Mexicans: “We have illegally invaded you to the point where now we can leverage your politicians.”

What are the questions you think I'm avoiding?

Lay 'em out for me.

And I didn't say that immigration doesn't change demographics.

You say the GOP isn't appealing to minorities because, because, because... Try get it out.

FYI, I know the exact reason. I just want to see if you are willing to admit it.
I didn't say "because". I can only guess, and my guess is that you're afraid they'll dilute your ideology.

Or it may be because you want a lighter-skinned country for your own reasons.

I'm not really sure.

Again, I'm happy to have the conversation, but I'd prefer you could deal with what I actually say.

You STILL did not answer the question. Did you notice? Only unfunded insults, where you are now making shit up about me.

You rant on and on how these people do not care about the economy. WHAT is it that they care about? Try get it out!
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.
What are the questions you think I'm avoiding?

Lay 'em out for me.

And I didn't say that immigration doesn't change demographics.

You say the GOP isn't appealing to minorities because, because, because... Try get it out.

FYI, I know the exact reason. I just want to see if you are willing to admit it.
I didn't say "because". I can only guess, and my guess is that you're afraid they'll dilute your ideology.

Or it may be because you want a lighter-skinned country for your own reasons.

I'm not really sure.

Again, I'm happy to have the conversation, but I'd prefer you could deal with what I actually say.

You STILL did not answer the question. Did you notice? Only unfunded insults, where you are now making shit up about me.

You rant on and on how these people do not care about the economy. WHAT is it that they care about? Try get it out!
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that this is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Unfortunately it seems to me like Mac thinks that because he is mixed race he should vote for politicians that pander to his group.

But dear god, if a white guy does that. THAT'S RACIST AS HELL!

I still can’t wrap my head around this crazy, Twilight Zone bullshit.
“People” piss their pants over a few ads ran by the Russians in an attempt to sway American voters....AND nobody seems to give two shits that Mexico has planted tens of millions of illegal thirdworlders to live among us and FORCE people like Mac1958 to fight for their right to SWAY our politicians. It’s just plain fucking weird!
You guys are just making stuff up about my position. I'm used to that from both ends of the spectrum, of course.

Calm down. If you think that you can control voting demographics by manipulating immigration, great. Let's see how it goes.

But the least you can do is be honest about it.

It’s been said numerous times Mac...nobody is making anything up. I simply removed the ‘polish’ from your choice of wording.
We get it, you and may others have been crystal clear...”it won’t be long before Mexico and Mexicans call all the shots and essentially run the United States. You can either get onboard with it now or resist for now and be forced to get onboard with it later...either way, the Mexican takeover is inevitable.”
I said that?

Dang, I didn't realize I said that.
. toe the line quite well, I’ve noticed you’re very calculated/careful with your ‘tone’ whereas many others are for more candid with regard to their opinion and position on the matter.
In any case, you have all but said word for word...”The GOP must pander to Mexicans or else.”
No offense, I typically like all you post here but denying that sort of makes you look bad.
In Post 67 on this thread, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election, I said "pandering is counter-productive". But you continue to just make things up and attribute them to me, because of the binary thought processes to which you have been conditioned. Not everyone is a right winger or a left winger. Some of us can just be honest. Life is complicated.
You say the GOP isn't appealing to minorities because, because, because... Try get it out.

FYI, I know the exact reason. I just want to see if you are willing to admit it.
I didn't say "because". I can only guess, and my guess is that you're afraid they'll dilute your ideology.

Or it may be because you want a lighter-skinned country for your own reasons.

I'm not really sure.

Again, I'm happy to have the conversation, but I'd prefer you could deal with what I actually say.

You STILL did not answer the question. Did you notice? Only unfunded insults, where you are now making shit up about me.

You rant on and on how these people do not care about the economy. WHAT is it that they care about? Try get it out!
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
I didn't say "because". I can only guess, and my guess is that you're afraid they'll dilute your ideology.

Or it may be because you want a lighter-skinned country for your own reasons.

I'm not really sure.

Again, I'm happy to have the conversation, but I'd prefer you could deal with what I actually say.

You STILL did not answer the question. Did you notice? Only unfunded insults, where you are now making shit up about me.

You rant on and on how these people do not care about the economy. WHAT is it that they care about? Try get it out!
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.
You STILL did not answer the question. Did you notice? Only unfunded insults, where you are now making shit up about me.

You rant on and on how these people do not care about the economy. WHAT is it that they care about? Try get it out!
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality... Parties respond to incentives or they go to grave.

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.

It's like you know the truth very well but act all Nihilist in order to downplay it.
I thought I answered your question. There wasn't actually a question, so I guessed. Maybe ask an actual question.

What I believe minorities care about more than the economy is not being hated, shunned and marginalized in their own country, by the people who are doing the hating, shunning and marginalizing.

And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?
And is admitting the truth "hating, shunning and marginalization"?

Or does that perhaps stand for not giving them special perks and privileges?

Because I am quite certain that the second is the case. They vote exactly like they did in Mexico - for perks. Which is why it's a shithole...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit. Go make some more Kanye West memes.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
You're expressing your truth as you see it. They're listening and responding accordingly.

So there ya go.

"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
Where's this reaching out happening?

What I'm seeing is quite the opposite, especially on this thread.
"Your truth"... mac, there is only the truth. So far you have not presented anything in the way of evidence, that your view is correct.

