedicated to researching them. People go to school to be trained to help professional lawyers research laws, because we have so fucking many of them no person can actually know them all.

IMO, it should be a defense.

Not meant as an attack, BUT, 'it' isn't 'rocket science' - you come here illegally, you can't vote. If you're not a naturalized citizen, you don't vote. That's primarily why I don't buy her story...and neither did the jury.
She was a legal / permanent resident who was qualified to vote in local elections.

She was brought here as a baby, had learning disabilities and only a sixth-grade education. She's a mother of 4.

She mistakenly thought she was eligible to vote in federal elections
The charge was two felony counts of illegal voting.

She also.....voted republican.

Voted Republican, these guys eat their own...
CA IDs are clearly marked for driving and ID only.

ID is not needed to vote in the Peoples Republic. Since illegals are automatically registered, voting by illegals is systematic.

Remember dope fiend, if openly corrupt California is removed from the equation, Trump won the popular vote by a wide margin.

The Soros Army (democrats) view election fraud as their sacred right.
well, in that case, my non dope fiend; Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red in low population red States.

"red illegals"? New medications?
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

In La Puente, Boyle Heights, El Monte, Santa Ana, Stanton, Pomona, etc...

Naming cities doesn't constitute illegal votings. Grow up dude.

Naming cities that are majorty illegal alien populations tells you where the illegal votes are centered.
The electoral college has always made that, a moot point. Unlike a few red illegals voting red in low population, welfare queen, red States.
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

"Indisputable proof" isn't always available...murderers are convicted all the time on circumstantial evidence alone. Sometimes we have to pull our own heads from our ass and connect the dots based on likelihood and circumstances. Third graders seeking truth and reality do should too....No?
What a basket of bullshit.

First, people are NOT convicted on circumstantial evidence. If they are, those convictions are overturned.

Secondly, you just made an argument that a conviction based on circumstantial evidence means you can make wild accusations without any proof and be satisfied those wild accusations are true.

Jesus H. Christ. You haven't a lick of common sense, much less a logical cell in your head.

You are stupid enough to bleev five million illegals were able to register to vote, completely undetected.

And then they all voted, again completely undetected.

It takes a special idiot to bleev that.
CA IDs are clearly marked for driving and ID only.

ID is not needed to vote in the Peoples Republic. Since illegals are automatically registered, voting by illegals is systematic.

Remember dope fiend, if openly corrupt California is removed from the equation, Trump won the popular vote by a wide margin.

The Soros Army (democrats) view election fraud as their sacred right.
well, in that case, my non dope fiend; Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red in low population red States.

"red illegals"? New medications?
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?

Right, after all, illegals want stronger border security and to be deported.

Yer such a smart little dope fiend.....
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

"Indisputable proof" isn't always available...murderers are convicted all the time on circumstantial evidence alone. Sometimes we have to pull our own heads from our ass and connect the dots based on likelihood and circumstances. Third graders seeking truth and reality do should too....No?
What a basket of bullshit.

First, people are NOT convicted on circumstantial evidence. If they are, those convictions are overturned.

Secondly, you just made an argument that a conviction based on circumstantial evidence means you can make wild accusations without any proof and be satisfied those wild accusations are true.

Jesus H. Christ. You haven't a lick of common sense, much less a logical cell in your head.

You are stupid enough to bleev five million illegals were able to register to vote, completely undetected.

And then they all voted, again completely undetected.

It takes a special idiot to bleev that.

Hey Guno, yesterday you were lying that the woman voted for Republicans. Of course you just made this up, you are devoid of integrity as you Leftists tend to be.

So what lies are you telling on behalf of your filthy party today?

Oh, and people are convicted on circumstantial evidence each and every day.
Found ONE?

Where are the other 3-5 million?

"Indisputable proof" isn't always available...murderers are convicted all the time on circumstantial evidence alone. Sometimes we have to pull our own heads from our ass and connect the dots based on likelihood and circumstances. Third graders seeking truth and reality do should too....No?
What a basket of bullshit.

First, people are NOT convicted on circumstantial evidence. If they are, those convictions are overturned.

Secondly, you just made an argument that a conviction based on circumstantial evidence means you can make wild accusations without any proof and be satisfied those wild accusations are true.

Jesus H. Christ. You haven't a lick of common sense, much less a logical cell in your head.

You are stupid enough to bleev five million illegals were able to register to vote, completely undetected.

And then they all voted, again completely undetected.

It takes a special idiot to bleev that. desperate, ignorant whack-jobs are are even dumber than I thought. I can't believe I'm even engaging in such a moot point...WE HAVE OUR GUY!
FACT- the U.S. harbors 12-20 million illegals
FACT- millions of illegals had the ability and opportunity to vote
FACT- illegals have never been more encouraged or motivated to vote

If you'd pull you head from your ass and your lips from that wetback penis you'd be able to seek true clarity by using your little tiny peanut brain to connect the dots. The question isn't IF illegals voted the question is how many voted...and let's be honest, you desperate dumbasses threw logic and reason out a long time ago, you especially want to play dumb to this issue so unless someone presents you with video footage of X number of human cockroaches voting you wouldn't believe any figure. You're welcome for the free on dumbass!
Circumstantial evidence
Page issues
For other uses, see Circumstantial Evidence (disambiguation).
Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidencesupports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.

