Mexico begins paying for the wall as peso's value sinks over NAFTA talks

What would Texans do now that they have to rebuild Houston, and they use Hispanic workers who work many hours for a whole lot less that citizens do.

Obey the law, did that ever cross your mind? Now who is it that want's to protect the poor?

SAO PAULO, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Mexico's peso, hit a fresh five-month low on Friday on concerns over Mexico's future commerce ties with top trade partner the United States, while other Latin American currencies strengthened.

The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value of the cars and trucks sold under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), adding to doubts about any potential deal to renew the pact.

The peso, which has weakened as concern for the future of NAFTA has grown, dropped around 0.25 percent.

In central bank minutes published on Thursday, a majority of board members recommended maintaining a prudent monetary policy stance due to "adverse scenarios" in Mexican-U.S. ties, which could heighten risks for economic growth and the peso...

One way or another, Mexico will pay.

Is this the same Trump logic that a higher stock market is going to pay down the debt?

What would Texans do now that they have to rebuild Houston, and they use Hispanic workers who work many hours for a whole lot less that citizens do.

Obey the law, did that ever cross your mind? Now who is it that want's to protect the poor?

Don't even try to dismiss how Texas builders use illegals to build for them. How about their sanctuary cities, I bet Sessions is going to skip over them.
Today's exchange rate is 1 Mexican Peso equals $.53.

An incredible exchange rate. Means massive savings for US consumers and huge losses for Mexican producers.
Sure there would be some job losses among industries with ties to trade with Mexico.

But the overall gain in jobs would be much higher and average pay would go up as well.

Ending NAFTA would also harm the farm belt. Since its creation, agriculture exports to Mexico have jumped five-fold to 18 billion.
That is because many factory farms moved operations to Mexico. Those same factory farms are ones who own corporate farms in Iowa which have gotten millions in subsidies as they bullied family generational farms out of business. Those same groups of people are tied heavily into the chemical industry and the insurance and banking industry who are also subsidized by the taxpayer and legislators have skewed the laws to assist them turning this part of the country into a bunch of thieving bullies. Do you like the idea of living in a fascist country? Or do you think we should be able to own property and enjoy the fruits of our own labor without being legislated into a position where if you want to survive you must be in the government programs?
Sure there would be some job losses among industries with ties to trade with Mexico.

But the overall gain in jobs would be much higher and average pay would go up as well.

Ending NAFTA would also harm the farm belt. Since its creation, agriculture exports to Mexico have jumped five-fold to 18 billion.

i will try to look at the bright side. The bread basket elected the bastard. They will be the first to lose as a result. The rest of us can expect cheaper bread at Safeway.
Sure, there would be some loss of jobs among industries tied to trade with Mexico, but the net is more jobs in the US and better pay as well.

Agreed. Also, don't forget illegal immigrants in America send billions of dollars in remittances to Mexico:

Mexico Remittances | 1980-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

Remittances To Mexico Jump By The Most In A Decade Following Trump's Election Win

Mexico needs the U.S. far more than the U.S. needs Mexico.
Sure, there would be some loss of jobs among industries tied to trade with Mexico, but the net is more jobs in the US and better pay as well.

Agreed. Also, don't forget illegal immigrants in America send billions of dollars in remittances to Mexico:

Mexico Remittances | 1980-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

Remittances To Mexico Jump By The Most In A Decade Following Trump's Election Win

Mexico needs the U.S. far more than the U.S. needs Mexico.

Why, or course! After all, there is no other nation interest in trading with them, right?
What would Texans do now that they have to rebuild Houston, and they use Hispanic workers who work many hours for a whole lot less that citizens do.

Obey the law, did that ever cross your mind? Now who is it that want's to protect the poor?

Don't even try to dismiss how Texas builders use illegals to build for them. How about their sanctuary cities, I bet Sessions is going to skip over them.

It will affect all types of construction, restaurants, janitorial services, farmers, maids, landscaping, etc...

There is illegal labor throughout the US, no one state has more than California. The problem has been around for a century and our legislature has done nothing to fix it, BTW the Democrats have been running congress for the majority of the last 100 years, what have they done to fix it, help the poor? Nothing, nada...

SAO PAULO, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Mexico's peso, hit a fresh five-month low on Friday on concerns over Mexico's future commerce ties with top trade partner the United States, while other Latin American currencies strengthened.

