Mexicans: “We have illegally invaded you to the point where now we can leverage your politicians.”

Mexicocksucker is such an arrogant, entitled, ultimate parasitic crab louse on America, I'd be delighted to see a boiling, multicolored, mushroom cloud sprouting over Mexico City like a blossoming flower with a center of flame. That drug-cartel sewer of humanity represents the ultimate failure of the despicable Spanish Empire. What possible use does that country have for the world? NOTHING.
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.

all those illegal aliens that dont vote sure know how to influence poiticians -


For all the ignorant fools that refuse to look past their’s your lesson for the day.
Illegal aliens = barely legal anchor babies
What’s else can us sane folk teach you?

Listen fellas, and listen well----------> I am of Mexican decent, I am assuming just like Mac, and I am here to tell you that not all Hispanics are Leftists. (want to cause a ruckus, lol. Just demand more Cubans be allowed in, and watch the Left melt like the snowflakes they are, but I digress)

You want to stop this stuff, then win the midterms, plain and simple, and I have no doubt your wish will come true. Lose, and it is basically over, and that to is a fact.

Have you been paying close attention? Do you know what Trump proposed? Well, let me tell ya----------->you want to petition for asylum, then you MUST enter at a legal entry point and apply. If you enter illegally, you can NOT apply for asylum, period, end of story.

That is big, very big, because if that were in effect, then America would either A. be able to DENY asylum from ILLEGALS, or B. see for themselves how many people are actually trying to get in, meaning the American people would shudder.

Polls show that the VAST majority of Americans are with us, no matter how the Left tries to confuse the issue. Americans overwhelmingly, want the border closed down, illegals turned around and sent back from wherever they came from, and the ability to allow the government to enforce immigration the way it was intended...…….for the betterment of America and Americans, not the betterment of the immigrants! Now that doesn't mean the immigrants can not improve their lot in life, but rather they are allowed in BECAUSE WE NEED THEM, not because THEY WANT IN AND NEED US!

Now then...….you win CONVINCINGLY in the midterms, and here is what you are probably going to get--------->

1. End of chain migration besides minor children.

2. The wall.

3. E-verify, that will help stop the magnet.

4. Any illegal convicted of a crime of any sort, instant deportation, after serving their jail time.

5.. no aid for X amount of years if allowed in.

And a host of other restrictions.

Now the Left on here is going to tell you that this is a dream, and I am here to tell you it is NOT, and will happen IF you carry the midterms overwhelmingly.


Because the Left is opposing President Trump in these midterms with 2 things-------->

1. The collusion/delusion which has fallen apart and almost been reversed, AND

2. how illegals are handled, to put it nicely.

Now then...………...if the other side is running fully 90% on these 2 things, and 1 of them has almost virtually collapsed already leaving them 1, and you are put by an overwhelming victory, what does that tell you, and how much POLITICAL CAPITAL do you have to spend on the ONE issue that you were not only propelled into office originally over, but then had your agenda re-affirmed in the VERY NEXT election, as being the BIGGEST ISSUE!

The Democrats have opened a can of worms, and they had better know what they are doing, because if WE WIN big, they and the media can scream all they want, and NOBODY is going to listen.

It is not about race, nor religion, nor gender, nor gender reassignment...…… is about LEGAL/ILLEGAL, and these Leftist phony-baloneys try and shame you into seeing it their way instead of changing the laws, because they are all COWARDS!

Finally, I am also here to tell you-----------> forget the generic ballot that these Leftists try and put up. Let me inform you, all those votes are in 5 or 6 places. They may very well again get more votes, but just as last time, they will all be concentrated. Just vote yourselves, bring a friend, do your thing, and watch their faces this time, lol. And THIS time, the aftermath is actually going to be WORSE for them, because if we win, Trump and friends will have no fear of enforcing the laws. AND, if we actually pick up 2 to 5 seats in the Senate as projected, you WILL get rid of Obysmalcare, you WILL close the border, you WILL fund the wall, and you WILL get any Supreme Court Justice you want, and neither the Democrats, nor the never Trumpers, will be able to do a damn thing about it!

You’ve articulated the point(s) very well and I agree 100%.
Your post has Lefties pissing themselves behind their keyboards. Good job!

Well, I wouldn't be so confident, although your position on this matter, is 100% American.

Again, it all depends upon if we, or they, show up at the polling stations.

REAL polls say, that the Democrats are cooked like lobster, but are really catfish, lol. Honesty needs to be injected...…… depends, and that is fact.

If the GOP, and or Trumps base, falls asleep at the wheel, what you have worked for is done, cooked, just go home! That is EXACTLY what the far LEFTISTS are hoping for!