On its own, circumstantial evidence allows for more than one explanation. Different pieces of circumstantial evidence may be required, so that each corroborates the conclusions drawn from the others. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inferenceover another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more likely once alternative explanations have been ruled out[citation needed].

Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to infer that a fact exists.[1] In criminal law, the inference is made by the trier of fact in order to support the truth of an assertion (of guilt or absence of guilt).

Testimony can be direct evidence or it can be circumstantial. For instance, a witness saying that she saw a defendant stab a victim is providing direct evidence. By contrast, a witness who says that she saw the defendant enter a house, that she heard screaming, and that she saw the defendant leave with a bloody knife gives circumstantial evidence. It is the necessity for inference, and not the obviousness of a conclusion, that determines whether evidence is circumstantial.

Forensic evidence supplied by an expert witness is usually treated as circumstantial evidence. For instance, a forensic scientist may provide results of ballistic tests proving that the defendant’s firearm fired the bullets that killed the victim, but not necessarily that the defendant fired the shots.

Circumstantial evidence is especially important in civil and criminal cases where direct evidence is lacking.

Validity of circumstantial evidenceEdit
A popular misconception is that circumstantial evidence is less valid or less important than direct evidence[ambiguous].[2][3] This is only partly true: direct evidence is popularly, but mistakenly, considered more powerful[citation needed][by whom?]. Many successful criminal prosecutions rely largely or entirely on circumstantial evidence, and civil charges are frequently based on circumstantial or indirect evidence. Much of the evidence against convicted American bomber Timothy McVeigh was circumstantial, for example. Speaking about McVeigh's trial, University of Michigan law professor Robert Precht said, "Circumstantial evidence can be, and often is much more powerful than direct evidence." [4]The 2004 murder trial of Scott Peterson was another high-profile conviction based heavily on circumstantial evidence.

Indeed, the common metaphor for the strongest possible evidence in any case—the "smoking gun"—is an example of proof based on circumstantial evidence[ambiguous]. Similarly, fingerprint evidence, videotapes, sound recordings, photographs, and many other examples of physical evidence that support the drawing of an inference, i.e., circumstantial evidence, are considered very strong possible evidence.

In practice, circumstantial evidence can have an advantage over direct evidence in that it can come from multiple sources that check and reinforce each other.[5] Eyewitness testimony can be inaccurate at times,[6] and many persons have been convicted on the basis of perjured or otherwise mistaken testimony.[7] Thus, strong circumstantial evidence can provide a more reliable basis for a verdict. Circumstantial evidence normally requires a witness, such as the police officer who found the evidence, or an expert who examined it, to lay the foundation for its admission. This witness, sometimes known as the sponsor or the authenticating witness, is giving direct (eye-witness) testimony, and could present credibility problems in the same way that any eye witness does.

However, there is often more than one logical conclusion inferable from the same set of circumstances. In cases where one conclusion implies a defendant's guilt and another his innocence, the "benefit of the doubt" principle would apply. Indeed, if the circumstantial evidence suggests a possibility of innocence, the prosecution has the burden of disproving that possibility.[8]
This is incredibly rare. Most voter fraud goes unpunished. And i'd skip the jail time for her. I'm fine with just deporting her.
Jailing her for 8 years just means more US tax dollars are spent on her.

Exactly. The US already ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning its Citizens. The costs are astronomical. I would advise immediate deportation. But i do understand why they're apprehensive about doing it. They feel she'll just walk back across the border within days. But i still go with deportation.

Well I hope she would... She has been in US since and infant, she has mental issues and her family are in the US. The punishment does not fit the crime... In most countries in the world this would be thrown out, get serious....

Normal Judges look at a mother who got confused over voting in a local election and a general election... Now her kids, US citizens have no mother, how does that work out...

Are we a nation of laws or not? Can't have it both ways. Illegal Immigration needs to be ended. Personally, i welcome folks to come to my country. But they need to do it the legal way. Going the illegal route, disrespects me and my nation. It's time for it to end.
1. I know it is normally not considered a defense. But that idea comes from a time when laws were vastly more limited than they are now.

We have BUILDINGS full of laws. We have an INDUSTRY dedicated to researching them. People go to school to be trained to help professional lawyers research laws, because we have so fucking many of them no person can actually know them all.

IMO, it should be a defense.

Not meant as an attack, BUT, 'it' isn't 'rocket science' - you come here illegally, you can't vote. If you're not a naturalized citizen, you don't vote. That's primarily why I don't buy her story...and neither did the jury.

As you said, legally speaking ignorance is not an excuse.

Considering her actions, I am open to the idea that she might have been stupid enough to not realize that it was illegal for her to vote.

The jury indeed, did not agree.

I hope that they were right about that, and that a very stupid alien is not being overly punished.

AND regardless, I hope they deport her in the near future.
CA IDs are clearly marked for driving and ID only.

ID is not needed to vote in the Peoples Republic. Since illegals are automatically registered, voting by illegals is systematic.

Remember dope fiend, if openly corrupt California is removed from the equation, Trump won the popular vote by a wide margin.

The Soros Army (democrats) view election fraud as their sacred right.
well, in that case, my non dope fiend; Mr. Trump got elected by red illegals voting red in low population red States.

"red illegals"? New medications?
only in right wing fantasy, do all illegals vote blue. just medication?

Right, after all, illegals want stronger border security and to be deported.

Yer such a smart little dope fiend.....
Not if they don't look, "Hispanic".

don't do dope; and Only full of fallacy?

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