The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value of the cars and trucks sold under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), adding to doubts about any potential deal to renew the pact.

The peso, which has weakened as concern for the future of NAFTA has grown, dropped around 0.25 percent.

In central bank minutes published on Thursday, a majority of board members recommended maintaining a prudent monetary policy stance due to "adverse scenarios" in Mexican-U.S. ties, which could heighten risks for economic growth and the peso...

One way or another, Mexico will pay.

But they're not paying for the wall. They're paying because Trump seems to think that this whole thing will make the US more money. The EU has shown that more open trading makes EVERYONE richer, so Mexico will suffer, but so too will the US.

If you think the EU has “open trade” then you are dumber than we previously thought. Why is it that pro-EU bums warned the UK they would suffer if they left the EU? Because the EU will use it’s power to fuck over the UK as much as they can as punishment for rejecting globalism.

Hurry up with that UK-US FTA. Then we'll work on one with us.

Originally posted by JimBowie1958
Jose is not well informed about the Jewish community.

I have been reading about them for the last thirty years


When you call jewish pressure to change America's immigration laws a "conspiracy theory" you immediately make a mockery out of your 3 decades of study.

Have you ever heard of jewish congressman Emanuel Celler, the political representative of New York's jewish community, who spent 4 decades in Congress trying to change America's immigration laws to allow massive non-white immigration into the US and finally succeded in 1965 with the passage of the so-called Hart-Celler Act (1965 Immigration Act)?

Have you ever heard of all the jewish or heavily jewish organizations and pressure groups like the ADL (founded in 1913) that spent most of the last century trying to destroy America's definition as an white country and redifine it as a multiracial one who would gladly accept millions of hispanics with or without papers?

If after 3 decades of reading you ignore all those pressure groups and politicians and this is your "informed" opinion I wouldn't like to hear your uninformed opinion.

The Jewish community took the lead in opposing immigration restrictions, with very little success. The restrictions remained in effect until 1965.

History of the Jews in the United States - Wikipedia

Jewish lobby groups and jewish politicians trying to destroy America's legal barriers to immigration is not "conspiracy theory", Jim, it is pure documented american history.


All the hispanic organizations like La Raza or Aztlan and hispanic politicians that we see today were created "after the fact" they are the consequence not the cause of those changes that happenned 60 years ago.
The fact that Correl, Jim Bowie, AsianTrumpSupporter, The Hawk, Godboy, longknife, Rodishi, Vastator, Theowl32, Tilly, miketx and so many others simply can't resist the urge to join the "blame Mexico" crowd is the direct result of this simple fact:

They don't know whether Emanuel Celler was a jewish-american politician who lobbied for 4 decades to change US immigration laws or a general in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.

In other words, they are plagued by a profound lack of knowledge of the history of America's immigration laws and the pivotal role played by the american jewish community in changing them.

It's as simple as that.

I try to put myself in their shoes and imagine what I would think if I didn't know what I do and it turns out to be pretty similar to what they think.

SAO PAULO, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Mexico's peso, hit a fresh five-month low on Friday on concerns over Mexico's future commerce ties with top trade partner the United States, while other Latin American currencies strengthened.

The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value of the cars and trucks sold under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), adding to doubts about any potential deal to renew the pact.

The peso, which has weakened as concern for the future of NAFTA has grown, dropped around 0.25 percent.

In central bank minutes published on Thursday, a majority of board members recommended maintaining a prudent monetary policy stance due to "adverse scenarios" in Mexican-U.S. ties, which could heighten risks for economic growth and the peso...

One way or another, Mexico will pay.

But they're not paying for the wall. They're paying because Trump seems to think that this whole thing will make the US more money. The EU has shown that more open trading makes EVERYONE richer, so Mexico will suffer, but so too will the US.

The US will suffer more if NAFTA is scrapped. They export more than they import under NAFTA.

Canada has a new Trade Agreement with the EU, Mexico is dealing with China and South America. Both countries will be fine.

SAO PAULO, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Mexico's peso, hit a fresh five-month low on Friday on concerns over Mexico's future commerce ties with top trade partner the United States, while other Latin American currencies strengthened.

The Trump administration on Friday demanded that U.S.-made content account for half the value of the cars and trucks sold under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), adding to doubts about any potential deal to renew the pact.

The peso, which has weakened as concern for the future of NAFTA has grown, dropped around 0.25 percent.

