Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint

Probably with weapons Eric Holder gave them. I really do feel for our Border Patrol agents. What a sad mess.
First it's two, then four, then sixteen, then it's dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria.
Note to the nutters:

Read the article.

Two people does not an invasion make.

This is like the hysteria over two black guys standing around in front of a polling place. You fools turned that into gangs of marauding ferals Negros killing, burning and pillaging.

You're idiots.

Brainless idiots.


What did you expect from a bunch of ignorant hayseed rubes who are so easy to whip up
Of course, this wasn't made public and Obama let it slide by, despite 23 such invasions. There are reports going back years of the Mexican military aiding the drug cartels and there have many sightings of military vehicles and soldiers accompanying the drug cartels to the border. Despite knowing this, the Obama administraton continues with the lie that our borders are more secure than ever. We virtually have no borders, so how can they possibly be secure?

Why is our government, past and present, okay allowing the Mexican government to assist their drug cartels? We know why the corrupt Mexican government does it - for money - but why does our government turn a blind eye? What's in it for them? There is no consideration for the people of this country, especially those living near the border.

The January 26th standoff was reported as a foreign military incursion was withheld from people of the United States until the Times broke the story. The incursion lasted for 35 minutes and could have lasted longer, had not the Border Control agents not drawn their guns and radioed for help. The incursion was confirmed in a letter from US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske. The soldiers misidentified themselves and claimed they were after drug smugglers.

The Mexican soldiers were spotted by a Border Patrol agent entering the U.S. about 2.5 miles west of Sasabe Arizona shortly before 9 a.m. A second federal agent positively identified the two individuals in tan, digital camouflage uniforms, on foot traveling westbound, on the United States side of the International Boundary Fence Line, according to the report obtained by the newspaper. The Mexicans misidentified themselves to U.S. Border agents and claimed to be pursuing drug smugglers, the government documents say.

Kerlikowske admits that the intruders were “confirmed members of the Mexican military” but he asserts that U.S. border officials determined that no further action was necessary involving the matter.

NO FURTHER ACTION necessary….after an invasion?

Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint
SHOCK REPORT: Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint | Top Right News

Head for the hills folks. Two Mexican soldiers are staging an invasion. RUN!!!!

Get a grip on reality if you can. Our Border Patrol can handle TWO Mexican soldiers.

Not when our dickless President changes the "Use of force" rules, pussifying Border Patrol agents.
Of course, this wasn't made public and Obama let it slide by, despite 23 such invasions. There are reports going back years of the Mexican military aiding the drug cartels and there have many sightings of military vehicles and soldiers accompanying the drug cartels to the border. Despite knowing this, the Obama administraton continues with the lie that our borders are more secure than ever. We virtually have no borders, so how can they possibly be secure?

Why is our government, past and present, okay allowing the Mexican government to assist their drug cartels? We know why the corrupt Mexican government does it - for money - but why does our government turn a blind eye? What's in it for them? There is no consideration for the people of this country, especially those living near the border.

The January 26th standoff was reported as a foreign military incursion was withheld from people of the United States until the Times broke the story. The incursion lasted for 35 minutes and could have lasted longer, had not the Border Control agents not drawn their guns and radioed for help. The incursion was confirmed in a letter from US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske. The soldiers misidentified themselves and claimed they were after drug smugglers.

The Mexican soldiers were spotted by a Border Patrol agent entering the U.S. about 2.5 miles west of Sasabe Arizona shortly before 9 a.m. A second federal agent positively identified the two individuals in tan, digital camouflage uniforms, on foot traveling westbound, on the United States side of the International Boundary Fence Line, according to the report obtained by the newspaper. The Mexicans misidentified themselves to U.S. Border agents and claimed to be pursuing drug smugglers, the government documents say.

Kerlikowske admits that the intruders were “confirmed members of the Mexican military” but he asserts that U.S. border officials determined that no further action was necessary involving the matter.

NO FURTHER ACTION necessary….after an invasion?

Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint
SHOCK REPORT: Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint | Top Right News

Money. I knew a DEA agent way back in the day and he told me jokingly...though there was a tone that said it was factual..."while Nancy Reagan is saying "just say no", VP Bush is telling his pilots to "just fly low"...

The CIA has been heavily involved in the illegal drug trade since the 1950's..... There's an excellent book called the "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia" that delves into in depth.

There is another book too, Dope, Inc. that is hard to find I'm told. It goes into that bit of history. As to the Mexican military. They work for the Cartels. Not the government. I'm sure the UN is busy trying to figure out a way to circumvent that fact but it is what it is. Holder got in over his head. Enough said. Bye now. - J.
Of course, this wasn't made public and Obama let it slide by, despite 23 such invasions. There are reports going back years of the Mexican military aiding the drug cartels and there have many sightings of military vehicles and soldiers accompanying the drug cartels to the border. Despite knowing this, the Obama administraton continues with the lie that our borders are more secure than ever. We virtually have no borders, so how can they possibly be secure?

