Mexico and U.S. Politics


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
Please let me know if I'm wrong about this...

Illegal immigration is one of the top 3 major issues in this country (take your pick of the other 2). Now there are 2 countries that share a border with us. Canada and Mexico.

So what's the difference between those 2 countries? Well one is politically stable and doesn't need any outside help.

The other.... has had hundreds of thousands of casualties in a massive drug war, is being ravaged by cartels, and is a conduit for illegal criminals to enter our country.

Yet ALL DEBATE ABOUT FOREIGN INTERVENTION is focusing on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET in the middle east! Even though we don't need them for anything!

We are the LONE WORLD SUPERPOWER and we have access to an ENTIRE HEMISPHERE of the planet that we should completely dominate! South America has tons of oil! They have a rain forest with all kinds of medicinal properties! Why do we care about the middle east???

Why does our current political atmosphere not give a shit about that? Why are we letting China, Russia, and communists in general have control of our own backyard? We're cleaning up their backyard (the middle east) and they're laughing they're asses off! Wtf?????
Two cops were just murdered in California by an illegal who has been deported twice, if only Obama secured our borders they may be alive and with their families today.
Annex Mexico or invade it. Take it over. If Mexico is that unstable and hell bent on making its problems the responsibility of the US taxpayer, we might as well own it outright. Clearly they are not autonomous and need The US to bail them out.
Pretty much everything south of our border is a cesspool. Interesting the farther you get away from Hispanics, the better everything is.
Please let me know if I'm wrong about this...

Illegal immigration is one of the top 3 major issues in this country (take your pick of the other 2). Now there are 2 countries that share a border with us. Canada and Mexico.

So what's the difference between those 2 countries? Well one is politically stable and doesn't need any outside help.

The other.... has had hundreds of thousands of casualties in a massive drug war, is being ravaged by cartels, and is a conduit for illegal criminals to enter our country.

Yet ALL DEBATE ABOUT FOREIGN INTERVENTION is focusing on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET in the middle east! Even though we don't need them for anything!

We are the LONE WORLD SUPERPOWER and we have access to an ENTIRE HEMISPHERE of the planet that we should completely dominate! South America has tons of oil! They have a rain forest with all kinds of medicinal properties! Why do we care about the middle east???

Why does our current political atmosphere not give a shit about that? Why are we letting China, Russia, and communists in general have control of our own backyard? We're cleaning up their backyard (the middle east) and they're laughing they're asses off! Wtf?????

The world as we know it is an American creation. All the rules the world operates under came about due to American influence. The thinking now seems to be that it is an American obligation to keep the world operating stably and this means that ME oil needs to reliably makes its way to our trading partners so that their economies work as well as possible under local constraints.

Secondly, the US doesn't see its interests served by having a region of the world implode on itself and so we try to right a listing ship in the ME.

If you buy into the above then you need to act on it. The question here is whether the above is correct.

You're proposing an American withdrawal from the ME but that also comes with a cost of lessened influence int he world, a painful process of the world system adjusting to loss of American power. Oil will more rapidly be sold in multiple currencies meaning we take a big hit in the strength of the dollar.

I actually support a version of what you're proposing but I'd instead strengthen ties with Canada and take ALL of their oil and forget about Mexico. Fortress America. I'm prepared to lose world influence and I'd really like to shove the cost of international protection onto other countries even though that means that their influence grows.

We really need to get our house in order. We're hollowing out from the inside due to what liberals have done to us and so rather than waiting for a drastic implosion I think we'd be wise to start shoring up internally and resolving ourselves to being a regional power in a multipolar world.

Let Europe, India, China and Japan step up and start sending out peacekeeping missions or conquering armies and bear the cost of doing so.
Pretty much everything south of our border is a cesspool. Interesting the farther you get away from Hispanics, the better everything is.

Are you hispanic? Because you sure seem to be pretty shitty.

He's another one of those "anti-racist" or "race neutral" republicans who have always stood for civil rights and liberty (and mom, God, and apple pie).
Central and South America don't have a middle class. Their histories have been replete with corrupt policies rooted in class envy only yielding a true 1 percent.

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