In central bank minutes published on Thursday, a majority of board members recommended maintaining a prudent monetary policy stance due to "adverse scenarios" in Mexican-U.S. ties, which could heighten risks for economic growth and the peso...

One way or another, Mexico will pay.

But they're not paying for the wall. They're paying because Trump seems to think that this whole thing will make the US more money. The EU has shown that more open trading makes EVERYONE richer, so Mexico will suffer, but so too will the US.

The US will suffer more if NAFTA is scrapped. They export more than they import under NAFTA.

Canada has a new Trade Agreement with the EU, Mexico is dealing with China and South America. Both countries will be fine.

Well, the US seems to be looking for new ways to mess itself up. Kind of like the British. Maybe they're related.
Mexico finance minister says NAFTA uncertainty hitting peso

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Monday that the peso’s recent depreciation reflects uncertainty about the NAFTA renegotiation process and questions about how quickly the U.S. Federal Reserve will normalize rates.

“The exchange rate reflects different kinds of uncertainties, many of which we cannot control, such as the normalization process of interest rates in the United States,” said Meade, speaking at an event in Mexico City.

“There are other elements which are Mexico-specific. The concern surrounding the (NAFTA) trade agreement,” he added.

The peso MXN=D2 slipped over 1.0 percent against the dollar on Monday to its weakest level since May 18. It has shed about 4.5 percent this month...
When you call jewish pressure to change America's immigration laws a "conspiracy theory" you immediately make a mockery out of your 3 decades of study.

I did not call it a 'conspiracy theory' which has a slightly different nuance to it than 'there is no global conspiracy'.

See, I do believe that there are conspiracies, Hell, I KNOW that there are conspiracies. The catch is that 99% of them are local in nature, not global. While some nitches of various ethnic groups may find some advantage in opposing laws against immigration, or to hamper law enforcement regarding our current laws, I think there are a great many different socio-ethnic groups that exploit these things and profit from them, some of them are Jewish as well, but NOT ALL JEWS profit from it or support it.

There are Jewish Americans as much opposed to no borders horse shit as there are in support of it, but the thing is the opposition isnt rich Jewish opposition. Funny how it works that the people in favor of open borders are the wealthy and expecting to be wealthy Americans of all ethnicities, huh?

Hell, Jews arent even a plurality among Open Borders numbskulls as there are plenty of ethnic Christian Libertarians pushing that shit from Mommy's basement that are probably five times the number of Jewish human traffickers.

But dont let facts get in the way of your scape goating Jews. I am sure you wont.

Have you ever heard of jewish congressman Emanuel Celler, the political representative of New York's jewish community, who spent 4 decades in Congress trying to change America's immigration laws to allow massive non-white immigration into the US and finally succeded in 1965 with the passage of the so-called Hart-Celler Act (1965 Immigration Act)?

Have you ever heard of all the jewish or heavily jewish organizations and pressure groups like the ADL (founded in 1913) that spent most of the last century trying to destroy America's definition as an white country and redifine it as a multiracial one who would gladly accept millions of hispanics with or without papers?

If after 3 decades of reading you ignore all those pressure groups and politicians and this is your "informed" opinion I wouldn't like to hear your uninformed opinion.

roflmao, yes, I am well aware of this.

It is the sad result of Jewish synagogues allowing atheists and Marxist scum to remain in the synagogue instead of kicking their godless asses out on the curb.

In recompense these godless shit4brains exploit their membership in the Jewish community to use them as cover for their ideological vileness.

The good Jewish people I have known since moving to the DC area have absolutely ZERO to do with any of it.
Mexico finance minister says NAFTA uncertainty hitting peso

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s Finance Minister Jose Antonio Meade said on Monday that the peso’s recent depreciation reflects uncertainty about the NAFTA renegotiation process and questions about how quickly the U.S. Federal Reserve will normalize rates.

“The exchange rate reflects different kinds of uncertainties, many of which we cannot control, such as the normalization process of interest rates in the United States,” said Meade, speaking at an event in Mexico City.

“There are other elements which are Mexico-specific. The concern surrounding the (NAFTA) trade agreement,” he added.

The peso MXN=D2 slipped over 1.0 percent against the dollar on Monday to its weakest level since May 18. It has shed about 4.5 percent this month...

So, I am curious. You think that because the peso is falling, mexico is going to write a check for the wall? Please say yes! I have not had a good laugh all day!
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