Why is our government, past and present, okay allowing the Mexican government to assist their drug cartels? We know why the corrupt Mexican government does it - for money - but why does our government turn a blind eye? What's in it for them? There is no consideration for the people of this country, especially those living near the border.

The January 26th standoff was reported as a foreign military incursion was withheld from people of the United States until the Times broke the story. The incursion lasted for 35 minutes and could have lasted longer, had not the Border Control agents not drawn their guns and radioed for help. The incursion was confirmed in a letter from US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske. The soldiers misidentified themselves and claimed they were after drug smugglers.

The Mexican soldiers were spotted by a Border Patrol agent entering the U.S. about 2.5 miles west of Sasabe Arizona shortly before 9 a.m. A second federal agent positively identified the two individuals in tan, digital camouflage uniforms, on foot traveling westbound, on the United States side of the International Boundary Fence Line, according to the report obtained by the newspaper. The Mexicans misidentified themselves to U.S. Border agents and claimed to be pursuing drug smugglers, the government documents say.

Kerlikowske admits that the intruders were “confirmed members of the Mexican military” but he asserts that U.S. border officials determined that no further action was necessary involving the matter.

NO FURTHER ACTION necessary….after an invasion?

Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint
SHOCK REPORT: Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint | Top Right News

Head for the hills folks. Two Mexican soldiers are staging an invasion. RUN!!!!

Get a grip on reality if you can. Our Border Patrol can handle TWO Mexican soldiers.

Said soldiers are still, clearly not!
Just arrest Eric Holder for his heinous 'Fast & Furious' atrocity, and then Impeach Obama for his egregious IRS & NSA abuses. That would go a long way in solving our Border problems.
Obama: Ukraine has a right to its borders!
Obama: Israel has no right to its borders!
Obama: U.S. What borders?
Are we sure these are even Mexican soldiers? They could be Drug Cartel enforcers with stolen Mexican Military uniforms. God knows our troops have seen plenty of that kind of shit in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Has anyone considered legalizing Cannabis again to cripple the drug cartels?

Remember how legalizing alcohol put an end to most bootlegging? Same thing.
If Mexican military or police draw weapons on any American on US soil, they should be shot dead on the spot.

We have drones and blackhawks along the border there is no reason why a piece of shit from Mexico can draw a gun on an American on our land, then survive. They should be killed on the spot.
Has anyone considered legalizing Cannabis again to cripple the drug cartels?

Remember how legalizing alcohol put an end to most bootlegging? Same thing.
Holy shit! That's twice now I've agreed with you. WTF?
If Mexican military or police draw weapons on any American on US soil, they should be shot dead on the spot.

We have drones and blackhawks along the border there is no reason why a piece of shit from Mexico can draw a gun on an American on our land, then survive. They should be killed on the spot.

Yeah, this is right. Mexican army shouldn't even try to cross the border.
If Mexican military or police draw weapons on any American on US soil, they should be shot dead on the spot.

Only if we would elect a President who would let BP agents do their jobs, unhindered by pussy ass rules of engagement.
Of course, this wasn't made public and Obama let it slide by, despite 23 such invasions. There are reports going back years of the Mexican military aiding the drug cartels and there have many sightings of military vehicles and soldiers accompanying the drug cartels to the border. Despite knowing this, the Obama administraton continues with the lie that our borders are more secure than ever. We virtually have no borders, so how can they possibly be secure?

Why is our government, past and present, okay allowing the Mexican government to assist their drug cartels? We know why the corrupt Mexican government does it - for money - but why does our government turn a blind eye? What's in it for them? There is no consideration for the people of this country, especially those living near the border.

The January 26th standoff was reported as a foreign military incursion was withheld from people of the United States until the Times broke the story. The incursion lasted for 35 minutes and could have lasted longer, had not the Border Control agents not drawn their guns and radioed for help. The incursion was confirmed in a letter from US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske. The soldiers misidentified themselves and claimed they were after drug smugglers.

The Mexican soldiers were spotted by a Border Patrol agent entering the U.S. about 2.5 miles west of Sasabe Arizona shortly before 9 a.m. A second federal agent positively identified the two individuals in tan, digital camouflage uniforms, on foot traveling westbound, on the United States side of the International Boundary Fence Line, according to the report obtained by the newspaper. The Mexicans misidentified themselves to U.S. Border agents and claimed to be pursuing drug smugglers, the government documents say.

Kerlikowske admits that the intruders were “confirmed members of the Mexican military” but he asserts that U.S. border officials determined that no further action was necessary involving the matter.

NO FURTHER ACTION necessary….after an invasion?

Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint
SHOCK REPORT: Mexican Troops Invaded Border, Held U.S. Border Agents at Gunpoint | Top Right News
If Mexico did that, then we have no respect from anyone on the planet.

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