Let me make this plain and simple------------> Everyone on this board knows what Trump intends to do. If enforcing the laws is bad, then the left needs to try and change them, and they will NOT, because they are COWARDS! They do not believe what they say, they just want YOU to believe what they say, lol!

Point is...….. you have the Left by the cucaraches, and that is a fact. If you vote, they are cooked. If you don't, Trump is cooked, along with us.

It is up to you! The Left has no chance to overpower you if YOU vote.

So what are you going to do? Come here, BEFORE you are sure you hosed them; or come HERE, after you hosed them, slapped them around, and BURIED them for at least 8 years more-)

It is YOUR country. You pay the freight, and do you want to continue to let them fleece you or not?

That is the question that will be answered in these midterms, and whatever the answer is, it will not be disputed. Either the Trump policies go down, or the Obysmal policies go down. Whichever side wins, they have a mandate.

That is what you face, so what are you going to do about it!
Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?
Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?

The cockroaches from Mexico, Central and South America don’t file for visas. They don’t have the intelligence, cash and ability to follow that process through.
We aren't really all that worried about the aussies and kiwi's overstaying their visas.
Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?

The cockroaches from Mexico, Central and South America don’t file for visas. They don’t have the intelligence, cash and ability to follow that process through.
We aren't really all that worried about the aussies and kiwi's overstaying their visas.
it is our drug war and terror war that is creating refugees. why not abolish those government programs the right wing is not fiscally responsible enough to pay taxes for.
Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?

Gotta start somewhere. Secure the Border. But you are right, it isn't only about the Border. Our Immigration System as a whole, is in shambles. The previous President spent 8yrs systematically dismantling it. Trump's got an awful mess on his hands. But at least he's trying. And that's much more than i can say about most of our recent past Presidents. I wish the man all the best.
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Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?

Gotta start somewhere. Secure the Border. But you are right, it isn't only about the Border. Our Immigration System as a whole, is in shambles. The previous President spent 8yrs systematically dismantling it. Trump's got an awful mess on his hands. But at least he's trying. And that's much more than i can say about most of our recent past Presidents. I wish the man all the best.

I think you're missing what I'm getting at;

Say you spend the money necessary to "secure" the border (I'm assuming you're talking about a Wall, more border guards, etc..,), wouldn't that just encourage more illegal immigration via the VISA overstay route?

For example, how difficult would it be for say someone in Mexico City to get a passport, book a trip to Las Vegas (for "vacation") get a short term VISA, fly into Vegas then have some Coyote (or Friend/Family) meet them and drive them to whatever destination in the U.S. they planned on going and just never go back.

It's a more expensive and involved process than what many do now (sneaking across the border) but it's also safer and easier to get away with, so it seems to me a "secure" border is just going to encourage more of it. So essentially you've just spent a lot of money to create an incentive for illegal immigration that is harder to stop.

The only plus side I can see is that at least with VISA overstays you have some idea of who is here illegally but that can be faked too.
Secure the Border, end Illegal Immigration once and for all. Period, end of story.

How would securing the border end illegal immigration by people overstaying their VISA which according to a 2015 CMS study represent 44% of the illegal aliens in the country? If the border(s) were "secure" wouldn't we expect to see a rise in people entering the country legally using a short term VISA and then just staying? How do you propose to deal with that problem?

Gotta start somewhere. Secure the Border. But you are right, it isn't only about the Border. Our Immigration System as a whole, is in shambles. The previous President spent 8yrs systematically dismantling it. Trump's got an awful mess on his hands. But at least he's trying. And that's much more than i can say about most of our recent past Presidents. I wish the man all the best.

I think you're missing what I'm getting at;

Say you spend the money necessary to "secure" the border (I'm assuming you're talking about a Wall, more border guards, etc..,), wouldn't that just encourage more illegal immigration via the VISA overstay route?

For example, how difficult would it be for say someone in Mexico City to get a passport, book a trip to Las Vegas (for "vacation") get a short term VISA, fly into Vegas then have some Coyote (or Friend/Family) meet them and drive them to whatever destination in the U.S. they planned on going and just never go back.

It's a more expensive and involved process than what many do now (sneaking across the border) but it's also safer and easier to get away with, so it seems to me a "secure" border is just going to encourage more of it. So essentially you've just spent a lot of money to create an incentive for illegal immigration that is harder to stop.

The only plus side I can see is that at least with VISA overstays you have some idea of who is here illegally but that can be faked too.

As i said, it isn't just about the Border. Our Immigration System as a whole, is in shambles. It's chaos. Revolutionary reform needs to happen.

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