Given that the entire democratic strategy is to rally these people blaming all their problems on whites, demanding more perks... and they eat it up (not all of course)... Given that I would say I am at least correct enough.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
Where's this reaching out happening?

What I'm seeing is quite the opposite, especially on this thread.

Holy fucking hell, I am not part of the GOP. Get those partisan glasses out of your face already. Remember, I didn't even vote for Trump and have never voted republican in my life.

This is so dumb, just listen to yourself. This is no GOP HQ... just private citizens sharing thoughts. I doubt you will even find many registered GOP members here. Your glasses are coloring your vision so much that you are unable to recognize facts when they are presented to you.
Well, as I've said, there's no reason to worry about this. The GOP is going to look at minorities as people who blame all their problems on whites and demand more perks, as you say. So that's that.

That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
Where's this reaching out happening?

What I'm seeing is quite the opposite, especially on this thread.

Holy fucking hell, I am not part of the GOP. Get those partisan glasses out of your face already. Remember, I didn't even vote for Trump and have never voted republican in my life.

This is so dumb, just listen to yourself. This is no GOP HQ... just private citizens sharing thoughts. I doubt you will even find many registered GOP members here. Your glasses are coloring facts bad.
You just said, in post 28, "The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine."

You just freakin' said that. I asked where.

Okay, never mind. You're gonna do what you're gonna do, great.
That won't be the case. You have this constant tendency to make crap up, with zero evidence. The GOP knows the demographic reality...

Which is why Americans are rightfully pissed. We don't want this country to become a other Mexico where politicans have to pander to Mexican voters who demonstrate they vote people who pander to them instead of what benefits the country.

Even worse, pandering to them basically means inviting more of them in and letting them have so many benefits that they procreate like rabbits. Given this reality, an American should have some concern over the situation.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
Where's this reaching out happening?

What I'm seeing is quite the opposite, especially on this thread.

Holy fucking hell, I am not part of the GOP. Get those partisan glasses out of your face already. Remember, I didn't even vote for Trump and have never voted republican in my life.

This is so dumb, just listen to yourself. This is no GOP HQ... just private citizens sharing thoughts. I doubt you will even find many registered GOP members here. Your glasses are coloring facts bad.
You just said, in post 28, "The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine."

You just freakin' said that. I asked where.

Okay, never mind. You're gonna do what you're gonna do, great.

Well just watch all the recent blacks and hispanics who are exiting democrat party. Trump catering to them with the low unemployment numbers and all that. Are you honestly dumb enough to think that a political party can afford to ignore such a huge population that is growing?

Of course not! I mean maybe for a short while, like the democrat party is going crazy right now, infiltrated by the hard left. But at the end they will come to their senses or go out of business.
Well, then I don't know what to tell you, nor am I sure what I'm making up.

You say it's a problem, and you refuse to reach out to minorities, thinking it's pandering.

I gave my solution. In another thread (post 30, Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election) you agreed that you'd like to see more whites and less browns & blacks allowed in. It's right there.

So you tell me: Given the fact that minorities know that many conservatives feel this way about them, what am I getting wrong?

Seems to me that you have drank so much of your "everyone is partisan" rhetoric that you can't see anything else.

I don't give a shit about the GOP or any political party. I am talking about the country. The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine. It's not rocket science, just promise them free shit.

But when these parties start to chase after the Mexican voters as they become more and more significant portion of the population, this country won't no longer resemble America, but Mexico. Do you understand the problem now from AMERICAN'S perspective? Screw the parties...
Where's this reaching out happening?

What I'm seeing is quite the opposite, especially on this thread.

Holy fucking hell, I am not part of the GOP. Get those partisan glasses out of your face already. Remember, I didn't even vote for Trump and have never voted republican in my life.

This is so dumb, just listen to yourself. This is no GOP HQ... just private citizens sharing thoughts. I doubt you will even find many registered GOP members here. Your glasses are coloring facts bad.
You just said, in post 28, "The GOP indeed are reaching to these voters, and will be doing so just fine."

You just freakin' said that. I asked where.

Okay, never mind. You're gonna do what you're gonna do, great.

Well just watch all the recent blacks and hispanics who are exiting democrat party. Trump catering to them with the low unemployment numbers and all that. Are you honestly dumb enough to think that a political party can afford to ignore such a huge population that is growing?

Of course not! I mean maybe for a short while, like the democrat party is going crazy right now, infiltrated by the hard left. But at the end they will come to their senses or go out of business.
Okay, we'll see.
Cali is the immigrant capital of the US
seen this coming long ago
.....if they were smart, they will vote for people NOT LIKE them, as we see Mexico/Central America/etc are big shitholes---proven by why the immigrants/illegals want to get away from their own countries!
...if they were smart, they should vote for people that don't want the US to be like their shitholes
all those illegal aliens that dont vote sure know how to influence poiticians -

all those illegal aliens that dont vote sure know how to influence poiticians -


For all the ignorant fools that refuse to look past their’s your lesson for the day.
Illegal aliens = barely legal anchor babies
What’s else can us sane folk teach you?
all those illegal aliens that dont vote sure know how to influence poiticians -


For all the ignorant fools that refuse to look past their’s your lesson for the day.
Illegal aliens = barely legal anchor babies
What’s else can us sane folk teach you?

teach everyone how anchor babies vote ..

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