Mexican immigration is now net zero

Its almost entirely explained by jobs; most of those people came to work, now there's no work, so they stopped coming and are leaving.
Actually looks like a rather fuzzy report. Data are "murky", even on the deportations (for which there should be official figures one would think), let alone on those coming into the country illegally (for which, per definition, there are no real official figures). All in all I wouldn't put too much store in such a fuzzy report.

That being said, it would be a good thing if Mexico continued its development. Been to the country a year ago and I was quite impressed. Not sure it will continue to go as well when Calderon leaves office however.
Its almost entirely explained by jobs; most of those people came to work, now there's no work, so they stopped coming and are leaving.

OR as Andy Borowitz put it:

More Mexicans are leaving the US than entering, so I guess our master plan of reducing our quality of life has worked.

Actually, I think the overall quality of life in the US is still considerably higher than in Mexico.
Border Problem Solved!

Only 1,000,000 got in illegally!

According to the Wahington Post, apprehensions are down to about 350,000 for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30. Arizona Senator John McCain says the U.S. Border Patrol catches about one in four. So, for the year 1,400,000 people tried to cross the border illegally and 350,000 were stopped. That leaves 1,050,000 who made it. To say this is success is outrageous.

How many illegals are really in the U.S.??? Immigration - Live Counters, News, Resources
Granny says, "Well, dat's good...

... border-hoppin' has finally flattened out...

... so how we gonna encourage the rest of `em to go back home?"
Lucky sods have someplace else to go

If you honestly believe the US is so bad, there is absolutely no reason to stay. There are a variety of countries who assholes like you could pick. But you won't. You are a part of our problem.... be part of the solution and fuck the hell off.
Jan Brewer ruined Arizona's economy.

So Jan Brewer and Arizona's economy is why the illegal immigration is at net zero?

Wow! That is one powerful state, didn't realize that! What about the US economy? Do you suppose that it could have something to do with the net zero effect or is it that all the Mexican population looks at is Arizona's economy?
They may not be coming to work because there is not work but the drugs are still coming and the problem is already here and it's 30 million strong and growing by anchor babiy by anchor baby. If the border was closed the problem would remain.
obama's great plan of completely fucking up our economy is working! hurray.................
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Since Mexfam and International Planned Parenthood hooked up, approximately 70% of Catholic Mexican women are using birth control. Those Mexican women that aren't using birth control on a regular basis are primarily rural and uneducated. Also, the Mexican government is giving incentives to men for having vasectomies, as a result of the Mexican governments efforts to lower the birth rate, there is less pressure on the Mexican economy to produce jobs.

What a lower unemployment rate in Mexico means to America is, less desperate people willing to risk their lives searching for a job.

Since Mexfam and International Planned Parenthood hooked up, approximately 70% of Catholic Mexican women are using birth control. Those Mexican women that aren't using birth control on a regular basis are primarily rural and uneducated. Also, the Mexican government is giving incentives to men for having vasectomies, as a result of the Mexican governments efforts to lower the birth rate, there is less pressure on the Mexican economy to produce jobs.

What a lower unemployment rate in Mexico means to America is, less desperate people willing to risk their lives searching for a job.

Gosh Star, are you saying birth control and Planned Parenthood are having a positive impact on illegal immigration?
The consequences to employers for hiring no doubt played the key roll. It's becoming harder and harder for illegals to mount the paperwork cycle without tremendous expense.
The consequences to employers for hiring no doubt played the key roll. It's becoming harder and harder for illegals to mount the paperwork cycle without tremendous expense.

Yep, I agree the Obama strategy is working, but some things are outside the purview of statute. Ever since Mexfam and International Planned Parenthood hooked up in an effort to lower the Mexican birth rate and number of children per Mexican woman those numbers have been halved.

Another part of the equation is abortion. Like it or not rightwingers, Catholic Mexican abortions are playing a role in lowering the Mexican birth rate. The abortion rate in Mexico has risen by over 36 times between 1995 and 2010.

The thing is, as usual, there is not a single reason, but rather multiple reasons for illegal immigration decreasing under President Obama but-----but one of those reasons is the lower birth rate in Mexico. IOW - Planned Parenthood, birth control, and abortion are part of them illegal immigration solution.

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